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‘Staggering’ Yee allegations: California corruption and anti-gun hypocrisy

Yee and more than two dozen others are named in the complaint, which was described as “staggering” by Bellevue gun rights advocate Alan Gottlieb, whose press release reacting to yesterday’s stunning arrests was picked up by the San Francisco Chronicle and other news agencies. Gottlieb is chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

“If these allegations are true,” Gottlieb said, “Sen. Yee is easily the biggest hypocrite on gun control to walk the halls of the capitol in Sacramento, if not the entire United States.”

The 137-page complaint contains allegations of gun and drug trafficking, liquor smuggling, money laundering, bribery and other crimes including a conspiracy to commit murder for hire. The complaint alleges that Yee “wanted to build in several layers of protection to shield (another suspect) and anyone else who may be involved with the weapons deal.”

FK – If we had the militia force and patriot government we should this creature would have already been executed for treason and we wouldn’t have to waste money prosecuting it for anything else.

Giffords anti-gun group refutes ‘gun lobby is impotent’ myth

It has become popular in pro-“gun control” circles to claim that “the gun lobby” (always used as a synonym for the NRA–reality notwithstanding) is a “paper tiger,” and that politicians should therefore not fear the consequences of attacking gun rights. This gambit makes sense for the forcible citizen disarmament lobby, because in politics, perception is reality–if an entity is thought to have lost political power, it will likely soon lose it in fact,

FK – It’s all propaganda, for better or for worse.

Weather Channel Founder DESTROYS Global Warming Mythology – John Coleman

FK – Climate change is as old as this ancient planet. There have been many cataclysms in Earth’s past.

The most important thing to know about ‘global warming’ is that real or not it’s being used by the communists who call themselves environmentalists as another excuse to control every aspect of our lives.
Understand this if you understand nothing else: They consider us to be livestock.
We need to focus on taking our country and governments back so we can figure out who to hang.

Tea Party Write-in Candidate Defies the Establishment– Trounces Republican and Democrat candidates in state senate race

The Republican Tea Party candidate, Scott Wagner, garnered 48 percent of the vote in Pennsylvania, as compared to the meager totals by the establishment Republican (27 percent) and the Democrat (26 percent).

Out of more than 22,000 votes cast, Wagner garnered 10,654 write-in ballots.  This marks the first time in state history that a write-in candidate has won a state senate seat.

To be honest, this kind of shellacking from a write-in candidate is virtually unheard of anywhere in the country.  It takes a huge volunteer effort to run against one’s own party, and this recent coup shows that the angst against tone deaf Republican establishment types is substantially growing.

FK – Sounds like some good news for once. We can use it. Only 10,000(?) plus jerks to go…

YouTube Enlists ‘Trusted Flaggers’ to Police Videos

The news sparked concern that Google lets the U.K. government censor videos that it doesn’t like, and prompted Google to disclose more details about the program. Any user can ask for a video to reviewed. Participants in the super flagger program, begun as a pilot in 2012, can seek reviews of 20 videos at once.

A person familiar with the program said the vast majority of the 200 participants in the super flagger program are individuals who spend a lot of time flagging videos that may violate YouTube’s community guidelines. Fewer than 10 participants are government agencies or non-governmental organizations such as anti-hate and child-safety groups, the person added.

FK – So they gave more power to “Liberal”(commie) trash trolls so they can do what “Liberal”(commie) trash does. Will Google re-mainstream the net?

Libertarian infighting

FK – ‘Libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ need to figure out who their real common enemies are and develop the resolve to do what will be required. Hint – They have white skin, were born here and they’re not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world and they spent considerable energy pacifying their political opponents to believe they could be defeated with ‘peace and love.’ Time to wake up and grow up.