“As you know, Obama would like to add 8,000,000 anti-gun voters to the rolls through his immigration amnesty bill.”
– Click on the link above, in the text, read it, then go here to contact your elected public servants(U.S. Senators).
“As you know, Obama would like to add 8,000,000 anti-gun voters to the rolls through his immigration amnesty bill.”
– Click on the link above, in the text, read it, then go here to contact your elected public servants(U.S. Senators).
– The point to it all is we still have much to learn and if someone tells you they ‘know’ then it’s a good bet they’re full of it…
– Often polls are manipulated to create rather than document reality. But let’s hope this one is true. McConnell has done ‘a few good things’ but if Bevin is what Kentucky’s hard corps Liberty activists claim he may be the man for the job. If not let the commie have it. This country and those who claim to love human Liberty will have to be pushed to the edge before they wake up and grow up enough to do what will be required.
Don’t understand? Click on my Must read/watch link above and read my Favorite quotes page first.
– Remember klinton said it was against NAFTA during it’s first campaign for the now red house and pushed it through a demoncrat(party of the little man) congress during it’s first year in the offal office. They all work for the same masters and they ain’t us.
“I would not be boxing for me,” The Game told TMZ. “I’d be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family.”
“I would box him to knock him out. I would definitely take pleasure in it.”
– Proving once again that the bully mentality is what “Liberal”(commie) trash are all about. The big can beat up the weak and it’s OK for the garbage.
Don’t understand? Start here.
– GLWT(Good luck with that). The tyrants love it when sheeple ‘peacefully protest’ with the innocence of lambs led to the slaughter.
Don’t know the people(?) in charge of this op, they could be well-intentioned. But how many will go, then be disappointed/disillusioned when nothing really changes? The elections may put more commies on the street next year but won’t necessarily ‘fix’ the country. Contrary to this vid with it’s blind patriotic music the government is the problem. The Anti-Federalists knew it from the start. The Bill of Rights is what we need to protect, the government be damned.
From the Wikipedia page linked above:
“Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1788. The previous constitution, called the Articles of Confederation, gave state governments more authority. Led by Patrick Henry of Virginia, Anti-Federalists worried, among other things, that the position of president, then a novelty, might evolve into a monarchy. A book titled “The Anti-Federalist Papers” is a detailed explanation of American Anti-Federalist thought.”
Imagine that…
– They might go hungry around here…