Category Archives: Uncategorized
Marine Sniper KILLS 30 Insurgents
– All that ammo, skill and human life wasted over there when our real enemies are right here.
Rand Paul’s Pro-gun Amendment to Repeal Gun Bans in Post Offices Initially Fails — But a relentless Paul achieves minor improvements
But Senator Paul was relentless in trying to get his language adopted. And as a result, a minor (anemic) improvement was later added as a sop to his persistence.
GOA wants to thank you, our activists, for taking action on this issue. You might remember that anti-gun liberals — like the editors at Esquire magazine — laughed at GOA’s insistence that Americans be able to reclaim the right to protect themselves in Post Offices. They consider this ludicrous and called us “nutballs.”
– Click on the link, send the message to your elected public servants.
New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile
– They will mainstream the net if they can. Google has already started the process by weeding out the ‘undesirables’ on YouTube.
Jay’s Last Monologue – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
– It may have been a decade, or 20 years, since I even watched the full show.
Was Hitler Inspired by Lincoln’s Army?
– My gosh. This drives it home doesn’t it, after two days wasting my time in exchange for money while being treated like a jackass among sheeple who don’t seem to understand the right they have to say ‘no’ to their own domestication?
Danish Zoo Kills Healthy TWO Year Old Giraffe Then Feeds It To Lions
– Oh dear, they allowed children to see an animal butchered. How pathetic Europeans and their cousins over here have become.
Geeky Liberal: This I can work with
1. Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
2. Romans 1:27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
3. Sanitary viewpoint: STDs higher among LBGT community –
– Not bad. I don’t waste time on the biblical arguments. It’s clearly against the homos, but it’s clearly against a lot of stuff that modern churches are full of.
On a personal level I don’t care what the homos do among themselves in privacy. I’m just tired of seeing them hanging out on the beach where I go to swim, and running them off when I go into the woods to change instead of do who knows what, and of actually seeing one on his knees in a public parking lot where families often are in front of his ‘buddy’ or more than likely a stranger. I’m also tired of them expecting me to lie for them and say their behavior is ‘healthy, happy and normal’ when it’s anything but. According to my understanding of the ‘theory’ of evolution the primary purpose of every member of most species is to reproduce itself. It certainly is for humans. That’s why most have such a strong sex drive, for the opposite sex. Those born without that are suffering from birth defects and we should be looking at treatment and prevention just as we would for any other birth defect. Those homos not born that way are clearly suffering from mental illness, the politically corrected DSM notwithstanding. They need help not encouragement and I’m not going to lie for them any more than I’d lie for an alcoholic or drug abuser and if I’m forced to I’ll fall back on the original purpose of the Second Amendment for the First will be dead.
Don’t understand? Start here.
Cop Block: Walking With The Devil: The Police Code of Silence
The Connection Between Sleep and Weight Gain – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny