Category Archives: Uncategorized

MORE Clear Evidence America IS A Fascist State!

– Can’t trust the greedy jerks who run the corporations, can’t trust the eco-commies who complain about this stuff though sometimes the issues are legitimate, can’t trust the elected public servants who are supposed to deal with this. Answer: Real criminal laws focused on the CEOs of these corps. up to and including the death penalty for doing stuff like this with speedy trials and executions not dragged on with years of appeals and litigation.

Mayors Leave Bloomberg’s “Gun Confiscation” Organization in Droves

Mayors once part of former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns [MAIG] continue to leave the organization in droves, citing attacks on the Second Amendment and law abiding citizens as the reason for exiting.

– So, are they stupid for not realizing what the real agenda was or are we stupid for believing they didn’t know? You decide, and prepare for what will be required.