Category Archives: Uncategorized

Clear your calendars: Viking apocalypse scheduled for Saturday

On Saturday a huge battle commences among the various Norse gods. All the heavy hitters will be in attendance — Thor, Odin and Loki to name but a few.

They’ll fight (and when gods fight, it gets messy). Eventually, the Earth will split open, explains. Residents of the underworld will surface.

FK – Gee, how did the doomsayers miss this one? Why not months and years of build-up with vids, conferences, books and new religions formed or old ones regurgitated? Vikings are way cooler than the Maya anyway. All the Mayans did was consort with reptilian aliens.

Researchers discover helium billions of years old being released in Yellowstone

FK – Makes me think of the X-Files. Might be something down there we don’t want…

Anti-gun editorials demonstrate ignorance of press bias

The Courier-Journal insisted, “Mr. Dunn invoked Florida’s infamous ‘Stand Your Ground’ law, claiming he acted in self-defense after he saw Jordan Davis, 17, point a shotgun at him. While no gun was found and no one corroborated the defendant’s claim, it apparently was enough to plant doubt in some jurors who convicted him only of attempted murder for shooting at the teens with Jordan as they fled for their lives.”

Well, which is it? Did he or didn’t he “invoke” Florida’s SYG law?

Dunn’s defense was not an SYG argument, but neither newspaper is after Dunn for his fatal irresponsibility, but the SYG law. Liberal newspapers despise the law and the concept behind it, which recognizes the right of citizens to defend themselves from criminal attack that occurs in a place where they have a right to be.

FK – So the commie journal is still rearing its ugly little head out of the swamp of newswhoredom. They’re not ignorant. The commie journal newswhores in “Liberal”ville, Kentucky know full well the evil they do. They always have. May their now postage stamp-sized rag continue to die a slow and agonizing death.

Gun owners should brace for onslaught of ‘smart gun’ idiocy

A “smart gun” mandate would require gun buyers to spend an exorbitant premium for technology that makes one’s gun less likely to fire when the trigger is pulled. That’s what the technology is designed to do, when it works perfectly (something it cannot be expected to do). That’s a deal breaker even before one considers the idea of the government having an “Off” switch for the Second Amendment.

FK – Hired public servants have no business lobbying legislatures. It just gives the commie newswhores more propaganda.