FK – One wonders if the Jr. Nazi who recorded him was told by his “Liberal”(commie) trash parents to watch out for such. In all truth his parents could be hard corps republicrats or ‘conservative’ blind patriots.
They’ll fight (and when gods fight, it gets messy). Eventually, the Earth will split open, explains. Residents of the underworld will surface.
FK – Gee, how did the doomsayers miss this one? Why not months and years of build-up with vids, conferences, books and new religions formed or old ones regurgitated? Vikings are way cooler than the Maya anyway. All the Mayans did was consort with reptilian aliens.
Well, which is it? Did he or didn’t he “invoke” Florida’s SYG law?
Dunn’s defense was not an SYG argument, but neither newspaper is after Dunn for his fatal irresponsibility, but the SYG law. Liberal newspapers despise the law and the concept behind it, which recognizes the right of citizens to defend themselves from criminal attack that occurs in a place where they have a right to be.
FK – So the commie journal is still rearing its ugly little head out of the swamp of newswhoredom. They’re not ignorant. The commie journal newswhores in “Liberal”ville, Kentucky know full well the evil they do. They always have. May their now postage stamp-sized rag continue to die a slow and agonizing death.
FK – Something has to be done about how these modern Nazis are trained. They’re getting away with murder in the name of the police state all the time now.
FK – If he’s at some kind of UFO convention surely he must know NASA is probably the fake space agency, the one for public consumption, because the general population couldn’t accept the elites have had ‘contact’ for decades.
FK – Well lookie there, the “Liberal”(commie) trash shows its true colors.
FK – Hired public servants have no business lobbying legislatures. It just gives the commie newswhores more propaganda.