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‘Progressive’ writer’s biggest objection to 2nd Amnd. is best reason it’s needed

Well, that’s familiar. In a book co-written by Coalition to Stop Gun Violence executive director Josh Horwitz, readers are told that “the Insurrectionist idea” (Horwitz’s term for the notion that the purpose of the Second Amendment is the protection of the people’s means to resist and defeat tyranny) is “a threat to the entire progressive movement.” “Progressive” meaning, of course, that the benevolent government will take care of our every need–like a loving Big Brother.

That kind of thinking is threatened not only by the people having the means to resist government, but by the people even conceiving of there ever being a need and legitimate cause to resist government by force of arms. The mere thought that the people themselves bear the responsibility to ensure both their security and their liberty empowers the Great Unwashed far too much for the tastes of those whose “progressive” dogma demands that the people come to the state–and only the state–for all their needs, including the need for protection from the state.

FK – They’re not ‘progressives,’ they’re communists.

Your Activism is Making a Huge Difference! — GOA’s message drowning out the Bloombergs & Piers Morgans

It must irritate the Left to the Nth degree that groups like GOA are able to reach hundreds of thousands of grassroots gun owners and to mobilize them on key issues.

No wonder the Left has tried to get the IRS to harass conservative organizations like GOA or to place “monitors” in media newsrooms.  The Left does not have the total grip they once had (ages ago), and it drives them crazy.

But thanks to your activism — especially in response to our recent alerts that were aimed at Republicans — the congressional leadership has halted plans for pushing the anti-gun amnesty bill.

FK – We still have a long way to go to restore Liberty here.

Texas Man denied voting rights because of 2nd Amendment T-Shirt

FK – Sounds like commie trash running the pols. My understanding of ‘campaigning’ has always been for a particular candidate. Might be a good lawsuit…?

Or maybe not…

Or maybe commie trash writing the laws. This is a law from the old days when votes were bought with cash and bottles of whiskey. Now they just send out government checks. Are they afraid Amerika’s pacified idiots are going to get into fistfights or gun fights at the pols over a t-shirt?

FCC backs down from study, won’t ask journalists how they gather news

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai raised the alarm in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece published on Feb. 10, warning the public the project would “thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country.” The study is part of the agency’s regular reports to Congress, required by law, on barriers blocking entry into the media business.

With market access as the goal for the study, Pai questioned why research was required on the newsgathering operation.

FK – The mainstream news media, local to national, has been useless for decades. It was infiltrated long ago, after being bought out by the robber barons.

Chris Matthews admits Democrats are likely to lose Senate in November

To the Democrats, this election, a rosy scenario is to lose five Senate seats, not six,” he said. “They could lose 10. And so what they’ve said is, ‘If we’re going to lose 10 seats potentially,’ and they could well do that, a big sweep, they’re going to the battle stations.”

Matthews attributes this probable shift to the fact that both parties – not just the Democrats – have spent the last few months pandering to their bases and not moderates, thus putting Democrats at a disadvantage in a year in which the GOP already has the advantage.

FK – Let’s hope it’s right.

Supreme Court declines to hear gun cases

Adam Winkler, a constitutional expert at the UCLA School of Law, said the court will soon find it cannot ignore the cases any longer. He said in the next term, the justices will likely have to face cases that involve states that have decided they can reject issuing concealed-carry permits.

Those states are known as “may issue” jurisdictions, while other states that presume a person eligible unless they are discounted by dint of criminal record or mental problems are considered “shall issue.”

FK – And if one or more of the ‘just-usses’ drops dead before the commie-in-chief leaves office or while the U.S. Senate is still in commie hands? Then we know how a commie controlled SCOTUS would rule. Could we depend on the republicrats to write new law to over come such? Not likely.