FK – The patriots and militias should be educating the police in Liberty instead of the Nazi indoctrination they’ve been getting.
FK – The patriots and militias should be educating the police in Liberty instead of the Nazi indoctrination they’ve been getting.
The State Police Special Licensing & Firearms Unit began mailing out notices to gun owners who attempted to register their firearms and accessories with the state but did not do so in time for the Jan. 1 deadline of Connecticut’s newly enacted gun control law.
FK – If the ‘militias’ weren’t too busy ‘prepping’ and readying their hidey holes for ‘the dust to settle’ they would form up and go up there and help the few real patriots in that state do what needs to be done but alas we exist in a nation of cowardly whores.
Two radioactive cesium isotopes, cesium-134 and cesium-137, have been detected offshore of Vancouver, British Columbia, researchers said at a news conference. The detected concentrations are much lower than the Canadian safety limit for cesium levels in drinking water, said John Smith, a research scientist at Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
FK – This kid is funny but he’s largely right.
FK – While it does matter where our presidents are born, this creature was guilty of treason the moment it took the oath of office. There should have been a militia force on site to arrest it, give it a quick treason trial and execute it with the vid put on the net for the world to see as an example of how Americans deal with collectivists and authoritarians. But alas we exist in a nation of cowardly whores.
FK – Hitlery’s face is the scariest thing I know…
FK – So what do they have that we don’t know about?
In the wake of public unrest where the government used deadly force against protestors, the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association has proposed an amendment to the nation’s constitution, News Editor Katie Pavlich reported Monday.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of owning a firearm to protect their life and health, housing and property, life and health of other people’s constitutional rights and freedoms in the case of usurpation of power, the encroachments on the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” the proposed amendment reads. “Exercising the right to free possession of firearms is governed by applicable law and may be limited only by the court on the individual.”
FK – Bet the Russians won’t like that…