Category Archives: October 2014 update one

Crush of Illegal Immigrant Children Hits U.S. Schools

According to a report (“Estimated Cost of K-12 Public Education for Unaccompanied Alien Children”) from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) that came out in August, it will cost Louisiana $25,829,748 to educate illegal alien minors during the upcoming school year.

FAIR’s figures for several other states are much higher, with New York topping the list with $147,731,339, Texas with $77,655,584, California with $63,908,143, Maryland with $67,937,602, New Jersey with $57,698,181, Florida with $56,773,589, and Virginia with $54,182,412. The total estimated cost of educating illegal alien minors during the upcoming school year for all states and the District of Columbia is $761,405,907.

A report posted by American Thinker on July 8 explained that the Obama administration was using the 1982 U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Plyler v. Doe to pressure the states to provide elementary and secondary education at taxpayer expense to children who are illegal immigrants.


In the American Thinker article, the writer, Los Angeles attorney Allan Favish, presented the following case: “FAIR found that annually the estimated 195,000 illegal alien students and 481,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens place an $8.5 billion burden on taxpayers for their education costs.”

FK – And the commies can’t wait for them to hit the polls…

Sandy Hook commission blames homeschooling

Susan Schmeiser, a mental health law professor at the University of Connecticut, said, “Continuation of homeschooling should be contingent upon approval of [individualized education plans] and adequate progress as documented’ in progress reports.”

The basis for the decision to pin a target on homeschoolers is the fact that Lanza was withdrawn from public schools apparently during his 10th grade, and his mother, Nancy, 52, reportedly homeschooled him, for a time.

FK – It’s all about control, can’t let any sheeplets escape the commie indoctrination.