Category Archives: July 2014 update four

U.S. General Calls For North American Union Slave Grid

FK – Good part time jobs is what we need. No one should have to commit all of their youth and health to helping make someone else richer.

Both parties are contributing to the enslavement of humanity and fences work both ways.

An extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of the trash to permanently keep it out of our governments and restore Liberty here is the only way. Our domestic blood enemies have orchestrated all this. It’s not accidental or just stupidity. Their leadership is evil and knows full well what it does.

We need a pledge of allegiance to Human Liberty not to a piece of cloth that has been hijacked and hasn’t stood for Liberty for over a century.

Nobody’s gonna get beamed up. It’s time to wake up and grow up.



Crony-Capitalism is A Great Way to Kill a Gun Company

A wealthy industrialist, from the heart of a non-gun-owning Manhattan family, decided he could steer the company to better times. With a man who knew nothing about guns at the helm, Colt embarked on their re-imagined path to prosperity by introducing (and supporting) the idea of smart guns and federal gun permits. Yeah… As strange as it might seem, telling your most ardent customers that they should ask a fickle and hostile Federal government for permission to handle your product, isn’t a great business practice.

The new CEO (yeah… the last one was fired pretty quickly) still decided to put civilian ownership on the back-burner as he focused on appealing to the same Pentagon cronies that nearly drove the company into the trash-bin of history. There are only a handful of industries that relish the advent of war… And they all have something in common: They work (in effect) for the Pentagon. With their sudden boom in government contracts, as the Iraq war picked up, it looked like good times might finally be on the horizon.

FK – Creatures that only focus on profit are often clueless in many ways. I’ve seen it too many times.