Category Archives: 2017 November

The REAL Reason The CIA Needs Tom Delonge

FK – They’ve been lying to us for 160 years and want us to believe them now? Don’t be political children. The NWO, now ‘the deep state,’ will use, bend this issue to their own purposes. Propaganda in the internet age is like that pink goo they make into hamburgers.

They consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

If he didn’t see the ray guns they kept him away from the ‘really good stuff.’

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

The vid referred to above:

To The Stars Academy


FK – Voting is proxy violence via elected, appointed and hired public servants.

The welfare state has had the exact outcome it was designed to: create inter-generational parasites that could be counted on to be dependable constituents for the demonscat party.

It should be a privilege that is earned not a right so that we can protect our rights from parasites.

Who deserves to vote?

The most important things to do

And this is the primary reason why:

FK – Lenin and Stalin were far worse than Hitler. Their full blown socialism versus fascism(socialism light) killed at least 100 million more.

Most commies are secular Marxists. They couldn’t care less about some religion’s holy ghost. The rest are liars. Well, they’re all liars…

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

The JFK Cover-up Continues: Jacob Hornberger on The Corbett Report

FK – If there were any men in this country we’d have already held the war crimes trials and figured out(maybe) who’s really responsible for a lot of crap.

And McCarthy was right. They brought in amerika in a far more subtle way than the old miniseries portrayed. In many respects it was mostly in place before that.

The patriot newbie guidebook

We should’ve kept our troops home from Vietnam and Korea and had them kill the commies here first. We need to bring them home now.

If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

A New Gun Law G-U-N CON-trollers Will HATE!

FK – If weapons and martial arts education were mandatory in the government schools then no one would ‘freak out’ from seeing a gun.

I’ve found while open carrying, which I was doing back in the 90s as a political statement, that the average dumbass just assumes you’re a cop. Open carry has always been ‘legal’ here in Kentucky as in a few other states.

A right applied for is a privilege and the last thing the elites want is for the average dumbass to know the difference.

The demonscat and republicrat parties are full of elected, appointed and hired public servants who only care about forcing their version of authoritarianism on those around them.

They determine how the cops and teachers are indoctrinated thus we have another generation with no clue what its rights are nor that it should even care, beyond the ability to screw whatever they want or pretend to be whatever they want.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Some do wake up:

FK – Well you nailed that one. The average sheeple’s aversion to taking personal responsibility for the world they exist in is the issue, whether from the standpoint of sitting on their asses waiting to get beamed up or worshiping human govt. as a savior or voting for another savior based on what streams out of its mouth during an election cycle.

The only real reason for the militia

Who deserves to vote?

The most important things to do

Who or what will we be fighting?:

FK – When I was in boot camp I remember singing a song, called a ‘cadence,’ while marching or running(double time) about killing a little bird that landed on a windowsill.

There is much gross ignorance in the general population about what the military is or is for. Historically the dregs of society end up ‘serving.’ Simple fact. Yes, there are many intelligent tool-using monkeys in the military but that doesn’t change the fact that many ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars.

It wasn’t that long ago in the post-Vietnam years when military members were looked down upon. It was only after the brain dead sheeple were very partially awoken by elements in or out or both of the govt. allowing 9/11 to happen that we saw a widespread ‘respect’ for those who ‘served’ begin to take hold.

In reality we should look upon this as a good sign. It means the empire is having more trouble recruiting willing bullet sponges for its wars for global hegemony. It means that civilian militia would have an easier time overcoming the technology the empire would have on its side for a time.

It also means the empire will have more sickos to run its camps and do its killing in the name of ruling us.

We should’ve kept our troops home from Vietnam and Korea and had them kill the commies here first. We need to bring them home now.

If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Do any of us really understand the situation we’re in?:

FK – So what is a ‘host?’ Are we hosts for something? Is our consciousness only a ruse?

Is there ever a right to create a sentient being and treat it as a slave? What nightmare are we awakening from? Or will we….

FK – I’ve always had very vivid dreams, with more trouble remembering them lately. Usually the ones remembered are experienced just before awakening. Most of the tool-using monkeys in my dreams I’ve never met or seen in ‘real life’ or on any weaponvision show or movie.

When sheeple or people I know in ‘real life’ are in my dreams situations, places and even personalities usually seem altered in some way. Activities usually make perfect sense during dreamtime but after awaking often make no sense at all.

Is it all just mental house cleaning or are we seeing those other dimensions ‘scientists’ now tell us may exist?

Who or what is really controlling us?

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Hybridization of Europe – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – Maybe it was Space Ghost(s). They got tired of looking at the Neanderthals.

What kind of govt. do the secessionist Catalonians want? That’s the question that matters. If they want to stay in the EU and remain socialist then it’s all a moot point anyway except for who gets to run the corruption and distribute the kickbacks.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

The Imminent Digital Exile

FK – We’re already an enslaved society. It’s all a question of the efficiency of control.

The most important things to do

You Are Powerful And We Are Winning

FK – So when will the hundredth monkey pick up a rock and cast it at the right head?

The most important things to do

What They Found Should Rewrite History!

FK – As far as ‘ideological contamination’ goes we fought the wrong side. The communists, that now call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ and other cute names to hide their immense evil, killed far more the the ‘fascists'(socialism light) did.

The patriot newbie guidebook

If the Nazis had this tech why didn’t they use it? Was the war started by the allies because they feared Hitler would build the first atom bomb or the first flying saucer fleet?

Yes, WWII was about empire, money. Hitler and the Japanese were as much pressured into what they felt was necessity of conflict as they were guided by their own foolishness. Just like Lincoln manipulated South Carolina into firing on Fort Sumter, which the Yankees should have already evacuated because it was no longer in their territory, to start the War for Southern Independence, which was fought over the ability of the North to continue taxing the southern states, not slavery.

“Who are we really fighting now?” should be the question we’re asking.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

What’s the real tech we should be concerned about?:

FK – We need extreme vetting for elected, hired and appointed public servants but amerika has no men to carry it forward.

And on to less stranger thing(Original vid was taken down this is a mirror.):

FK – That’s indeed strange. Yesterday I watched an episode of ‘Rules of Engagement’ and was thinking it actually encourages marriage with the 5th character, a single Lothario type, generally setting a bad example.

Isn’t it really in the interest of the banksters/corporate globalist commies/established religions to have more children(workers, taxpayers, slaves, damned souls) produced so they can grow up to show up on time, do what they’re told, never ask inappropriate questions and pay their taxes/tithes like good little sheeple?

I can see them wanting to destroy truly strong males, the ones who might actually recognize the revolving wheel in their gerbil cage for what it is and work to destroy it and escape.

Netflix(and I’m NOT defending them as a corporation in any way shape or form because they ALL do evil things) also shows ‘The Walking Dead’ which has a strong male father type lead who isn’t generally afraid to do whatever he has to do to protect his family, friends and survive.

What is a man, really?

Modern ‘christianity’ is just as infiltrated as the rest of the mess. They’re sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end as they’ve been instructed to do while passing their slavery on to their children.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

It’s ‘all’ propaganda.

While our so-called leaders do the same stupid shit they always do:

FK – They won’t learn until we force them to.

That Bloodbath in the Old Dominion

Who is preying on you in the name of profit and control?:

FK – Only those who will help you make and bury the bodies are your true friends.

The most important things to do

And I can’t believe they’re even having this conversation:

FK – Allowing them to force all drivers into auto only cars will be no less cowardly and evil than surrendering our guns on command without a blood fight.

If amerikans do so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Personally I think the tool using monkeys which are basically biological robots are already running on someone else’s software.

Don’t miss the comments on that one.

The only real reason for the militia

They want us all in their autonomous control:

FK – So will our brains have a kill switch like our ‘self-driving cars?’

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Major Newspapers Confirm No ‘Gun Laws’ will Ever be Enough for Them

FK – The crime issue is a red herring. Always has been always will be. The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights! WE ARE!

The Zombie Apocalypse is Real, and it’s already started


Man Pulls GUN On Antifa, BLM Thugs

FK – You expect justice from a commie ‘just-us’ system? Really?

The west coast and other commie enclaves will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Extermination will be the only cure for many of them.

Why hasn’t Trump brought the troops home to hunt the trash that indoctrinated these little commies?

It’s easier to choose ignorance than to actually stand up for anything:

FK – The average tool-using monkey prefers dealing in raw emotion over rational thought and knowledge which might lead to the need to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in. That’s why reality TV and religion are still so popular.

If you want to see transcended artificial intelligence go out in your yard at night and look up at the stars.

The most important things to do

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

10 Questions for Conservatives

FK – The short answer is the tool using monkeys are still a very primitive species and neither ‘side’ is really interested in freedom. They only want to force their version of authoritarianism on others because it makes them feel secure, either from a big bad world they’d rather die than understand and really deal with or from a sadistic god that will burn billions, including kids and babies, alive in fire forever.

We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. It’s a long climb out of the well of ignorance.

Only a few really attempt it.

The most important things to do

The purposes of gods and golden rules

On to questions for commies:

FK – You mean communists. We’ve had the net for 20 years. There’s no excuse for the evil they do.

The patriot newbie guidebook