Category Archives: 2015 September update two

The Police Have No Duty To Protect You: Joseph Lozito’s Story

FK – This needs to go viral.

If someone of smaller stature had been carrying a gun and used it to defuse the situation they’d be in prison. Time to get rid of the Sullivan Law in new yawk city and if they refuse bring the troops home and activate the militias and restore Liberty in these amerikan hellholes.

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown

FKWhy are so many of our RINO candidates pandering to commie propaganda? Because they’re NWO hacks!

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown

Kentucky Cop-Killer was Obama Supporter, Attended Mike Brown’s Funeral

Free Speech Outlawed at 9/11 Ground Zero

FK – Well let’s see. All the ‘victims’ of 9/11 who had to be morons to begin with for not knowing the danger we already faced at that time from our own govt., without even getting into the discussion of who/what really ‘attacked’ us, weren’t even ‘allowed’ to defend themselves in New Yawk City without fear of a felony conviction.

This is how I responded to all the propaganda then and I haven’t changed my mind one bit about it.

I’ll never ‘forget’ how disgusted I was at how ‘surprised’ all the braindead sheeple were that something like that could happen here. The only thing I was surprised at was that it wasn’t far worse or they didn’t use nukes, the ragheads or our govt. or the mossad or the Saudis or some combination thereof or whoever the hell really did it. Time to wake up and grow up. They only killed 3000 in a nation of 300 million and our sorry ass congress passed the ‘patriot’ act, thousands of pages they didn’t read that had already been written. They should all be hanged for treason for that.

Area 51 Family Speaks Out On Govt Trying To Steal Land

FK – What would we call it? “State sponsored terror,” comes to mind.

Everything they do is for our safety. No farmer mistreats his livestock, unless it stops being profitable.

We’re existing under the beast system, and nobody got beamed up. How much longer until we do what will be required?

Feds Threaten to Kick Miners Off Land to Expand Area 51