Category Archives: 2015 March update three

Paralyzed woman pilots F-35 fighter jet simulator using mind control

Though mind-controlled physical jet flying remains far off in the future, another cool facet of this technology, which is straight out of films like “Starship Troopers” and “Robocop,” may be here before we know it.

“The research Jan was involved in is part of the agency’s Revolutionizing Prosthetics program, which is ongoing and aims to continue increasing functionality of systems so service members with arm loss may one day have the option of choosing to return to duty,” Adams added.

This may mean that mind-controlled robotic replacement prosthetics could be ready for issue in the near future. Adams said that the dexterous hand capabilities developed under the program have already been applied to small bomb disposal robotics, which should help keep soldiers out of life-and-limb-threatening situations.

FK – One wonders what the ‘watchers’ were capable of when we were still chasing our food and fighting cave bears for the left overs.

Utah bikini officers? Ogling Utah officers allow bikini babes to fire their guns

Utah officers, hot under the collar? A pair of Utah police officers, suckers for a group of bikini clad girls, have been suspended for allowing the beachwear babes shoot off their “guns.” The men were engaging in firearm practice when – in a very beer commercial-esque moment of lascivious spontaneity – a busload of babes in bikinis rolled in. The officers, clearly overcome by the moment, handed over their police-issued firearms to the chesty chics, who blew off a few rounds while the men sat and “supervised.”

Writes The Associated Press on March 8, via Fox News: “The Utah Department of Public Safety imposed the discipline in December on Rob Wilkinson, a Utah Highway Patrol sergeant, and Justin Hansen, a State Bureau of Investigation agent. Wilkinson, who received a three-day suspension, and Hansen, who received a one-day suspension, were at the Big Shot Ranch near Grantsville in June when British bikini models posed for photos and were videotaped firing guns for a calendar called ‘Hot Shots.’”

Wilkinson and Hansen each were cited for “bringing discredit” to the force, and because they actually appeared in the related video made by “Hot Shots,” for “wearing their uniform during a promotion for a product.”

FK – We know what the ‘product’ is but what are they really selling?

The queen and the “Liberal”(commie) trash in their govt. were probably angry that some of their subjects got to touch a weapon of any kind, that not being the best way to keep us enslaved.

Over here it’s about simple human biology and envy…

Any publicity is good publicity?

Don’t watch this unless you want your man card punched:

FK – I’m thinking I may have posted this a few months back when the story about the guardsmen broke. Oh well, it didn’t hurt me to watch it twice.

ATF temporarily shelves proposed ammo ban while power to proceed remains intact

Case in point, in April of last year, ATF issued a special advisory banning importation of 7N6 5.45×39 ammunition for the same reasons – that it was not considered “sporting,” that it was considered “armor piercing,” and because “ATF’s analysis also concluded that the ammunition could be used in a commercially available handgun … which was approved for importation into the United States in November 2011.”

“The Special Advisory letter claims that in 2011 a Polish made 5.45×39 Onyks 89S pistol was submitted for import approval by an unspecified entity,” The Bang Switch reported at the time. “It’s so obscure in fact that only 200 were produced in Poland and to my knowledge none were ever imported nor sold on the U.S. market as semi-automatic pistols.”

That hardly matters when the criteria being argued about include concepts like “sporting purposes.” The term appears nowhere in the Constitution, and its first documented enforcement over firearms was in 1938 German law. Likewise, the Constitution is similarly silent on any branch of government, let alone a federal agency, having legitimate delegated authority to override the clear “shall not be infringed” mandate in the Second Amendment.

As for potential armor-piercing capability, the opinion rendered in the Supreme Court’s 1939 Miller decision provides guidance on founding intent. The court held a weapon falls under Second Amendment protection if it “is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense.”

FK – The only ‘sporting purpose’ to the Second Amendment is when the “Liberal”(commie) and other assorted authoritarian trash runs or shoots back.

More on this:

Breaking: ATF pulls plug on ammo ban proposal

Senators’ letter to ATF: Proposed ammo ban ‘does not follow law’

FK – They’ll be baaacckk. You can count on it. The only ultimate solution to this internal/infernal war being waged on Human Liberty and the Bill of Rights will be doing what will be required. After all these years so many are still brain deep in denial of this simple reality.

A U.S. Citizen is 58 Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist

Previously, estimates of citizens killed by police were based on the self-reported data supplied by police departments, compiled into a yearly FBI uniform crime report for “justifiable homicide” by officers.

This information drastically underrepresented the number of people being killed at hands of police officers thus giving an unclear perspective of what is actually transpiring on the streets of America.

New data, as reported by the Guardian, suggests that an average of 545 people killed by police went unaccounted for yearly on average in the FBI data.

The revised estimates put the annual number of people killed by cops at an average of 928 per year over the past eight years; a conservative estimate. This information contrasts with the 461 reported killed by police by the FBI for 2013, a difference of almost 450 killings or nearly 50 percent.

When looking at terrorism, the U.S. Department of State reports that only 16 non-military U.S. citizens were killed worldwide as a result of terrorism in 2013, the most recent year data there was available data.

What this means is that a U.S. citizen is actually 58 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.

FK – Organized taxpayer funded terror is called war…


Drones: We’re Watching You

FK – Future rabble rouser, there is hope after all…

Don’t fear the tech, fear the abuse of the tech:

Put CCTV in EVERY home: Householders should help us trap burglars, says Scotland Yard chief

FK – If the homeowners control the feed and the government needs a warrant to access it I see little problem with this…