Category Archives: 2015 Feburary update five

Rand Paul Will Save US!!

FK – No prez candidate or prez is gonna ‘save us’ until we get off our asses and go do what will be required. Any prez who tried to really put the governments in their places would experience a severe reduction in life expectancy.

The idea that he would ‘save’ us from the banksters who created the country he prostrated himself before is more than ludicrous:

FK – If the newswhores are telling you not to listen to someone maybe you should:

PM: Israel to erect Red Army memorial

FK – If Paul really believes the things he said to get elected he’d be better off staying in the Senate long term where he might be able to do a little good. If he’s under some illusion that he can ‘fix’ the country as president without activating the militia and bringing home the troops and opening “Liberal”(commie) trash  and bankster season he’s sorely mistaken. These creatures have killed in the name of their evil before and will have no problem doing so again.

Will we continue to elect our leaders based on their support for 3000-year-old tribal propaganda? Really?

Netanyahu Calls For ‘Mass Immigration‘ of European Jews to Israel

FK – Funny how the multiculturalism pushed by secular Marxist Jews is responsible for what’s happening in Europe.


UFOs ABOVE TOP SECRET HD – Secrecy, Tesla, Energy, Antigravity & Interstellar Travel

FK – Older show that gets into some PC stuff towards the end. ‘Free energy’ might be great or it might not. Too many are breeding like rats now.

In a First, Astronomers Catch a Multiple Star System in the Process of Forming

If they’re gonna ‘disclose’ themselves it might hafta be soon:

FK – Or maybe they’re already running things:

GOA Alert: Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Destroy Operation Choke Point

ACTION:  Contact your Senators and urge them to cosponsor S. 477, a bill that will take down Operation Choke Point once and for all.

About a year ago, the Second Amendment community was rocked by news that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had teamed up with Attorney General Eric Holder to utterly destroy firearms manufacturers and dealers by cutting off all credit and banking relationships with them.

For its part, the FDIC categorized gun and ammunition sales as a “high-risk business,” lumping it in with drug dealers, pornographers, and Ponzi scheme operators — all of which it was working to completely destroy.

Holder, in turn, would provide the “muscle” — using a program called Operation Choke Point to make sure banks “got the message.”

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) and Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) soon got appropriations language to defund Operation Choke Point.  But when Holder promised to be a “good boy” and the FDIC removed guns from its “high-risk list,” the appropriators relented and allowed the program to continue.

FK – Gee, the republicrats just won’t learn will they? Compromise with “Liberal”(commie) trash means moving in it’s direction, towards slavery. We should be hanging the creatures, not compromising with them.

The Story of April 19th, 1775, Patriot’s Day, The Three Strikes

FK – They were fighting their own govt. Just like us. How very enlightening. Some of this I’d never heard before.

April 19, the day they shot back, should be our biggest holiday.
This is a multi-front war. Be political but understand that our domestic blood enemies will never just throw up their hands and say “Sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Won’t happen.Best to prepare for what will be required.


Barry Bright: A St. Valentines patriot massacre

I’ve never bought a Valentines Day card or gift in my life. The short answer is I never met one who I couldn’t say no to who couldn’t say ‘No’ to me. The long answer is I never had any desire to ‘settle’ in that area of my existence, since I had to ‘settle’ in so many others.

The really long answer is that before I had any real clue about how far gone we are as a culture, civilization, nation, I had a hard time understanding the mindless crap my fellow ‘human’ herd animals do to/with each other. A big part of the time I just didn’t care.

This admission comes from watching a video I’ll post below, and got me started on a comment that turned into a column:

Several years back a fellow associate at a place where I was wasting my time in exchange for money asked me about the female species, something about what they want or whatever. I just looked at him and smiled and said “Have you ever seen one of those nature shows where the male bird builds the nest to impress the female birds and is stealing stuff from the other male birds in order to do so?”

He nodded yes. “That’s it,” I said. “That’s what they want.” He got this look on his face that was a mixture of hatred, dejection, disgust… He wasn’t an ‘attractive’ guy to start with, and that’s being considerate, and I’ve never been a good judge of horse flesh, or ‘stud’ flesh rather, not bending that way. I don’t think I mentioned the stealing part, but he obviously got the point anyway.

A young lady once had a crush on me, not bragging at all, it was just obvious, but bless her heart she missed the looks line. She was a sweet person but I later swore off the ‘friend’ thing as it usually leads to situations best avoided and even then was leery of it.

She was trying to convince me to attend some event with her and a fellow ‘associate’ was coming toward us who had not only missed the looks line but stood in the ugly line twice as far as I could tell, but again I’m no judge of horse(stud) flesh really, and I asked her “What about going with so and so,” motioning toward the aforementioned. She got this confused look on her face and declined in so many words, proving my long held theory that despite the words of the mothers of ugly children everywhere, ‘Looks do matter.’

The reason you’re so special Julie(see vid below), and the few like you, is that even though you probably want the nest and the security, and those things aren’t evil, but you also have a mind, or at least something that resembles one, and it might take considerably less cajoling to get you to understand a few basic things that ‘real'(yeah, I grew up watching John Wayne movies) men used to take for granted:

At the end of the day, or war, which ever comes first, if you can’t trust the person you’re legally bound to with your life, you have a dangerous problem.

If she/he would allow a common criminal or government criminal to have their way with your kids what do you have?

If they don’t share at least some of your values and understand why you might have to walk out the door and go do things that most of our ignorant mindless brain-dead society would condemn you for then…

For they will call us ‘terrorists’ and murderers and extremists and Nazis until we crush them or they crush us and write it into their history books. When I first started in this, uh, lifestyle, just mentioning the words “Liberty” or “patriot” in polite conversation would gain one all of that and worse, especially on a college campus.

We had one female seem a little interested in joining ‘The College Patriots,’ a group I founded back in the mid 90s. Her room mate convinced her that some people hide behind labels when they really have other intentions, so she lost her nerve I suppose. I found that quite ironic at the time, considering what our domestic blood enemies have done to this country with their own deceptions, and still do.

But then as far as I can tell many ‘libertarians’ are under the mistaken impression that this war can be won by reason, logic and the peace and love the Weathermen were talking about before they started blowing stuff up, when most voters will never read Mises or Rand or Rockwell but will vote on their stomachs or their sex glands, whichever is demanding the most attention at the moment.

But then most ‘libertarians’ believe in the non-aggression principle and will wait until the black-suited Nazis come and murder their families before they fight back or even organize to fight back or publicly say they’ll fight back on a regular enough basis for it to mean anything. So they seem to be waiting for the apocalypse, which we should be working/fighting to prevent.


If they don’t understand on some basic level why our form of govt. and the laws we exist/slave under matter and only care about what kind of nest you can build for them without understanding an all powerful government can burn the nest down whenever it chooses, what do you have?

All the other stuff is just flotsam in the punch bowl at the wedding reception. Real life is spiked.

I’ve seen couples that argue constantly but stay together for years and others whose relationships are based on laughter, or like many in my grandparents generation, simple survival and the fatalism of the generations that preceded us not to mention the ideal of ‘the good wife’ from the book of Proverbs and the ancient prescription against divorce because of the damage broken homes and parent-less children do to cultures, large and small.

It comes from thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of… years, you get the idea, of human evolution where our ancestors did what they had to. We’ve lost that as a society, or it was stolen from us, or both.

john wayne saddle up
And it comes from that tiny minority in every generation, which many of Julie’s viewers are, that actually give a damn about something beyond their own daily survival. Most don’t study enough history, if any at all, to understand how precious and rare that is.

The submissive usually survive to breed. The sheeple will graze on. Most of them could be sheepdogs, but will never make the attempt. So it’s up to that tiny minority. We have to find a way to stick together or accept the shearing and the slaughter like the rest.


A little more on this general subject:

What Every Girl Needs To Hear