Category Archives: 2014 updates

Lower Crude Oil Prices Already Pinching Producers

The Financial Times reported last week that a third of energy debt bonds are classified as “distressed,” with some energy companies having to borrow just to pay the promised dividends. Some on Wall Street and in the banking community are taking a second look at such a strategy — a look that could result in turning off the spigot and sending those marginal drillers into oblivion along with their bond holders’ portfolios.

News from the Eurozone doesn’t bode well for higher oil prices, either. In its news release dated December 1, Markit showed major players in Europe continuing to experience serious economic difficulties. Wrote Markit’s Chief Economist Chris Williamson:

With the final PMI [Purchasing Managers Index] coming in below the flash reading, the situation in euro area manufacturing is worse than previously thought. Not only is the performance of the sector the worst seen since mid-2013, there is a risk that renewed rot is spreading across the region from the core.

The sector has more or less stagnated since August, but we are now seeing, for the first time in nearly one-and-a-half years, the three largest economies all suffering manufacturing downturns.

And then there’s China, the economic powerhouse that boasts a larger automobile market than the United States. But as new regulations to limit traffic jams and air pollution take hold, and revelations come to light that an astounding $6.8 trillion of its vaunted industrial development has been wasted, according to China’s own National Development Commission, China just in the last month has become a net crude oil exporter. Calling this an “unprecedented development,” Platts, a division of McGraw Hill Financial, noted that oil imports to China in October dropped by 22 percent while oil exports surged by 30 percent. Platts said further that China could now become a net exporter of oil into the future, reflecting the country’s growing internal industrial weakness.

Put all together then, lower crude oil prices are negatively impacting major international players in the energy market, including OPEC itself, once considered the big gorilla in the room. America’s oil producers, on the other hand, appear to be well-situated to live through the current volatility in oil prices, while consumers continue to enjoy the benefits at the pump and grocery stores.

FK – Does this mean we’re headed toward affordable gas again, like 75 cents a gallon or less so that the average person can travel and have something that resembles a life away from the place they waste their time in exchange for money?

I’m not holding my breath. I don’t trust the eco-commies and I sure don’t trust the oil ‘producers’ and I don’t understand how the ‘stock market’ or ‘dividends’ affects the price of something we all need to survive much less why it should or why we should allow it to.

I’m not against any business making a profit, maybe a crazy profit on a luxury. Gas ceased to be a luxury a long time ago if it ever was.

We Broke the Oil Market

The Crazy Oil Price Chart You Simply Must See

Solar is Disrupting the $2 Trillion Energy Industry: This CEO Tells You How

Why Police Kill And Get Away With It: Special Report

FK – So it’s all just a big show. Big surprise. What’s the encore?

150′ is a good shot for a handgun. In fact that’s almost exceptional in a stressed situation.

FK – Please let them bring in U.N. troops. It will be far easier to get Bubba to kill ‘the furriners’ than his cousin in the guard or his neighbor on the local cop force.

UN Attacks U.S. Gun Rights and More, Citing Ferguson and Cops

FK – This next column is a must read:

The Ferguson Conundrum Solved By Community Security

Fox News Insider: Armed ‘Oath Keepers’ Threatened With Arrest for Guarding Ferguson Shops

Ferguson Agitator Warns USA Today: Some ‘Going to Have to Die,’ ‘There Should Be Bloodshed

FK – Is the amerikan communist insurgency or the elites who back it getting desperate? Do they want real ‘race war’ in the cities now so they have an excuse to do as they please: recruit large numbers of idiots in their war against Human Liberty, as Lincoln did, and overwhelm us with numbers. You betcha.

CNN Flat-out Lies: Calls Ferguson Rioters “Peaceful”

Obama’s Latest Executive Order: $263 Million Federal Police Aid Program

FK – Cameras on cops may seem like a good thing but it might take away their discretion in deciding whether or not to enforce evil law. With their ‘superiors’ constantly looking over their shoulders they may feel forced to act like the Nazis our so-called ‘laws’ demand.

Video: Ferguson protesters pick a fight with snipers protecting businesses

FK – Property over trash that doesn’t respect property rights or Human Liberty. What a twisted brain-dead mentality. He should have asked the creatures if they planned to torch the building.

“Decision Day” Quickly Approaching on Whether Obama and Reid Will Dictate Gun Policy for the Next Ten Months

We knew that giving Boehner 247 Republican members and McConnell, 54 GOP senators, was not going to solve all of our problems — and allow us to relax for the next two years.

And, sure enough, it took Boehner and McConnell only a few days to hoist the first white flag of surrender — on a transcendently important issue.

Let’s face it:  None of the “Republican agenda” legislation being planned by Boehner and his minions is going anywhere.  Not Keystone Pipeline.  Not a repeal of the anti-gun ObamaCare law.  Not anything.

Rather, all government spending and policy will be contained in a single bill:  the government-funding “continuing resolution” — or “omnibus.”

So now, the debate raging in Washington is this:  Do the newly elected Republicans allow Reid’s discredited, repudiated “lame duck” Democrats to write a “continuing resolution” or “omnibus” which will set all spending and gun policy through September 30, 2015 (the end of the fiscal year).

FK – So now all we need is a republicrat NWO hack for the now red house so all the ‘tea partiers’ and fake conservatives can go back to the couch and the golf course until the demoncrats lie their way back into power with the assistance of the RINOs. The only way we’ll ever break out of this loop is by doing what will be required and restoring the Bill of Rights and ‘clarifying’ what Human Liberty is: the ability and right and duty and responsibility to kill those who would enslave you or enslave you further.

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Real Money And The Jewish Dialectic

FK – He’s wearing a cross so what he’s saying must be true right?

The real problem is when the elites are allowed to ‘hire’ workers at wages that represent tiny portions of their profits. If they can replace us all with robots they will.

This country was founded in large part by former indentured servants and European immigrants who came here for land or who left the colonies and ventured onto the frontier for land, fighting the indigenous population along the way and slowly conquering them with the help of the government who claimed to own all the land and allowed the people to control sections of it for short periods of time, for a lifespan or from buying to selling a deed or title, just like Europe, just like the kings.

Money is whatever we say it is, as long as we don’t try to replace the ‘official’ currency, whether coined by a bankster, a king, or a republic.

We still have a lot of growing up to do.

This Is What A Civil War Will Look Like

FK – Whether you agree with Jones or not he’s not someone you should ignore. But it makes sense to me. This is a big chess game and our rulers think several moves ahead.

So when will the so-called ‘smart people’ wake up to what’s going on around them and do what will be required?

Blacks Screamed “Kill the White People” Before Brutal Murder of Zemir Begic

FK – Our real enemies are the elites with white skin who generate the propaganda that causes this. Our first and foremost goal must be a restoration of the Bill of Rights.