Category Archives: 2014 updates

Secret Service experts worry about Obama’s safety

Palamara told WND he is concerned that patterns of Secret Service misconduct he has documented in JFK’s Secret Service detail prior to the assassination are being repeated in Obama’s presidential detail.

“I’m seeing even among the Secret Service a dislike, if not a hatred for President Obama,” he said.

Palamara said there are members of the Secret Service who don’t like President Obama, just as some didn’t like President Kennedy.

“Many in the Secret Service in the JFK era did not like President Kennedy’s womanizing or his position on civil rights, or maybe his policies toward Cuba,” he said. “But here, with President Obama, the Secret Service is supposed to be apolitical, but the agents are human beings. I’m not saying Secret Service agents actually cross the line to commit a federal offense by wishing President Obama ill. But many don’t like Obamacare or Obama’s policy on illegal immigration.”

Palamara pointed out the Secret Service can put the safety of the president at risk by not taking actions they should be taking.

FK – My posted comments, if WND doesn’t ‘moderate’ them:

If I didn’t value the Marxist mutt so highly for what it’s done for us I’d suggest a vacation to the Grand Canyon or a Day Trip of skydiving or bridge jumping or maybe some skeet shooting or quail hunting. They could invite our erstwhile former RINO V.P. who helped Dubya drive the country deeper into MIC tyranny.

Before it was elected I predicted it would wake more sheeple up, anger more people to action, sell more guns and ammo than the klintons ever thought about and maybe with luck do something so brash and arrogant that even the most brain dead among us would be forced to understand the dire need we have for an extended and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

But sigh, I’m not holding my breath. We already have millions of reasons to do what will be required and still millions of pacified morons sit on their heads(the ones they apparently think with) and wait for the next modern gladiator event on the weaponvision or the big beam up or next tee-off time or whatever keeps their little minds occupied.

Oh for a nation of men who would do what will be required.

Inside Civil Asset Forfeiture

FK – What absolute trash. Hanging is too good and fast for trash like this.

The Founders would spit on us for tolerating this evil.

Get ready to do what will be required. Trash like this will not give up its power peacefully.

A scent of narcotics on the money?

Any trash that participates in such should be dragged down the street behind a speeding truck. Of course that would make us no better than them. Anyone with anything resembling a conscience must understand how evil this system is. They don’t care as long as they make money from it. The ‘war on drugs’ wouldn’t exist if the right ones on all sides weren’t profiting from it. How much longer?

If gun owners demanded it, NRA could lead repeal of Obamacare

With the new Senate majority set to take their seats in January, the potential to repeal Obamacare is now within reach. The key to making that happen is the National Rifle Association.

Why should they? Association management only pursues what it calls the “single issue,” political votes directly impacting the right to keep and bear arms, and steers clear of other issues, even those important to a largely conservative membership. And there are many members who find that approach not only defensible, but desirable.

Besides, NRA made a point of claiming responsibility for putting the pressure on to amend the legislation to prevent “disclosure or collection of any information relating to” firearms and ammunition. With that concern sidelined, what’s left for gun owners to worry about?

Plenty, as NRA itself admits, alerting members to “Watch your guns around Obamacare,” which in turn links to a Townhall article by Intellectual Conservative editor Rachel Alexander that in turn cited an Executive Order that clarifies doctors are not prohibited from asking patients about guns.

FK – I attended the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group’s annual meeting in Louisville, KY a few years back, when McCommie demanded all who attended his speech be disarmed. I walked the aisles of their show and saw booth after booth of safaris and high dollar shotguns. Nothing wrong with that but it told me the NRA is essentially a rich boys club despite all their talk of common folk or whatever being members. They’ve given good grades to bad actors consistently over the years. Giving anything above an F to Reid or any other commie congress critter is an abomination because this is a war and guns are simply one more tool we are going to need to win it. But too many are in denial of this because they’re afraid of losing their big homes, boats, cars, pension funds, stock portfolios and on and on. We exist in a nation of cowardly whores. We should’ve had the militia force in place to deal with this evil years ago.

GOA Alert: Boehner Joins Hands with Pelosi to Defeat Conservatives

— Action brings Boehner’s legitimacy as Speaker into question

You have let Washington know that you oppose giving Barack Obama a blank check until September 30, 2015 and, in doing so, that you oppose Congress setting gun policy in a long-term, Harry Reid-drafted appropriations bill.

And Washington has heard you, loud and clear.

According to Neil Munro of the Daily Caller, House Speaker John Boehner is now faced with “snowballing opposition” to his plan of passing a ten-month carte blanche funding bill for the government, crafted by Harry Reid on the Senate side and by a House that has a lot more Democrats than it will have after January 6.

The Boehner abomination is called the “Cromnibus” — a combination of the initials for “continuing resolution” (CR) and “omnibus.”  This monstrosity would do nothing to stop the implementation of the anti-gun ObamaCare law (which Republicans said they opposed).

And, while the “Cromnibus” will probably stop some gun-related Obama abuses, it is not expected to address problems like ATF’s routine copying of a dealer’s 4473’s in connection with a routine annual inspection. Nor will it defund much of Obama’s anti-gun agenda.

Is it any wonder that liberal anti-gun Democrats like Rep. James Moran (D-VA) have embraced the Boehner approach?

FK – Bonehead and all the other boneheads have to go!!!!!!

Click on the link and tell them so!

GOA Alert: Get Your Senators to Ask the Hard Questions of Loretta Lynch

For instance, in some parts of the country the ATF is routinely copying all dealer 4473’s and bound book entries in connection with its routine annual inspection — thus creating a de facto national gun registry of law-abiding gun owners.  And make no mistake about it:  If regionally held records can be accessed in Washington by the push of a keystroke, it’s a national gun registry — prohibited by federal law.

Does Lynch believe this process is unlawful?  If not, her disregard for the law makes her unqualified to serve as attorney general.

The Obama administration has tried to outlaw the importation of shotguns and ammunition.  And it is being urged to ban the import of semi-autos, thus circumventing Congress’ decision to reject that ban.  In the case of shotguns, the administration has argued that they have no “sporting purpose.”  Huh??!!

Irrespective of whose signature was on that ban, we know the real “mover” was Eric Holder and the ATF.

And then there’s Operation Fast and Furious.  Does Lynch have a problem with that?

Does she favor semi-auto and magazine bans?

What about ATF’s illegal efforts to register multiple sales of firearms?  Or the administration’s efforts to financially strangle gun dealers and manufacturers by labeling them as “risky businesses” under Operation Choke Point?

FK – Time to repeal GCA ’68 which is de facto gun registration.

Holder: The End of Racial Profiling is Near!

FK – I haven’t had time to pay much attention to that particular killing, the one in New Yawk City, but if rioters burnt that cesspool to the ground we’d not be out much, especially if they start with the U.N. building and proceed to the Council on Foreign Relations offices then move on Wall Street and the Banksters.

FK – It was not ‘he said she said.’ It’s blatant ameri-commie propaganda regardless of who was ‘right or wrong.’

Cops exist to enforce laws written by trash the voters hire with their votes to represent them. So whose hands are bloody? Voting is a violent act.

CNN: Mandatory RFID Tracker Tags Make Employees HAPPIER

FK – They don’t call us ‘human capital’ or ‘human resources’ or ‘consumers’ because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock.

Maybe we need monitors to determine if we’re hungry:

FK – It’s all about recruiting commie voters and maintaining that generational constituency.

The REAL Story of the Australian “Gun Ban” of 1996 – Rex Reviews

FK – What a bunch of pathetic slaves. They should’ve put the kangaroo scat politicians who passed the ‘law’ through the crusher.

When he says ‘boot’ he means the trunk of the car, not his shoe. Remember to the Aussie “Liberal”(commie) scat that runs their govt. ‘self defense is no reason to own a gun.’ The Aussies should’ve started hunting and killing that trash when these ‘laws’ were passed but now they fully deserve whatever is done to them. Our “Liberal”(commie) trash will do the same here if it can. Be ready to hunt it and eradicate it.

The main purpose for our weapons is of course self defense against authoritarian trash that would pass ‘laws’ like these. Hunting and killing them in such a situation is a right, duty and responsibility. They don’t belong here. We are supposed to be free here. A right applied for is a privilege.

We have plenty of blood domestic enemies here:

Anonymous Baltimore gun tip reward line creates new dangers

Gun sales sizzle; antis upset over Nevada challenge

“Progressive” Writer Blames Michael Brown Shooting on Inadequate “Gun Control”

Maybe moms are demanding wrong kind of action from wrong people

FK – And meanwhile in our own ‘Liberal’ville another mom without a clue is committing the worst form of child abuse, raising her child to be a slave:

‘Boys will be boys’

FK – My posted answer to it:

You’re raising your child to be a slave. Make sure you teach him to never vote. Voting is the most violent act anyone can ever participate in. For a “Liberal” or “progressive”(communist) voting is electing someone to hire someone to wear a badge and a uniform and nowadays camouflage and stick a gun in their neighbor’s face to enforce their insanity on them.

Teaching a child that violence is not always the best first choice is a good thing. Stupidly teaching a child that violence is never an option is the most evil thing any adult can do to any child unless they’re raising them to be a slave.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war.

We need more ‘violators’:

Veteran Calls Out ‘Phony Valor’

FK – Stolen valor my ass. If the military was really fighting for Liberty I could feel sorry for them when someone ‘steals their valor.’ Walking around in cammies is not a reason to send them to jail or whatever the penalty is. If he were going around making money off false claims that would be different, but that would be fraud would it not? Let’s just pass a law against lying and fill the FEMA camps with “Liberal”(commie) trash until we can ship them out of the country.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

This pretty much says it all:


U.S. Firm Taps Ex Green Berets to Fight ISIS

FK – Finally, some honesty in what they’re fighting for over there. It’s not our Liberty. We need to take our country back and restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights here before we send any more of our ‘troops’ over there to die for profit.