Category Archives: 2014 updates

Warnings Grow Over Communism and Genocide in South Africa

As South Africa descends into what its radical rulers refer to as the “Second Phase” of their communist revolution, warnings about an approaching genocide and full-blown communist tyranny are growing progressively louder. In a statement released last week, the organization Genocide Watch again sounded the alarm surrounding the ongoing, regime-linked preparations to exterminate minority Afrikaner farmers. South Africa’s credit rating, meanwhile, was downgraded again last month to barely above “junk” status. Parliament recently descended into a brawl after a politician called the president a “criminal and a thief.” As the warning signs become increasingly obvious, however, the establishment media around the world continues to look the other way.  

Even the head of the F.W. De Klerk Foundation, named after the South African president who voluntarily surrendered power to Communist Party bigwig Nelson Mandela’s Soviet-backed African National Congress (ANC), is sounding the alarm about the communist threat. And as if to highlight the looming danger, the Communist Party of China will be financing and building a “political leadership school” to train future ANC bosses in communist doctrine and strategy. The ANC, of course, rules South Africa in an alliance with the brutal South African Communist Party (SACP) and a self-styled Marxist-Leninist umbrella group for labor unions known as COSATU.

FK – Could Dan Rather have been lying when that famed newswhore told us “Communism is dead?” Surely not. “Liberals” and ‘progressives,’ the amerikan communist insurgency, are our friends and only want us disarmed so they can make us safe.

We have a ‘progressive'(communist) caucus in the u.S. Congress. Every member should be arrested, tried for treason and executed.

Republicans leaving anti-rights restoration provision in appropriations bill

Despite a big win in November, Republicans are ceding to the wishes of Barack Obama while alienating their conservative base, political commentator James Simpson noted in a Thursday American Thinker analysis of the 2015 spending bill being negotiated at this writing. Among the dangers he lists include a provision that will allow for changes after the vote, along with continued funding for executive amnesty and Obamacare, with a special notation that “Provisions supporting gun rights were removed.”

“[B]etween 40 and 50 Republican representatives have already jumped ship and are opposing the Republican leadership,” Gun Owners of America told members in a Tuesday alert describing rank and file push-back against what is being widely perceived as a GOP betrayal and sell-out. “This means that at least a fifth — and maybe more — of [House Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi’s minions will have to be ordered to support [House Speaker John] Boehner for it to pass. And Pelosi has made it clear to the press that the bill will have to be altered to be satisfactory to her in order for her to provide those votes.

GOA stood alone among national gun rights groups in November, warning that passing the bill will result in giving Congressional Democrats control of Congress for the next 10 months, as the “so-called ‘long-term CR [continuing resolution]’ … would set policy and spending until the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2015).” Their solution was to call instead for “a ‘short-term CR’ into January, February, or March. This would allow the newly elected Republican Congress to set spending and policy for the federal government for most of next year.”

FK – As usual GOA stands alone. Where’s the “No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group, waiting for their tee-off time with bonehead and Pelosi?

New Poll Shows Most Americans Support Guns

FK – Do most real Americans support an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season? That’s the question that really matters.

‘Boehner and White House win’: Omnibus bill passes 219-206 – here are the 67 Republicans who voted NO

DC Pork Bill Passed, Torture Report Distraction, Congress Allows All NSA Spying

FK – We should all separate ourselves from the fraud. But that will take doing what will be required.

They Know Something: Why Did The Treasury Department Just Purchase Thousands of Survival Kits For Bank Examiners?

FK – No, the whistle is inserted up the anus to make those cavity searches more interesting.

How much longer?

What US Heroin Seizures Tell Us about the Market

A new Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) report said the majority of heroin seized by US authorities in 2012 was sourced to South America, a somewhat surprising statistic that may point to a disturbing reality: the US is running blind when it comes to understanding the increasingly potent and lucrative heroin networks.

According to the 2014 DEA National Drug Threat Assessment (pdf) released in late November, slightly more than half of all heroin seized in the United States in 2012 originated in South America, while Mexico accounted for 45 percent.

The data continues a long-term trend. The DEA says South America has consistently supplied the United States with the majority of the country’s heroin since the mid-1990s, with 2011 serving as the only exception.

FK – Gee, I guess they’re selling the Afghani stuff to the Europeans?


This is huge. Washington State’s new anti-gun law will be openly violated by thousands of citizens at the State Capitol in Olympia. The lineup of speakers indicates a fever pitch participation by national voices, including Sheriff Mack, Ammon Bundy and Mike Vanderboegh. The event organizer states the following:

“We will rally at the capital, openly exchange guns, unveil and plan to break apart the legislation and violate i594 in every possible way. Because ALL law that violates the Constitution is not law, it is VOID!”

FK – Whose blood will we let go to waste without a real goal? That’s the question.

How to Jail Banksters: Follow the Money to Black Ops

FK – Just think. If by some miracle the entire human race decided to do ‘what’s right’ for just one day our entire global civilization would collapse.

Nothing short of lots of expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. and Wall Street will fix this mess if it can be fixed. We’ve tried for years to shut down the IRS to no avail. I fear this falls within that sphere.