Category Archives: 2014 updates

Gun rights battle brings crowds to Olympia, Puyallup

Depending upon whose estimate one accepts, anywhere from 1,000 to perhaps 1,800 Second Amendment activists turned out for a midday rally opposing Initiative 594 in Olympia Saturday, while the Washington Arms Collectors’ monthly gun show at the Puyallup Fairgrounds drew a couple of thousand more looking for pre-Christmas deals, and answers to questions about the state’s new, and confusing, gun law.

In neither location did anybody stop traffic, smash windows or clash with police. Nobody was arrested. Nobody got hurt. A handful of people in Olympia burned their concealed pistol licenses at the end of the event.

The Olympia gathering was covered by local television. As an example of the fallout, more than 825 comments had been made on the KOMO website reacting to its coverage.

At the WAC show — which was scheduled months ago — there were repeated questions about potential lawsuits to overturn the 18-page gun control measure, passed Nov. 4. At the rally, people exchanged firearms in defiance of the new law, although law enforcement authorities suggested the law’s language about “transfers” may not have been in violation.

FK – If this weren’t all so deadly serious it would almost be funny how the actions by the “Liberal”(commie) trash usually have the opposite outcome than they expected. Well, the smart ones probably know, and don’t care, because they’re evil and know it and don’t care.

Israel Joining ISIS

FK – Why no, we can’t mention the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned.

Your enemy’s friend is your friend until they put a gun to your head.

AIDING ISIS: Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months, Gives Arms, Medical Aid to Militants

Iraqi Army Discovers Huge Depots of Israel-Made Weapons, Ammunition

How I was censored by The Guardian for writing about Israel’s war for Gaza’s gas

Other links he mentions are here.

What more is there to this?:

The Yinon plan: “Greater Israel”, Syria, Iraq, and ISIS

Greater Middle East: the US plan

FK – Remember, it’s ‘all’ propaganda, over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda. How sad.

Gold Sells While Oil Plunges – Geneva Business Insider

FK – I hope gas goes back to 25 cents a gallon so common folk can afford to travel and have something that resembles a real life.

Maybe I missed it but exactly how are prices/commodities/derivatives whatever manipulated? Isn’t that what we need to focus on?

A 100 percent markup on a big screen can be tolerated. Outrageous profits on something people need to survive is evil.

GOA Alert: Tell your Senators to say NO to the anti-gun funding bill


Pro-gun conservatives in the House came super close to derailing the Cromnibus on an earlier, parliamentary vote.  This is a vote which determines, among other things, whether any amendments will be allowed on the House floor during consideration of a particular bill.

Democrats typically vote in lock-step against the “rules vote,” and Republicans typically vote in unison in favor of the rule.

But 16 Republican heroes broke ranks, in an attempt to defeat the rule and derail the bill.  In fact, so many Republicans broke ranks that our side was temporarily winning until two Republican Congressmen defected by switching their votes at the last second, giving Boehner a razor thin 216-214 majority.

Nevertheless, these 16 Republican defectors should be thanked for their bravery.  They were Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Dave Brat (Va.), Mo Brooks (Ala.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Tim Huelskamp (Kan.), Walter Jones (N.C.), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Steve King (Iowa), Raúl Labrador (Idaho), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Bill Posey (Fla.), Matt Salmon (Ariz.) and Steve Stockman (Texas).

FK – It’s way past time for the Kentucky republicrats who voted for this to go. Call them and tell them “IF YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PROTECT OUR LIBERTY THERE’S NO POINT IN VOTING FOR YOU ASSHOLE!”

We may as well elect commiecrats. At least we know what they’re about.

Send the message to your senators along with what ever addendum you feel is appropriate.


LIKE CLOCKWORK: Pension plans to be looted nationwide as Congress okays institutional theft of funds

Just like clockwork, that looting of pension plans is now about to commence. “Congress could soon allow the benefits of current retirees to be cut as part of an agreement to address the fiscal distress confronting some of the nation’s 1,400 multi-employer pension plans,” writes Michael Fletcher of the Washington Post. [1] The Post continues:

“This proposal would devastate retirees and their surviving spouses,” said Karen Friedman, executive vice president of the Pension Rights Center, a nonprofit group. “The proposal would also torpedo basic protections of the federal private pension law … that states that once benefits are earned, they can’t be cut back.”

All the pension benefits that have been promised government retirees, in other words, are about to be stolen back from retirees.

This is precisely what I’ve long warned Natural News readers was coming. And this is merely the very beginning of the true destruction of the financial collapse headed our way. When the next market crash arrives, billions of dollars in retirement funds will be destroyed virtually overnight, and pension funds nationwide will be wiped out.

FK – I’ve never understood why anyone would depend solely on a ‘pension’ unless they were just poor and had no other choice. Usually there is some other choice, like demanding your employer pay you a fair share of their profits. But that might require thought, action and  responsibility, the three things the average sheeple avoids at all costs.

Ohio legislature sends sweeping gun rights bill to Governor

The 88-page bill, H.B. 234, is an expansive reform of the state’s gun laws.

Relating to the use of sound suppressors, commonly referred to as silencers, the act allows for hunters in the state to hunt wild turkey and other game birds; small game such as squirrels and rabbits; and white-tailed deer and feral pigs. It further includes a “Shall Sign/Certify” provision to require Chief Law Enforcement Officers to process National Firearms Act applications for suppressors and other Title II firearms such as short barreled rifles and transferable machine guns. Once Gov. Kasich signs the new law, CLEOs will be required to sign applications unless the applicant is found to be a prohibited person.

According to the latest figures from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the number of registered suppressors in Ohio increased by 144 percent in a one-year period ending April 2013 to some 25,353 devices. A trade industry group specializing in the devices championed the show of strong support for increased acceptance of suppressors, pointing out the safety benefits of their use in the field.

FK – A right applied for is a privilege.

Kentucky goes ‘ACLU’ on Noah’s Ark

A Christian organization building a replica of Noah’s Ark has announced possible legal action against Kentucky after state officials demanded it give up certain religious rights in order to participate in a tax-incentive program for organizations that attract tourists to the state.

Answers in Genesis, which is building the life-size version of Noah’s Ark – 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and three stories high – announced Thursday it was informed by the state that it could participate in the tourism  program on two conditions.

The organization is required to “waive its right to include a religious preference in hiring” and “affirm that it will tolerate no ‘proselytizing’ at the theme park.”

Not possible, AiG responded, on billboard messages and elsewhere.

AiG said Kentucky officials bowed to pressure from secularist groups when it denied the Ark Encounter theme park an opportunity to participate in a popular tax rebate incentive program offered by the state’s tourism office.”

FK – What a dark age we exist in, mindless mythology vs. big government. Of course it’s all ‘inerrant’ and ‘symbolic’ at the same time. They’ll look at you with a straight fact and tell you their version, sub-version, or subversion of their very bad history, ancient propaganda, is right. It’s easier than thinking.

How many species on Earth? About 8.7 million, new estimate says

FK – And that’s not counting all the ones who’ve gone extinct over the last several billion years.