Category Archives: 2014 updates

Popular Grocery Store Just Did Something To Publicly Humiliate Anti-Gun Activists

According to recent reports, Kroger, the grocery store chain, has decided to take a stand against liberal extremists that are attempting to limit the freedoms of the Second Amendment.

Mother’s Demand Action (MDA), an anti-gun group, has made an effort to pressure big brands like Starbucks, Target, etc. to ask their customers not to carry guns into their stores. Now, they have shifted their focus to the grocery store.

Kroger is taking a stand, and have made statements that they prefer that their customers enjoy the freedom that the constitution grants them. As a result, MDA has started a petition against the store. Shockingly, it has received over 300,000 signatures demanding a ban on guns.

FK – Kroger should go farther and ban all “Liberal”(commie) trash from its stores, after the trash gets the mandatory hammer and sickle tattoo on each cheek.

BREAKING: Obama Announces Roll Out Of Mandatory Gun Tracking Bracelets

FK – Every piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash in this country should be plugged with its own tracking device, made of lead. They are no less evil than they ever have been, the trash just hides it better:

Ann Coulter Destroys The Angry Bitches On The View

Chaos Ensues After Whoopi Goldberg Curses Out Ann Coulter For ‘Being White’

FK – If we had the ‘freedom’ we’re supposed to have here Coulter should have been able to pull out her .45 and plug each one of them and then get an award for it. She has far more patience than I do for this kind of trash. Why we aren’t hunting and eradicating these creatures is beyond my understanding.

The Revolution That Is Burning Man?

FK – The government’s not here the guy says? Gee, they’re on fed. govt. claimed land and they have to abide by fed govt. rules to be there, so the govt. isn’t there. That’s great logic. They’ve also forbidden attendees’ most basic right since the beginning.

We’re headed for a ‘revolution’ all right, but do some of these idiots understand they may be its slaves?

Don’t worry about what people think but wear lipstick and get your teeth fixed… Looks do matter, always have, always will. it’s simple human biology.

Looks like it might be fun, to take in all the weirdness if nothing else, but not for 600 bucks and giving up my most basic right.

Why Burning Man is not an example of a loosely regulated tech utopia

FK – There’s nothing like heavily regulated hedonism:

Kicking Cars to the Curb

The United Kingdom is steeped in history, tradition, and heritage. Sure, that tradition no longer includes things like guns, social conservatism, or fiscal sanity; but at least they still have a queen, right?

The U.K.’s capital city of London might soon give a hoity goodbye to yet another tradition: cars. It seems auto- mobiles might be going the way of the horse-drawn carriage in England’s larg- est metropolitan hub.

That’s right. The city of London will soon be closing its roads to anything other than zero-emission modes of trans- portation. Despite the fact that there are more than 800,000 classic cars (I have to assume most of these run on refined dinosaur bones) in the country, the U.K.’s capital has decided that the environment is just too darn precious to allow citizens any option of personal transportation.

FK – Since the Brits didn’t start killing their “Liberal”(commie) trash when they were told to turn their weapons in they fully deserve what’s being done to them. Over here the war could very well start over other issues.

New Poll Shows Democrats Have Never Been Lower

Bullpup Breakdown: What I Learned by 3-Gunning with a Tavor

A constant throughout my recent series of competitions has been my Tavor. As a Canadian, I’ve owned a semiautomatic-only version of the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) bullpup combat rifle for several years, and it has firmly established itself as my go-to gun. Starting to compete with it was a natural evolution for me, after selling my last two AR-15s at the start of the year.

But is it a natural progression for other Tavor owners? Can the battle-tested bullpup stand on its own in the competition ring? Established shooters will tell you flat out “no,” and that “nothing beats a well-built, rifle-length AR with a proper brake and optics.” I disagree, and think that the right shooter could take a Tavor to a match and win it.

However, there are still hurdles to overcome, and I’ve found myself jumping over some of them recently.

FK – A more complete view of this weapon:

FK – Some more ‘unusual’ stuff:

Northern Guns: 8 Canada Exclusive Firearms You Won’t Find Stateside

FK – Must be nice to be rich, but don’t sweat it if you can’t afford the best:

FK – One of my favorite movies.

Man with Google Glass had ‘Internet addiction disorder’

“The patient had been wearing the Google Glass device each day for up to 18 hours for two months prior to admission, removing the device during sleep and bathing,” the paper says.

“He noted that when he dreamed during his residential treatment, he envisioned the dream through the device.

“He would experience the dream through a small grey window, which was consistent with what he saw when wearing the device while awake.”

His superiors had allowed the man to use the device for his job as it sped up his work of identifying and logging convoy vehicles.

FK – We are electro-chemical machines, we can be programmed.

Corrupt Law Officers Are Trying To Criminalize Carrying Cash

FK – We must get control of how these Jr. Nazis are indoctrinated.

Sleeping 7-year-old girl shot in head during no-knock police raid on wrong home

Police shoot, kill Georgia grandfather during no-knock drug raid

Local Cops Say Your Driving History Is Public — Unless You Want a Copy

FK – When all they enforce is evil, all they do is evil. Stop making excuses for them.


Alexa Caught Targeting Conservative Websites?

The crass move is a blatant and deliberate attempt to sabotage websites which promulgate stories with a dissenting view of the current administration’s antics, says WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah.

“What’s happening at is shocking and demands a public response from, which owns the company,” Farah commented to WND. “Over the 17 years WND has been around, we’ve seen this kind of thing before. It smacks, at first glance, like a deliberate effort to destroy and discredit alternative news sites – especially those that don’t grovel at the feet of government and seek to be the watchdogs the American press are supposed to be.”

“How does one explain the disparity between the recent gains on Alexa by statist, pro-government, pro-status quo, establishment sites and the precipitous drops on Alexa by the anti-establishment alternatives?” said Farah. “These rankings are not based on dropping traffic. No such drop is taking place. The Alexa rankings over the last week suggest the company has thrown out its role as a politically impartial Internet ranking service and thrown its lot in with search engines like Google and Bing, which admittedly give preferences through their algorithms to establishment Internet content sites like CNN and Huffington Post.”

FK – Our blood domestic enemies, who we should be hunting and eradicating, are seeking to mainstream the net.