Category Archives: 2014 updates

SAF sues Illinois(commienoise) over restrictive CCW residency requirements

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Illinois, challenging that state’s concealed carry statute that restricts otherwise qualified non-residents the rights and privileges of carrying concealed firearms based solely on their state of residence.

Joining SAF in this legal action are the Illinois State Rifle Association, Illinois Carry, Inc., and ten individual plaintiffs, all residing in other states and who are licensed to carry in those states. Under the restrictive Illinois statute, only residents from states with “substantially similar” requirements to obtain a carry license are allowed to apply for non-resident licenses.

Only four states currently qualify under that provision. They are Hawaii, New Mexico, South Carolina and Virginia. None of the individual plaintiffs reside in those states.

According to SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, this situation is not simply unfair, it is untenable and we believe unconstitutional.

FK – It’s good that this tiny minority is standing up for and slowly regaining our rights. But if we had a nation of men and not pathetic cowards there’d be lots of expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. and around every state capital and we wouldn’t have to waste our precious time in this world fighting this ongoing war:

Crazy Gun Control Fantasies in California

FK – Commiefornia will in all likely hood have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Are they looking for more ‘control’ up north?

Why Conservatives Opt for Propaganda Over Reality

The less charitable way is to say Pew discovered that conservatives are consuming a right-wing media full of lies and misinformation, whereas liberals are more interested in media that puts facts before ideology. It’s very much not a “both sides do it” situation. Conservatives are becoming more conservative because of propaganda, whereas liberals are becoming more liberal while staying very much checked into reality.

That this polarization is going on isn’t a myth. Previous Pew research shows the percentage of Americans who are “mostly” or “consistently” conservative has grown from 18% in 2004 to 27% in 2014. During that same period, the percentage of Americans who are “mostly” or “consistently” liberal stayed a little more consistent, growing from 33% to 34% in 10 years. (These statistics don’t measure what you call yourself, but what you rate as on a scale of beliefs about various issues.) While liberals became more liberal, conservatives both became more numerous and more rigidly conservative over time. What gives?

FK – What gives indeed. The evil creatures lied to me all my life. They’re still telling the same basic lies but with only slightly altered terminology. My comments posted there:

Propagandists whining about propaganda. It would be funny if we weren’t in such dire straights.

Get ready to do what will be required, for our blood domestic enemies will still be lying when hell thaws out again. There is only one ultimate way to stop them.


FK – One of the best docs on this subject. Added it to my ‘must read/watch page. Save it for when you have the time, then think about how long they may have been farming us:

FK – If they view us as lab rats, or a delicacy, it tells us we still have some growing up to do. Of course ancient ignorant people came up with simple mythological answers to things they didn’t understand. Unfortunately many still do.

Change: Among Students, Republicans Crushing Democrats on Social Media

For eight years, Americans have been told that Democrats have a decisive advantage among young people, and especially on the Internet. That might have been true with the rise and re-election of Barack Obama. But as his presidency falters, and as Republicans invest in technology, the tide is rapidly turning. In fact, among students, Republicans are now far ahead of Democrats on social media, winning on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

As Sean McMinn of the Scripps Howard News Wire reported recently:

On Facebook, the College Democrats of America have just 17,400 “likes,” compared to the College Republican National Committee’s 124,700. That’s seven times more.

And on Twitter, the Democrats’ count of 33,600 followers is behind the Republicans’ 56,700.

Even more shocking: While the College Republicans are consistently churning out videos with several thousand views on YouTube, all but one video on the College Democrats’ YouTube account is set to “private.”

FK- Portents of things to come?

GOP memo: Republicans lead Dems in early votes cast in Iowa, in shift from past years

FK – An ‘automatic stamp of approval’ for a ‘former’ govt. employee? Really?:

Where Is the Republican Party?

Pennsylvania Oath Keepers and Prince Law Office condemn police state overplay

The story went national in the last week of September, 2014. An elusive suspect who is believed by authorities to have shot two police officers has been the subject of an intense manhunt in a wooded area of eastern Pennsylvania.

I shall link readers to two op-eds at the Prince Law Office site, but first let’s read how Pennsylvania Oath Keepers are reacting to what has unfolded during this manhunt. Here is how Tom Wise describes it:

Imagine peering cautiously from behind your door as heavily armed squads of armored police officers meander across your lawn. Feel the vibrations as armored patrol vehicles roll down your street, and a six and half ton armored breeching platform digs ruts across your front lawn. Pretend the local businesses are closed, parents and children separated, pets are left to fend for themselves, and the elderly are left without care because police have cordoned off your neighborhood. Your friends are helpless, sleeping in their cars through the cold mountain nights, and your family is hungry as they wait for you to return with food. But police refuse to allow you to drive back home.

FK – Make no mistake, they’re doing it protect them, not us.

Anti Gun Senator Arrested Carrying Gun

Sen. Nasheed Arrested by County Police in Ferguson

FK – Arrogance is as arrogance does. Now this is what we need, ‘gun control’ for govt. employees:

California startup unveils gun technology for cops

FK – Meanwhile we see in a foreign police state what our blood domestic enemies would like to do here, stomp out all opposition:

Japan stomps on 3-D printed gun maker for rendering ‘gun controls toothless’

Democrats: Gun Groups, Not Obama, To Blame For Spread Of Ebola

Liberal commentators and Democrats are blaming gun rights supporters for the spread of Ebola. Seriously.

Their so-called logic goes like this:

Republicans blocked Vivek Murthy’s nomination for Surgeon General due to his extreme anti-gun views. If there were a surgeon general in place, he would be helping to stop the spread of Ebola. Therefore, gun owners and conservatives are to blame for Ebola.

This line of “thinking” has been repeated ad nauseam throughout the liberal media over the past few weeks. First, MSNBC reporter Krystal Ball wrote: “Thanks to NRA power and Senate cowardice, we are left with no surgeon general during a time when we have Ebola arriving on our shores.”

FK – Didn’t pay much attention to that particular tempest in a teapot. After all these years “Liberal”(commie) trash propaganda often amounts to so much white noise to me. We do need to take the u.S. Senate so any commie trash the Marxist mutt tries to slime onto the SCOTUS gets flicked off like a fly off a carcass. This other stuff I find to be more interesting:

Battle Over Background Checks At Gun Rights Policy Conference

Gottlieb: Gun rights lobby needs to lead, not follow on background checks (VIDEO)

FK – Read the comments on this one:

Media Matters reports on Gun Rights Policy Conference.

FK – Then the original:

“They’ve Got Us Hogtied”: Inside The Gun Lobby’s Strategy Conference

FK – Commie infiltrators at a ‘gun rights’ meeting? Absurd.

I won’t waste time analyzing the commie trash’s propaganda. While I understand Gottlieb’s ‘reasoning’ I must disagree in general. As far as I can ascertain he’s done more good than the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group, at least in pursuing court cases, if not in numbers certainly in importance. But the fact remains the Liberty movement as a whole needs more Pattons and fewer Chamberlains.

While not ignoring our blood domestic enemies we need to spend less time analyzing the filth that spews out of their lying mouths and more time looking at what the evil creatures actually do while preparing for what will be required.

There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.


Obama Just Said The Last Thing Red State Democrats Want To Hear

US President Barack Obama offered a new talking point to Senate Republicans on Monday — just two weeks away from Election Day.

Speaking on the Rev. Al Sharpton’s radio show, Obama said the Democratic candidates who had been avoiding him were actually “strong allies who have supported my agenda.” Many of these candidates are in conservative-leaning states where Obama’s agenda is decisively unpopular.

“And so some of the candidates there — it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the Republicans will use that to try to fan Republican turnout,” Obama said, according to The Hill. “The bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me, they have supported my agenda in Congress, they are on the right side of minimum wage, they are on the right side of fair pay, they are on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure, they’re on the right side of early childhood education.”

FK – Yeah, the republicrats and what few real ‘conservatives’ may be running might profit from the Marxist mutt’s words but for once it speaks the truth as the commies sometimes do, usually to cover up their lies. Every prez election cycle proves this country is full of ‘adults’ who are incapable of making a logical rational decision whether the now red house is occupied thereafter by a republicrat NWO hack or a demoncrat NWO hack. 20 + years after ‘read my lips’ they still vote for establishment candidates because the newswhores tell them ‘that’s who can win.’ Until enough get over this the now red house is a lost cause. Actually it’s a lost cause until a militia strong enough to protect a real patriot president from the oligarchs and their puppets in the amerikan communist insurgency is organized, armed and trained to do what will be required.

We do have some say in the other elections but the end result will be the same, some day we will have to force our blood domestic enemies off our shores or bow down and kiss whatever they order us to, and there is no limit to that.