FK – Just keep thinkin’ summer.
Now I’m gonna go cut some firewood.
FK – Just keep thinkin’ summer.
Now I’m gonna go cut some firewood.
FK – What difference will it really make? Best to prepare for what will be required.
Mr. Frein faces charges of first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, possession of weapons of mass destruction and reckless endangerment. The county’s District Attorney plans on seeking the death penalty. A week after the shootings, the F.B.I. placed him on the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. The search became a game of cat and mouse. Several sightings of Frein were reported but police were unable to get close. The agent in charge of the ATF office in Philadelphia made an announcement after the capture of Frein. “Frein has been stripped of his guns, his bombs and his freedom.”
Frein gave up because he had no where to run and was outgunned. State Police commissioner Frank Noonan spoke to reporters detailing the capture of Frein. “When they approached it (the hangar), they saw an individual that they thought was Eric Frein, and they ordered him to surrender, to get down on his knees and raise his hands, which is what he did,” “Once they approached him, he admitted his identity and he was taken into custody.”
FK – From the looks of his face he may have ‘fallen down the stairs’ at the police station. Let’s hope we can find out exactly why he did what he did and get punishment if he truly deserves it. But since he allegedly committed the unpardonable sin of killing one of the police state’s untouchables that’s unlikely. The fact that he surrendered may indicate that he may foolishly believe he can get justice from the ‘just-us’ system.
FK – The ‘drug war’ exists because it makes the ‘right ones’ money, on all sides. It was probably created for this. That’s how they think.
The most evil thing about the ‘drug war’ is that it conditions the sheeple to accept the police state in order to ‘feel safer.’ There are plenty of stupid sheeple, every presidential election cycle proves this. In a free society laws are not passed to protect the stupid from themselves.
FK – As longs as it’s a ‘convenience’ and not mandatory. But they will try to make it mandatory, at least in certain places.
And they will always gather info about you in order to use it against you at THEIR convenience. That’s how it works.
Fearing technology in and of itself is mindlessness. Blindly obeying those who abuse technology in order to rule others is mindless cowardice.
“By imposing such a ban on an entire class of weapons, the statutes and regulations exceed the power of the United States,” the complaint states. It makes its case by citing violations of Article I of the United States Constitution, the Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendments, and “principles of federalism and dual sovereignty.
FK – Another tiny baby step in the right direction. If we didn’t exist in a nation of cowardly whores we’d already have all the expensive suits at BATF Nazi headquarters hanging along Pennsylvania Ave.
Massive civil disobedience ensued. Between 100,000 and 300,000 gun owners in Connecticut suddenly became Class D felons. A large portion of these citizens decided they would refuse to abide by the new law due to its direct attack on Constitutional protections afforded to citizen rights, including gun rights.
But Gov. Malloy, certain members of the Connecticut State Police, and many who serve in government began a whisper campaign which made it clear that they intended, at the appropriate time, to force gun owners to comply, even if it meant conducting raids on gun owners in their homes.
FK – If we didn’t exist in a nation of cowardly whores we’d have the militia force we should have had years ago and this trash would’ve already been tried and executed for treason against the Bill of Rights and human Liberty.
FK – My comments on the second headline:
The ‘constitutional method’ which means the ‘Bill of Rights’ method, means you go buy a weapon, learn how to properly use it with no help or demands from the state or any government and proceed to carry it where ever you damn well please without any ‘license,’ permission slip or tax paid to any government.
It’s time to stop apologizing to our blood domestic enemies. They knew full well what the result of the welfare state and ‘drug war’ would be when they implemented them.
Don’t understand? Go to freekentuckydotcom and prepare for what will be required.
FK – More of that presence of mind stuff…
The German finance chief, writing for the self-styled “world’s opinion page” known as Project Syndicate, lambasted businesses for seeking to legally reduce their worldwide tax burden by “adapting their structures.” Citizens, too, must pay more taxes, he argued. In essence, Schäuble claimed that because of a globalized economy and business system, humanity must now submit to a globalized taxation regime as well. “Tax legislation has not kept pace with these developments,” he wrote, echoing calls by globalists around the world for more plunder. “They need to be adapted to the economic reality of digital services.”
Without a global system of what Schäuble called “workable rules,” which of course would require global rulers, governments and dictators worldwide are “losing revenue that they urgently need in order to fulfill their responsibilities.” He never specifies what exactly he believes those “responsibilities” of governments to be. In the United States, the Founding Fathers established a Republic for the express purpose of protecting the God-given rights of individuals. By contrast, countless other governments around the world have been founded largely to enslave and plunder the population. Some, such as the National Socialist (Nazi) regime that once ruled Germany, were created to literally exterminate certain classes of “inferior” people.
FK – My comments on the site below:
Remember what happened the last time you Germans tried to run the world? Go to Hell.
Those who claim to love Human Liberty, get ready to do what will be required.
It’s a bit late for that. “”Read my lips. No new Bushes” is already a slogan being used by those who oppose a Republican Kennedy counterpart, and that’s not just Democrats.
“Jeb Bush’s tax stand could plague possible 2016 presidential run,” The Washington Times noted Sunday, citing opposition from within the Republican camp by Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist. “Jeb stabbed Republicans in the back just when they were unified in insisting on major spending cuts with no tax increases.”
That would be the same Grover Norquist who also wears a National Rifle Association director’s hat, that is when he’s not endorsing Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence award recipients. The thing is, as an NRA director who is working on the “Don’t call it amnesty” immigration “reform” con along with Michael Bloomberg and (the disappointing) Rand Paul, Norquist ought to be able to find a lot of common ground with Bush when he puts on his other hats.
That’s because citizen disarmament fanatics have attacked Bush as an NRA puppet, and he has been pretty good on guns, except for advocating ending all private sales that take place at gun shows. Plus, like Norquist, Bush supports… hey, somebody tell Breitbart they’re not supposed to call it “amnesty.”
FK – My posted comments:
“One would think the lessons of Bob Dole and Mitt Romney would have made more of an impression. One would think the Republicans would know better than to snuff out what few embers of resolve there are.”
No, sir, one wouldn’t. At least not one who’s been trying to pay some attention for 30 years, 20 of that spent as an awakening patriot. The republicrats are in on the game. They know full well what they do. There is a place for them among the expensive suits that must be hung along Pennsylvania, Ave or on the new granite gallows in front of the capitol building.
Well be better off with Hitlery in the now red house to keep the Tea Partiers and other ‘conservatives’ off the golf course, to keep people buying weapons and ammo and maybe waking up enough to organize, arm and train for what will be required.
More news to do with our most basic right: