Category Archives: 2014 updates

Bundy Family Treated as Terror Suspects by TSA

I asked the agent why we were being treated so differently and why we were selected out. He told me it was because my boarding pass was tagged with the bold letters “SSSS”. He also told me that this will happen every time you fly because you are marked. Beyond that he did not disclose of anything else. My daughter then asked him if she could put her shoes back on. The agent said that she could, but that I was not to touch my possessions. He then called for his Commanding Officer.

After a few minutes, the Level Three Officer showed up and asked me several question and wrote the answers down on a yellow sticky note. This Commanding Officer then went to a computer and began typing and reading. The whole thing was very interesting to me. I thought to myself, “WOW, Harry Reid really does have me tagged in the federal database as a Domestic Terrorist”. I have never been charged and prosecuted with anything in my life, and yet Senator Reid, without due process, has declared me, for life, as a Domestic Terrorist. He unilaterally named me, Ammon Bundy, a terrorist against the people of this country, the people I love and would so willingly to give my life for.

After the Commanding Officer typed a few things in the computer, my boarding pass was written on and hole punched 5 times with stars mostly over the SSSS (see picture). Our possessions were then returned and we were free to go to the boarding gate. When we left the security area many people were looking at us in curiosity. The entire process took about an hour, and my daughter and I did not make our flight. We knew we would not make it to the event even if we got on another flight so we left the boarding gate area and went to ask for a refund from US Airlines.

FK – If you’re not livid after reading this you’re brain dead, heartless, spineless and probably don’t belong in this country, like this creature:

FK – The fact that we allow creatures like this in our government on any level or that we have a ‘progressive(communist) caucus‘ in the congress shows we exist in a nation of ignorant cowardly whores. As soon as those commies take the oath of office they are guilty of waging war against our Liberty, the Bill of Rights and this country and should be immediately arrested, tried for treason and executed. But you can’t really call it ‘treason’ because one cannot commit treason against something one hates. They’re waging war against us all.

Secrets Of Jewish Money Control

FK – It hasn’t collapsed, yet. Most fiat currencies eventually do, if their empires don’t die first. Ours has been in a slow decline for a long time as far as buying power goes but it’s still the dominant global currency, kinda like being the top fly on the dung heap.

In the meantime lots of hucksters make ‘money’ off the fear. Not sayin’ this guy is, well just a little.

Jesuits: The Catholic Illuminati Mafia – Black Pope Superior General and His “Marines” Exposed

FK – Every pope for the last several has supposedly been the ‘last’ or ‘black’ one, kinda like every president since Bush the first is gonna declare himself dictator. If there’s really a sadistic god like the one most ‘christians’ believe in and an eternity it will take half of it to sort out all the evil that’s been done in the name of human kind’s particular insanity – religion.

Once I tried to find out why the catholics baptize babies. As far as I can tell it’s not a symbolic gesture to welcome them into the church but an act to literally save them from hellfire. But I suppose it’s not much worse than the protestants who regularly scare/cajole young children into ‘gettin’ saved’ as I was. I went through the process twice as a child so I should have two mansions in heaven. Several famous preachers have claimed to have gotten ‘saved’ as young as 5 years of age which means if they had said “No” and died soon after guess what. How disgusting.

Prime example, read the comments with this:

Halloween Witch: Nasty little girl needs a lesson on the first amendment

I won’t be in this realm long enough to see it change that much but the human race is truly insane and we’re still a very primitive species.

Sen. Harry Reid Falls from His Throne

As you have no doubt heard, Republicans successfully took control the U.S. Senate last night, and in the process, dethroned one of the most anti-gun Majority Leader’s in the history of the Upper Chamber. As of now, the Republicans hold a 53-seat majority, although they may gain another seat in Louisiana.  

Voters across the United States stood against President Barack Obama’s policies and, in doing so, have elected candidates who will stand up for the Second Amendment.

We now have more new pro-gun Senators and Congressmen heading to Capitol Hill to aid as reinforcements in the battle to protect our right to keep and bear arms.

GOA’s Political Victory Fund was proud to endorse a number of these new pro-gun Senators — men and women who will stand up for the Second Amendment and for the freedom of firearms ownership.

FK – Now let’s see what they do with the keys to the kingdom and a large rat still in the cellar.

What they say during  a campaign means nothing. What matters is their voting record and past affiliations. We still have a long way to go:

Finally the Seattle press admits that I-594 is ‘gun control’

But some people know how to celebrate:

FK – There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Dysfunctional America — Paul Craig Roberts

If you require more evidence that the United States is a dysfunctional society, observe American elections. Election season is slander season. Each party’s attack teams focus on misrepresenting, defaming, and ridiculing the opposing party’s candidates. Attack ads have replaced debates and any discussion of what the issues are, or should be, and how candidates perceive the public’s interest. Each attack team tells lies designed to enrage various voters about the other team’s candidate.

Whoever is elected is indebted not to voters but to the special interests that provided the campaign money. Once elected the official serves the private interest groups that put the official in office. In America the government can be bought and sold just like everything else. In its Citizens United ruling, a Republican Supreme Court put its stamp of approval on the right of corporations to purchase the US government.

Each state has its own dominant interest groups that win every election. In Florida real estate developers routinely defeat the environment and local communities. Developers have even been known to form organizations that pose as conservation supporters in order to misrepresent and defeat conservation measures.

FK – This country is so far gone it will take a great evil to awaken it, if at all. Millions would bow down to a king if they thought they could get something out of it.

Justice Dept. dumps 64k pages related to Fast and Furious

The Justice Department has turned over more than 64,000 pages of documents congressional lawmakers were seeking as part of their investigation into the botched gun-running operation known as Fast and Furious.

The material was handed over to the House Oversight and Government Reform panel late Monday in what aides describe as an election eve “dump.”

In total, 64,280 pages arrived on Capitol Hill — all material that had been withheld from Congress by President Obama, who used executive privilege to keep the information from lawmakers.

House Republicans, who led the charge to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over the documents, sued for their release, and a judge agreed with the GOP.

FK – If we had a nation of men and not pathetic cowards they would be held, tried and executed for treason.

Democrats maintain control of Kentucky House of Representatives

Democrats will keep control of the Kentucky House of Representatives following Tuesday’s election, turning back a push by Republicans to lead the chamber for the first time since 1921.

Democrats kept 54 of the 100 House seats, the same number they had going into the election.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, said Democrats “are very lucky and blessed” to keep control of the House.

Stumbo said he will ask the Democratic majority to re-elect him speaker, the House’s No. 1 leadership position.

FK – Well we had high hopes, not that the republicrats would magically fix anything anymore than they will in the u.S. Senate. Kentuckians are a strange bunch. Someone I was campaigning with the other day repeated to me what he heard from a prospective voter: “I’m been registered democrat all my life but I always vote republican.”

Why this can’t translate into a Kentucky legislature and governor’s mansion free of commies is a mystery to me. The Republican party of Kentucky has a lot of house cleaning to do.

FK – ‘Friends‘ don’t elect trash to hire Nazis to kill you for refusing to obey their commie/authoritarian laws.

The Walking Dead Predicted the Ebola Outbreak!

FK – Missed this one last week. I’m tired of hearing about it but if the Ebola apocalypse happens there’s not a lot we can do about it beyond wonder why enough didn’t wake up years ago to how evil the empire has become and fight to tear it town and restore the Bill of Rights and expand human Liberty. If Ebola or some other disease, natural or not, kills millions or billions or brings about a near-extinction event the survivors will simply adjust their mythology, secular and otherwise, and move on.

“Are You A Communist Sympathizer?” Oathkeeper to City Councilman

Fk – Showing up at the park is a good idea. Organizing, arming and training for what will be required is a better one. The only limit to their evil is the limit we force upon it.

The arrogant trash he was talking to:

FK – It’s the same ol’ lies: “We all have to work together…” and the unspoken part, ‘at the point of our guns.’