Category Archives: 2014 updates

Fortune’s Global 500

Global business is back. After limping through a worldwide financial crisis and economic slowdown, the 500 largest companies ranked by revenues shattered all sorts of performance records in 2013: They racked up combined revenues of $31.1 trillion, up 2.5% from 2012, and profits soared 27% to nearly $2 trillion. China’s 95 companies (up from 89 last year) posted $5.8 trillion in revenues. The U.S. has four fewer companies on the list than last year but remains (for now) the country leader, with 128 corporations on the list—including No. 1 Wal-Mart Stores—reporting $8.6 trillion in revenues.

Wal-Mart remained at No. 1 on the Fortune 500 this year and toppled Royal Dutch Shell to grab the Global 500 top spot.

The retailer has ramped up its international focus. With Doug McMillon’s start as CEO in 2014, the company has underscored its desire to expand further overseas. Prior to taking the helm, McMillon headed Wal-Mart International from February 2009 to February 2014.

As a whole, Wal-Mart serves more than 100 million customers in 26 countries per week. In fact, the company said that net sales overseas, which accounts for more than 6,000 stores, climbed 4.6% to $140.9 billion from 2013.

FK – Think about that while you’re buying your Chinese imports from the ‘associate’ who started out at 7 bucks an hour. They want us all poor and desperate.

Reporter: “All Hell Is About To Break Loose!”

FK – So they’ll finally get the ‘race war’ they’ve been wanting? Or maybe an excuse for the elites to do what they’ve really always wanted to do with the urban minorities.

If the cops were doing anything close to what’s ‘right’ they’d be targeting the out of town ‘revolutionaries’ not ignoring them as they go about their business which may be part of their job description.

The commie trash had to try Zimmerman when it was pretty obvious he did what he had every right to do. If someone reaches inside a cop’s car they should expect to be shot. Reaching inside anyone’s car in a threatening manner should produce the same result.

FK – I’ve been hoping for years the elites would make the mistake of involving U.N. troops in their efforts to destroy this country. It might wake up enough sheeple to the reality of what’s happening to give them an understanding of what will be required.

Michael Brown case: Ferguson teen’s parents and double standards

GOA Alert: Harry Reid to Take One Last Shot at the Second Amendment in the Lame Duck Session

There’s a reason why we at GOA call the post-election period of Congress the “slime duck” session.

Harry Reid and his minions now will try to shove down our throats all of the anti-gun legislation and nominees they were afraid to reveal before the elections — when voters still had the option to punish them by throwing them out of office.

As it turns out, gun owners in most states knew exactly what Reid had in mind when they went to the polis on November 4.  And, as a result, anti-gun hypocrites like Arkansas’ Mark Pryor, Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu, North Carolina’s Kay Hagan, Alaska’s Mark Begich, and Colorado’s Mark Udall are pretty much “dead ducks.”

The question is: Will these anti-gun liars be given the power to make virtually all budgetary gun decisions on the giant government-funding bill (the “continuing resolution” or “CR”)?

And will they get to shove through an anti-gun successor to Attorney General Eric Holder in December under Harry Reid’s “nuclear option” fraud rules … where the discredited and repudiated Democratic anti-gun “slime ducks” will make the decision … and where Harry Reid won’t need a single Republican vote?

FK – The only limit to their evil is the limit we force upon it. Click on the first link. Read the alert, act on it, then get ready to do what will be required.

The Real Reason For Cheap Oil and Gas

FK – We’re still a long, long, long way from ‘cheap.’ There are too many ‘associates'(read jackasses) making 8-12 bucks an hour and less. And when the big oil producers achieve whatever their goals really are the prices will likely jump back up to an obscene high so they can make the profits they’ve been missing. The elites know their sheeple slaves have to drive to the facilities where they waste their time in exchange for money and they have to drive to the places they buy the foreign made corporate products they think they can’t exist without, which are often made of oil.

Saudi Arabia to pressure Russia, Iran with price of oil

Oil price plummet won’t help U.S. with Iran or Russia

FK – Some interesting comments on this next one:

 A Look Inside The Secret Deal With Saudi Arabia That Unleashed The Syrian Bombing

Why Oil Is Plunging: The Other Part Of The “Secret Deal” Between The US And Saudi Arabia

US oil boom: Can the industry survive falling prices?

Shale Oil: Expensive, Over-Hyped, & Short-Lived

Methane hydrate: Dirty fuel or energy saviour?

Rancher Listed As Terrorist Fights Back

FK – He interviews Cliven Bundy a few minutes in.

It’s a matter of time till they start attempting this evil east of the Mississippi. There will ultimately be only one answer to it.

That’s 80 percent not 8:

The Open West, Owned by the Federal Government

I’m not opposed to some ‘public’ lands for recreational use for wildlife and the pursuit of wildlife but that’s way too much. In some places we need more. We could enclose the major cities and stock them with large predators to help the ‘overpopulation’ problem.