FK – Anybody, anywhere, anytime. And he’s not being over dramatic.
The Marxist mutt, like many of the presidential appointees before him, is simply doing what his masters command him to do, and they ain’t us.
FK – Anybody, anywhere, anytime. And he’s not being over dramatic.
The Marxist mutt, like many of the presidential appointees before him, is simply doing what his masters command him to do, and they ain’t us.
FK – Dangerous nonsense comes from many directions. If I breathe till morning I’ll eat some bacon and eggs to honor his and the ragheads’ ‘beliefs.’
FK – Shooting commie agitators would be a good thing. If they need help all they gotta do is call. Or maybe otherwise:
FK – Or maybe they’re just throwing them in for good measure, to keep the tea partiers stirred up.
FK – We must get control of how the police are indoctrinated and kick the “Liberal”(commie) trash out of the country which will help keep the fundie ragheads from gaining any real power here.
“So, there will be ongoing negotiations in the various efforts to fund the government, both this year and next year, about priorities. This is not unusual. And we do have different priorities. And somehow we’re going to have to work out things and make progress for the American people.”
McConnell noted that the American voters “chose divided government,” but that “doesn’t mean they expect us not to do anything.”
“And we’re not going to be able to get everything exactly the way we want it, and he’s not going to be able to get everything the way he wants it. That’s why we have compromise.
FK – My posted comments:
I’m sick to death of republicrats who feel they have to ‘compromise’ with a force whose reason for existence is the destruction of the Bill of Rights and this entire country. Time to start thinking about what will be required.
Vanderboegh has maintained, along with most gun owners, that laws like the ones approved by Connecticut are unconstitutional and egregious violations of the Second Amendment. The only appropriate action citizens can take, according to the Framers, is a refusal to comply with such laws and if necessary defend their rights by force.
Thus, a door to door plan to confiscate firearms by force will be considered the opening shots of a dangerous civil war that will pit government officials against citizens. The prudent thing to do, say gun rights activists, is to allow the U.S. Supreme Court to issue a decision on the matter. In similar situations in Chicago and Washington, D.C., the Court decided that local restrictions on the Second Amendment constitute a violation of the Constitution.
FK – Gee, maybe “Liberal”(commie) trash season is about to kick off after all.
‘There is no Second Amendment right to own guns,’ says N.M. man
FK – So much for ‘democracy‘ huh? Democracy is absolutely evil. The Bill of Rights that protects all from the mindless mob is what makes this country exceptional. We must protect it at the cost of all the “Liberal”(commie) trash blood it takes. And it will take much. It’s only a matter of time. Best comment on this one I’ve seen today:
FK – The only limit to the evil insanity of “Liberal”(commie) trash is the limit we force upon it. Eventually we will have to start thinking Normandy.
FK – If we have someone in prison who can’t be trusted with a weapon why are we releasing them? So the “Liberal”(commie) trash can point to them and claim “See, it’s too easy for criminals to get guns.” Time to wake up and grow up folks. Time to repeal ‘all’ the evil laws this is based upon.
Who can we trust?
FK – There is ‘some’ good news:
FK – My posted comments:
A ‘right’ applied for is a privilege.
Where’s the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group in all this? Are they helping to fund this and working to repeal all the other gun laws? If not, why not?
What the Second Amendment means:
The right of the people to overthrow or prevent tyrannical or authoritarian government by force of individually owned arms, purchased or manufactured without government permission or taxes levied or paid, equal to or superior to those commonly carried by soldiers, marines, sailors or militia members of any fighting force in the world shall not be brought into question. The right of the people to protect themselves from criminals in government, or any institution that may seek authority over them or from any common street criminal shall not be brought into question. Those elected, hired or appointed public servants who do question this proclamation and/or the people’s natural, most basic right, that all our other rights are based upon, that of self defense, shall be arrested, tried for treason and executed.
There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.
Don’t understand? Go to freekentuckydotcom and click on ‘what will be required.’
FK – The ancients probably came up with this procedure because of poor hygiene and then told the ignorant brain dead sheeple the order ‘came from god’ so they’d go along with it. Didn’t see any indication on why the father is insisting on this.
There are several other links under this vid on YouTube and don’t miss the comments.
If it’s to be done it should be done for real medical reasons when the male is old enough to consent, not because his parents choose to blindly follow what is really a cultural tradition.
If it’s societal, cultural or peer pressure is it really ‘consent?’ Of course not.
FK – This kind of crap is why we need a militia, of people with common sense, whose judgement is not clouded by 3000-year-old tribal propaganda who could provide protective custody for that kid until someone comes to their senses or the ‘justus’ system is given the solid kick in the ass it so sorely needs. Sadly I know I won’t be in this realm long enough to see that come about, if it ever does. See vids below the next one.
FK – Gee, if the unmentionables are doing it, it must be OK. But maybe not.
According to Janet Murguia, president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza, this action needs to take place in a timely fashion. Speaking with MSNBC’ Jose Diaz-Balart Monday morning, the pro-immigration group’s head said the president’s need for action on immigration is “very important and urgent,” adding Obama needs to act “as soon as possible.”
FK – The commies want them up here so they can get them to vote commie. So-called ‘conservative’ business owners just want to exploit them as they’d to to us all if they could get away with it.
FK – How many times do I gotta say it? If the ragheads gain any power over here at all it’ll be because of our blood domestic enemies who write the laws that allow it to happen.
Wanna choose between insane 1400 year old tribal propaganda or 3000 year old tribal propaganda? No thanks. Let’s come up out of the darkness people and wake up and grow up. See the vid farther down the page. It’s only the tip of that iceberg as well.
And I have no clue what the title to this vid means. Didn’t see an explanation. Probably says ‘Have a nice day ragheads’ or something like that.
Now for the bad news. Even though Republicans just won control of Congress, what’s the first “bright idea” the Republican leadership comes up with after their wave election?
Thankfully, the overwhelming percentage of conservative Republicans in Washington are opposed to this. And that’s why we need to keep lighting the fire under them, so they will continue to keep pressing their leadership to stand up to Harry Reid and Barack Obama.
Here is what’s at stake: Virtually all spending and policy decisions are made on the giant government-funding bill, called the “continuing resolution” or “CR.”
And it’s in the “CR” where we have been able to defund much of Obama’s anti-gun agenda: defunding the shotgun import ban, Fast & Furious, the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, etc.
FK – The lazy cowardly bastards should shut down the damned IRS and make April 15 irrelevant. But we know that won’t happen until we do what will be required.
FK – Once again:
Here’s what the Second Amendment actually means regardless of how much our blood domestic enemies with white skin, the “Liberal”(commie) trash and other assorted authoritarians lie about it:
The right of the people to overthrow or prevent tyrannical or authoritarian government by force of individually owned arms, purchased or manufactured without government permission or taxes levied or paid, equal to or superior to those commonly carried by soldiers, marines, sailors or militia members of any fighting force in the world shall not be brought into question. The right of the people to protect themselves from criminals in government, or any institution that may seek authority over them or from any common street criminal shall not be brought into question. Those elected, hired or appointed public servants who do question this proclamation and/or the people’s natural, most basic right, that all our other rights are based upon, that of self defense, shall be arrested, tried for treason and executed.
There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.
FK – Sounds like the ‘birther’ thing, they’ve promised ‘bombshell’ info for a long time that would blow the Marxist mutt out of the water but it’s still king of the toilet bowl.