Category Archives: 2014 updates

Roswell UFO researcher claims he has alien photos – Spacing Out! Ep. 98

FK – The human race is still too primitive to deal with this reality.

FK – Funny how the ‘official version’ can’t admit they’re already here, probably for the reason I wrote above:

FK – The ‘meaning of life’ is the increase of human Liberty which only a tiny minority will probably ever care about but on which depends the very future of humankind because that tiny minority must be free to use their Liberty to raise us the rest of the way out of the mud hole.

Anti-gunners hint at next moves in Washington State

The gun control lobby behind Initiative 594 is already hinting at its next moves in Washington State, which, according to the disturbing report on Sandy Hook killer Adam Lanza that was released Friday, might have become home for him and his mother.

I-594 is certainly on the minds of members of the Washington Arms Collectors, who are gathering this weekend for their November gun show in Puyallup. At the table operated by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment Foundation, dozens of people had the same question: What now?

This is the last gun show prior to when I-594 becomes effective early in December. Several people wanted to know if SAF and/or the National Rifle Association are going to take legal action. That appears to be a primary concern of the gun prohibitionists who spent millions of dollars to pass the measure.

In an e-mail yesterday. I-594 campaign chairman Zack Silk posed several questions, asking what people considered to be priorities for the next legislative session that begins in January. It does not require a college degree to figure this one out. Silk wants to know “What should we focus on next in the upcoming legislative session and beyond?”

FK – What will they do next? The only limit to that is the limit we force upon them.

FK – Self defense is the most basic right any creature possesses. Any and all who threaten that in any way don’t belong here.

‘Daily Beast’ article favors licensing, mental evaluations on gun owners

FK – We need mental evals on “Liberal”(commie) trash and open voting so we know who the commies are. Then we can require them to have a hammer and sickle tattooed on each cheek so we know what to look for during the upcoming “Liberal”(commie) trash season that has been so desperately needed here for decades.

The Plot To Make America Gay

FK – What about the plot to make amerikans a gaggle of pacified weenies? Our blood domestic enemies succeeded at that a long time ago.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. If we have that we have a real problem and a good indication of what really rules us.

FK – Genocide indeed:


Homeschool Raid Ruled Unconstitutional by Missouri Court

FK – The government schools are full of sheeplets that come from ‘messy’ homes. We should be removing the ones who come from commie(“Liberal”/”progressive”) homes from the influence of their insane evil parents. This is exactly why we need a militia force in every county to counterbalance this kind of evil.

Cops taser, pepper-spray homeschoolers

FK – All of which is of course for the purpose of creating division and propaganda for and by the amerikan communist insurgency. We should be rounding the creatures up and kicking them out of the country. Here is the results of not doing so:

black culture gone-too-soonFK – And someone with some ‘common sense.’

FK – It shouldn’t have to be ‘about race.’ Our blood domestic enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world have made it about race. They are the creatures who ‘hate our freedom’ and are what our troops and militiamen should be hunting, not ignorant illiterate villagers on the other side of the world so the heroin market doesn’t collapse.

Read Darren Wilson’s full grand jury testimony

FK – The commies vs. the cops vs. us.

State legislators lead effort to diversify Article V Convention movement

In a letter made public today, Democratic state legislators Sen. Jason Holsman of Missouri and Rep. Raymond Dehn of Minnesota have reached out to several lawmakers around the country to join in their effort to call the nation’s first amendatory convention, or, “Article V Convention.” Holsman and Dehn are members of the Assembly of State Legislatures (ASL) which has conducted several organizational meetings including their 2013 kickoff under the rubric, “Mt. Vernon Assembly.” Citing wide popular dissatisfaction with gridlock and Federal overreach, the two previous gatherings have centered on crafting operating procedures for a future Article V Convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The letter, addressed to “Democratic Leaders,” invites those with a “skill-set for negotiations and an interest in working for real reform” to ASL’s next meeting slated for Dec. 8-9, 2014, at the Naval Heritage Center in Washington D.C.

The Article V movement has seen significant growth in the last few years with most of the recent energy coming from conservative, Tea Party, and Libertarian ranks. To illustrate this fact, the last ASL meeting was attended by 109 state legislators but only 11 were Democrats with even fewer minorities or women. This prompted Sen. Holsman to announce, “we need to change the complexion of this room”—a view evidently supported by ASL co-founder, Republican Rep. Chris Kapenga of Wisconsn.


Sometimes referred to as the “Fiver movement,” efforts toward an Article V Convention have been supported by a broad range of reformists from both conservative and progressive ranks. Groups such as Convention of States (CoS), Friends of the Article V Convention (FOAVC), Move to Amend, Wolf-PAC,, Compact for America, and others calling for a convention have been supported by national figures such Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Glenn Beck, Gore Vidal, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Cenk Ungar, conservative radio hosts Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity with FOX.

It’s a colorful group to be sure, but these convention cheerleaders, as a whole, cite several reforms which enjoy broad, popular support; including: Balanced Budget Act; repeal Citizens United; gerrymandering reform; term limits; and independent verification of ballot results (among others). In fact, there have been hundreds of state applications sent to Congress for these reasons and more but Congress has refused to even count them. Some say Congress is violating its oath of office—a felony offense—by ignoring Article V.

FK – My posted comments:

Only one way I’ll go along with this: A militia encampment outside the front door with this charge – If any delegates threaten to weaken or eliminate any of the Bill of Rights they are to immediately be dragged out to the front lawn by their heels, given a speedy treason trial not to exceed two minutes and immediately executed.

Inviting the commies to a ‘con-con’ will be the death knell for what is left of this country and what few liberties we have left.

Oh, and ‘progressive’ means “Liberal”(commie) trash which should be chased from our lands with those refusing to leave a place they hate and don’t belong in being eradicated. The amerikan communist insurgency has infiltrated a lot of ‘conservative’ groups and rendered them inert and even dangerous.

FK – Even after all these years it is completely beyond my comprehension why we aren’t hunting and eradicating our domestic blood enemies. My only answer is that the average sheeple is a pathetic cowardly ignorant moron with a slave mentality that fully deserves to be treated like a slave.

Mafia Hit Man Confesses to Killing President Kennedy

Mafia hit man James Files says in interviews first aired nationally on Newsmax TV Thursday night that he worked along with major mob figures and fired the shot that killed Kennedy from the grassy knoll at Dealey Plaza in Dallas.

Friday, Nov. 22 marks the 51st anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s tragic assassination and Newsmax TV marked the occasion by airing the provocative premiere of the blockbuster documentary “I Killed JFK”, featuring never-before-seen footage of Kennedy’s confessed killer.

The documentary, produced by Hollywood’s Barry Katz, presents convincing forensic evidence supporting Files’ contention that he, and not Lee Harvey Oswald, fired the fatal shot at America’s 35th president.

“I squeezed off my round. I hit him and blew his head backward,” Files said of the single shot he fired that fateful day.

FK – I’d like to know the specifics of the caliber of  his weapon and ballistics of the particular round he used. Did it ‘yaw‘ after entering Kennedy’s head? I’ve stood behind that fence and the angle just doesn’t seem right to me for an exit wound in the back of the head. The film shows Jackie crawling across the trunk to get a piece of Jack’s skull that was blown out. If this prisoner’s testimony is true why wasn’t the exit wound on the left side of Kennedy’s head? It’s hard to tell from these old pix.

I’ve long thought Johnson probably had some hand in the operation. They probably used the mafia as a way to keep their hands clean, or the ‘mafia’ isn’t the one the FBI has been chasing all these years.

Connecticut Child Advocate report on Newtown argues for gun bans

Unsurprisingly, a report released Friday by the Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate prioritizes placing the blame for the “Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School” on ownership of firearms, with particular emphasis on the semi-automatic kind that can accept standard capacity magazines. The “findings” are the result of direction from the Connecticut Child Fatality Review Panel “to prepare a report that would focus on Adam Lanza [and] develop any recommendations for public health system improvement that emanated from the review.”

That administration functionaries concluded impeding the right to keep and bear arms would be a “public health system improvement” is also unsurprising. An advocacy role in itself is telling, along with the office’s allegiance to Gov. Dannel Malloy though his appointment of “primary author” Sarah Eagan to head a state agency that holds powers of intervention and subpoena.

“Access to assault weapons with high capacity magazines did play a major role in this and other mass shootings in recent history,” the government polemic masked as authoritative study results declares, in the first of 13 references to the term “weapon” contained in the report. “Our emphasis on AL’s developmental trajectory and issues of mental illness should not be understood to mean that these issues were considered more important than access to these weapons or that we do not consider such access to be a critical public health issue.”

That “conclusion” is restated several times, along with several side trips obviously intended to further demonize private gun ownership.

FK – The demons wear suits and carry smartphones and seek the votes of ignorant sheeple.

Disarming Realities: As Gun Sales Soar, Gun Crimes Plummet

Brooklyn Man Killed by NY’s Finest Gets Slap on The Wrist

FK – There might not be massive riots in New Yawk City if the elites don’t have a purpose for them.

Something has to be done about far more than the rules of engagement. Every government school should have a large readable copy of the Bill of Rights in its hallways, which might do some good, assuming the sheeplets are learning to read well enough to understand them.

Officer’s Errant Shot Kills Unarmed Brooklyn Man

FK – End the ‘drug war’ so the cops can focus on catching real criminals who’ve injured real people or stolen or damaged real property.

Ferguson protesters: ‘What Do We Want? Darren Wilson! How Do We Want Him? Dead!’

Audio Reveals Fatal Encounter Leading to Michael Brown’s Death Took 90 Seconds

Obama Must Be Impeached And Removed To Stop His “Amnesty” Of Illegals

In an article on they report: “Even though Obama himself has called such executive action illegal 25 times, as documented by Fox News, the president is now planning to issue a unilateral decree that will declare up to 5 million illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty.”


Already, Republicans on Capitol Hill are reacting strongly to the long-expected executive order. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz assails the presidential action as “the tactics of a monarch.”

GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa says, “The president is throwing this nation into a crisis.”

Indeed he is. His actions are unprecedented, unconstitutional, and will cause a firestorm. Even Obama, in previous days, has condemned the same actions he is now taking (rule by Executive Order to circumvent Congress) as “unconstitutional.”

FK – They impeached Klinton. Now it’s making millions on speeches and book deals. It will take far more than spanking a tool to fix this mess if it can be fixed:

Armed Patriots En Route To White House To Arrest Obama

FK – Unless they have at least 3 million brave patriots, who probably don’t exist in this entire country, it’s a fools errand.

EMERGENCY BROADCAST Tonight with Stewart Rhodes and Johnny Storm at 7:30 pm Mountain

FK- Trying to figure out now how to listen to this. The time isn’t Eastern I don’t believe. It’ll probably be available somewhere else later on. Things will have to get much worse before enough wake up to the reality of what will be required.