Category Archives: 2014 updates

Armed Thug Shot By Good Samaritan, Here’s His Family’s RIDICULOUS Response

When someone acts irrationally and commits a crime, they’re typically held accountable for those actions no matter who they are. But not Adric White. After he was shot while robbing a Dollar General, his family wasn’t mad at him for his criminal behavior. Instead, they were furious at the good Samaritan who shot him.

FK – He ‘fell in with the wrong crowd’ all right. The “Liberal”(commie) trash and the republicrat NWO hacks created the world he exists in, from the welfare state to the music industry to the drug culture.

FK – Kow, kow, kow, kow, kow. How’s that for sound effects?

Let’s Be Honest About Facebook Spying

FK – After FB demanded I provide a cell phone no. to prove I wasn’t a spammer I stayed off. I tried to create another page a time or two but they recognized me and I got not response at all.

I’ve always assumed the net is largely observable by the govt. since the govt. ‘invented’ it or at least funded it’s creation. It’s one of those double-edged swords with a pointy end.

Another twist on what I wrote in the last edition:

Transhumanist Party Leader Suggests College Should be Mandatory

FK – One insanity vs. another.

Who or what is really pulling the strings? Who’s to say some other ‘higher intelligence’ didn’t long ago go through this process and the bad guys won. There’s nothing new under the sun right? But which sun?

If someone tells you they ‘know’ there’s a 99.9 percent chance there’s a severe problem with their version, sub-version or subversion.

Epic Riot Footage From Inside The Battle of Ferguson

FK – Season’s greetings from commie amerika.

Armed Business Owners Thwart Mobs In Ferguson Riots

Ferguson Protesters March Through L.A. (Updates)

Gen Honore: If Riots Not Stopped St Louis May Have to Invoke The Insurrection Act

CCMRF and Use of Federal Armed Forces In Civil Support Operations

FK – For once they should bring in the armed with real ammo ‘National’ Guard and shoot looters on sight. The ‘peaceful protesters’ need to use some common sense and stick to daylight hours in front of government buildings. But ‘peace’ ain’t what they’re after, whomever is really behind all this.

At least someone is standin’ up fer de white man:

FK – Considering human history everyone at some point had an ancestor who was some form of a slave. Time to wake up and grow up and end it.


London Calling the Middle Ages? The City Schools That Teach Sharia

Six of these schools are “independent,” meaning private. They are Ebrahim Academy, East London Islamic School, Mazahirul Uloom School, Al-Mizan School, Jamiatul Ummah School, and London East Academy. Most telling about the times, perhaps, the seventh transgressing institution is a state-run, Church of England school: Sir John Cass’s Foundation and Red Coat School. It is described as “Muslim dominated,” with 90 percent of its students being of Bangladeshi heritage.

And this Muslim domination has begotten Islamic indoctrination. As the Daily Mail reported Friday on the East London Islamic School, which is reflective of the wider problem:

The report found that although literacy and numeracy lessons were regular, with youngsters given some chances to take part in science classes, there were only “occasional” opportunities for the pupils to learn about geography and history, which were taught through the Islamic curriculum.

Inspectors revealed that one young pupil “explained to inspectors that he would ‘go to hell’ if he participated in music or dance.”


The U.K. has experienced a huge influx of Muslim immigrants during the last 15 years. This is largely the handiwork of the former Labour government, which, an ex-Tony Blair advisor has admitted, wanted to create a “multicultural” country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity.”

FK – Oh the irony of human insanity. I remember a preacher at the church I grew up attending declaring one Sunday, after hearing about a big Baptist church in town that had a dance, “If this church ever has a dance I’ll quit.”

The same preacher baptized me, my second dunking, after I was once again scared into ‘gettin’ saved.’

Yet the “Liberal”(commie) trash Brits, and ours, are too stupid, or evil, to understand they will be the first targets of any raghead government that might someday come to power over there or here. Who are our real enemies, the men in the Trojan horse or the ones who open the gates for it?

Obama’s DREAMer poster girl portends nightmare for gun owners

Does anyone seriously maintain this is not an issue that affects gun rights? Besides Wayne LaPierre and those who work for him? Are there reasons –besides ignorance, laziness and apathy – that Gun Owners of America stands alone among organizations warning firearms advocates of a danger that will undo legislative and judicial gains once the Democrats, with their documented anti-gun party platform, become the major “pathway” political beneficiaries?

President Obama’s action is personal for me, too, Astrid. And somehow, I doubt it was done because of his deep personal humanitarian concerns. But being a committed “progressive” activist, you no doubt know that.

FK – No surprises here. I’ve thought for a while the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group was infiltrated. But maybe they didn’t have to. It was founded by Yankee generals after all, because they wanted conscripts for the empire that could shoot straight and kill any mischievous ‘rebels.’

Scott Walker trial balloon from NRA director ignores amnesty danger

‘We’re coming for your guns,’ says Tallahassee columnist

FK – As I’ve written many times before, when guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins and the newswhores die first.