Category Archives: 2014 December update one

Real Money And The Jewish Dialectic

FK – He’s wearing a cross so what he’s saying must be true right?

The real problem is when the elites are allowed to ‘hire’ workers at wages that represent tiny portions of their profits. If they can replace us all with robots they will.

This country was founded in large part by former indentured servants and European immigrants who came here for land or who left the colonies and ventured onto the frontier for land, fighting the indigenous population along the way and slowly conquering them with the help of the government who claimed to own all the land and allowed the people to control sections of it for short periods of time, for a lifespan or from buying to selling a deed or title, just like Europe, just like the kings.

Money is whatever we say it is, as long as we don’t try to replace the ‘official’ currency, whether coined by a bankster, a king, or a republic.

We still have a lot of growing up to do.

This Is What A Civil War Will Look Like

FK – Whether you agree with Jones or not he’s not someone you should ignore. But it makes sense to me. This is a big chess game and our rulers think several moves ahead.

So when will the so-called ‘smart people’ wake up to what’s going on around them and do what will be required?

Blacks Screamed “Kill the White People” Before Brutal Murder of Zemir Begic

FK – Our real enemies are the elites with white skin who generate the propaganda that causes this. Our first and foremost goal must be a restoration of the Bill of Rights.

When Is The Best Time For A Revolution?

FK – First of all it should be a restoration of the Bill of Rights. The point is to be ready for what will be required if the ‘velvet revolution’ doesn’t work out like some hope.

Exclusive: Called “domestic terrorists” by the feds, Oath Keepers help stop Ferguson from burning

Lone shooter killed in Texas after firing on government buildings

‘Lone Wolf’ terror attacks: We’re sitting ducks and Americans with guns are last line of defense

FK – When millions believe in another falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it, it becomes very dangerous. There are many falsehoods, some of them go back a very long time. The ‘great deception’ has been with us all along.