Category Archives: 2014 December update five

Govt Hoarding Food into Bunkers at Record Levels

FK – Where are these warehouses and who has the keys and where do they live????????

Unless we’re planning to fight for the restoration of the Bill of Rights all the rest of this crap is pointless.

I’m sick of the religious hacks re-enforcing the propaganda, great deception, that ‘there’s nothing we can do.’ That’s what this is for the simple-minded.

We need real leaders for the coming war, not cowards crawling down into their hidey holes.

Time to prepare for what will be required.

Secret meeting of police chiefs suggests bad omen

Underscoring the grave importance of that meeting three years ago is the fact that racial provocateurs have been planning this social upheaval for years. They were merely looking for the right time and place. A president in the Oval Office and an Attorney General in the Department of Justice (DOJ) to support them seems to be all they needed to hit the streets.

Most astute and informed citizens already knew the country was moving toward social and racial upheaval perhaps as never before in our history. All the signs were there. But proving it beyond all shadow of a doubt was thought to be well nigh impossible.

However, now there is at least one police chief who publicly confirms the meeting. She was there herself.

FK – What did Lincoln do? He brought in immigrants and used them as bullet sponges until his enemies ran out of ammo, food and bodies.

It’s way past time to get ready for what will be required.

US Families Prepare For ‘Modern Day Apocalypse’

From the outside America may seem to be a land of endless optimism and confidence. But could it be in danger of falling apart?

An increasing number of Americans seem to think so, and they’re preparing for the end.

They call themselves preppers. Mainstream suburban Americans hoarding supplies and weapons while leading otherwise perfectly normal lives.

FK – The comments are worth the effort.

FK – How sad and pathetic. The Founders of this country didn’t go hide, they led armies. These creatures deserve to lose all they have, and it’ll probably be their guards that take it from them.

We need to stop prepping for slavery.

And get ready for what will be required.