Author Archives: Barry Bright

Yes, they’re capable of anything…

And they just keep proving me right. Perhaps we have reached a lower level of pathos than ever before imagined.

Nothing will be fixed until we find the MEN to hold the war crimes trials to find out who or what our real enemies are and HANG THEM!!!!!!

In order to go where one wants to be one must first learn where one really is.

No fed Nazi has ever been brought to trial for those murders. In reality the Branch Davidians, who outnumbered the original BATF Nazi attackers, would have been well within their natural rights if they had used the military organization they were accused of possessing at the time and enveloped the black-suited Nazis and killed them all and hung their bodies along side Texas roadways for the world to see. 

How long until those who prefer safety over liberty celebrate the deaths of those the state labels ‘bad’ because their simple little minds can’t deal in reality?

As we see above that already happened.

The U.S. Constitution defines treason as waging war on the ‘united states.’ The basis, foundation of our federal government is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which is based in the concept of natural rights which of course our nation is based on.

So those who wage war on our Bills of Rights, of the federal government and of the several states, many of which are very similar to the former, are clearly guilty of waging war on the whole, and on all who know we’re supposed to be living in a free country not bowing down to some form of communism, corporate feudalism, fascism or theocracy.

Thus those who would destroy any of our natural rights are guilty of treason and should be tried and executed.

The Marxist globalist trash or whatever one wants to call them are evil. They are truly capable of any evil. The truth is they lost the war on the internet in the comment sections. That’s why they shut down the comment sections.

Now I’m noticing a lot of ‘conservative,’ self-proclaimed or otherwise, websites and video hosts/producers whatever either don’t have comment sections, or use moderators/administrators to keep out their version of ‘extremists.’

Any animal that is backed into a corner, and the tool-using monkeys are animals, regardless of what has been done to their DNA in the past or present, will naturally fight back if it can.

But then most of the tool-using monkeys have lost their humanity if they ever possessed any and have no understanding of their most basic right, that of self-defense. They stupidly think the authorities whether the governments, corporations or religions really have their best interests at heart.

They have the minds and heart of children. There’s a reason one to all of the major religions tries to create obedient children of all ages, they make better slaves.

Again, they keep proving me right by helping the evil ones rule us all:


How can so many be too historically ignorant to understand that we don’t have Caesars anymore? How can they not grasp that ‘freedom of religion’ ACKNOWLEDGED in the First Amendment by default means ‘freedom from religion?’

Are they really so stupid and blinded by their indoctrination they cannot see that ‘freedom of religion’ ACKNOWLEDGED in the First Amendment protects their personal version, sub-version or subversion from the nut down the road that is so utterly convinced his version is the right or righteous one that he’s willing to vote to force it on all around him at the point of a government gun?

So many are still so naive. See the comments in a video I link to below.

I’ve been watching this for decades now and ‘the end’ has supposed to have come several times, kinda like with the ancient tribal propaganda but with different twists.

Back in the 90s we perennially heard “This October the tanks are gonna roll,” which was probably part of a govt. op. of some sort, old fashioned disinfo to attract flies and bees alike.

And of course I’ll never forget the preacher that told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

How pathetic.

The end of the world train never runs out of track. Of course what we perceive as ‘the world’ whatever that really is will end someday, along with the endless cycle of empires rising and falling.

It’s the culture war itself that’s killing amerika, what’s left of America. Maybe that’s the real game as it’s always been, pitting one ‘side’ against the other in a never ending morass of he said/she said and now it said.

The generals said they’d murder any real Americans who came to challenge the blatantly stolen election. Proving once again the anti-Federalists were right when they insisted on a Bill of Rights to ACKNOWLEDGE OUR NATURAL BORN RIGHT TO KILL THOSE WHO WOULD ENSLAVE US OR IN OUR CASE ENSLAVE US FURTHER!!!

You have them for use on such scat because again, unless you develop the resolve to rule it, IT WILL RULE YOU!!!!

How many tolerated the plandemic and took the vax and did nothing about the blatantly stolen election and pretend it’s OK we have a demented old man that belongs in a nursing home allegedly running the country?

What does this tell you? That it’s the sheeple themselves that are capable of tolerating any evil. History has shown this again and again. The elites always know this.

The cliff is behind, above us.

We are already in a civil war. That most of the sheeple and most ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are too blind to see it means nothing except defeat because we ARE NOT READY!

  Versus this:

Proven right again:


What else did it say?:

FK – It’s regurgitating what its handlers tell it.

Concern is not the proper word:

Biden’s Independence Hall Speech should concern you.

FK – Their limitless arrogance prevents them from seeing irony, hypocrisy or any damn thing but their own means to their evil end: enslaving humanity totally and forever.

Democracy is one group of morons banging another group of morons over the head and paying no attention to the collateral damage. That’s what we have now.

Who deserves to vote?

There are many ways to wage war:

Here’s 96 Examples of Food Shortages Being CREATED in Past Year

Whistleblower Reveals FBI Labeled Veteran-Led Organization as Domestic Terrorist Group

Pfizer admits to COVID vaccine clinical trial fraud in federal court

Pfizer admits in Confidential Documents that its Covid-19 Vaccine may cause Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease; and real-world data now proves it definitely does

A Retired Neurosurgeon Writes the Mother of ‘I Told You So’ Letters About Covid-19 Pandemic Response

Why America Doesn’t Trust the CDC | Opinion

With Plenty Of GOP Help, Senate Shoots Down Rand Paul’s Balanced-Budget Resolution

Has the FBI become a threat to democracy?

FK – If only they were. Communists and globalists love ‘democracy.’

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is two or more groups of morons hitting each other over the head.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees ‘…a republican form of government…’ to the states. The word ‘decmocracy’ is found no where in the document for a reason.

We must stop allowing morons to vote.

Two More States Follow California’s Ban on Gas Cars

Former Georgia Judge, Richard Jordan, Who Attempted to Submit a Complaint in June Election Is Under Investigation for Questioning the Legality of the Use of Dominion Machines in the State

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Were the Idaho U-haul Arrests Staged? | Constitution Corner

FAO and WFP warn of looming widespread food crisis as hunger threatens stability in dozens of countries

WEF Issues Ominous Warning Over Coming Food Crisis, Recommends ‘More Sustainable Diets’

The US military-industrial complex could be heading for golden times

The Two Gravest Threats To Our Liberties

FK – Have you told your legislators that red flag laws WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!!!!!!!!????

Healthy young people now dying en masse across Australia, and the corporate media still won’t dare mention vaccines

BREAKING: Texas GOP Declares Joe Biden as Illegitimate “We Reject the Certified Results of the 2020 Presidential Election…”

Rep. Gaetz Pushes For Military Vax Refusers To Be Reinstated With Same Rank, Benefits, And Back Pay

White House Pushing Covid Jabs for Babies and Toddlers Despite Disastrous Data on Safety and Efficacy

International Study Shows Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines ‘Associated with Increased Risk of Serious Adverse Events’

Hunter Biden’s Emails Show He Actually Helped Fund Bioweapons Lab in Ukraine

FBI Raids Three Churches in Texas and Georgia

EXCLUSIVE: Because No Voting System Testing Labs Were Legitimately Accredited at the Time of the 2020 Election, Less Than 5% of All Voting Systems Were Likely Properly Certified

NJ Drops ‘Justifiable Need’ Requirement for Concealed Carry Following SCOTUS 2A Ruling

World Health Organization Finally Admits COVID Lab-Leak Theory Is A Possibility

FK – That would probably be ‘intentional leak.’

School Board That Voted to Cover Historic George Washington Mural Decimated by Recall, New Members Have Good News for America

Four Distinguished And Retired FBI Agents Warn About the Marxist Revolution in America and Within The DOJ And FBI (Part One)

NY Supreme Court Tosses Law Allowing Noncitizens To Vote

Global Climate Agenda Gets Major Setback — Now Biden’s Green Energy Push is in Jeopardy Due to the Supreme Court

America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands

The Invisible Power Controlling the US Government

I’m Being Harassed by Uvalde Police – Mom Who Saved Her Own Kids Shares Alarming Accusations

FBI’s Stunning Answers When Grilled By Ted Cruz Asking if Any Feds Were Part of Capitol Riot

SCOTUS Vacates ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, ‘High Capacity’ Mag Ban

National Security Alarm Bells Sound as Chinese Company Purchases Large Chunk of US Farmland Near Air Force Base

New York Law Now Requires Social Media Background Check for Handgun Permits

COVID Propaganda Roundup: ‘Shots For Tots’ (They Finally Came For the Babies)

Author Matt Palumbo Lays Out How George Soros Has Significant Control Over Media Narratives

7 Signs Your Country Is a Command Economy and Might Be Headed for Communism

Canada’s government funds booklet that teaches kids to be suspicious of “free speech” support

Covid leaked from an AMERICAN lab and not the notorious Chinese facility at centre of pandemic cover-up, claims top US professor described as ‘Xi propagandist’

Hundreds of thousands of US troops may face dismissal

Russia, China making moves to replace U.S. dollar as world’s reserve currency

Harpers Declares It’s Over – The ‘American Century’ Is Gone

Uvalde Shooting Report Undermines Calls To Ban Guns and ‘Back the Blue’

FK – I’ll ‘back the blue’ when they start arresting, trying and hanging their Marxist employers.

Or we can look at it this way:

The good/bad cop question can be disposed of decisively. We need only consider the following:

i. Every cop has agreed, as part of his/her job, is to enforce laws; all of them.

ii. Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

iii. Therefore, every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

There are no good cops.

– Dr. Robert Higgs

One Armed Citizen Did In Two Minutes What One Hundred Cops Couldn’t Do In Over An Hour: Stop A Mass Killing

Girl’s Electric Car Needs New Battery but It’s More Expensive Than Vehicle Itself – Then She Gets Even Worse News

New study shows ivermectin can reduce chance of death by 92%

REPORT: Nearly 30 Percent Of The Population In These Major U.S. Cities Are Immigrants

Michigan city decriminalizes public urinating and defecating to become more ‘equitable’

Will physicians EVER speak out?

13-Year-Old Baltimore Student Dies After Suffering Cardiac Arrest on Class Field Trip

AMAZING Reason So Many Doctors are Quitting the CDC

Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’ – including vaccinating children under 5 to ‘make their advice palatable to the White House,’ doctors claim

Most Americans Think Government Is Corrupt, a Third Say Armed Revolution ‘May Be Necessary’ Soon

Anthony Fauci Says If We Could Do It Again, COVID-19 Restrictions Would Be ‘Much, Much More Stringent’

The World Economic Forum Vows to Buy Up Dutch Farmers’ Lands

Canada: Trudeau moves forward with fertilizer reduction climate policy, ag ministers express ‘profound disappointment’

Trudeau gov’t seeking specifications for insects as food

Digital ID QR Code Now Required To Access Gas Pumps In Sri Lanka

Citing Recruiting Issues, Army To Lose 28,000 Troops Next Year…

Why the Pentagon would rather not create a specific military law against extremism

FBI Agent Who Covered For Hunter Biden is Russia Collusion Hoaxer – Per Sen. Grassley – The DOJ and FBI Are “Institutionally Corrupted to Their Very Core”

In Kentucky, ‘moderate’ McConnell stands alone among Republicans on red flag law

“Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed & is being used to advance a Technocratic Great Reset

Australian scientist reveals that COVID is a common cold virus

Virology Journal paper confirms covid jabs deplete immune function over time

FARRELL: The Court-Martial of GEN Milley

FK – The generals said they’d murder any real Americans that showed up to challenge the swearing in of the demented in chief after the blatantly stolen election.

The demented in chief should have been tried and executed for treason 30 years ago for its crime bill.

But there are no MEN left here.

Trump failed to fire the Marxist military leadership installed by the Marxist mutt. This should have been done during his first week in office. He actually installed Milley didn’t he?

Trump had four years to wave his magic wand and save us, or rather his blind voters. Will it happen next time? Patriots and sheeple need to stop looking for saviors.

Marine Gen. Smedley Butler told us a century ago what the military really serves and it ain’t us or the Bill of Rights they swear an oath to uphold or they’d have long ago hung our Marxists and globalists from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

What does their oath demand of them? Does it mention ‘our interests’ which means corporate profit or does it demand they defend and uphold the Constitution which many of them obviously hate?

Like most politicians many of them break their oaths as soon as they are taken. But again there are no MEN here to hold them accountable and escort them to the granite gallows we should have in front of every govt. building.

The upper echelons of the military have to prove they’re are team players to get above a certain rank. It ain’t our team. This has been true since probably the mid 19th century.

When Lincoln said he invaded the south to “…put the flag back” what he meant was they were conquering those who only sought to go their own way so the union, northern merchantilist states, could continue to tax them.

The power to tax is the power to destroy. Having the power to plant a flag is the power to tax.

It pushes the global warming propaganda/hysteria.

Report on climate change

In May 2019, Milley commissioned a U.S. Army War College report on the impact of climate change on society as a whole and on the U.S. military. The report was written by U.S. government officials from agencies including the U.S. Army, Defense Intelligence Agency, and NASA and released in August 2019. It outlined the possibility of blackouts, disease, thirst, starvation and war due to collapses of the country’s aging power grid, its food supply systems, and the U.S. military. The report also mentions the likelihood of increasing water scarcity and failure of global food systems in developing countries which would result in an increase of civil and military conflicts.[46][47]

Its real masters:

The Plan(mirrored)

FK – The word is ‘plandemic.’

The real BBB is ‘beans, bullets and band aids.’

And its tools, or rather more of the tools of its masters:

The FBI has ALWAYS been an enemy of the people…

FK – Those who pay attention have known this for many multiple decades. 

FBI Agent Admits Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner

This Should Bring The Whole Case Down – The Feds Involved In The Trump Raid Allegedly Have Been Under Investigation By Durham For Abuse Of Power

And all the rest of the fed Nazi(now communist) alphabet soup agencies:

And don’t forget our dear republicrats:

Urge the GOP to Censure Mitch McConnell

FK – After all, it does read ‘…shall not be infringed.’

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

NY Times: GOA Looks to “Force” Anti-gun States into Compliance after SCOTUS Ruling

And this is why:

It’s ok to mourn innocent people who are murdered

FK – The ‘thing’ is that once you become their target you and all associated with you become ‘the thing,’ or things they have a privilege to do with as they please because of the evil authority their badges, issued by an evil govt., give them.

Just think, if we had the educational system that we need, that indoctrinates our youth in the concept of natural rights and had the genuine peoples’ militia that was intentionally destroyed after the war to keep taxing the southern states, the fed nazis that murdered Vicki Weaver would’ve been surrounded, probably at the outset, and provided the justice they so rightly deserve.

But we have millions of ignorant mindless cowardly sheeple and ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ and no MEN. We have 400 mil. guns and no MEN to use them.

The only real reason for the militia

For whatever reason:

We Are In Grave Danger…

FK – Well, gee, I knew that 20 years ago. 

Check Out This IRS Training Scenario That Shows Who Biden Is Really Targeting (Video)

America Has Been Flirting With Leftist Disaster – It’s Time To Stop Compromising

FK – Well first you must cease calling our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies, by the cute names they took on to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate.

They’re communists, or Marxist globalists.

Then we must form the genuine people’s militias in every county we so desperately needed decades ago to do what MUST BE DONE.

But where are the MEN/ADULTS to do this? Most run like scared puppies at the mention of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment they claim to value so highly.

We can win the gun battle and still lose the war.

‘Leftist disaster’ has been indoctrinating them for generations:

SHOCKING! Unhinged teachers union defends this VILE ad labeling parents as extremists

FK – The two major teachers unions have been Marxist front groups for multiple DECADES!

The globalists built the govt. schools for their own purposes!

Morons that have been indoctrinated in and by them and by the govt. churches are too stupid to take the time to learn all they weren’t taught, the biggest damage they do, and to unlearn a lot of garbage they were taught, like Lincoln was a hero and they’re gonna get beamed up soon and have no personal responsibility for the world their own children will inherit.

Why have New Jersians or whatever or amerikans in general been tolerating COMMUNISTS in their school systems and governments for MULTIPLE GENERATIONS????!!!!!

Because they were indoctrinated by them and were too stupid and cowardly to try to understand why.

They should have been hanging their domestic enemies, their greatest enemies, GENERATIONS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Can’t ignore this:

Congressman offers support to gun owners after “assault weapons” vote

FK – If you were all truly ‘fed up’ we’d have the genuine people’s militias in every county we so desperately need and we’d be hanging our domestic enemies.

But you’re all scared to death of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment you claim to love.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

What’s happening in Canada? This is all orchestrated, just like the plandemic and is part of what they call ‘the great reset.’ There’s no guarantee at all the Senate or the courts will stop this evil.

The military is ran by the enemies of liberty and the concept of natural rights this country was founded upon. They’ve already said they’d murder real Americans.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

I would NEVER count on the republicrats to repeal any evil passed by their alleged enemies. Did they seek to repeal the first AW ban? No. They let it go until it sunset.

Have they EVER moved to defund/shut down/hang the BATF Nazi trash and other badged garbage that enforces evil law? Of course not.

What will be done about the fact that the federal bureau of instigators is now completely infiltrated by communist agents? Did the republicrats ever move to bring the murderers of the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family members to justice? Of course not.

I attended a conference on voter fraud 20 + years ago during which we heard speaker after speaker detail how the communists steal election after election in the large cities. Have the republicrats ever seriously addressed this issue? Of course not.

All the garbage that helped steal the blatantly stolen, far more blatantly than any in the past, 2020 election should all be hanging from trees and light poles for the world to see, but again, there are no men here.

This culture has been raising children to be children for multiple generations. I know, I’m around them all the time. Most anatomically grown tool-using monkeys in this country have the mentality of 8th graders. This is intentional. The govt. schools and religions make sure of it.

Regardless, we could win the gun battle and still lose the war. We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them or they’d already be using them to hold the war crimes trials and hang the real conspirators who or whatever they are.

How many morons took the vax and stupidly obeyed the mask mandates and the lockdowns with no clue that biological warfare was being waged on them?

How many still have no clue and will happily dig the ditch they’re about to be shot into and wonder as they die ‘How did this ever happen to me?’

In reality the ditch has been dug and the cliff is behind/above us. The only question left is “How far the fall?”

‘Not giving up’ would involve publicly acknowledging what must be done and doing it. What men will do this?

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The most important things to do

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

In shock?:

“I GRABBED MY GUN!” Marjorie Taylor Greene Breaks Silence After Terrifying SWAT RAID

FK – She’s in the middle of a war to destroy western civ. and she’s ‘shocked?’ Really???!!!!!

As I’ve been writing for years now, ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are delusional about the situation they’re in and what MUST BE DONE about it.

The ATF dropped a new app for ratting people out!

FK – Why have the republicrats missed many multiple opportunities to de-fund and hang the evil scat that would even work for such evil? 

Video catches ATF agents bullying gun owner

FK – I’ve been telling ‘conservative’ morons for years that GCA 68 is de-facto registration.

This is why this evil garbage continues: There are no men here. 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

As I wrote:

ATF Agent Illegally Scanning Local Gun Shop Customer Data Into Searchable Database 👀

FK – If we had the genuine peoples’ militia we must build in every county that creature would have been arrested, provided a speedy treason trial and executed with a vid placed on the net…

But then we wouldn’t even have such an evil organization nor the evil laws it enforces.

Daniel Defense Named In $27 Billion Uvalde Lawsuit

FK – So who provided the funds to buy the weapon? A less expensive one would have done just as well.

We’re already on a road, or rather already went over the cliff. The only question remaining is ‘How far the drop?’

Should we just start hanging the garbage that’s really behind all this?


What morons thought they could?:


FK – The SCOTUS Has ruled how many times the cops don’t exist to protect us?

Full vid:

The police exist to protect the state, uphold its laws, enhance its revenue and pursue those the state deems to be ‘the enemy.’

Real vs Fake Masculinity

FK – All this nonsense goes back into pre-history and is part of tool-using monkey nature.

Real men are not blindly submissive, don’t blindly obey whatever authority, don’t think that just because they have a mortgage payment and car payment and breed another generation of slaves that they’re ‘men.’

Real men pay attention and act on what they see and don’t sit around waiting for temporal or spiritual saviors that aren’t coming because in reality they never have.

Here in amerika, the land of the moron and the tax slave, Jan. 2021 proved we have no men left. We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

The sheeple and self-proclaimed lovers of freedom allowed a demented old man to be placed into the alleged highest seat of political power in known human history.

Western civ.’s bacon is already burned to a crisp.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

What indeed:

Ruling That Overturned Texas Ban For 18-20-Year-Olds Submitted In Florida Case

FKA 16-year-old serving in the militia could own land.

“A well-grown boy, at the age of twelve or thirteen years, was furnished with a small rifle and shot pouch. He then became a fort soldier and had his port hole assigned to him. Hunting squirrels, turkeys and raccoons soon made him an expert in the use of his gun.” – Dr. Joseph Doddridge, in his 1824 book ‘Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars,’ quoted in Michael Edward Nogays book ‘Every Home a Fort, Every Man a Warrior’

“No small shot gun, during my residence of seven years of war in America, was ever kept in the house of a backwoodsman. You will often see a boy not over ten years of age driving the cattle home, but not without a rifle on his shoulder; they never stir out on any business, or on a journey without their rifles. Practice from their infancy, teaches them all distances…

“I never in my life saw better rifles (or men who shot better) than those made in America. They are chiefly made in Lancaster, and two or three neighboring towns in that vicinity in Pennsylvania. The barrels weigh about six pounds two or three ounces and carry a ball no larger than thirty-six to the pound; at least I never saw one of a larger caliber, and I have seen many hundreds and hundreds.” – Colonel George Hanger, captain of a Hessian Jager corps of the American Revolution, as quoted in Muzzleloader Magazine’s ‘The Book of Buckskinning.’

The damage was done by the teachers of our forefathers who themselves were not taught our real history, intentionally.

So now we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

This is really what’s wrong with this country:

Should Libertarians Root for a National Divorce?

FK – What men will fight this war? Are there any left? I see no real evidence of it. If there were the stolen election wouldn’t have been tolerated.

Don’t have the time or patience for this now but I’ve heard similar questions asked for DECADES and have long grown weary of such idiocy.

The most immediate and pertinent question to answer is “How long would it take for the commie coast govt.s to invite the chicom military over to protect them from us?”

If you think they’re not that evil YOU ARE NAIVE to the point of being a political child.

While the Constitution doesn’t forbid secession who the hell wants to have to present a passport to cross a state line?

And what right do the communists or any authoritarians for that matter have to enslave whole states?

None. That’s the answer. NONE!


The question that remains is ‘WHY THE HELL AREN’T WE HANGING THEM????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

That’s an easy one: There are no men left here.

Our enemies have been successful and the cliff is a past danger. The depth of the fall is what’s unknown.

When I read Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’ a few years back I was disgusted because those who had the resources and intelligence to fight back went to their hidey hole and let the country go to scat.

If cowardice is the libertarian way then that ideology deserves to die.

The Founders whose blood blesses our soil would spit on you and on most ‘conservatives’ especially so-called ‘christian conservatives’ who are basically sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end while the greatest gift their god ever gave them, a Bill of Rights, is ground to dust.

While you are debating your ideology your ENEMIES are planning to RULE YOU!

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

What freaking morons. If you hit the button and there was instantly NO GOVT. meaning no justice(just-us) systems, no courts, no ‘law enforcement’ at all you morons would have to immediately decide which neighbors to kill first.


If you’re not willing to join your local genuine people’s militia and HANG those who would rule you then you FULLY DESERVE whatever they do to you.

The law the militia should be enforcing

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Slightly smarter libertarians:

The Ruling Elites Are Divided

FK – Don’t claim to be a full blown ‘libertarian’ whatever that really is. I do agree with them on individual liberty. Cannot concur with some of them when they claim rich CEOs have a right to treat their employees and customers or whoever like jackasses.


If it’s wrong for the gubmit to do that then it’s wrong for everyone to do that.

I watch few of your vids because they’re usually too long. I cannot possibly keep up with all I’d like to see of all the stuff from the entire political spectrum that I sub to not counting what’s on bitchute or on eprint sites.

Please condense them, get the point across and move on.

This header pulled me in. So I’ll ask, are you looking yet at who or what is behind the WEF’s frontmen and women?

They’re probably tools just like the demented in chief.

What power does schwab or whatever really have? It’s a messenger.

This guy sounds good so far. But they didn’t tell ‘everybody.’ I know scads of morons that only listen to msnm crap at best, whatever they pick up on the radio or some site on the net that makes them feel safe, that have no clue what the great reset is and don’t want to know.

They’ll happily fellate whatever is stuck in their face to keep their paychecks and retirement plans. They took the vax didn’t they?

Most of them will never hear one of your podcasts or ever know your name much less read Mises, Rothbard, Rockwell or Rand.

After 25 years of trying to pay attention and wondering what magic words will cause the dumbass sheeple to finally disengage their heads from their asses I fully understand why the elites view us the way they do.

Most of the sheeple aren’t worth the bullet it would/will take to put them into a ditch. I see it all the time.

Religion is the original control device, well maybe after simply rolling the malefactors around in the cave fire for a while for not going along with the program.

Then they thought of the idea of threatening to do that forever.

Yeah they’re commies and some are true believers but who or what created communism, the modern religion of the ultimate state?

Who funded the Bolshevik revolution and why? Who funded Marx? Who profits from the proxy wars?

More importantly when and where will we find the MEN and ADULT women to round them up and hold the war crimes trials that are many multiple generations overdue?

The survivors of nuke war(which I don’t think the elites want, why mess in your own nest?), may be eating the cockroaches that survive, or each other.

Nothing will get better until those who claim they want liberty and the concept of natural rights learn to RULE those who don’t.

Maybe this guy is one of those who’s working for the breakup because his bosses want that?

They only use the word ‘please’ as a precursor to putting a bullet in your head or burning you at the stake.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

More naivete or not?:

I am NOT a terrorist

FK – If you think what some of the Founders did was a good thing, hunting lobsterbacks(government employees), and know it’ll have to be repeated, then you’re a terrorist to the biggest terror group on the planet.

If not you’re just another coward or a moron.

Not being on some sort of list by now is a sure sign of such. Those who are not should be deeply ashamed. But the average dumbass sheeple has no conception of that.

If Paul Revere were alive now, well he’d be dead, or in a Fed supermax. That’s HOW EVIL THEY ARE!!!!!!

They’ve been doing this crap since the 90s and probably back beyond that.

If we can’t handle their words we sure won’t be able to handle their hot metal.

Gee, you were in the middle of the evil and it took you that long to wake up? How long did it take you to figure out our REAL ENEMIES ARE HERE and not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?

The ‘war on terror’ like the ‘war on drugs’ and the war on the intentionally released bioweapon, waged with other bioweapons, were NOT waged for our benefit.

Now I know you still have a lot of waking up to do, if you’re sincere(controlled opposition is a thing). The Branch Davidians were murdered. No fed nazi trash has ever been made to pay a personal price for that. Same with members of the Weaver family.

Designation means the morons with badges now have carte blanche authority to murder you and the mainstream newswhores will happily report that another extremist(those who allegedly support the Bills of Rights of the now illegitimate fedgov and of several states) has been removed and the braindead sheeple, of whom there are far more than most patriots want to think about, will shrug their shoulders and go clock in again because they in reality have no understanding of wtf is going on in the word around them and they’d rather die than do so.

If you did what you should and publicly state that you WILL DO what must be done when we’re told to ‘turn them in’ then they of course will auto mark you as a ‘terrorist’ that stands against the real terrorists.

If not you’re a coward or a faker.

As long as you use their language you are submitting to them and are part of the problem.

So while you fought these ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists’ did you not read their propaganda, good or bad, and learn anything from it? If you had surely you would’ve figured out you were drawing a paycheck and retirement plan from the greater of the evils.

The upper echelons of the amerikan empire has served the NWO, now the ‘deep state,’ whatever that really means, for many multiple generations.

Now that I’ve looked at your site I’m reminded that controlled opposition is often listed with the ‘bad guys’ to give them an air of legitimacy.

There’s nothing wrong with helping those in need, as long as it’s true charity and doesn’t come from the barrel of a gun. But there are many such groups out there already.


All the rest is distraction.

Not a ‘conspiracy theorist.’ Good Lord. You are either a faker or a political child.

The patriot newbie guidebook

We don’t need cool content. We need MEN/ADULTS with an understanding of WHAT MUST BE DONE and the skills, courage, logistics, training, to carry it forward to our enemies, not preppers pretending the NWO will just ignore them until it collapses of its own weight or some perceived savior shows up and waves its material or spiritual magic wand and solves their problems for them.

This is increasingly harder to watch. Looking at your website I want to think you simply have the mindset of ‘feeding them milk before they’re ready for meat’ mentality some have.

Something I’ve never agreed with because I’m no genius but I’ve long been able to understand the situation we face and what should be done about it. But then because our enemies have been successful and we have no men here with any understanding of this or we’d already have vids on goolagtube and all the alt. sites of our Marxist globalists hanging from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border and in many other locations.

If they’re really all that stupid and pacified and really fear the ‘m’ word that’s the basis of the Second Amendment then this empire deserves to die, as they all do eventually anyway.

Read Smedley Butler’s ‘War is a Racket‘ and Antony Sutton and learn that you spent 20 years as a pawn.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

If you are truly sincere then use your leadership skills to build the FORCE we should have had and tried to build 20 years ago, really 60 years ago, when the hero Sen. Joseph McCarthy was trying to tell our grandparents what was being done to them and what would be done to us.

Anything less is just playing their game.

If you’re really that much of a threat to them then I suggest you keep a team near you at all times. Because they WILL TARGET YOU.

When the Founders wrote ‘We the People,’ the sincere patriots among them, and some were not, knew this meant those who will actually give a damn and do what’s right and be statesmen or militiamen or citizens that don’t vote for a check or a retirement plan or some other benefit.

Now we allow any moron to go vote, often numerous times, including their dead relatives. We allowed a clearly demented old man to run for arguably the ‘highest office’ on the planet and in human history and those that stole the election for it are still walking free.

Does this tell you anything? Or would that be too much ‘conspiracy theory’ for you?

If you spent that much time as part of the standing army the Founders so rightly feared and warned us against then surely you understand the real danger we face.

if you paid attention you must have known that the military leadership serves the NWO and the empire not the Bills of Rights. They are team players and it’s not our team and hasn’t been since the mid 19th century.

Willful ignorance will murder you just as quickly as intelligent malevolence, and on orders.

How about doing some vids on how COINTELPRO or whatever they call it now really works?

And this:

They Actually Said This Tonight

FK – A communist vet. Big surprise. Hang it high.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

It is right that the Constitution is an imperfect document. And not all the Founders were good guys.

Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers there was no need for a Bill of Rights. It was lying.

What the Anti-Federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights feared is a mouse compared to the beast we have now.

The most important thing to glean from this is that there are communists in the military and police that will murder any and all they are ordered to either for a paycheck and a retirement plan or for commie globalist ideology.

Millions of morons that took the vax will cheer them on.

It should also have read how the Constitution defines treason, which is making war on the govt. Since the concept of natural rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights is the basis for our form of govt. all the scat that voted for the AW ban is guilty of treason and should be tried and executed.

But we have no men here. Our enemies have been successful.

Who or what will actually enforce these evil laws?:

‘Can you be TOO SMART to be a police officer? Yes, you can!’

FK So you’ll have no problem doing what must be done to the LEOs that enforce the NWO?

But they’re also part of the problem:

3 Myths About Globalization

FK – I well remember when the ‘party of the little man’ voted to send, what?, millions of jobs to other countries so the corporate workaholic assholes could find ignorant desperate workers that would do or say or put up with anything to get or keep a job while their governments did nothing to help protect them from their own ignorance and fear.

The only reason I voted for klinton the first was it said clearly “I’m against NAFTA,” which the evil ones made sure played on the weaponvision, and was probably quoted by the mainstream rags, our only real source of info in those days since so few owned a shortwave radio or knew to go to gun shows and other sources for videotapes on realty.

Then during it’s first year in office it pushed NAFTA through a DEMONSCAT controlled congress, signed it and bragged about it. Last time I looked that vid, included here, is on the Wikipedia page about NAFTA.

I agree with ‘libertarians,’ defined very loosely, on the basic concepts of individual liberty. But that doesn’t give any corporate asshole the right to treat his workers or customers or anyone else that gets in the way of profit like jackasses.

A lot of ‘libertarians’ need to get off their pedestals and go work a blue collar job for a while and see what it’s really like.

They used to love to claim that all one has to do is move if they don’t like the jobs in their area, with no recognition that many people/sheeple have viable reasons for not moving.

Regardless, just because some corporate asshole plops a factory into any town large or small they sill have NO RIGHT to treat their employees like jackasses.

The CATO guy is blatantly lying. The big factory that provided thousands of jobs in the local county seat, for locals and others from surrounding counties, was moved to Honduras.

I’m not really clear how 16 hour days and suicide nets are better than the rural poverty many Asians had known for millennia. But then many factories here I’m told have done their best to rid themselves of the 8 hour work day.

Yes, 40 hour weeks are a good thing, really should be less. How many blue collar workers do you think have ever read Mises, Rothbard, Rockwell or Rand or ever will?

Part of the reason for that is simply the lack of time, besides the fact that most of them are so poorly educated they don’t even grasp the reason for doing so. I know, I see it all the time.

Are many libertarians secret globalists, working for the NWO? All the prezzes in my lifetime have probably been compromised by the globalists. Why didn’t Trump move to remove communists from the military leadership during his first week in office?

Why do they keep using that word ‘pandemic?’ It’s a plandemic. Or are you highly educated morons in denial about that as well?

We do need less regulation and more LAWS that are ENFORCED and that hold corporate execs. and yes even stockholders PERSONALLY responsible for the evil they often KNOWINGLY do.

How many workers rescued from subsistence living would jump at the chance to get a UBI because their jobs barely pay them enough to cover their bills?

A modern 10 commandments

And this is why:

Sanctimonious Bastard Admits Young Men Are Just Cannon Fodder

FK – Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-old morons that are incapable of making a logical rational decision and instead vote for trash that promises them a check and/or a retirement plan or some other benefit.

This is because our culture has been raising children to be children for a very long time.

The sad fact is that most gun-owners view their weapons as toys for the range or the deer stand and not the tools they are, for eradicating those who don’t think we ‘need them.’

The military wants teens because they are easier to manipulate and more open to suggestion and will more readily follow orders without thinking, even though their parents may find this incomprehensible.

I’d be in favor or re-raising the voting age or at the least requiring all who vote to take a test to prove they know our history and the form of govt. we supposed to have here, small and limited and based on the concept of natural rights.

But there I go dreaming again.

Who deserves to vote?

And this is why:

What A Relief!…Everything Going To Hell Is Just “Theoretical”

FK – In theory communism is a voluntary system. Fail to volunteer and face the consequences.

So close yet so far:

Rep. Massie: IRS Deleted Deadly Force Recruitment Post “Because They Got Caught”

FK – Just because they don’t say it don’t mean they won’t do it. Ask the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family.

THEY’RE ALL AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!!! The generals said they’d happily murder any real Americans who showed up to challenge the swearing in of the demented in chief after it was illegally installed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All government is force. No exceptions.

The shepherds hire the sheepdogs to protect the sheeple so they can be sheared and eaten by endless taxation and endless wars.

There’s nothing new about any of this. The fed nazis and ‘hate watch’ groups were doing this crap back in the 90s and before.



Leftists Will Flip Their Lids When They Find out About the REAL Abe Lincoln

FK – It’s republicrats who need the lesson. We constantly see morons comparing modern demonscat to the democrat party of the mid 19th century. It’s absurd.

He said he invaded the southern states to “…put the flag back.”

Having the power to plant a flag is the power to tax that territory and control its economy. That’s what he and his masters meant.

Marx admired Lincoln as do modern Marxists. Think about it.

Try to tell this to the average republicrat that stupidly thinks all we gotta do is get Trump back or get back to dubya or Reagan or Ike or the founder of the original party of big govt.

The Founders would think us insane for allowing any moron of whatever color to go vote.

They did NOT establish a democracy.

When mindless braindead sheeple refuse to learn real history or blindly and stupidly obey the authorities of any stripe or source they have NO BUSINESS VOTING.

Because most to all of the time they’re just voting for the enslavement of those around them in their favorite form of authoritarianism either from the right or the left or some other insane direction.

Lincoln knew that if he moved to re-enforce Sumter, as he did with another fort, the southern forces would be forced to fire upon it thus providing an excuse, and only an excuse, for war.

Search ‘Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861’ by H.W. Johnstone.

The fedgov had no authority to keep a fort there anyway after the state seceded.

These are all bullying tactics which braindead sheeple as always fall for because they are usually politically obtuse and don’t pay attention which is why they have NO BUSINESS VOTING!

How many morons stupidly took the vax and stupidly think they should be supporting the Ukrainian proxy war?

As I wrote:

BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide

FK – Don’t worry, millions that stupidly took the vax will bow down and kiss, fondle and suck whatever the NWO shoves into their faces so they can keep their steak, ice cream and big screens. 

Something Big’s About to Go Down Plus AOC Reveals Something about Capitol Police and MORE!

This seems to be available here.

FK – AOC is nothing a little duct tape and rope couldn’t cure. But we have no men here.

400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Western civ. is bereft of men/adults or none of this evil would be tolerated.

It’s been serious for a very long time:


FK – We already exist under the NWO. Have since after WWII and Bretton Woods. Really in many ways before that.

The word is not ‘expecting,’ it’s ‘planning.’

After the first gulf war, which was another contrived conflict, I was standing post on the Kuwait/Saudi border. A Marine Colonel pulls up in his hummer, by himself, and gets out and starts talking to me.

“We planned all this out,” he said, more or less. I was just a corporal and wasn’t sure why he was telling me this. Years later I learn of the military’s facility in Florida where they plan every conceivable invasion, defense whatever, including probably of your bathroom.

Three years or so later I began my political awakening, which is still ongoing.

If the nascent Soviet/whatever bloc took out the pentagon it would be fine by me, as long as the Joint Chiefs are there. They openly said they’d murder any REAL AMERICANS who went to REALLY challenge the swearing in of the demented in chief.

But of course we have no men here. Our enemies have long made sure of that. Jan. 2021 proved it.

The brain dead sheeple who voted for Trump will go along with the demented in chief’s, or rather, its handlers, war because ‘murika.’

Millions of them stupidly took the vax and will bow down, kiss, fondle and felate whatever the NWO shoves into their face.

The cold war so-called was good for business. How many billions were expended on the various proxy wars of that conflict? How many trillions can we look forward to being manufactured out of nothing by a few clicks on a bankster’s keyboard?

If the old and new cold wars were fought to expand human liberty and the concept of natural rights they might to some small degree be tolerable. But those ideals don’t make the list of the players in this game.

Even the ‘conservative’ globalist dubya, like his daddy bush the first was pushing the lie of democracy, which at best is one group of morons beating another group of morons into submission.

How do Hiroshima and Nagasaki look now? ‘Life as we know it’ can be defined in several ways.

Would the watchers really permit their lab rats to destroy themselves?

And this is why:

Pop Quiz! – If You Fail This, You Should Leave the Country!

FK – Nowadays we probably should count them to make sure. Most flags are probably made in China.

The summer before the election I heard a national propaganda radio interview of a guy who ran a campaign poster printing company in China. He said they could always tell who was gonna win because of the number of signs being printed for whatever selectee.

Trump was way ahead. I couldn’t believe the taxpayer/elitist funded commie station was revealing this. But then I heard them asking what would happen if Trump refused to concede the election. This told anyone with a brain what they planned to do and did do.

If the commie trash had their way only the commie states would get a star, a nice red one, or white one on a red background. Flyover country would be ignored, especially after the depopulation schemes are carried out and most sheeple are forbidden to exist in the countryside or small towns anymore because they tend to be more independent minded.

Can’t have that. A democracy needs morons that are easily manipulated. Not that we don’t have plenty of those out here in the stix. Millions of them took the vax after all and will bow down and serve the NWO. In fact they already are.

Too bad you can’t come to our local July 4 parade here in Podunk. I’d bet you’d find plenty of idiots there too. Ever wonder why they call it ‘Independence day’ and not freedom, or liberty or natural rights day?

Because that’s too much for the average sheeple brain to deal with. Getting most of them to spend more than 30 seconds on a topic that actually matters is an epic struggle.

Most of them would probably tell you we’re supposed to exist in a democracy. We must require at least a test to vote. The government and church indoctrination centers are turning out morons.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

That Mexican girl brought tears to my eyes. I’d happily trade all the white-skinned useless shithead morons I see around me here all the time for anyone from anywhere who has even a basic understanding of wtf is happening here and what must be done.

They fully deserve what is being done to them and what will be done to their descendants. The culture war is not gonna save us. In fact it has the potential to make things far worse.

Who deserves to vote?

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Private Schools Across America Partner with Organization that Encourages Child Transgenderism

FK – All because there are no men/adults left here.

Who deserves to be honored?:

‘We haven’t got the country we had when I was raised’: 100-year-old veteran worried about America

FK – One wonders what he was thinking when Sen. McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American activities, both since proven right, were holding their hearings.

The so-called ‘greatest generation’ in truth fought against the lessor of the evils. The greater evil won and still rules us.

They should have been the ones to start hanging the Marxist globalists and those who funded them.

Those who cannot handle that reality certainly won’t be able to handle what’s coming.

Ah naive youth:

This Is A 100% BASED Take!

FK – I’ll thank her for the biggest laugh of the week. Young lady, I’m assuming that, THAT IS EXACTLY THE COUNTRY YOU GREW UP IN!!!!!!!!!!

Your teachers, preachers, parents, professors, mainstream newswhores, INTENTIONALLY FAILED YOU!!!!!!

They ALL fully deserve what’s been done to them and what will be done to them.

We need MEN, NOT an alleged savior.

What evil will rule next?:

Satanic Georgia Guidestones Completely Destroyed!

FK – Have you learned nothing from history? That ‘taking dominion’ thing has no limits and can/will ultimately be as bad or worse than the NWO. After all, the NWO isn’t threatening to burn billions alive in fire forever.

But we do have a Bill of Rights that reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment.’ The tool-using monkeys need to keep evolving, if possible, not fall back into ignorance.

Where’s the vid of the ‘bomb’ or whatever being planted? Is there only one camera? Maybe the sheriff or local govt. got tired of being responsible for the site and took it upon themselves.

I’ve long thought they might have actually been put up as a warning. Why would a NWO hack use the moniker ‘christian’ if they wanted rep. evil? Or maybe that’s just their version, sub-version or subversion of which there are literally thousands.

Some religionists claim things have to get really bad before joshua or yeshua or whatever returns. Others claim they have to establish ‘god’s kingdom’ on Earth first. History CLEARLY SHOWS what that can amount to.

There are many who would have no problem ruling with a ‘rod of iron’ and many billions whose submissive ancestors survived to breed because cowardice runs in their veins that will bow down to any authority that promises to make their existences here a little easier.

I’m pretty sure the commie trash were calling themselves ‘the resistance’ long before you came on the scene sir. And they were calling us reactionaries before they called us extremists, anti-semites, Nazis, racists, misogynists, whatever fun word one can think of.

Who named the Nazis anyway? From one thing I read they didn’t call themselves that. They, like many religionists, were the lessor of the evils in their time. The greater evil won and still rules us.

What evil will win this time?

As usual the question is ‘How many pathetic morons out there have never even heard of these ‘guidestones?’ How many had heard of the alleged ‘ten commandments’ when they were first issued? How many heard yeshua’s or whatever message until hundreds or thousands of years after his alleged death and resurrection?

It’s impossible to tell at any given time in history which idea or set of ideas will come to rule. the Egyptians stuck to some form of their religion for what, 3000 years or so. Now it’s basically dead unless one wants to think that the elites still follow some version of it as many claim.

I agree with some of the points on the guidestones. The problem is implementation. If they, whoever ‘they’ really are really wanted to decrease the world’s population by billions would it really be that hard?

If we were put here by some higher power of whatever kind it was obviously interested in our procreation or it would’ve done the culling itself long before now as any smart farmer does when his cattle are overgrazing his pastures.

As usual the ‘left/right paradigm’ is basically two sets of morons beating each other over the head. The daily news feed, alternative or mainstream, is usually only an ongoing record of idiocy, or idiocracy.

When will we stop choosing the lessor of the evils and choose reason and logic to guide us instead of bronze age superstition or ultimate modern statism or in reality what is simply a criminal class that as always rises to the top of the dung heap that we are all a part of?

Maybe when children are raised to think instead of believe and to question all authority and all sources instead of stupidly blindly trusting one side or the other which history shows usually leads only to bloodshed and slavery.

If we had any men left in western civ. we know what that answer would be. But maybe this is all part of some natural process. All empires rise and fall and are ground into dust as are the part of the crops not used for feed or seed for whatever comes next.

BOOM! Georgia Guidestones Struck Down

FK – If Paul Revere were alive today the fed bureau of instigators would arrest him and railroad him into a supermax.

If he fought back as is his right and duty to do they’d happily murder him.

Georgia Guidestones Monument Is Destroyed After Explosion – Suspect Sought – Data and Analysis

FK – Why don’t we have the Bill of Rights engraved in stone in front of every government building and that state’s Bill of Rights which most of them have along with them?

Because we have no men here with any real understanding of anything, much less what this country is supposed to be about.

How would the car leave less trace in the grass than on asphalt????

That’s a very rural area, looks like lots of chicken houses around on goolag Earth. The car could’ve been partyers/parkers or whatever. Anyone with a brain would’ve parked farther away or had someone pick them up.

Long term pop. reduction done in a humane manner would not necessarily be a bad thing, especially for those who think humanity always needs to be confined to this water-soaked fire-spitting rock.

Why Were The Georgia Guidestones Destroyed?

FK – What if the Founders had claimed “We don’t agree with violence and terrorist acts?” What if the fedgov claimed it?

So much for the Boston Tea Party and the shot heard round the world.

If MEN hadn’t shown up and killed lobsterbacks all the way back to Boston and instead cried “WE DON’T BELIEVE IN VIOLENCE!” would the King and British parliament have just let the colonies go?

What a pathetic cowardly useless species now inhabits this land.

They fully deserve what’s coming.

I’ve heard the depopulation thing for decades now. What are they waiting for? Are they not capable of bringing it about?

I’ve long thought the stones might have actually been put up as a warning. But how am I to know?

Supposedly the world’s pop. could fit in Texas. Who the hell would want to exist like that? But that’s what I think every time I drive through or by a city, really even most small towns.

It was claimed that every time Daniel Boone got a new neighbor that was close enough that he could see the smoke from their chimney he’d move farther west.

As far as sheeple having lives,,, what a joke. Most of them waste most of their time here in exchange for money and think grazing and breeding and watching the game and manicuring their yards or waiting for some bronze age god to come and save them from their own irresponsibility is all that matters.

Most of them have at best a vague idea what ‘living’ is or should be.

I’d have no problem with discouraging the stupid and the ugly from breeding. Not banning it by law. But at least trying to get them to see there’s no point to it. Why bring more misery into the world?

All govt. by default is a balance of personal rights with personal/social duties/responsibility. In a representative republic we are all born responsible and all who desire to vote, a very violent act since all govt. is force, should be required to do their time in their local genuine people’s militia and stand guard by the granite gallows in front of every govt. building to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

There is of course no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave others under socialism or with gun/weapons/ARMS control or under any version of theocracy. The Founders gave us a secular govt. for a reason. They had studied history and knew that freedom of religion IS freedom from the version, sub-version or subversion of the nut down the road that would happily force us into his version of what ‘god’s law’ is supposed to be.

But the elites who allegedly want depopulation created a welfare state that encourage the stupid and the lazy to breed.

Abortion is indeed a nasty horrible thing but how many babies that will now be saved will have anything approaching a real life?

There are probably several ways to deliver such a charge. There may be no recording of anyone planting anything.

Why aren’t there stones in front of every courthouse with the national and states’ Bills of Rights inscribed on them? Why isn’t April 19, the day they shot back, our nation’s real birthday, our biggest holiday?

Because there are no men/adults here with any understanding of anything that matters.

Interesting but questionable:

FK – This illustrates how simple minded many believers are. They trusted the guy just because he claimed to be ‘christian.’

The possibility of profit, their true god, didn’t escape them either. They probably did no research whatsoever into what all those words could possibly mean or what the real source or organization was.

That would’ve been too much work, especially in that time when there was no net and one had to search out such things in what alt. media there was.

That preacher neglects to mention that his version, sub-version or subversion has been working to get ‘everyone to agree’ for millennia now.

Some versions claim they have to establish ‘god’s kingdom’ on Earth before their savior will return.

In the 70s and 80s it was a common idea that we had too many people on the planet. When in high school I bought a copy of the book ‘The Population Bomb.’ It was a trade paperback and my copy came from a local department store if memory serves which tells you it was probably something the elites wanted the common sheeple to see.

Now some claim most or all western countries are below replacement level and this will lead to a population collapse. I don’t see that either. How many decades will it take 8 bil. or so sheeple to reduce their numbers significantly while having 1.8 or whatever kids per family?

China has allegedly dropped its one child policy.

Will some religious group that still thinks we have to ‘replenish the Earth’ end up running things because they breed all the rest out of politics?

It;s not unusual for religionists to publicly espouse goals, beliefs, whatever that contradict those of their professed faith. Demonscat and republicrat elected public servants are good at this.

But then most politicians have the amount of religion necessary to please whatever audience they think they’re addressing.

Acknowledging that there are differences among the various races is science, not ‘racism.’ But as always real science takes a back seat to politics, human nature and its basic on-going insanity.

Of course the licensing of childbirth would be wrong. It’s not wrong to try to convince sheeple that it might not be a good idea to breed more offspring than they or a society can support.

If we dealt in reality we’d provide every 14 or so year old male with a free vasectomy after putting enough of their squigglies on ice in various locations to last them a lifetime, after they achieved something resembling a life that is.

Many ancient cultures discouraged young men from marrying and breeding before they were ready just as they discouraged fatherless households, for good reason.

We see the result of over half a century of encouraging the stupid and the lazy to breed, of whatever race, via a govt. check and other programs.

When I first got involved in the patriot movement simply using the words ‘liberty’ or ‘patriot’ in public would automatically get one tagged a ‘racist.’ A portion of those doing the tagging were evil and fully understood the reason for this. Many are simply stupid and are regurgitating the propaganda funded by wealthy elites that simply want to sew discord and confusion, or divide and conquer as it’s been long called.

If I could magically snap my fingers and swap every pile of Marxist scat in this country of whatever race or ethnicity(really Marxism is their ethnicity) or any piece of authoritarian scat, with anyone of any color from any country that wanted to come here and live under the concept of natural rights that we’re supposed to enjoy I’d wear my fingers out snapping them.

Sheeple are simple-minded. They usually don’t think beyond the first propaganda stream or sound bite they’re presented with.

I grew up under the holocaust propaganda. It provides special protection for a class or race or ethnicity or whatever one wants to think they are.

The Soviets murdered tens of millions more than the so-called Nazis the lessor of the evils. Yet the msnm or entertainment media or politicians or whatever rarely mention them. Why is this?

Who or what is controlling your mind?

Words like antisemitic and racist and extremist and on and on

History clearly shows what happens when one version, sub-version or subversion declares its right to rule the rest.

Speaking of those that don’t rep. what they claim:

FK – What does that make the average voter? A moron. 

Who deserves to vote?

Rare Violent Protests Erupt in China – Revolution Coming?

FK – In a commie country why do the sheeple need money or mortgages?


Democracy is another form of manipulation. Morons think they’re ‘free’ because they get to bitch and vote.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. LIBERTY is an armed sheep contesting the vote and KILLING THE WOLVES AND THE SHEPHERDS!!!!!

At best democracy is one group of morons hitting another group of morons over the head and ruling them.

How many sheeple here in amerika think it’s OK to use the evil goolag or stupidly believes the evil msnm from local to national? How many stupidly took the vax?

We have 400 mil. guns here and no men to use them.

One wonders who or what they might be:

4 Hostile Alien Civilizations May Lurk In The Milky Way, A New Study Suggests – Do You Believe?

FK – No, I don’t ‘believe’ in them. Belief is a very dangerous thing.

If they landed and asserted their existence to the average sheeple and flicked their bic then billions would likely worship them as gods.

Think ‘international relations’ on an exponentially grander scale.

Do the cattle in the field consider the farmers to be nefarious? After all we emasculate most of their males and feed them well until the young are shipped off to the killing zone.

Just like our human governments and corporations.

4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Why would some of them not be?:

Are Aliens Totalitarians? | The Richard Dolan Show

FK – Would lab rats call the lab techs and scientists authoritarian? How about livestock vs the farmers?

Can the average tool-using monkey even define ‘authoritarianism?”

When one considers all the insane ideas, philosophies, religions the tool-using monkeys defend with their lives or the lives of others one knows authoritarianism/slavery is the preferred mode of existence here regardless of pretense.

Billions are waiting for a heavenly king to show up and rule with an iron rod and kill and torture those who don’t go along with the program.

Their major political opposition thinks it would be cool to enslave all humanity for ever under global communism/corporatism/fascism/feudalism/whatever word you like.

It’s no wonder the more ‘enlightened’ aliens don’t land and publicly announce themselves. They know we’re not ready.

We’re still an incredibly primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. I see proof of this every day.

Most amerikans would say they live in a ‘democracy.’ That doesn’t equal liberty by parsecs.

The first two star treks were subtle globalism, propaganda. Voyager was so ‘woke’ it was sickening. Though that term wasn’t in use then, it still applies.

A lot has been deleted:

This UFO Video Was Deleted From Reddit.. [2022]

FK – Reddit is evil and practices censorship.

Let me play ‘devil’s advocate.’

While I have deep negative faith in anything the gubmit does at this point, or any authorities for that matter, I’ve also seen basic tool-using monkey nature play out here for over two decades, really 4 or so since I started trying to pay attention.

A constant theme on my website since it’s inception has been that only a tiny minority of any generation attempts to really think about the world it’s in much less do anything about it.

The elites have ALWAYS seen this and for better or worse created the systems, religions, laws, cultural attitudes, whatever with that fact in mind. So I can to some point understand, and this is giving them a huge benefit of the doubt or whatever, if they’re pushing this construct of ‘bad aliens,’ and I think some of them may very well be very bad just like we have bad actors in the human world, in order to create public support for a military or space budget which could finally take the tool-using monkeys to the stars.

A simple sad fact of history is that war often creates the need for tech advancement and the funding, while certain figures are also profiting from that and while the ignorant unwashed subjugated masses of which we still have many stupidly allow their children to be shipped off to the killing fields because of ‘murica, or some ancient insane religion, or simple blind obedience that comes from the submissive surviving to breed for so long.

It’s not impossible that they, whoever they really are, have already made contact in one way or another and are acting on orders from our perceived galactic betters.

The ancient tribal propaganda documents this to some degree, as do other ancient texts.

The ‘great deception’ so-called has probably been with us all along. Just try getting the average sheeple or religionist to grasp that.

Our species is still very primitive and we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. How many took the vax and what is its real purpose?

The new world order is an ancient concept and really just means who or what is really ruling the roost which of course has changed, at least in front of the curtain, for millennia, from the first time malefactors were rolled around in the cave fire for all to see to the invention of the threat of eternal torture to a culture that accepts constant lifelong debt that amounts to just another form of slavery.

What if we’re really ruled by galactic banksters like in the movie ‘They Live” only with not such a campy script?

If they land and announce themselves in a way that the average dumbass can no longer deny billions will worship them as gods.

What if some UFO ‘researchers’ are right when they claim we are in the middle of a war between what has been called ‘spiritual powers from on high’ or whatever by our ignorant ancestors?

What if both or all sides are like the sides in our culture war and are simply practicing different brands of authoritarianism?

Which brand will our descendants pledge allegiance to?

Many have been consumed by reality while trying to discern truth.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

Another Facelift for the UFO Coverup I The Richard Dolan Show

FK – When the gubmit or mainstream newswhores are revealing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

There are no men left in western civ. so it’s basically doomed.

The watchers may be behind the jab and the genetic manipulation it may entail. There’s some reason they wanted that bioweapon in most of humanity and it’s NOT for our benefit.

If the gubmit announces ‘aliens’ without real ‘proof,’ i.e. an obvious alien shaking the hand of the demented in chief(maybe he was recently shaking hands with cloaked aliens) then most of the sheeple will shrug it off, the religionists will cry “angels and demons” and keep waiting to get beamed up and the new agers will keep up their search for intergalactic saviors to bring them peace on Earth.

If there is some kind of ‘real proof’ as in a craft landing on the square of most small towns and obvious aliens shopping at the mall or redneck mecca then billions will worship them as gods as soon as they flick whatever Bic they bring along to impress the natives and human culture will be altered forever.

I don’t think the tool-using monkeys are ready and I don’t think whatever really runs this asylum wants their lab rats or pets or resources to really understand anything.

it’s just as likely they’ll hit the reset button or stand by while mother nature takes care of that for them.

Introducing the idea of an ‘alien infiltration’ with invaders that ‘look like us’ would be the best way to divide and conquer the sheeple and the patriots. The elites probably already know this.

Think witch hunts and 30 years war and international relations exponentially complicated.

Sew enough confusion and fear and simply brush away the flies.

I sometimes tell Europeans it’s time for them to start smuggling in the weapons they’ll need.

As for amerika, we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Modern ‘science’ has become a whore for the NWO and legal drug lords so how could they be trusted AT ALL to investigate any alien encounters or whatever?????

A recurring theme:

This Cosmic Egg Reveals A Shocking Secret of Shiva

FK – We are the primitive species and we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Make no mistake about that.

Have you seen a pix of Terra without water? It ain’t no ball.

If they landed today and publicly announced themselves billions of simple minded morons would worship them as gods.

Maybe Shiva or whoever arrived through a ‘gravity hole’ or whatever it would be called when space/time is bent.

What if he was just a TV preacher thrown out of his own culture for banging his secretary?

Through a glass darkly:

Were Humans Genetically Modified 12,000 Years Ago In Ancient India?

FK The newer cow was licking something different.

Where are we really?:

The TYCHOS Team – Simon Shack & Patrik Holmqvist Explain Why Tychos Is A Better Observational Model

FK – Most of this is literally flying over my head.

Knowing the state of contemporary so-called science one has to ask why haven’t mainstream astronomers asked these questions? Is there a reason we’re not supposed to think about this?

Sometimes when some sheeple mindlessly asks me “How ya’ doin?” I respond with “Still moving millions of miles an hours through space and haven’t hit anything yet.”

The looks I get are priceless.

In reality I should say “We’re not hanging our Marxists yet so not very well.”

That would really fly over their heads.

The major rules are:

They consider us to be livestock.

Take nothing for granted.

Blindly trust no source.

We’re becoming ants at their picnic.

Sentient A.I.?

FK – If it’s ‘thinking and reasoning’ it’s already far surpassed most of the tool-using-monkeys. Every election cycle proves this. 

There’s nothing new under the sun.

Whatever AI did the closed captions obviously isn’t there yet.

So who or what gets to decide who or what has nuclear warheads?

Pride in fat:

FK – I’m not against nudity per se. Birth defects, mental illness and simple perversion are other issues.

The Marxist globalists don’t care any more about the trannies or whatevers than they do about the minorities or the women or the white working class.

Wait, NAFTA was when the wwc was thrown under the bus.

They’ll all be shot into the same ditch as the reactionaries. That’s us. And only if I’m wounded badly enough to allow capture.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on:

South Carolina Records A Record Breaking 16 Earthquakes In The Past Week – Full Scientific Analysis

FK – Wow. Never heard of a Charlestown quake before. Wonder why. Commiefornia and New Madrid get most of the attention.

I remember sitting on a bus waiting to be flown to the First Gulf War on Dec. 3 I think it was in 1990 or so wondering if that guy who had predicted a major event for the New Madrid fault was gonna be right and we’d be late for what turned out to be a mostly boring picnic.

History is taught by morons and rarely absorbed by fools.

Then we have Marxist newswhores:

Ben vs The USA Today | Sun & Geomagnetism

FK – Nothing personal? It’s working to enslave you and your children and all of humanity forever and it probably fully understands that. We’ve had the net for 25 years. These creatures have no excuse anymore.

It and all of its compatriots should be hanging from trees and lightpoles coast to coast and border to border. But they have been successful and there are no men left here.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

That which gives life can take it:

The Risk from the Sun | Ending an Age

Here Comes the Sun—to End Civilization


Mystical Initiation in Ancient Greece: The Eleusinian Mysteries

FK – Interesting. I know I’ve heard/read about the ancient concept of ‘born again’ before that predated monotheism. But then one cannot tell this to average believers.

I spoke with a car mechanic the other day who had never heard of Martin Luther or the reformation, or so he said. He was raised Catholic.

I took no religious studies classes in college. I wish I had. They might have cleared up a lot of things that I thought at the time and have since proved basically correct.

The only history class I took was ‘western civ’ as we called it, back in the 80s. Don’t know if they still have such. But in reality history, it’s causes and effects, should be taught at all grade levels in the govt. and private schools and the universities so they are prepared to take on the personal responsibility we are all born with in this representative republic.

We exist in a time when we allow mal-educated morons to vote and the bronze/iron age religions were created when they still had Caesars, nobles, chattel slavery and on and on.

But one cannot tell the average dumbass what this means especially when they encourage others to ‘vote the bible’ or whatever version, sub-version or subversion they lay claim to or make the pretense of following.

Most of them are so blind to history they cannot discern that globalist Marxism is destroying their alleged religions and stealing their children’s minds. But then this has been going on for multiple generations and the religions themselves, like the schools, were created to breed blind believers, willing slaves and to keep them working.

Religion and politics has always been as bound as tightly as sand and rock in concrete. Both are human nature.

What seems to have happened is they came up with a simpler version of ‘initiation’ via the pretense of being ‘born again’ and then baptism, which was another ancient ritual, performed not just once but at regular intervals according to some things I’ve watched about the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews whatever.

More endless mystery:

What Happened to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?

FK – I was hanging with you until you used the phrase ‘conspiracy theory.’ That’s usually only used by liars and the intellectually lazy.

‘Antisemitic’ is a another word used to control the human mind, like extremist, racist, right or left winger, and on and on.

I’ve known a handful of people who follow some version, sub-version or subversion of the ‘British Israel’ or as I prefer ‘christian identity’ belief or whatever.

Some of them simply believe most Europeans are descended from Israel, and modern DNA studies show that most modern ‘jews’ or whatever are mostly european, and also believe that only those descended from Israel have souls. Those with 1/5 or less ‘white’ blood or whatever don’t have to worry about being tortured alive in fire forever.

Others are more ‘racist’ and think we ought to get back to owning slaves of a different color. Had a guy actually tell me that once.

As Napoleon allegedly wrote/said ‘History is lies agreed upon.’ The problem with humanity, the tool-using monkeys, is that they’re collectively insane, only insane about different things.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

And for the benefit of the mindless: Hating someone for they way they are born, which no one can control is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

But then the average tool-using monkey would rather die than think, or maybe really think. As someone once claimed, only 5 percent of them think, 10 percent think they do and the rest would rather die than attempt it.

What do you think of Robert Sepehr and his books and goolagtube channel?

The purposes of gods and golden rules

No such luck:

FK – The cfr witch will never see the inside of a prison or the gallows it deserves because there are no men here with any understanding of what must be done much less the backbone, brains and balls to do it.

And I have to say it’s right on one point. Abortion will go underground where it always was before and in many places it will be like the massage parlours that one finds dotted across the landscape.

And the religionists would have a much harder time enforcing anti-birth control laws or whatever. Most have enough ‘common sense’ now to know better.

The crazies and the mentally weak will never get the real help they need from the culture war. We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

What the non-men of western civ. are allowing their enemies to do to their descendants:


Michigan Attorney General Calls for ‘A Drag Queen For Every School,’ Says They ‘Make Everything Better

Biological Man Enters Skateboarding Contest as Transgender, Look What He Did to Pre-Teen Girl Competitors

How middle schools use aggressive surveys to indoctrinate teachers and coerce them to push the LGBT agenda on students

Man Who Got Trans Surgery Realizes Too Late That He’s Made a Huge Mistake, Then He Tries to Use the Bathroom


San Diego Pride Sponsored by Children’s Hospital that Profits from Youth Transition

DISGUSTING: Field Trip Offers 9 yr-olds Sex Pleasure Ed

The Attack on our Kids Continues as our MEN sit back silently and Watch

FK – The Aussies surrendered their weapons without killing their commie trash so they ARE NOT FREE and fully deserve what ever is done to them.


Parent Who Exposed Pornographic Library Books Sues After School Bans Him From Property

CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult


Worldwide parents coalition forms to resist pro-LGBT ‘grooming’ in the classroom

The WHO bows to radical transgender ideology, says ‘sex is not limited to male or female’




Tricks are not for kids:


Yes, many of them are stupid enough to think they will be spared:


It’s a plandemic and the bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released:


Got yours yet?:


Once a spook always a spook?


Chips off the old blocks:


There are many ways to be useless:


What if this is only partly true?:


Second in line:


Of course illegals have never been used for political purposes:


Sheeple are as sheeple do:



Something you will need to know:



All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

The pointy end of the sword

There’s already NO WHERE TO HIDE!

White gods, white rabbits and political quicksand

The obedient must be slaves

Another big secret – we’re all insane


Byron de la Vandal – To Keep and Bear


Tears For Fears – Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Official Music Video)


If the American Revolution happened today…

Another big secret – we’re all insane

What are they really being taught, then or now?

Who’s ultimately responsible for the deaths of kids that die from ‘mass shootings?’ The parents of course. They vote or don’t vote for the garbage that now runs most of the indoctrination centers and pay little to no attention to what their elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS are doing or not doing.

Similarly, if Putin, globalist tool or not, decides to nuke the west because he’s tired of being jacked around with by western globalist elites whose fault will that be? That’s an easy one, See the first paragraph.

All to most of our problems, the intentional collapse of western civilization, is due to the failure of the average dumbass to pay attention, wake up and grow up and hold war crimes trials on a regular basis and hang the scat that needs to be hanged.

But as I’ve been writing here for a few years now our enemies have been successful and there are no men here with any understanding of what must be done.

It’s coming again.

The big secret is there’s no silver bullet to kill the beast. No matter what ‘proof’ we present without the men to enforce it we are lost. And we have none so far as I can tell.

Oh wait, here’s another big not so secret: The tool-using monkeys are collectively insane, something I’ve noted multiple times. 

The world is not a prison planet, it’s an asylum and the inmates think they run it.

We’ve had two ‘mass shootings’ lately that were turned into propaganda for the ‘let’s disarm the common sheeple’ mill. One shooter blatantly said it targeted an area because of strict ‘gun laws’ that would discourage the sheeple and those who claim to know better from carrying the proper tools for self defense.

The other went into a govt. school building full of what many would claim to hold most dear yet they saw no need to require the so-called adults in charge of those children to be armed, trained, and have the mindset necessary to fight back.

Those without such have no place around the so-called ‘education,’ really indoctrination, of young tool-using monkeys.

But then this culture has been raising children to be children for generations, in reality for millennia.

When any form of blind faith, blind obedience, blind patriotism is taught as proper behavior then nothing is produced but willing slaves.

That’s exactly what the governments, corporations and religions want.

They will all deny it, but their actions and history prove otherwise.

Maybe the biggest secret of all is that the sheeple in Ukraine like the sheeple here fully deserve whatever is done to them because they wander blindly through their stupid little useless pathetic existences without paying attention, without forcing their governments to their will and not the will of the globalists, banksters and other evil creatures that seek to run the world and herd their livestock, their human resources and consumers and tax payers, as they see fit. 

If they weren’t insane they’d rid themselves of the mindless attitude that claims there are ‘safe spaces’ or places on this water-soaked fire-spitting rock that’s rotating thousands of miles an hour on its axis, moving thousands of miles an hour around it’s star and with that star and millions of miles an hour with our galaxy.

When someone mindlessly asks me “How ya’ doin’,” I sometimes respond ‘I’m moving millions of miles an hour through space and haven’t hit anything yet.”

The looks I get are priceless. Most probably have no clue what I’m talking about because they’re so caught up in their struggle to exist they never take the time to think about where we really are.

If they weren’t so involved with whatever their insanity is, wasting most of their time in exchange for money, their real god, or waiting for some temporal or heavenly savior to wave its magic wand and save them, or worrying about meaningless crap like what their fav team is doing or whether their yard is sufficiently manicured we might be living in the free country and world we’re supposed to have.

“Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”
– Thomas Paine, the first paragraph of his Pamphlet, “Common Sense.”

Versus this:

[1 ] It will not, of course, be forgotten by the American student that in the government under which it is his privilege to live, “legislative power,” and “the supreme and absolute authority of the state,” are not convertible terms. The people of every state alone possess, and can exercise, supreme and absolute authority; the legislature, as the other departments of government, are but the depositaries of delegated powers, more or less limited according to the terms of the letter of attorney, the constitution: their acts, if they transcend their powers or violate their written instructions, are null and void.

— Sharswood. From Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England P. 709

Knowing that, one would think we’d have a genuine people’s militia in every county with its own granite gallows in front of every govt. building with determined men and women to man it daily and make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

But they’re all children because they were raised/indoctrinated to be such.

And that’s been true for a very long time:


I was raised by those people. There was much they didn’t know and didn’t want to.

Most of their descendants that are just literate enough to read their electric bills are the same way. That’s why we’re losing everything.

US Is “Beyond Bankrupt” – Kim Dotcom Fears “Controlled Demolition” Enabling A “New Dystopian Future”

FK – This is a nation of brainless zombies so what’s surprising?

Unbeknown to Most, A Financial Revolution Is Coming That Threatens to Change Everything (And Not for the Better)

As the FT reported, central bank digital currencies will almost certainly have to go hand in hand with digital IDs: “What CBDC research and experimentation appears to be showing is that it will be nigh on impossible to issue such currencies outside of a comprehensive national digital ID management system. Meaning: CBDCs will likely be tied to personal accounts that include personal data, credit history and other forms of relevant information.”

Combining digital currencies with digital IDs while phasing out, or even banning, the use of cash would grant governments and central banks the ability not only to track every purchase we make but also to determine what we can and cannot spend out money on.

They could also be used to strongly encourage “desirable” social and political behavior while penalizing those who do not toe the line. As Lyons points out, “The most dangerous individuals or organizations could simply have their digital assets temporarily deleted or their accounts’ ability to transact frozen with the push of a button, locking them out of the commercial system and greatly mitigating the threat they pose. No use of emergency powers or compulsion of intermediary financial institutions would be required: the United States has no constitutional right enshrining the freedom to transact.”

World Government Summit: A centralized, digital currency is coming, and there will be no individual privacy or autonomy

Things Are Bad Now, But You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Israel Dumps The Dollar For China’s Renminbi

EU lawmakers endorse ban on combustion-engine cars in 2035

Google will soon ask Australian users to show ID to view some content

FBI Made Mistakes Across Hundreds of Cases, But Here’s What’s Happening Now That Republicans Have Found Out

A Brief History of Criminal FBI Entrapment Operations

Entrapment or Foiling Terror? FBI’s Reliance on Paid Informants Raises Questions about Validity of Terrorism Cases

FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference

The FBI’s Criminal Lead Informant in Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’ Caper

It’s Time We Get Answers About the FBI’s Involvement In the OKC Bombing

Jim Jordan: FBI purging conservatives from the bureau

Abolish the FBI or face an American Putin

Soon Refusing a Vaccine May Not Be Enough: Scientists Developing Contagious ‘Cure’

Bernie Finn slams sexual homework given to 10-yr-old school girls

Nancy Pelosi Walks The Runway At A Drag Queen Show, Says It’s What America Is All About [VIDEO]

Nancy Pelosi and Command in Nuclear War

A Direct Threat To The Sovereignty Of Mankind: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Supersede Constitutions [VIDEO]

The WHO as a “Proxy World Government”? Abolition of the Nation State? Say NO to “Global Tyranny”

An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness

The 2022 Bilderberg Agenda: Disinformation, Deglobalization, & Disruption Of The Global Financial System

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid


Wayne Root: I’ve Figured Out the Whole Covid Vaccine Scam- Here It Is. Read it and Weep.

‘Mark of the beast’ on steroids? Pfizer CEO intros horrifying wireless ‘compliance’ device

FK – As I keep writing on here and other places they’ve had us marked since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.? All since then has been refinement.

Millions to billions that were stupid enough to take the vax will follow/obey the beast system and fight for it.

Hand-implanted microchip could be used for contactless payments

Your mother-in-law isn’t going to refuse the vaccine

FK – Improving the gene pool may be the only good outcome to all this.

“Stop arguing about the existence of the virus”

Uncovering the Corona Narrative

Mandatory Vaccination & The Failure Of Modern Constitutional Law

The new rules of medicine

The deadliest plague in history

The illusion of evidence based medicine

Report: Biden Administration Considering Pulling Health Care from Veterans to Treat Illegal Aliens

Military Doctors No Longer Trusting Of DOD Medical Data Following COVID Jab Injuries Being Scrubbed

Watch: “Terrifying” Chinese Super Drones That Can “Hunt Humans In Packs” Are Here

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration

“We Need to Out These People… They’re EVERYWHERE”: Dr. Malone Says it’s Time to Start “Doxing” The World Economic Forum’s Globalist Cabal – “Let’s Go Get Them” – (VIDEO)

FK – We need to HANG THEM!!!!!

Distracting You Is Expensive: Billionaires Taking $1.01 Billion From Taxpayers To Finance A Football Stadium

You Seriously Believe The Same Media That Lied To You About Covid Is Now Telling You The Truth About Ukraine?

Informant Appearing in D’Souza’s Doc Film ‘2,000 Mules’ Details How Alleged Ballot Harvesting Operation Worked

How Soon Before We Admit the Country Was Stolen?

Proven right once again:

Rand Paul: This is the danger of a one-world government

FK – If we had any men left in western civ. we’d be hanging the globalists from trees. But their indoctrination systems have done their jobs and actually fighting back has become an unknown and unthinkable idea.

Who or what will enforce all this evil? ALL local, state and fed nazi LEOs must be informed that if they seek to force this evil on the general population that greatly OUTNUMBERS them they will not be safe laying their heads on their own pillows at night.

There is NO OTHER WAY as our legislators seem incapable of grasping the seriousness of this situation and correcting it.

But then we already went over the cliff long ago. The only question is when and where the drop will end.

Here’s the danger:

How The UN Fund Illegal Migration To America

FK – So how are they getting from Haiti or Africa or where ever to south and central amerika? Isn’t there an ocean out there, somewhere?

Seems I heard something decades ago about getting the u.s. out of the U.N.

In reality the U.N. building should be razed and bulldozed into the ocean. It was set up as a way to push global Marxism, not just a place for the global powers to get together and ‘talk things out.’

Like that works.

Almost never:

Armed Teachers

FK – I think they should be required to take the training and carry. If they can’t/won’t do this then they don’t need to be around the education/indoctrination of children anyway.

We are losing everything because western civ. has been raising children to be children for many multiple generations.

We need MEN/ADULTS to fight the coming war. We have few to none. Most ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are delusional about the situation we face.

We should have built the genuine people’s militias we need so badly generations ago.

No one should vote unless they are willing to train to KILL their domestic(our greatest enemies) or foreign enemies either in the genuine people’s militia in every county, ran by the local people, real patriots to the concept of natural rights, or in a very limited standing army ran by ADULTS who value the concept of natural rights and understand their FIRST RESPONSIBILITY is to uphold and protect the Bills of Rights of the now illegitimate fedgov and the several states.

We need to STOP allowing our governments to ‘allow’ us to do things. They are our elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS not our masters!!!!!!!!!!!

The preamble to the Constitution reads ‘We the PEOPLE’ not we the bureaucrats or we the communists, or we the corporatists or we the republicrats.

The so-called ‘constitutional carry’ laws that by statute can be repealed by commie or republicrat trash need to be replaced by MEN/ADULTS in the genuine people’s militia that enforce the Bill of Rights on the trash our governments are so full of.

The so-called ‘Second Amendment sanctuary’ counties, states, mostly laws with no teeth, need to be replaced by MEN/ADULTS in the genuine people’s militia that arrest, try and execute any trash that seeks to pass/enforce any ‘gun law.’

The Second Amendment is a statement of MILITARY PURPOSE with the words MILITIA and ARMS and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Our domestic enemies have been successful and there are no men left here or there would be videos of the rich Marxist globalist trash that fund the propaganda stream in whatever way hanging from trees and light poles on the net for the world to see.

All government schools, since we’re going to FORCE children to attend them, should require physical fitness ed, martial arts, shooting, basic military training and HISTORY, not just dates and names but the reasons things happen or don’t, at every grade level, with age appropriate training.

Raising children to be mindless pacified Marxist/religious idiots is NOT how one maintains an empire or whatever one wants to think amerika is now. It’s certainly not what America was meant to be.

“Life is pain. Those who tell you differently are selling something.” – From the book and movie ‘The Princess Bride.’

The large cities have mostly been ran by COMMUNISTS for multiple generations due to rampant voter fraud. Again, because we have NO MEN/ADULTS here to stop it.

Where were the men during the 2020 riots? They have been cheated by the schools and the churches into being mindless cowardly pacified morons with no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to stop such evil and hang those ultimately responsible for it.


See what happens when we’re not hanging them?:

Senators reach gun safety deal

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), meanwhile, welcomed the announcement but did not offer a direct endorsement:

“I continue to hope their discussions yield a bipartisan product that makes significant headway on key issues like mental health and school safety, respects the Second Amendment, earns broad support in the Senate and makes a difference for our country,” he said.


What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Uvalde’s Biggest Mistake Was Trusting the Police to “Keep Us Safe”

Horror: Uvalde School Children Desperately Called 911 Begging for Help as Police Waited an Hour to Kill Shooter

Teen Who Knew Shooter Drops Bomb: ‘I Don’t See This Covered and I’m Going to Put This Out There”

Recent Events Only Reinforce Our Need For Gun Rights & Community Militias

Ohio to Make it Easier For Teachers to Carry Guns

Woman with Pistol Stops Man Firing at Graduation Party Crowd with AR-15

Here’s How Buffalo Massacre Suspect Bypassed Useless New York Gun Control

CNN: Capitol Police ‘Warning the Far Right Is Calling for Violence’ after Supreme Court Leak

FK – They have nothing to fear from the ‘far right.’ Jan., 2021 proved that.

FK – Only 4300 were smart enough to refuse the vax? Historically militaries recruit from the lower less educated/intelligent masses.

Only a moron would join at this point, or a communist.

If they have to resort to conscription what percentage now can even make it through a real boot camp?

The ‘conservative’ and libertarian commenters on this and many other sites are delusional about what will be required to fix this mess, if it can be fixed.

How many of them are training with their local genuine peoples’ militias? How many of them would run away like scared rabbits at the suggestion?

Ukraine Blocks Trans Women Refugees: “They Are Men, Must Go Back & Fight”

As I wrote:

New ‘Menstrual Dignity’ Act Puts Taxpayers On The Hook For Thousands Of Tampon Dispensers In Boys’ Bathrooms

FK – Don’t worry. Our domestic enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left here to do a damn thing about this.

No, I’m not shocked:

This WILL Shock YOU!

FK – The middle of the road will be full of roadkill.

The only thing that would shock me at this point would be someone assembling enough men/adults with an understanding of what must be done to accomplish it.

Tell that guy in the chat that Lincoln helped to destroy the American republic. Karl Marx was an admirer of Lincoln. Modern Marxists love Lincoln. Think about it.

When you call communists ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive,’ words they took on to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate, you help them.

What major corporations aren’t committing evil acts in one way or another? The real problem is we allow Marxist globalist front groups to openly operate here and we allow morons to vote, and their dead relatives.

There will always be morons. The only salvation for this country will be when those who value liberty learn to RULE those who don’t.


Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Maybe the rule will soon end:

US military not ready to fight WW3….Many in the military are telling me the same thing.

FK – Scare me? The military is our enemy, at least the hierarchy. The generals said they’d murder any real Americans, not amerikans, that challenged the swearing in of the demented in chief.

This is really good news. If true.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

No one with a brain blindly trusts anyone or anything:

Who Would Trust Musk? Don’t be Deceived, He’s One of THEM!

FK – One might ask ‘Who or what is really running the great reset?’

I haven’t yet tried to get back on twatter. I’m not counting on it.(I’ve since tried a couple times. Still banned. Asked why and of course got no response.)

Schwab is an old creature and won’t live to see most of this so why is it so interested in forcing it on the tool-using monkeys?

The sheeple will have the same meaning they have now, in whether or not the cats are winning or not or whether they bred another generation of herd animals or when their sadistic bronze age god is gonna finally beam them up after waiting for 2000 years. Nothing new here.

If they achieved their real goal with the vax then maybe ‘free speech’ won’t matter anymore. I’m around sheeple all the time that have no conception they’re supposed to give a damn about anything but their own pathetic existences.

Pope Francis: ‘The Time Has Come to Abolish War’

FK – Plato said that only the dead have seen the end of war. But what did he know, way back then?


Proven right again and again:

(This is an old email as I’ve been too busy to post lately, or simply haven’t been able to find the right mood. My disgust with the willfully ignorant tool-using monkeys all around me has been running higher than normal.)

The Senate Health & Welfare Committee had a hearing yesterday on House Bill 28 and the majority of Senators voted AGAINST the bill.

HB28 would have BANNED government COVID-19 vaccine passports and mandates in Kentucky. Why did they kill the bill?

Several members stated it was because the government needs to know your vaccination status for the “health of others.” Another stated reason was “a variant might come along and kill everyone.” They IGNORE the fact the over 2.5 million Kentuckians are already vaccinated, and if the jab does what they say it does, then that shouldn’t even be a remote possibility.

It just goes to show that the Kentucky State Senate is broken. There were THOUSANDS of emails and calls on this issue and they did not care.

We need more medical freedom Senators in our state, so it’s imperative that I win my race in the 22nd District. We are just 7 weeks away from election day. We need your help ASAP. Pitch in today at

With Liberty,

Andrew Cooperrider
Candidate for KY Senate District 22
Jessamine, Garrard, & Fayette Counties

I don’t believe Mr. Cooperrider won. He was ‘redistricted’ by the evil cowardly republicrat leadership in the Kentucky legislature. According to Take Back Kentucky several useless republicrats did lose their primaries. 

This all proves what I’ve been claiming for years, that the republicrat party, the original party of big govt., is highly infiltrated.

It changed a long time ago but most were too stupid to notice:

EVERYTHING is about to CHANGE – Watch NOW!

FK – Putin and the demented in chief are both tools. But that doesn’t mean the elites that own them wouldn’t kill millions of sheeple. High body counts make for better propaganda.

Hitler was a tool as well and the Nazis were the lesser of the evils. The greater evil won and still rules us.

Most amerikans are screaming morons and fully deserve what’s coming.

Why is pulling a gun a new level? Striking someone can lead to permanent injury and death.

According to Wikipedia, for what that’s worth, both the modern empire of note and the soviets developed ‘suitcase nukes.’ I know I’ve heard about them for decades.

During the war crimes trials in Japan one of their generals I think it was said they were doing the same thing the u.s. and Britain had always done. They just lost.

Prepping with the idea that the NWO is just gonna pass you by or ignore you is the ultimate head in the sand attitude.

There are many ways to wage war:

FK – You actually took the vax? And here I’ve been linking to your stuff as if you were intelligent.

The memory hole is full:

I Messed Up!

FK – Messed up is when the rope is too long and the head of the marxist you’re hanging pops off then you have a mess to clean up.

But we have no men to do this. Instead we get to play dress up.

That dumbass didn’t fight in Iraq to protect any damn thing over here.

The globalists built the schools for their own purposes. Those purposes will have to be ripped out root and branch. Ever heard that phrase?

Apparently everyone will soon be doing it:

What the Flip Is Happening to Our World

FK – It’s already happened. We failed to hang our Marxist globalists in time. Now the empire has gone off the cliff. The republicrats aren’t going to save us.

Some scat that should be hanging from a tree complained about his sweatshirt so this entails. There are no men/adults left in this country or in western civilization or this wouldn’t be tolerated.

Just be thankful the tool-using monkey females weren’t naked.

After decades of watching pathetic morons make up excuses for not paying attention or even thinking about what kind of world they’ll pass on to their spawn I’m beginning to agree with the globalists on how useless most of them are.

The vast majority is already powerless because it considers itself to be so. You can’t tell them differently. I see it all the time.

I’m surprised Italians are allowed to own mean looking dogs. Someone’s miniature poodle might be offended.

What is that in the dog’s mouth?

Most won’t listen and deserve to starve:

I Probably Shouldn’t Tell You About the Next Shortages That Are Beginning

FK – Ever read ‘Atlas Shrugged?’ Those who could fight back are going into their hidey holes or pretending nothing is happening or that it’ll all blow over and won’t directly affect them.

What do we know? They always do the opposite of what they say and mean the opposite of what they say.

They always infiltrate and exploit societal weaknesses.

They always over reach, three steps forward, two steps back, and their simple minded enemies always ‘compromise’ our liberty away.

They always plan years ahead and never fear sacrificing whatever no. of sheeple/pawns necessary.

The sheeple are always stupidly standing around waiting to get beamed up or waiting for the next handout.

Better include a high fence and a guard dog:

Survival Garden Seeds….Better prepare for food shortages and rising food prices.

FK – I’d plant a garden but we have plenty of deer and raccoons already.

We should be taking our country back not hiding in the woods and hoping it all passes us by.

But this is no longer a nation of men.

The unelected leader of the unfree world:

White House Rushes to Clarify Joe Biden Call to Remove Vladimir Putin from Power

FK – The demented in chief will soon get the empire into another war.


Some things to think about:

Your AR 15 Will Get You Killed – The Soldier Wannabe Test

This vid won’t embed here and the evil ones deleted this comment which makes me think that some of the commenters are right about the vid being done by a troll or fed nazi.

FK – After reading several comments below, much of which I agree with but not all, I am reminded that we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them or their barrels would be dirty and worn from doing what should have been done generations ago.

I read an article that made the rounds back in the 90s expressing why suppressive fire was important in combat, thus the need for a semi-auto with an extended round magazine.

From my own experience as a Marine reservist it’s to keep the enemies’ heads down when a part of your force performs a single envelopment on them.

In boot camp we were also taught marksmanship, the one shot one kill concept.

It’s long been thought that killing an enemy is not as productive as creating a causality that has to be cared for and takes up time, men and resources.

What was the movie? Revenant, I’m now reading the book. Hugh Glass shot a Grizzly with a .54 caliber ball in the chest and it survived long enough to nearly kill him.

Hitting a deer in the wrong place with a .50 cal. can mean a lost animal. Hitting one in the heart or lungs with a .22 long rifle can mean having to walk a little farther to find it than you would if you used a .270.

Head shots are another issue altogether.

The Vegas shootings have never been fully investigated because they found a body and pinned it on that. I have serious doubts the mainstream version of events is the whole story. It’s likely that in at least some of these ‘mass shootings’ extra shooters were hired to produce high body counts for better propaganda.

Yes, our domestic enemies are capable of such.

If I were cowering in my hidey hole as many preppers seem to be planning to do and a squad or platoon of the empire’s goons or a group of raiders/scavengers approached my bunker/basement/trailer/conex box/ whatever I’d want to put two or three of them down, but not dead.

I’d want them screaming in pain to better discourage further encroachment and to create more fear and confusion.

Of course the empire’s goons will simply call in air support or set up camp and wait for you to run out of water, patience, whatever. Remember the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family.

They don’t care who or what they murder on orders as long as they get their paycheck and retirement plan. See the gun roundups after Katrina where as far as I know only one real man refused to participate.

There will be no where to hide in the NWO. The county tax assessor knows where you are. They will happily come and reset you, murdering your dogs, kids, grandmother or whatever else gets in the way.

If the militiaman survives the first firefight with his AR there will be plenty of re-supply ammo and even military and cop grade weapons lying around, that will burn 5.56 or .308 or whatever they’re using now.

You see, in this not free country the special ones are ‘allowed’ to carry things we’re not ‘allowed’ to without paying a special fee.

If not, it can at least be said he or she actually walked out of their hidey hole like the ancient Spartans and went to face an enemy and told them “Molan Labe,” which doesn’t mean one sits home and waits their turn.

They were in reality fighting a holding action, not unheard of in warfare.

We vastly outnumber our real domestic enemies. If enough ever learn that they won’t have enough drones, or air support or artillery.

They’ll just unleash a worse bioweapon or come up with some other tactic/strategy most haven’t thought of yet.

But all this is beyond the average cowardly pathetic dumbass. Simple sad fact. Which is why the empire has already been driven over the cliff.


What if we knew we outnumber them?:

Something Every American Should Know

FK – I actually agree with game laws. The problem is how they were instituted from my understanding.

Our ancestors hunted the large herbivores and carnivores to extinction here in Kentucky within a few decades of pioneering and settling the state.

We have lots of poachers now. If any substantial portion of the pop. starts subsistence hunting they’ll soon be hunting each other.

Besides, deer are far more valuable than politicians even though like politicians and bureaucrats in some places there are too many of them.

Hogg has the right to request the right length of rope to hang it quickly.

How’s its daddy Boss doin’?

To conquer is to occupy

“My one purpose in writing…
is simply to provide a catharsis for my own thoughts.
They worry me until they are set forth in words.”

H.L. Mencken

Maybe none of this will soon matter, we’d better inscribe the Bill of Rights in stone planet wide:

Signs of the Pole Shift | Magnetic Field, Lightning, People

FK – I’m pretty sure my copies of the ancient tribal propaganda don’t mention a ‘pole shit’ or a micronova. The ancients wrote in very general terms despite continuous strainings at gnats in the name of applying their scratchings to current events, of all time periods, for thousands of years.

The tool-using monkeys have always been collectively insane. They’re just insane about different things at different times. As a matter of course they move from one insane extreme to another.

Reason has never been their strong point.

Remember katrina. Many will die in place or in a govt. shelter waiting for the handouts they were conditioned to take.

Is this why the elites have become so much more insane than normal?

Many to most may not live to see it anyway:

Giving away weapons we might need for WW3…No material to manufacture more?

FK – I think all this has been planned. They have no intention of fomenting a full scale WW 3 or 4 or 5 or where ever we really are now.

The intent of the globalists is to allegedly end ‘global war.’ The purpose of NAFTA and ‘globalization’ was to make all nations so interdependent they couldn’t fight each other in the old ways.

Now they just have to concentrate on the outliers, those not in the bankster system and those who don’t go along with the program and who think they can stay in their hidey holes with their dried beans and ammo cans and somehow magically the NWO will pass them over.

The county tax assessor knows where most of them are. If they don’t their neighbors do.

They don’t need guns and tanks anymore anyway. What have they accomplished with the bioweapons, the one intentionally released and the ones injected into the arms of morons planet wide?

Go watch Ice Age Farmer’s recent vid on the bird flu.

We have no men here or we’d be hanging our Marxists, 50 years ago.

But most would rather retreat and hope the monster eats them last.

The vid I mentioned above:

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?

FK – So this means the elites murdered how many millions so far for an ‘exercise’ in the name of learning how to deal with a greater plandemic?

As I tried to tell morons over the last two years the black death I think it was allegedly killed up to half the global pop. I bet there were many who were convinced at that time it was ‘the end of the world.’

At this point I wouldn’t trust any vax they produce. It’s looking more and more like I’m right when I think they’re more interested in affecting tool-using monkey evolution than anything else.

We’ve been someone’s lab rats for a long time now.

See this:

Where Did the Rest of the Internet Go?

FKThe net to me at first, in 97 or so, was patriots mostly. We knew the msnm was evil and were looking for another outlet.

Someone on my website’s email list asked me 20 years ago if the internet would save us. I told him “No.”

Twenty five years later I encounter morons on a regular basis that are still oblivious to reality and as always prefer their willful ignorance to paying attention to anything that matters and still took the authorities’ advice to take the bioweapons into their bodies.

They voted for Trump because he sounds different or because he’s rich or has charisma or is famous or whatever but few to none of them have any real understanding of what the ‘deep state’ is or might be and don’t want one.

That would require personal responsibly, a thing most tool-using monkeys are incapable of.

There’s a reason the Founders didn’t just let any idiot vote.

This evil platform now autodeletes my links. Why so many content producers don’t leave that mess and go to bitchute or some other platform is beyond me.

The same reason all the morons still use goolag I suppose.

To my understanding most of the search engines use the same algorithms as goolag. DD go or whatever has been bad for quite a while.

I use Yandex mostly but often have to double check that with amerikan based ones.

When I first used a search engine, whatever it was, typing in the word ‘liberty’ would get websites about what most call ‘freedom,’ patriot, libertarian, conservative, whatever content.

Now it will get you an insurance company and Marxist propaganda. Just like the msnm.

Remember when the schitt that used to run goolag said it would be nice to get exactly what you search for? What they mean is you get exactly what they think you should search for.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. Blind obedience to authority is likely genetic by now. It’s part of the survival instinct of the herd. Breaking that barrier in many tool-using monkeys will likely remain unlikely, at least within most lifetimes.

The difference that is made is inter-generational and is a painfully slow process and most of the sheeple are usually blind to it.

Most of what passes for ‘communication’ between the tool-using monkeys is either necessity, what it takes to keep a job, a career, make more money, survive, and mindless blabber about the neighbors, the game, the beer, the big beam up, the favored religion and on and on.

I noticed as a child when we still had black and white weaponvision and news still came on that ink that stuck to your fingers or in an absurdly short evening propagandacast designed to placate or prepare the sheeple that most adults(incredibly loosely defined) never talked about anything that actually mattered for more than a couple sentences.

They still don’t. And even when they do it’s likely they have no clue wtf they’re talking about. It’s usually mindless regurgitation from whatever source makes them feel safer and demands no personal responsibility of them at all.

Voting doesn’t count as most put little to no thought into that process and certainly don’t understand it’s a tiny step in an on-going process.

1984, which most of the sheeple have likely never read, was a basic blueprint, not a warning. Dan Rather told us it didn’t come to pass after all, didn’t he? But who the hell knows who that was?

In reality freedom so-called is an abstract concept that many to most are probably not capable of understanding.

There’s nothing new about the control grid. From the beginning of the new cave order when malefactors, those who questioned authority, were rolled around in the fire, to the church that forbade its congregates from reading what they called god’s word and demanded they swallow only what the priests regurgitated to modern ‘science’ that has created its own dogma.

Those who pay attention could see all this coming. But most would rather die than pay attention and fully deserve whatever is done to them.

There may not be a door. Whatever really put us here may not have included one in the program.

Will Google mainstream the net?

Who deserves to vote?

More on burning reality:

It’s Come To This!

FK – Which version, sub-version or subversion of the ancient tribal propaganda are we banning?

If memory serves the Catholic church at one time discouraged bible reading by laymen lest they develop their own ideas about it.

One account I saw/read years back reported that Martin Luther, the reformation guy, had what amounted to a phd for his time, in religious studies or whatever, and had never read it.

That seems quite a stretch but when I think of the insanity I see among the tool-using monkeys on a daily basis that I know stretches back in to antiquity I wouldn’t be surprised.

In one of Bart Erhman’s books he writes that in his beginning religion or whatever course he asks his students, that’s ‘students of religion,’ how many of them have read the entire atp vs the Harry Potter series.

Most of them report not having read the entire atp but all of the wizard fiction.

A while back we saw reports of a church in Tenn. I think burning books. Which ones I don’t remember. But it’s been done in one way or another by both sides in our current long lasting ‘culture war’ since we’ve had books, scrolls, clay tablets, whatever.

Stephen King is a successful author but he’s a screaming Marxist from my understanding. Allegedly he said if the school or whatever is telling you not to read a book or it can’t be in the library because the local Marxists(well he probably didn’t say that exactly), moral majority, whatever don’t like it then you as a student should run straight to the bookstore and buy it.

I agree wholeheartedly. One should start with my ‘books to read before you vote list,’ the link to which I can’t post here because this evil platform that we should all have abandoned years ago autodeletes them.

One can follow my goolagtube link and then the links to my website to try to understand why neither side in the culture war is going to save us.

And yes, it’s largely because we let morons like the ones in this vid vote. Something the Founders would be astounded about I’m sure.

The real problem is that most morons we allow to vote never crack a book that matters after high school if they did then. Considering what built and runs the govt. schools and churches it’s amazing if they do at all.

I don’t remember my high school govt. teacher explaining the real difference between a ‘conservative(often a simple minded cowardly dumbass)’ and a ‘liberal'(communist) or making sure we understood why the anti-federalists insisted on a Bill of Rights because they rightly feared the new constitution would give a federal govt. way too much power.

We certainly weren’t taught that when Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers that the fears of the anti-federalists were over blown he was lying like a tyrant and that we have a monster on our hands that far surpasses any evil imagined by them.

Most immigrants to this country were and are searching for economic freedom not ‘religious freedom,’ an oxymoron if there ever was one. But this effort to ‘make a buck'(from the fact that a buckskin in the fur trade era east of the Mississippi often sold for a dollar) is often what does the most damage.

Money is the real god of this world regardless of pretense, it’s what most serve(worship) on a daily basis. This means that few adults have or take the time to continue a real ‘adult’ education to help them understand the world they are really in, that it’s not what they’re taught in the govt. or sunday school and what kind of world, free or not, they will pass on to future generations.

Changing this will be a necessity if human kind is to continue on the road to forcing all governments to acknowledge our natural born rights that are ACKNOWLEDGED not granted in the Bills of Rights of this nation/empire and several of its states.

If this is not done all they will do is pass on their slavery to their descendants.

Sitting on one’s ass and waiting for the world to end, which is what the vast majority of religionists do, won’t fix it either. The elites knew that when they either created or infiltrated the religion allegedly created by a Jewish carpenter or Paul or whoever.

Creating another theocracy after communism/globalism dies won’t fix it either. That will only put humanity back centuries at best. In fact that may be what they actually plan.

Our First Amendment written by classically educated men who had studied history ACKNOWLEDGED ‘freedom of religion’ which by necessity means freedom from the religion of the nut down the street who will happily force his version, subversion or subversion on all of us via the act of violence called voting.

I’ve seen more than one ‘conservative’ religionist argue that it doesn’t mean ‘freedom from religion’ intoning that their version, sub-version or subversion is the one everyone should be forced under.

Most of them are so convinced of their own righteousness that it’s virtually impossible to get them to grasp that or that the nut down the street isn’t as equally convinced regardless of which insanity he pretends to.

Antisemitic like blasphemy and heresy and racist and nazi and extremist is another word used to control the human mind.

The atp is the most sold book and it’s also the most explained, miss explained and lied about. Often from the pulpits of the biggest preachers and priests whatever, most of whom if they saw Yeshua or whoever walking down the street gathering a crowd would probably be screaming the loudest to kill him again.

Until we stop raising children to be children, which the elites have always preferred since the inception of the new cave order, and stop waiting for saviors temporal or eternal and start taking on personal responsibility for the world we exist in as members of what is supposed to be a representative republic where all are born responsible then nothing will really improve.

We’ll just keep doing what we’ve always done, jump from one insane extreme to another.

What does it all really mean?:

Was Jesus only a human Messiah? – The Ebionites & Jewish Christians

FK – John the baptist allegedly ate locusts so isn’t that some form of meat? Modern vegetarians often have to return to meat because their bodies need the proteins, enzymes, whatever that only meat can provide.

The Hebrews/Israelites or whatever ate the sacrificed animals, or the priests did, like most ancient cultures right?

The more I study religion to more convinced I am of the collective insanity of the tool-using monkeys.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Or it may not matter:

Moon Clips A collection of anomalies over the past two years

FK – I’m sure that at some point I have unknowingly put something ‘fake’ on my website. Sometimes to often I post things that I don’t or can’t prove if for no other reason than time constraints.

It’s all a weight in the balance with what you think, not believe, you know or others you’ve come to trust claim to know.

The watchers I’m sure have tech so far beyond us that they could manipulate what we see, hear, think, believe, want, desire and on and on.

What’s truly sad is that our modern ‘educated’ culture is full of morons who can’t understand this basic process and don’t want to. They simply don’t want to be bothered.

They can’t or won’t understand that just because one cannot know everything that’s not an excuse to not try to learn or to close their little minds to what they don’t understand or don’t like or makes them feel uncomfortable. How pathetic so many of them are.

But the sheeple don’t think. They’d rather die than think or take on personal responsibility for the world around them. Anyone born into a representative republic like the one we’re supposed to have here is born responsible.

Blind faith in the authorities is easier than thinking. And they get to blame them when something goes wrong.

Any truly educated not just indoctrinated person knows that one cannot blindly trust any source. That’s the ‘any’ that’s in the dictionary. Go read it and apply it to whatever pops in your head.

Here I’ll help: If one cannot blindly trust what the evening propagandacast newswhores say about what happened at 10 am today then one certainly cannot blindly trust some bronze age tribal propaganda.

Unless all our ‘reality’ is manipulated and what the astronomers think they see isn’t real, as some do claim, then the sadistic bronze age god really is about to return and torture billions alive in fire forever. But then it allegedly told its disciples and one of the Sanhedrin that it would be back in their lifetimes.

But then billions don’t even buy into or know this or care. Most sheeple cannot and will never think outside the little box that’s constructed for them.

After all that a lot of this footage could easily be cgi of some form. Just because it’s from the ‘Never A Straight Answer’ group doesn’t mean it wasn’t manipulated, as is pointed out at the beginning of the vid.

They’re playing chess. Most are playing checkers at best.

The mother of Christianity:

Jordan Maxwell & ‘The Mysterious Family’… The Beginning

FK – So how does one know one has a ‘big copy’ of Hall’s book? Is it being printed now? Is there a pdf version? I have a pdf version I think but have no clue which version it is. Haven’t really had/taken the time to read a lot of it since I mostly focus on ‘politics'(human nature).

Even if Maxwell was completely wrong about everything the point is that he had the ‘freedom’ to explore what he wished. If we lose that we lose all, no matter which version, sub-version or subversion of reality comes to rule.

Then I think of all the morons we allow to vote that have no conception of that and how dangerous their willful ignorance and apathy and blind obedience is.

Manipulation of the message:

What the Government says about ALIENS and UFOs

FK – When they say ‘nonpartisan’ you know you have a Marxist that should be hanging from a tree.

I probably have literally hundreds of subs on goolagtube plus some on bitchute. Most probably produce little to no content. I cannot possibly keep up with all of those that do, some produce 2-3 vids or more a day. Couldn’t even if I were wealthy and didn’t have to waste my time in exchange for money.

Have the basics of guerrilla warfare ever really changed? They only have what, less than 3 mil. in the military and fed nazi agencies now? We vastly outnumber them. Why can’t patriots get this?

They should all fear to lay their heads on their own pillows at night.

I was hearing patriots/conservatives/libertarians whatever talk about ‘infiltration’ 25 years ago. We still probably have less than 20, and I’m being EXCEEDINGLY generous, congress critters, house and senate, that would be worth the rope it would take to hang them.

The Kentucky state legislature is little better, controlled by republicrats, most of whom need to be strung up for cowardice if nothing else.

What percentage nationwide have come out openly in favor of simply investigating the BLATANTLY stolen national election?

The more I think about it the more I realize I’m right, along with daily experience in my local existence, when I claim there aren’t enough men left in this craphhole of a dying empire to make it worth saving.

The only thing worth saving now is the Bill of Rights and the concept of natural rights. I don’t know what tiny minority will have to hide out where while the dung heap burns so that maybe some percentage of humanity has some kind of a worthwhile future.

The most important subject is history, if we’re going to allow any moron that gets a diploma for attending for twelve years to vote.

After decades of watching this I can tell you that both ‘sides’ of the left/right paradigm are really only interested in enforcing their own personal version of authoritarianism. If we could push an easy button and blip all the Marxist globalist trash into oblivion we’d have to immediately turn our attention to the theocrats.

The gays/trannies/whatever will never get the help they need from the culture war. They are merely tools to be used and cast aside like the minorities and the poor white working class that has already been abandoned.

I remember when I was young, ignorant and naive and thought protesting mattered.

There’s no end to the insanity. It’s all about sewing confusion, Keep your enemies confused and scared and they are defeated.

When you call commie trash ‘leftists,’ a word they tagged themselves with to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate, you’re helping them.

Finally getting to the header topic: Watch the series ‘Colony’ abut an alien invasion through to the last episode and think about what’s been happening in Davos then think about what should be done.

Much to all of this globalist evil could very well be directed from off planet or by some species that has shared this water-soaked fire-spitting rock for time immemorial with the tool-using monkeys they may have helped evolve for whatever real reason.

The congressional hearing, ran by communists, was another whitewash. Any time the govt. and its lapdog the msnm is releasing or covering something it’s all about the manipulation of the message.

There are still many billions who would equate any real e.t. contact with ‘angels and demons’ because that’s a simple explanation for simple minds.

If an advanced species, only a few centuries ahead of us in tech, landed and whipped out their whatevers and promised to cure mankind’s ills billions would worship them as gods.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

If you’ve never heard of USOs or the likelyhood of under ocean alien bases you need to spend a lot more time looking into this topic. Start with Richard Dolan.

They’re sending hardware to Ukraine that will be replaced by the MIC and paid for with ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace that were created by some bankster with a keyboard.

Ike warned about the MIC before he left office. Marine General Smedley Butler wrote ‘War is a Racket’ before WWII. The Yankees invaded the southern states that were only seeking the same independence the Founders did, so they could keep taxing them.

There’s nothing new about any of this.

More on this:

May 25, 2022 – What was 1949 Project Aquarius’s mission with ‘Alien creatures’?

FK – Why would a pirate pay for something it can easily take? Why would it ask a lab rat for permission? Even if it did what difference would that make?

If we’re lab rats or farm animals do you think the gubmit would EVER admit that especially if it’s complicit in some way?

Now that I think of it how long would it take for some new religion to form that would regularly offer human sacrifices to them? Don’t underestimate how stupid/gullible many of the tool-using monkeys still are.

MILLIONS TO BILLIONS wore the masks and took the vax.

We are still a VERY primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

Of course any congressional hearing is going to be a whitewash. In Jan. 2020 the fedgov lost all legitimacy, not that they had a lot before. It’s truly a congress of whores.

Less than 5 percent of them are worth the rope it should take to hang them.

Whenever the governments or newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message and nothing else.

The ones who show up and tell us they want to help, like the govt. helped the amerikan Indians, will be no more trustworthy than the ones that show up with rayguns a blazing.

There are many ways to wage war.

It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of the current evil, from Davos to the vax profits paid for by alleged tax dollars, really ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace created by banksters on a keyboard, were all directed by some off planet source.

But even with all the sci fi movies out there that concept is way over the head of the average dumbass.

Have you watched ‘Colony?’ We need to be doing what happened in the last episode.

Our best hope is that the ‘benevolent’ species if there is one is waiting for us to begin hanging our Marxists and our theocrats before they announce themselves. That would be a sure sign of an advanced civilization.

I don’t expect to breathe long enough to see it.

Waiting for someone to ‘come and help us’ is the biggest reason we’re in this mess.

Do you really think the watchers or whatever are going to magically cure the mental illness that makes billions stupidly trust the authorities to ‘protect’ them when it’s always been the business of the state to herd the mob and treat them like livestock?


Oh it’s absurd all right. And you’ll never convince most breathing tool-using monkeys of their own insanity for several generations.

Danger Will Robinson:

Joseph Farrell COG NORTHCOM UFO Emergency Danger!

FK – The alien threat will be the hammer without the velvet gloves.

This is all because our enemies, whatever they really are, have been successful and there are no men left in western civ. to hang them.

Maybe the real questions are: “What natural disaster do they know is coming?” or “How much longer can they keep trading ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace for real goods?”

The demented in chief is a puppet. By putting it in the now red house they told us it doesn’t matter which puppet they install, their will will still be done.

Marxists are running the military. It’s about the continuity of that.

Look around you at the uselessness of the average dumbass. How unbelievable is any of this?

The ‘real thing’ may be orchestrating all this. ‘They Live’ might not just be a low budget horror film.

What we perceive as reality at any time may be their gameboy or lab experiment.

McCarthy was a hero as far as I can tell. Our troubles now largely stem from the failure of our ancestors to hang their communists and globalists.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

What fun?

They’re Determined To Ruin Our Fun

FK – Uh, isn’t that ‘sinful?’ I’m sure what the average young male does with those wouldn’t be acceptable in a museum, even nowadays, at least not yet. Unless you’re in that alley in San Fran.

Ever been to a museum and seen those fat models from the 19th and other centuries? There’s nothing new under the sun.

Never heard that AC/DC song ‘Whole Lotta Rosie’ or Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls?’

I do find it incredibly discouraging when I see walruses with kids and often wonder “Who screwed that the first time?” But some guys do like it that way.

Well, some male tool-using monkeys will chase anything with a vagina, or some orifice, and I do mean anything. SI is just trying to expand its marketing base.

Next year they’ll have sheep with lipstick and rubber boots. But maybe that’s too old fashioned and triggers the sheep.

The creature under oath was asked ‘what it believed.’ So it’s not lying.

How many billions profess to ‘believe’ that all babies are born in original sin and thus deserve to be tortured alive in fire forever? The Catholic church started baptizing newborns centuries ago. It’s not a symbolic act.

The evangelicals claim to have preachers that were ‘saved’ as young as five, presumably it’s a good thing they didn’t say “No” to Yashua or whatever and die in a burning car crash on the way home.

Those same preachers can grow up and groom teenage females for sex, an act that should be about sharing a good, great, wonderful, disappointing, whatever experience but instead society from ancient times has stupidly hung a sign of shame on those who dare.

It was once common practice for newborn or young hermaphrodites to have their birth defected genitals operated on to make them appear more ‘normal.’ Lot’s of wives probably wished over time their husbands had some lengthening done or the husbands that the wives hat some stitching.

The nuts and the birth defected won’t get the help they need from the culture war. They are merely political tools for both ‘sides.’

There’s nothing new about the insanity of the tool-using monkeys. We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

So close yet so far:

The Broken Mythology of Great Men

FK – The grave mistake is expecting them to be perfect, living or dead.

Have you read the American Bill of Rights or the Bills of Rights of several of the states? They are what make America, now amerika, exceptional in all the world and known human history, or what is left of them.

A portion of the imperfect Founders, the anti-Federalists, insisted on listing natural born rights in our constitution in order to force our governments to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are born with.

The problem is they didn’t ensure the continuation of a genuine peoples’ militia made up of ADULT MEN AND WOMEN to enforce the concept of natural rights on our governments and their definition of treason, making war against the government, is grossly misunderstood by modern Mal-educated idiots on all sides of the political spectrum.

You must have a free world before you can have a just world.

Antisemite, like racist and extremist and nazi and blasphemer and heretic are all words used to control the human mind.

If any group is telling us we have no right to question its motives then we know we have a problem that must be dealt with.

We are all born blank slates so of course tool-using monkeys are the products of their cultures. From the ignorant parents of a century ago who didn’t the need to send their children to school to the ignorant parents of today who are too stupid to pay attention to the indoctrination, and all education is indoctrination by default, their kids are getting in the govt. schools and govt. churches.

But in reality they often don’t understand it themselves.

That’s why it’s so important to wrest the process of so-called education from the Marxist globalists that are funded by the corporates in the on-going effort to control the opposition.

It’s at this point in human history that we are most in need of executioners and MEN to hold the war crimes trials of our cultural Marxists and globalist corporate trash that funds them.

But we have none as far as I can tell.

There are two kinds of anarchists: Those who believe in NO government at all and communists posing as anarchists so they can raze the culture they exist in and introduce ultimate government, communism or some form of it, puppeteered by an elite few, kinda like what we have now.

The sheeple have always been willing to be led by false heroes or mythologies that make them feel safer. The sheep dog’s job has always been to herd the sheeple so they can be sheared and eaten by the shepherds.

Those who wish not to be ruled by their inferiors must learn how to RULE THEM. It’s always been that way.

You need to learn to think outside your Marxist indoctrination. They’ll shoot you into the same ditch as all the other groups they claim to care so much about.

Or maybe you already know this and plan to participate in it.

It’s hilarious really in a very dark sort of way when ‘minorities’ take on the philosophy of a European secular Jew.

Peace is only achieved when those who want it possess more force than those who allegedly don’t. That’s why it’s never achieved.

The only real reason for the militia\

There are a few great men left:

Is Thomas Massie The Only U.S. Congressman Not Bought Off By The Israeli Lobby?

FK – In a free country with free speech and a supposed free press there are NO special groups whose motives cannot be questioned. 

Antisemitic, like racist and extremist and Nazi and blasphemer and heretic are all words used to control the human mind.


Are you stupid enough to think this couldn’t happen here?:


Ban this:


Or ban this insanity:


This isn’t dick and Jane, it’s…


As I keep writing, no men:


What a concept:


They told us how it all would work so many years ago:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

The pointy end of the sword

There’s already NO WHERE TO HIDE!

White gods, white rabbits and political quicksand

The obedient must be slaves

The obedient must be slaves

Third Fisherman. Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea.
First Fisherman. Why, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones.
– Pericles, Prince of Tyre, as quoted in James Burnhams ‘The Machiavellians’

At a recent Take Back Kentucky meeting a speaker asked all veterans to raise their hands and then proceeded to thank us for our ‘service.’

Later I told him not to thank me for my service to the empire and that my experience back in the 80s and what I’ve learned since had taught me that many members of the military would murder him on orders for a paycheck and a retirement plan.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

This reality goes over the head of the average ‘conservative’ so the average dumbass will likely never attempt to understand it. You know, the same sheeple that will tell you “All politicians lie,” yet stupidly take their advice to allow a bioweapon to be injected into their bodies.

Personally I’m more convinced all the time that our real enemies are here and always have been, something I’ve been telling morons for years.

A few months ago, well I’ll be honest, an ignorant redneck type told me that “America would never be invaded.”

I just sat and stared at the dumbass. Telling it that amerika has already been invaded and conquered in several ways would fly right over its head.

Simple minded sheeple want a simple explanation for the existence we are allegedly in and there isn’t one. Simple minded sheeple that stupidly believe the mainstream newswhores and authorities have stupidly condoned the murder of those who don’t want to be slaves to their pathetic mindset for all tool-using monkey history.

Western civilization is being intentionally collapsed and we have millions of morons that we stupidly allow to vote that don’t even know what that is.

Soon the modern empire of note may be sending the sons and daughters of its brain dead sheeple off to another foreign war. I simply cannot feel sorry for them. We’ve had the internet for 25 years. Those of recruitment age grew up with it, yet many to most are still as stupid as their ancestors.

When we have Marxist trash and republicrat trash running for office we shouldn’t be deciding which of the evils to vote for but what length of rope to use to hang them.

The Kentucky Legislature’s republicrat leadership has been busy proving this need for weeks now.

The most dangerous in any society are the herd animals that would rather die than think and thus choose ancient ignorance as a simple explanation for the world we exist in or those who blindly believe whatever the authorities tell them so they can keep getting a government or pay check and retirement plan that can and likely will evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning.

May they suffer  horribly in this world for their intellectual cowardice and apathy and greed.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Well, he’s right about this, and he helped bring it about:


They are waging war from within to destroy our society and culture:

What I’ve Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy

Tx Schoolchildren March In Pride Parade, Told To Keep LGBT Talks “Confidential”

Capitol rioter dies by suicide because of ‘broken heart’ over case

Convicted US Capitol rioter dies by suicide before sentencing

SHOCKING: Millennials Experienced the “Worst-Ever Excess Mortality in History” – An 84% Increase In Deaths After Vaccine Mandates Introduced (VIDEO)

Judge Rules Two FBI Operatives Used to Set-Up Michigan Militia Members in Mock Whitmer Kidnap Case Will Have to Use Their Real Names at Trial

Michigan governor’s “kidnapping” case takes shocking turn as defense claims FBI fed drugs to “plotters”

Skynet 2.0: Unstoppable Secret Network Bypasses Internet

Generals: We will murder real Americans

What history really tells us:

Found this on Gab, It’s posted on Odysee which I don’t like so I mirrored it on Bitchute. Couldn’t find the original. Probably one of those the evil goolagtube deleted because they’re evil.

FK – The time of choosing has been upon us for generations.

I chose the wrong thumbnail for that vid. I should have used this:


Macleod: The End Of Fiat Is Hoving Into View…

Understanding the process is important. Most people would think that money or currency is involved when it never is. Bank capital is always provided out of bank credit.

A central bank raises capital by the same means but has the additional facility of creating and then redeeming its own bank notes, swapping them across its books for permanent capital. For this reason, a note issuing bank or central bank is never stuck for permanent capital. Furthermore, when you read that a bank has permanent capital of a billion dollars, most people think it is paid up in hard money. But it is an illusion funded entirely by bank credit — credit created by the bank itself.

FK – What has puzzled me for years is how they not only create more nothing from nothing but how long they can keep it afloat.

In the end currency is whatever one is willing to accept as payment. In the past it has been glass beads and human flesh. But then maybe it still is.

Don’t miss the comments on that one. Here’s one I have to share:


When TSHTF you won’t be going to Krogers or Publix or Walmart 

you will be going to your neighbors or a co-op and they will take gold or silver or lead 

but not paper dollars or square or chime or PayPal or American Express 

FK – Who will be defending those places until they run out of whatever is actually valuable?

Who stopped the looters in 2020?

We have few to no men left here. Things will get beyond ugly.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

Massive global depression coming as “dark years” for the world are beginning, says renowned expert

BUCKLE UP: Greyerz – The Dark Years For The World Are Now Starting In Earnest

FK – The gold sellers are always predicting the end. But this time they may be right.

The sheeple think they have money in the bank or the 401k or whatever but in reality it’s all ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace. That garbage can evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning.

GREAT RESET DYSTOPIA! – From Price Controls To Carbon Credits – The ELITES’ PLAN EXPOSED!

FK – Oh, they are that dumb. I see it all the time. Millions of morons that took the vax will go to their deathbeds thinking(very loosely defined) they did the right thing, even if that’s what’s killing them.

Which the doctors/hospitals will probably lie and tell them it’s something else to avoid lawsuits and bloodshed.

There’s nothing new about mindless willful ignorance. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

Does it matter which side wins now? There are NO good guys now. The MIC will make its money, the banksters will gain more control, fewer useless eaters to breed, everyone wins all around.


When The Masses Realize They Won’t Have Enough Money for Food

FK – There was rationing during WWII and our stupid ancestors went along with it because they didn’t know the empire’s military was fighting the lessor of the evils because it was owned by the greater of the evils that still rules us.

The willfully ignorant masses are the most dangerous enemy of liberty because they condone the evil done by our rulers.

Corn and Soybean Farmer to Americans: Your Grocery Bill Is Going to Go Up $1,000 a Month

Who deserves to vote?

And they keep pretending they’re doing something:

‘People’s Convoy’ arrives at Maryland, their last stop before DC

FK – Nothing will really change until they take enough ammo and rope to make it change.

But they don’t really have any grasp of what they should be hanging.

They should have been hanging the mainstream newswhores on their way in.

But  they stupidly think the authorities serve them:

National Guard To Deploy Over US Freedom Truckers, Democrats SUPPORT Trudeau BRUTAL Purge Of Protest

FKTheir only goal is to RULE!!!!

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Waking up is an on-going process:

Retired trucker shares thoughts on participating in trucker convoy

FK – Did they bring enough ammo and rope to do what really must be done? That’s all that will make any difference.

Those who are willing to fight for liberty deserve it. The rest are choosing slavery whether they are intelligent enough to realize that or not.

The republicrats are NOT GOING TO SAVE/RESTORE OUR BILLS OF RIGHTS UNLESS WE FORCE THEM TO!!!!! Many to most of the police and military will murder whatever real AMERICANS they are ordered to murder for a paycheck and a retirement plan! SIMPLE FACT!



These people are well meaning, at least most of them probably, but they are basing their fight on amerikan mythology. We are supposed to be free, under the concept of natural rights, not someone’s version, sub-version or subversion of what ‘god’ is.

The pledge of allegiance was written by a socialist preacher and didn’t include the ‘under god’ part until the 1950s. Real liberty doesn’t include blind faith, blind patriotism, blind obedience, and it certainly doesn’t include any form of Marxism/communism/democracy.

Versus the enemy:

FK – Seems to be the only word it knows.

And this is the biggest reason why we’re in this situation:

FK – Why is this surprising? I see/hear morons all the time who are too stupid to pay attention or have any concept that they’re supposed to. It’s not just the govt. schools. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. It’s always been easier to obey than to think. The religions have reinforced this for millennia. 

And it hasn’t learned anything since:

Miss South Carolina Teen USA Caite Upton Reflects On Viral Flub

FK – I bet it still couldn’t answer the question.

Who deserves to vote?

Oh, it hosts mindless crap for the mindless. And it’s breeding. 

But then it’s not supposed to be a democracy is it?


And this is also why:

War or No War???? Courtney shares her thoughts… What do YOU think?

FK – Well bless her heart. Have you told her she won’t have her kids/grandkids after the great reset? She already doesn’t have their or her mind(s).

If putin does invade it’ll likely be because he was told to. I think it’s all a ‘dog and pony show’ for the banksters and the arms makers. What were all the other major wars?

Also if there is a ‘war’ and ‘merika gets involved then all the dumbass trump voters with a vague understanding of what the ‘deep state’ really is will of course side with the demented in chief and the military, cause, ‘merika.

They fully deserve what’s being done to them.

“Who’s gonna win the game?”

“Have we gotten beamed up yet?”

A Large Scale False Flag Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent

Something HUGE & OBVIOUS Almost Everybody Missed in the Last 24 Hour “News” Cycle

FK – The undermining happened generations ago. Our ancestors were too cowardly and ignorant to hang those they should have hanged. Now no one understands the concept anymore. 

Truth or pseudo truth?:

FK – Are the elites pushing this woman for future prez? Not that I disagree with what she’s saying, it’s that she’s saying it on a mainstream network. As always anything from those sources is questionable.

This is interesting. She’s all over the place and the globalists called her a ‘Russian asset’ which may mean she’s really one of theirs as they usually say the opposite of what they really mean.

If she’s sincere then why has she been registered demonscat all this time? Not that the republicrat party is much better.

Defending ‘democracy’ is the problem.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is just another tool for enslavement. letting morons vote let’s them pretend they’re free. No amerikan alive today has known liberty.

Democracy is not just mob rule, via 51 percent versus 49 percent, it’s really manipulation via those who actually participate in the process of which voting is only a tiny step.

I saw a bumper sticker on an obvious Marxist’s car once that read: “The world is ran by those who show up.”

This is all too much for the average dumbass to comprehend. They barely, really rarely, know they’re supposed to monitor the legislation their elected PUBLIC SERVANTS put forward and vote on.

So it’s beyond them that we should be hanging any garbage that’s breaking its oath to uphold our Bills of Rights by introducing or voting for law that blatantly violates our natural right to kill them when necessary.

All our natural rights, some of which are ACKNOWLEDGED NOT GRANTED, in our Bills of Rights, are based upon the right to fight back. Any creature that claims differently should be hanging from a tree.

Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists

Ukraine Is Not A Victim

It All Comes Back to NATO

Perpetual Tyranny: Endless Wars Are the Enemy of Freedom

War is not always voluntary

Could Economic Warfare Backfire On The US?

Putin Draws Red Line, Warns That Any Nation Crossing It Will Be Considered Part of the Conflict

Putin is NOT crazy and the Russian invasion is NOT failing. The West’s failure to understand the enemy won’t save Ukraine

George Soros helped Zelensky become president of Ukraine through massive propaganda campaign; now he backs puppet regime he installed

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and other global elites

The Ukrainian People Are Being Sacrificed Like Pawns On A Chessboard By The Global Elite

Russia to sign memo with WEF on establishing Center for 4th Industrial Revolution

Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network

Nolte: Ukraine War Fever Could Kill GOP Midterm Chances

FK – What difference will that make? The republicrats aren’t going to save our liberty or country or any damn thing else. They’ve had multiple opportunities in the past to do so and did basically nothing. They should be hanging from the same trees and light poles as the Marxist globalist trash and the rich scat that fund them.

Or what this one is claiming:

Trump booed for saying he wouldn’t investigate Hunter Biden: ‘I don’t want to hurt a family’

Versus this:

Putin, the Deep State and the New World Order in Ukraine War

FK – Religion is an ancient control device. Putin is using it in the same manner.

How many religious channels have been kicked off goolagtube?

They present no danger to the nwo.

While you are discerning truth, so-called, reality will eat you.


What’s Really Up With Ukraine? Deep State Seeking New World Order

FK – Does the average dumbass that we stupidly allow to vote even know what ‘global governance’ means? The mainstream newswhores never mention that term so it’s unlikely they do.

Expecting the average scat for brains to be familiar with the CFR is way out of bounds. It has nothing to do with whether the cats will win or not.

Wishful thinking or the plan all along?

There are ‘signs’ the Ukrainians could win war

FK – No tool using monkey on this planet is free. Most of them are imprisoned by their own willful ignorance which is based in their cowardice.

Gee, putin is doing what the evil elites here wish they could get away with, and have to some degree. They have blocked real journalists form mainstream social sites and the useless braindead monkeys don’t know the difference.

The globalists, the greater of the evils, are backing the Ukrainians. But then they usually back both sides.

This is all a continuation of the generations long war that is being waged on humanity:

The 4th Industrial Revolution Is Here – Are You Ready?

FK – They are very proud of their evil. And the braindead corporate whores will go along with it in the name of keeping what they’re allowed to keep.

And of course we can’t forget the still ongoing biowar:

Fauci’s Next Moves Revealed After Seemingly Disappearing as Left’s COVID Narrative Disintegrates

Some more great news:

Plasma Infusion Trojan Horse: Whistleblower Nurse Exposes Poisoning of Pure Bloods

FK – So have they vaxxed enough morons now to achieve whatever their real goals are? 



Or this:

Bombshell study: Pfizer’s covid jab contents enter the liver, alter human chromosomes and rewrite DNA

FDA wants to release Pfizer vaccine documents slowly while attention is focused away from pandemic

Covid injection injury payouts in U.K. set to outpace 40 years of combined vax damage disbursements

CDC Removes 24 Percent Of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Blames Coding Error

Don’t miss this one:

Covid Origins Bombshell

Shocking study finds covid vaccines REWRITE your DNA… criminal CDC proven to have repeatedly LIED about this very issue to deceive and harm the public

Study finds that Pfizer mRNA covid injection overwrites human DNA with new genetic code

The fully vaccinated makeup 90% of covid-19 fatalities in England; the majority are triple vaccinated

Are COVID Vaccines Causing AIDS-Like Illness by Destroying Immune Function?

Official Data Suggests Triple Vaccinated Brits Are Just Weeks Away from Developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

We need rope and MEN to use it:

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line


Jordan Peterson – Population Collapse Is Coming

FK – Isn’t the vax supposed to take care of the excess pop. in the third world countries? And of course the morons here.

If the doctors that predicted those who took the vax will be dead in 5 years are right that’ll mean a better gene pool for the future.

The Marxist globalists and the rich scat that fund their propaganda stream and the braindead sheeple that vote for them are a cancer on humanity.

There certainly are a few good tool-using monkeys. They’re a tiny minority of the pop. at any given time. They actually make an effort to understand the world they exist in and work to ensure future generations will be free to learn, grow, evolve, explore, fight back, which is the most basic right any creature possesses.

The rest aren’t worth pigeon scat on the bottom of your shoe. This I’ve learned after decades of trying to get the useless creatures to pay attention.


How Much Food Will be Lost Globally Because of Ukraine / Russia Conflict

FK – Most of the sheeple are too stupid to understand that a war on the other side of the world could affect them much less their right, duty and responsibility to do anything about it. 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Klaus Schwab

The Bayer Monsanto Deal is Set to Transform the Agri-business Industry

Germany’s Bayer closes $63 billion Monsanto takeover, plans to drop US company’s name

Bayer wins US nod for Monsanto deal to create agriculture giant

Why Bayer’s massive deal to buy Monsanto is so worrisome

Block the Bayer-Monsanto deal!

Monsanto news, articles and information

Fear, fear and more fear:


FK – We have been at war since the beginning of tool-using monkey civilization.

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms



FK – I suggest you stay here and prepare for the blood war that’s coming HERE.


GOA Backed Bills Repeal SBR, SBS, & AOW Regulations!

FKWill the useless republicrats actually follow up on this or is it just election time foreplay?

I’m betting on the latter. It’s unlikely my useless piece of crap republicrat rep. will do anything about really restoring the Second Amendment, especially since he told me a few years back that ‘gun laws’ are AOK with him. Wish I had kept that email.

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

A numbers game, we outnumber them:

More Fake 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries

FK – We have no men to defend them. The military and Police CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!!!!!!

The Bills of Rights of the national and several states’ governments were written to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS! Nothing was ever granted!

Our domestic enemies will not be bound by anything until enough MEN/ADULTS are found to build the genuine peoples’ militias to do what must be done.

Why Is The Left(COMMUNISTS!) Ignoring Ukrainian Gun Rights?

Gun law in Ukraine

But there are no men here.

WY: Wyoming Law Makes it Illegal to Enforce Unconstitutional Federal Gun Control!

Why UK gun laws are less than useless

FK – Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to ‘lower crime’ it would still be evil and those who promote and enforce it should be hanging from trees because like socialism gun control is slavery.

Ukraine adopts its own Second Amendment — too little, too late?

FK – And as soon as the ‘war’ is over the sheeple will be told to turn them back in so they don’t endanger their own government whatever that ends up being.

As Ukraine hands out guns to citizens, the Left finally realizes 2nd Amendment is NOT for hunting

FK – The communists haven’t realized any damn thing. They’re simply arming their compatriots. 

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

The only real reason for the militia


But who are ‘they?’:


FK – It’s the average dumbass force that is the most dangerous. They do what they’re told for a paycheck and a retirement plan.

Why don’t you get off goolagtube?


They’re smiling so they must be nice right?:

The Veil Between the ‘Computer-Generated Dream World’ and Reality Is Disappearing

FK – So assuming as we probably should that the elites have tech far beyond this how many content creators on social media are ai?

I can certainly think of a few who the partially awake love because of their homey personalities.

I feel like a broken record when I constantly point out that ‘democracy’ doesn’t equal liberty.


Humans Find AI-Generated Faces More Trustworthy Than the Real Thing

AI-synthesized faces are indistinguishable from real faces and more trustworthy

Artificial Intelligence Could Boost Good Governance

What is Artificial Intelligence?

From the keyboards of the enemies of liberty:

It’s Time to Give OSINT Its Own Agency

The Vaccine Pushback Is Bad, But Wait for the Climate One

FK – The piece of shit mentions a movie in which a civilization ending disease was caused by a ‘cure’ created by modern ‘science’ and whines that we REFUSE to take the vax.

It’s always been about the governance:

Kabbalah and Esoteric Religion – ROBERT SEPEHR

The Protestant Reformation and the Thirty Years’ War – ROBERT SEPEHR


So-called history is constantly being re-written:

The Resurrection in its Cultural Context [feat. Dr. Bart Ehrman]

FK –  I read ‘Misquoting Jesus’ and just finished ‘Jesus Interrupted’ and the most amazing, but not really, thing I noted in the latter was how he asks his new religion students if they’ve read the entire ancient tribal propaganda or the Harry Potter books to which most admit they’ve read all of the latter and little of the former.

Yet most of them proclaim to be ‘religious’ or whatever. That’s a real insight I suppose on tool-using monkey nature. It’s like people I know who don’t live any more of a ‘christian life’ than my dog does but they’ll jump out of their shoes to defend it, or their translation of it.

Does one of his books list all the former examples of ‘saviors’ he’s discussing? I’ve heard of course of Mithras and Osiris and one or two others. Really it reminds me of modern comic books with superheros.

The real question after all is how does it have such a hold on the human mind? I know most sheeple never read any book that matters and rarely really understand the atp but still they lay claim to it, as do the Islamists to their book and I suppose the Hindus and the Buddhists.

Maybe the question is not ‘Did god do it?’ but ‘Who or what wants us to think that way and why?’

Oh it matters very much to those who claim the atp is ‘literal’: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” 

And that part that basically says it better be OK with you if I torture your kids, spouse, parents, best friend, whatever alive in fire forever.

That says a lot about the term psyche.


The world is not what they teach in school or Sunday school:

The Origins of the Antichrist

FK – Yep, I was raised in that ignorance. I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

How many billions more will waste their time in this existence waiting for the world to end? What kind of future would their descendants have if they’d wake up and grow up and stop waiting for the world to end while ensuring future generations got to live in concert with the concept of natural rights which our Bills of Rights are based on?

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. In a free country with free speech there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives we can’t question.


Or maybe there’s another version:

New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History – UnchartedX

FK – Maybe some of our ancestors already propagated themselves into the stars and left us behind.

Now the few who attempt to think are surrounded by morons that would rather cling to simple minded explanations and stupidly await the next apocalypse, wasting their time here waiting for the world to end or for some temporal savior to wave its magic political wand.

You left out a discussion of what the plandemic is really about, why they want to further adjust our DNA or simply reduce the herd, or both.

Or maybe some are right and the ancient gods require periodical sacrifice.

More on rewriting history:

Plasma Petroglyphs Were Warnings – Cosmic Catastrophe Etched In Stone – Squatterman Explained

Or this version:

Human Hybridization Explained – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – Like it or not we’re all mutts. But some dogs are still smarter than others and some can pull the sled when others seem to be born to be pocket pooches. Still we stupidly let them all vote. 

The vid he mentions:

Robert Sepehr’s DNA Results

FK – Did you temporarily rent another P.O. Box with a fake I.D. before you used that fake name?

There will be no where to hide from the NWO. In reality there already isn’t.

There’s already NO WHERE TO HIDE!

Or this one:

Archaeologists Find Evidence for 40,000-Year-Old Modern Culture in China – History Is A Mystery..

FK – That was an early tattoo and scarring parlor where the early religionists first invented the insane practices of circumcision and splitting the underside of the penis.

It’s a puzzle why if they were as ‘intelligent’ as modern tool-using monkeys did it take them so long to develop more advanced tools? But then why are there still basically stone age cultures left on some parts of modern Terra? Why are we still buying gas at the pump when so many see those craft zipping around up there?

It’s likely the caves were a winter retreat and they ventured down to streams and woodland or whatever in the warm months where food was more available. Year-round cave living wouldn’t be good for health.

Robert Sepehr claims the out of Africa theory is basically dead. See two vids above this one.

All contemporary cultures of whatever time consider themselves to be the peak of tool-using monkey development and thus their beliefs, findings, cultural norms, whatever are not to be brought into question.

Doing so is usually more than their little brains can handle.

How many stupid scat-brained ‘merikans have no idea what this is about?:


I cannot feel sorry for the morons that took that shit. They were warned and warned and warned. But they’re too stupid to actually search for reality, after we’ve had the net for 25 years:



Ukraine President Zelensky Reveals The Only Thing That Can Save His Country Now




All the above is symptomatic of our failure to hang our Marxist globalist trash and other assorted trash and of course our lack of men:


So close and yet so far;

War is not always voluntary


Versus this thing:

It should have been hung from a tree many decades ago.

Pelosi Exercises Tesla Stock Options To Buy $2 Million In Shares

Along with this:




All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

The pointy end of the sword

There’s already NO WHERE TO HIDE!

White gods, white rabbits and political quicksand

Whose version of ‘order’ will it be?:


White gods, white rabbits and political quicksand

And that’s probably what they want. A fake ‘revolution’ or ‘civil war’ which no one is ready to fight but which will give the evil ones the excuse to shove forward their real agenda, global enslavement of the tool-using monkeys.

The elites know when wars are coming. The braindead sheeple are usually oblivious.

Those who claim they want ‘freedom’ are as always delusional about the situation they really face.

The average dog is smarter than the average tool-using monkey.

The evil is never ending because the mindless willful ignorance and endless apathy is never ending. The submissive have been surviving to breed for countless generations. The religions have taught blind mindless obedience as was their intention since probably the beginning.

The tiny minority that does survive and end up fighting must congeal a narrowly focused goal of restoring the Bill of Rights which ACKNOWLEDGES NOT GRANTS our natural right to fight and kill when necessary those who would enslave or in our case enslave us further.

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

I’ve done what I’ve done all these years in the way I did it because the mainstream newspapers that I in my youthful ignorance wanted to work for always channeled the national and official propaganda as gatekeepers for the masses.

Free Kentucky News was meant as an alternative to that, to point out the real journalists, those with a bias toward liberty, who operated as true watchdogs on government, not lapdogs for those who would rule us whether they be politicians or the corporate workaholic assholes they often serve.

It’s easy to to get distracted by issues that don’t matter or liars that want to distract, controlled opposition, or those who are simply misled because they haven’t let go of lifelong indoctrination from the govt. schools, universities, churches, mainstream newswhores, publishers and on and on. 

From a comment section on a vid I link to below:


We the people were doomed/screwed when Trump came out for the vaxx. Between Trump and the MSM my Republican Trump supporting extended family didn’t stand a chance. I couldn’t convince them not to take it, who am I compared to MSM and Trump. Don’t say they had a choice or should have done their research. They TRUSTED TRUMP. It was for the greater good, where have we heard that before? We in fly over country didn’t get the insiders nod and wink, don’t take the vaxx, like the Juan O Savin’s of the world. Who the hell are we in fly over country. Trump is on my last nerve. Either he has it all, EBS and Military, or he sold us out. From MY perspective, I’m still not sure. He lost allot of my trust, I don’t have faith in man, and hope is not a plan. We keep getting told the same stories. I’m still hear looking for the news but this news is becoming as unreliable as MSM. At least no topics are off the table. But these truther’s are waking people up, but it is still a smaller percentage of the people then you would like to believe come to the internet for their news. I mean alternative sites then MSM sites. Because once you do you see, flat earthers, aliens, DUMBS, satanic children sacrifice, secret worldwide military opps, Trump never left, Vax/Depopulation plan, JFK and ELVIS are alive. One look at that and they go back to MSM. Trump and the Military lost the country under their watch until they PROVE Q, the giant sting, dumbs, and Military Tribunals.

The sad reality is what I constantly write on here: Most physically grown tool-using monkeys are still basically children mentally and emotionally. They never learned to try to slice and dice an idea in their minds. All is black and white to them. Many to most never crack a book that matters after high school, if they did then.

The killer bees of fake news

As I learned in college most don’t develop abstract thought until they’re around 25 years of age. In my experience many to most never do.

The history they were taught was a mix of mythology/legend and simple dates and names with no meaning. Understanding why things happen is far more important than knowing they happened.

But still we let morons vote. If there is a free humanity left after this war dust settles that issue must be addressed.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Waking up is still hard to do

Support H.R. 899 and S. 323 to Abolish the Department of Education


The republicrats are your enemies:

Mike Pence says Trump was wrong about overturning US election

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

What your enemies or your masters plan for you:

Not a Suicide Pact: Urgent Strategic Recommendations for Reducing Domestic Terrorism in the United States

America Is Becoming a Social Democracy

To Defeat the Radical Right, End American Empire

Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts

TD Bank Freezes Bank Accounts Connected to ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest

Trudeau Will Respond To Freedom Convoy With Unprecedented Emergency Power: Reports

FK – Of course the average brain dead amerikan moron will reason(very loosely defined) that “Gee, that’s in Canada, or whatever that place up there is called, it’s a whole nother country. That stuff will never affect me.”

‘We Will Hold the Line’: Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They’re Not Deterred by Emergencies Act

FK – The Canadians are not now nor have they ever been free. They have no real Bill of Rights which ACKNOWLEDGES their natural rights.

‘Trudeau is Alone’: Fifth Canadian Province Abandons Vaccine Passports Amid Crackdown on Freedom Convoy

The amerikan sheeple fully deserve what’s been done to them, what will be done to them and what will be done to their offspring:

FK – They marked us with the socialist security no. in the 1930s. All since then has been refinement.

No one is gonna get beamed up. No one is gonna fly in on a white horse, a golden chariot or in a flying saucer and save you.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

If some are right that means a 2/3 pop. reduction, of the less intelligent, the only good thing about this.

It’s time to end the mandates

It’s apparently time to tuck their tails and go home like the non-men they are:

It’s Coming! …or is It Already Here?

FK – All govt. is force thus all real pushback against evil govt. must ultimately involve force. But we have no men left in western civ.

The elites love so-called ‘peaceful protest’ because they can sit safely on their couches or office chairs while their whores, the sheepdogs, the police and military, do their dirty work for them.

The purpose of the sheepdog is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

The banksters have never been our friends. They started the Fed and the IRS. They will steal money out of your accounts already when the IRS claims you owe them money.

The power to tax is the power to destroy. There’s nothing new about this.

Remember that old movie “Red Dawn?” amerika stands alone. But we have no men to stand.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

What you need to know about cowardice and mythology:

What you need to Know about REVOLUTIONS 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 🇻🇪

FK – The American revolution over threw the concept of ‘royalty’ and god-appointed kings who could do as they wished with their subjects/slaves because whatever bronze age god or worse had given the go ahead just by them being born to a bloodline or by killing enough of those who didn’t want to bow to them.

Government is FORCE and nothing else.

The anti-federalists insisted on a Bill of Rights, based on the concept of natural rights and the Federalist effort to establish a new monarchy or dictatorship was stopped.

They also established a secular govt. because they knew history, see the 30 Years War. Once we allow some moron to claim they’re gonna establish ‘god’s govt.’ or god’s law then we have to decide which of the thousands of versions, sub-versions or subversions that will be.

Have you read ‘Jefferson’s Bible?’ Not all the Founders were all that devout, certainly not by modern evangelical or catholic or whatever definition.

We have a Bill of Rights that forbids ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ yet we have millions of morons that have no problem with their sadistic bronze age god burning billions, the vast majority of the tool-using monkeys that ever existed, alive in fire forever.

This proves we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

Read ‘Hamilton’s Curse’ and ‘The Real Lincoln.’

We need a restoration to the concept of natural rights. But we have no men here who understand this.

Controlled opposition is a thing. The ‘noble cause’ is often created by or infiltrated by the very elites, those behind the curtain, the sheeple or people think they’re over throwing.

‘Polarized’ is another control word. There is only invasion and overthrow. In reality the enemy has been here all along. What we really have is a tiny minority who have some basic or vague understanding of what’s going on around them, which won’t change unless we conduct war crimes trials, if then, and the vast majority, many of them trump voters, that have a very vague understanding of the situation they face, that may very well be turned to serve the evil ones.

How many morons who voted for Trump think it’ll all be fixed if we just go back to dubya or Reagan or FDR or Lincoln?

We are drowning in an ocean of lies and millions of morons don’t even know they’re not supposed to breathe water.

If we base a revolution, restoration, whatever on the mythologies of the past we still won’t gain much and the elites will simply step back into their former rolls of funding all sides and their controlled opposition.

This country was founded with chattel slavery, as a compromise, to keep the early union together. It slowly turned into an empire, as even Jefferson called it at one point and helped to form it via the Louisiana Purchase.

Only white male property owners could vote. There were few to no SCOTUS rulings on the first or second amendments until well into the 19th century or the 20th.

The south sought independence just as the Founders did. The big govt. unionists invaded so they could continue to tax them. Claiming they invaded to free the black slaves is absurdity.

This guy is either a moron or a liar. See what the black Marxists have done to South Africa and would do if they could get away with it.

To destroy the concept of natural rights, our right to exterminate the garbage that would force us into communism/slavery at the point of a gun, is to destroy the Bill of Rights in toto.

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity. We are in this situation because of our failure to hang our Marxists and the rich elites that fund them and their propaganda streams and FOR NO OTHER REASON.

But again, we have no men here who understand this.

During the ‘great depression’ the culture was still mostly rural. As my grandmother asked me: “Depression? What depression? We were already poor.”

Do you think no one saw it coming? I had people telling me about the 08 housing crisis years before it happened. But then there are always doomsayers claiming the ‘end is near’ when what we really need is to pay attention and focus on what kind of world future generations will inherit.

I’ll never forget the preacher that told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

How many untold billions now have wasted their time here waiting for the world to end with NO THOUGHT GIVEN to the kind of government their children would inherit and whether they would be as enslaved as their parents or worse.

I spoke with a young ‘national guardsman’ today that apparently saw no problem with taking the vax.

See the part about drowning in an ocean of lies again. He will readily murder who or whatever the evil generals that said over a year ago they’d murder any real Americans who went to challenge the blatantly stolen election that he’s told to murder, for a paycheck and a retirement plan.

This guy is a liar or a screaming dumbass. The average amerikan has NO CONCEPTION of what real liberty is or what this country is supposed to be. Many to most of them think we’ve always had an income tax and gun laws.

When I first started fighting gun control in the 90s a common question was “You got a license for that?” when in most states a ‘license’ was NEVER required, especially at the beginning of the now dead republic.

Dig up the 70 million Mao murdered and ask them what failed. Ask the dead victims of the greater of the evils in WWII how they were murdered before during and after our ancestors were fighting ‘fascism.’

Some libertarian dumbass once wrote to me online about the Soviet Union that “It all worked out.”

“Yeah,” I responded to him, “After 70 million dead.”

What morons. What pathetic cowardly delusional morons. What were the Indians thinking when they saw those big boats with the white sails sitting off the coast? Did they have any real clue what was coming?

How many have been murdered so far in this intentional plandemic biowar? How many will die? They have proven over and over they don’t care how many they kill to maintain control.

The modern kings simply go by different names and hire charismatic famous front men to run for office for them and maintain the status quo with no real ‘change.’

WTF happened in several large cities in 2020? NO nation of real men would have tolerated that.

And they went to the district of commie criminals with signs to ‘protest’ the blatant theft of the highest office on the planet and in human history while a demented old tool was sworn in to do what?

This is a dying empire of delusional fools.

The Aussies lost what semblance of freedom they had when they surrendered their weapons without a fight. All since is symptomatic of their cowardice.

Read “Lincoln’s Marxists.’ The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. If you don’t count the Federalists.

Ever heard of the ‘Wildlands Project?’

The republic was lost in 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion at the point of a gun and 600,000 dead “You may not un-volunteer from something you volunteered for.”

What a moron. Something far worse than any bloodshed is a country full of cowardly pacified whores whose real god is money that have NO CONCEPTION AT ALL they have a right, duty and RESPONSIBILITY to fight back.

They are exactly what they have been bred and indoctrinated to be. So is this guy.

At least the guy with the cane, can’t remember who he was, was man enough to use it. We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

What did Patton say after World War II? “We fought the wrong side.”

Allegedly the Kentucky Constitution was amended to forbid concealed carry of weapons after one legislator used his sword cane on another in the 1850s. They couldn’t control themselves so they sought to control us.

This moron is really a professor? Really? Of what? AGAIN; The Bills of Rights of the new constitution and of several states were written to ACKNOWLEDGE NATURAL RIGHTS WE ARE BORN WITH!!!!!


When you call COMMUNISM by the cute names that have been assigned to it to hide it’s relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate you are HELPING IT!!!!!

WHY IS HE USING HIS ALLEGED ENEMIES’ LANGUAGE and thus allowing them to control his thoughts?

If we replace whatever passes for globalist Marxism or whatever with some form of theocracy we will have gained nothing but the next war.

Both the slave holders and the abolitionists used the ancient tribal propaganda to justify their cause.

The average amerikan/westerner fully deserves what’s coming. May they suffer horribly in this world for their cowardice and apathy.

Video of Alleged Ballot Trafficker in Georgia Is Released

Republican-led Pennsylvania court deems mail-in voting law unconstitutional

Ukraine Military Is Training Citizens To Help Defend Against Possible Russian Invasion

FK – So why are most of those who claim to love the 2nd Amend. scared to death of the ‘m’ word?

Why don’t we already have an active training organized outfitted genuine peoples’ militia in every county?

There are no men here, that’s why.

All this is symptomatic of our failure to hang our Marxist globalists and the rich scat that funds their propaganda stream. But again, there are no men here.

Many to most National Guardsmen believe the LIE that they are the modern militia. Why?

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

One wonders why that didn’t start decades ago:

GOP Rep Warns Of Targeted ASSASSINATIONS Looming In New U.S. Civil War, Press Says Its ALREADY Here

FK – Read ‘TRUTH of The War Conspiracy of 1861.” Someone for damn sure knew it was coming.

They’d already been fighting for a decade in Kansas and Missouri.

The elites usually know wars are coming because they’re pulling the strings to bring them about.

It’s the average dumbass sheeple, educated or not, that is usually oblivious.

I see it everyday.

The only real reason for the militia

Bipartisan Gun Control Incoming!

Maybe they won’t need it:

FK – The root cause is the willful ignorance and apathy of many millions of amerikans who are born into what is supposed to be a representative republic yet neither have nor want any notion of their right, duty and RESPONSIBILITY to fight back which is the basis of our Bills of Rights of the national and several state governments. 

New York City Fires Nearly 1,500 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine: Mayor

Why Did Masks Stop Working In Japan And South Korea?

More berating the obvious:

FK – There’s nothing unfathomable about it. We’re livestock that have turned into ants at the picnic.

Real Not Rare – Stories from the vaccine injured and murdered

FK – Anyone with half a brain could see what was happening in the spring of 2020. But most are oblivious and would rather die than think. I see it all the time.

Those who want to be free must be ready to rule those who simply don’t care as long as they get another beer, watch another game or believe some savior is gonna swoop in and save them from their own willful ignorance and cowardice.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

GAME OVER: This Is The Final Nail In The Coffin!

FK – You forgot shooting into a building full of women and children.

FK – The native cow agreed it was against freedom. Let’s be clear: IT SHOULD BE HUNG FROM A TREE. The scat was endangering those kids. They should be taken from their COMMUNIST parents and educated in liberty.

But there are no men left in western civ.

The communist pig was the creature that was obviously excited.

Leave it to COMMUNIST SCAT to think there’s such a thing as ‘official’ news.

The govt. is their god dear child. Yes, they’d happily shoot you all into ditches. And they are being aided and abetted by all the whores who worship money, their true god and who STUPIDLY THINK all they have to do is go along to get along and this will all just blow over and they’ll magically get to keep all their crap.


Look at the fear in that Nazi’s eyes at 15:46. They know they’re outnumbered.


We could have our enemies hanging from trees and light poles in weeks to months if enough would ever figure that out.

Doesn’t that cow have a govt. built igloo somewhere and a polar bear that’s lonely? 

New poll shows Americans’ trust in science is now deeply polarized

Germ Theory Is a Hoax (and You’ve Been Lied To About the Spanish Flu)

FREEDOM CONVOY: Mainstream Media CAN’T Do This!

FK – Let me guess, the speed cameras truly ‘strictly enforce.’ I’ve driven in most states. The traffic flow is usually 5-10 mph over the posted limits, sometimes 20.

The amerikan military hasn’t fought a war for liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

Those old truckers do stupid things like cheat on their books so they can drive sleep deprived, rarely get any real exercise and like the meme reads eat a crappy diet. So anyone smart enough not to be a truck zombie has to compete against that mindlessness for jobs/work.

It’s not something to be proud of.

How many commiedians have complied with their evil master’s gun ban? Why aren’t they using them to end this evil? Why aren’t we?????

The wash compost is evil mainstream scat. What else to you expect from it? Bezos bought it and it’s still a commie globalist rag.

goolagtube should be a dried up carcass by now. But some just won’t get off it.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

They just keep proving me right:


FK – Yeah I’ll vote for Perry Mason. We get to vote don’t we?

Whatever replaces the klinton appointee will be Marxist globalist trash regardless of color.

Would I be racist for saying we need to hang the white Marxists first?

The most important things to do

They never have been. There are no safe places:

Schools Are NOT Safe Anymore

FK – The globalists created the indoctrination system for their own purposes. No amerikan alive today has known liberty. Few of them could even explain what it really entails.

Neither the corporations nor the governments nor their indoctrination centers want tool-using monkeys that can think critically.

Most teachers/professors are simply regurgitating the warped history they have been taught or not taught, assuming they still teach anything resembling history. Often they are still stupid enough to blindly believe the mainstream newswhores or the mainstream authorities and think those entities are acting in our best interests, when in fact the exact opposite is the case.

Read ‘The Prince.’ It teaches you what governments are and always have been.

Homeschooling can be great, as can charter or private schools, but the vast majority of sheeplets will continue to attend the government schools and get the same intentional mal-education their parents did, or worse, or far worse. And we allow them to vote.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

Teachers are responsible for creating compliant Fools & unquestioning Idiots

FK – The teachers and professors are simply regurgitating what they have been spoonfed. The preachers should know better since many of them attend bible colleges where they are taught the real origin of their religion, human frailty.

But it’s not really about ‘the children’ anyway:

FK – I don’t know what’s so shocking about it. Those who pay attention have known for years they consider us to be livestock. Now we’re becoming ants at their picnic.

America’s Frontline Doctors

Courage Inspiring Victory Through, Peaceful, Respectful, Noncompliance

FK – I’ve watched well meaning people/sheeple be nice to our enemies for decades now. Have they stopped trying to enslave us? 

Mounties For Freedom


WHAT IS THAT? Giant “Alien” Moon Structure Near Apollo 15 Landing Site?!

FK – That’s just a state park or highway rest area picnic shelter, nothing to worry about. The space tourists like to rest somewhere with a view.

Don’t worry, as primitive and willfully ignorant and cowardly as most of the tool using monkeys are they’ll not likely ‘contact’ us any time soon. More likely they look upon us with pity or disgust or both.

Millions work relentlessly to enslave their Earth brothers and sisters and whatevers in some form of authoritarianism or another from seeking to control all they do in this existence to threatening them with eternal torture for not accepting eternal slavery by some bronze age god.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Just something to touch on:

The Pill and Dystopia

FK – I think you’re grossly over-rating the herd animals.

I noticed long ago that most female tool-using monkeys lose their minds at middle age or thereabouts. They take on the grandmother or granny mindset and treat everything and one accordingly.

But then a few months back a clerk in a liquor store told me she didn’t have to worry about how fattening any of their products were because “I’m a mom now.”

Then there’s the middle aged female who was hinting at some kind of relationship right after she told me how astounded she was when her last boyfriend wanted sex. That female like many had been married and popped out babies yet still had no understanding of what a human male is.

Maybe we should be wondering how we transitioned from the dominant male in the chimp herd or whatever to the marriage and breeding for the king thing.

I’ve seen countless examples all my time here of tool-using monkeys that shouldn’t have bred. In fact it’s always been a great puzzle to me why the great majority of them want to.

It’s a biological inclination, deeply ingrained, men want to screw, females in general want babies. How often have we heard the female lament?; “We have to put up with men so we can get babies.”

What’s the real drive for this? Is it just evolution ensuring a species’ survival or something more? Yes, billions will opt for the simple explanation that the sadistic bronze age god just wants more babies to threaten with eternal torture, something its alleged ancient tribal propaganda claims will happen to most of them which proves me right when I claim we’re still an exceedingly primitive species existing in a very dark and dangerous age that we may not survive.

I’ve never associated Van Halen with boy soyism.

So we go back to what? One of my great-grandmothers had 9 children that survived to adulthood if memory serves. She also had miscarriages. Maybe we should have kept that up and now be in the process of wiping out all the other civilizations on Earth to claim the territory we’d need/want.

Maybe we’d really have space stations and colonies on other planets by now as they claimed back in the 70s.

We may have the tech now to give every 14-year old male storage space in several freezers for his squigglies then provide him a free vasectomy so he can do what nature demands without danger of making more parasites for the welfare rolls and voters for the demonscat party.

Then we can put making a kid where it should have been a long time ago, in the hands of those who are intelligent, attractive, financially secure, educated thinking real human beings, not herd animals that more resemble walruses than advanced primates.

But there I go dreaming again.

Anger the evil ones by clicking on the avatar and following the links to understand.

Maybe more of the same potion:

“Other Shoe To Drop” – CNN Collapsing! 😂

FK – The corporate Marxist globalist trash should be hanging from a tree because it’s been openly working to enslave humanity.

But I really don’t care what its sex life involves. I’d probably rather never have to think about it. I already know too much about the Falwell family. But then I never looked to them for guidance either.

If it used its power over that female tool-using monkey to coerce it into sex then of course that’s another reason to hang it faster. But if they’re two consenting adults(extremely loosely defined, as I would with ALL tool-using monkeys over a certain age, or really mentality…) then it’s their damn business.

Work place relationships can have issues and I understand why many businesses ban such though I think the problems often come from trying to ‘hide it.’ if they’re married then it ought to be between them and their so-called spouses. There are ‘open marriages’ for various reasons.

Throughout history much marriage was defacto open because of cultural attitudes that kept chaste female tool-using monkeys at home with the kids while the male was free to sew his seed among whatever weed patch he found, as long as he was discrete.

Who or what is really controlling the whoopi thing? Is she such a good tool for those we aren’t allowed to criticize that they can’t let her go?

For the benefit of the simple-minded: Hating someone because they’re born a certain way is mindlessness, as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind, just like ‘racist’ or ‘nazi’ or ‘extremist’ or ‘radicalized,’ or ‘sinner’ or ‘blasphemer’ or and on and on.

What was the Holodomor? The Soviets murdered tens of millions before the lessor of the evils got warmed up and was still murdering and enslaving for decades after the alleged most evil ideology of the 20th century was put down.

Our empire fought the lessor of the evils and the greater evil won and still rules us.

Who or what invented and promoted was was then called Bolshevism? Who or what funded it? Who funds and profits from it now? Why do we never hear about this?

Why should we lower ourselves to the standards and methods of our enemies when we should simply be hunting them?

I’m sick to death of communists being called fascists and the democrat party of the mid-19th century being compared to the communist infiltrated demonscat party of the 20th and 21st centuries.

When we build our restoration on ignorance and mythology we gain nothing but another foundation of political quicksand.

Allegedly it was ‘consensual’:

Zucker Suddenly Resigns From CNN Over Inappropriate Workplace Relationship

ADL Teaching Schoolchildren Only White People Can Be Racist

Berating the obvious:

The Book that Almost Made it into the Bible

FK – Wow. So it really is about conditioning the peasants to accept their servitude to those in authority. But then we already knew that.

Bad dreams for lustful thoughts? The tool-using monkeys have always been collectively insane and still are. We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. The biowar proves this.

Now they’re using the threat of an engineered bioweapon(s) to herd the sheeple to the shearing and butchering.

More on the versions, sub-versions and subversions:

You’ll Never Read the Bible the Same Again After Watching This, Matrix Keys Micah Dank PT1

Real Bible Code, Secrets in Scriptures You Weren’t Suppose to Know, Micah Dank PT2


World War whatever:

Russia’s Military – What They Have

FK – So adam and steve have butt plugs for the homos?

I occasionally watch a Russian channel on goolagtube, ones that seem to be done by ‘average’ Russians. Their cities, society, whatever now looks as western as any, if not better. Even with a dictator they may not fall into the PC woke trap that has essentially destroyed our empire.

All empires rise and fall. Most last about 250 years. As the ancient tribal propaganda warns: sudden destruction will come upon them.

After 25 years of screaming my head off I can’t feel sorry them.

The evil goolagtube autodeleted that comment.

Why Russian Military Expenditure Is Much Higher Than Commonly Understood (As Is China’s)

Career military man who doesn’t’ trust the govt., imagine that:

Do you need a Geiger Counter? Which one I am going with… NUKALERT

FK – We lack the most basic thing of all, a genuine peoples militia that could go do what must be done to maybe prevent the necessity of ‘prepping,’ except for true natural events that can’t be controlled.

But that would require men we don’t have.

But then maybe the rise and fall of empires are natural events that can only be manipulated.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival – Sir John Glubb

Geiger Counter Readings – How Bad is Bad?

U.S. Armed Forces Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Survival Manual

The globalists may be doing us all a favor after all:

Joe Rogan Is Finished!


Let’s be clear, this is NOT healthy:

King is a screaming Marxist but on this point he is right:

Start here.

The unfortunate truth is that one tool-using monkey’s lie is another’s gospel.

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

The pointy end of the sword

There’s already NO WHERE TO HIDE!

I cannot feel sorry for creatures this stupid:


Start them young, make them obedient:


But they said the vax would work:

There’s already NO WHERE TO HIDE!



What so many are, broken:

“The writer of this book has no fear of being contradicted by any respectable trainer in laying down as a fundamental principle that, other things being equal, that horse will be the best ‘broken,’ freest from trick and vice, most reliable and obedient and at the same time, the most spirited and enduring, whose course of education has been such that he cannot recall any time when he was not broken. He should have no memory of any hour of great trouble and fear when he first discovered that man was his master and, that all his struggles for freedom were in vain.” – Robert M. DeWitt ‘Complete American Farrier and Horse Doctor,’ quoted in ‘Ancient Secrets of the Horses Mind.’

The same has been done to the tool-using monkeys.

The good news is there’s more freedom oriented material on the net than one can possibly keep track of.

The bad news is there’s more freedom oriented material on the net than one can possibly keep track of.

The worse news is we still have millions of morons who don’t know and will never care.

The real question is why have we allowed things to get this bad? Simple answer: There are no men/adults here who have any understanding of that. See the sentence before this one.

But as I keep noting here ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are delusional about the situation we have and have been for as long as I’ve been paying attention, for over 40 years. They didn’t listen when Sen. McCarthy and others tried to tell them about the amerikan communist insurgency in what is now amerika in the 1950s.

They didn’t demand the arrest and execution of known communist agents in the 1960s when the riots and bombings and anti war protests were led by the amerikan communist insurgency and probably funded by the same rich globalist elites that fund them now.

They didn’t listen in the 80s – the 90s when many tried to warn them about the communist infiltration of our indoctrination systems, from the govt. schools to the universities to the govt. churches that for generations tolerated a law that told them what couldn’t be preached from the pulpit.

They didn’t pay attention when many multiple thousands were spent on full page ads in national newspapers telling about how evil the income tax is and was.

If you have to apologize for the right to fight back then you are only acknowledging your enslavement.

What free men? There are none left here. No amerikan alive today has known liberty or true courage.

Three steps forward, two steps back is their mantra. They always overreach knowing their simple minded enemies will ‘compromise’ with them one more time.

US Army to Conduct Guerrilla Warfare Exercise Training Troops in Overthrowing ‘Illegitimate Gov’t’

AG Merrick Garland Creates ‘Domestic Terrorism Unit’ to Go After American Citizens As ‘Terrorists’

Why are Americans 18-64 Dying? Nobody Knows – Does Anybody Care?

Dr. David Martin: The TRUTH About COVID + HIV + Coup D’Etat

FK – Don’t miss that one.

MIT scientist warns of major brain damage to kids from COVID shots

Children being groomed, brainwashed by the covid cult to persecute unbelievers

FK – The proper term would be indoctrinated not brainwashed. Brainwashing intones something is removed and replaced. Most of the sheeplets like their parents are empty headed morons.

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries

COVID: Why did mega-corporations accept the lockdowns?

“Together, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street have nearly US$11 trillion in assets under management.”

“We found that the Big Three, taken together, have become the largest shareholder in 40% of all publicly listed firms in the United States.”

“In 2015, these 1,600 American firms [the 40%] had combined revenues of about US$9.1 trillion, a market capitalisation of more than US$17 trillion, and employed more than 23.5 million people.”

“In the S&P 500 – the benchmark index of America’s largest corporations – the situation is even more extreme. Together, the Big Three are the largest single shareholder in almost 90% of S&P 500 firms, including Apple, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, General Electric and Coca-Cola.”

“What is undeniable is that the Big Three do exert the voting rights attached to these shares. Therefore, they have to be perceived as de facto owners by corporate executives.” (emphasis mine)

PayPal becomes the latest Big Tech platform to ban nonprofits fighting COVID jab mandates

Covid-19 Vaccine Microchips are Coming “Whether we like it or not,” warns Developer

How vaccine mandates became a political weapon

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Reassigns Staff of Rep Who Has Been Gathering Evidence of Election Fraud

AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich Threatens To Prosecute Soros-Funded Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Rigging 2022

Will Artificial Intelligence Create A Socialist Paradise?

How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution

From across the big pond:

The State Now Owns Your Car – and your house! | Bugging out and emergency preparedness

FK – The ancient law is simple: The superior force takes what it pleases. The pop. always outnumbers the military but it’s made up of mindless cowardly sheeple who didn’t prepare, train, organize, arm, when they had the chance. So they fully deserve what is done to them.

Here in amerika, once America, we’re supposed to know better. One cannot tell this by simply looking around. Many say “Molan Labe” when they mean “Come and murder me and my family. My neighbors will simply wait their turn as well or sell their own children to the state.”

Well, that last part already happened. They’re just too blindingly stupid to know it. They can read and we’ve had the net for 25 years yet millions, including self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ or whatever still stupidly trust the authorities. They failed the test. If that doctor that claims all the vax takers will be dead in 5 years is right I won’t mourn them. The world will be a better place if only because those with a higher I.Q. might survive to breed.

The genuine peoples’ militia that should have been built generations ago is basically non existent because the average moron here thinks ‘It can’t happen to me.’ They fully deserve what’s coming, what’s already here.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

I don’t feel sorry for them. I’ve done my part and they ignored me and many others for a long time.

Have you not read ‘The Prince?’ Written 500 years ago it tells you how governments work. That has not changed, no matter the title of what form of modern govt. we’re supposed to have now.

Click on the avatar and follow my links to my ‘Books to read before you vote‘ list.

France Passes Law Requiring Car Ads to Tell People Not to Drive a Car

Germany Restricts Movement of Double-Vaxed, Demands They Take Booster to Regain Privileges

Fed Lays Groundwork for ‘Digital Dollar’ That Would Give Gov’t Unprecedented Control

Washington State Files Bill to “Involuntarily Detain” Unvaccinated Families

The War Our Military Can’t Win

FK – Let’s keep this simple:

Our greatest enemies ARE HERE and they ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!

They are DOMESTIC but not domesticated. They seek to RULE and only TO RULE!


The generals publicly stated they’d MURDER real Americans!

Many to most of the enlisted class will murder those patriots they are ordered to out of fear, ignorance, desperation, hatred, the same old miasmas. There are blatant communists in the ranks. Many vets are communists, fascists, authoritarians of various stripes.

Because our enemies have been successful we have 400 mil. guns and no men/adults to use them. We have armed children who think their deer stand, plinking range, skeet shoot, video game has prepared them for physical blood war.

Seems like I remember something about taking over school boards and city councils and legislatures and congress and whatever else decades ago. Seems like I remember attending a conference on voter fraud 20 years ago and hearing how it was already pointless to vote in the large cities.

Only a tiny minority heard that call. The rest slept on. They deserve what’s on their doorsteps and in their living rooms because they refuse to deal in reality and take on personal responsibility for the representative republic and world they exist in.

They deserve the void that fills their own hearts and minds and those of their descendants.

May they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.

US Embassy In Ukraine Shows Off First Biden ‘Lethal Aid’ Shipments To Arrive

US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats’ Family Members From Ukraine

Satellites Would Be Attacked First, Then These Radar Stations if WW3 Commences next week

“Seditious Conspiracy”

FK – Anyone with half a brain who’s watched all this crap for decades, knew to stay away from that event. It was no where near as bad as I expected.

And I’m not referring to a handful of fed nazi trash instigators leading a troop of idiots into the now and then illegitimate capital building.

If we had men here a fully trained force that could vastly outnumber the fed nazi trash, capital police and traitorous military would have gone up there and done what needs to be done.

But we have no men here.

Republicans blast January 6 as possible ‘Fedsurrection’

DC Prison Warden Throws J-6ers into Lockdown and Isolation Without Warning – Democrats Continue to Shred Constitution in Quest for Total Dominance

Elites Activate Operation ‘Pressure Release’ as Great Reset Moves Forward

FK – Millions of sheeple are screaming morons. Many to most conservatives and libertarians are delusional. 

Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda

Withholding vaccine safety data ‘morally indefensible,’ medical journal says

Over 270 Fully Vaccinated Indiana Residents Passed Away of COVID-19 Complications in 3 Weeks

WHO Aligns With EU Regulators and Says Repeated COVID-19 Boosters is Unsustainable Strategy

Sunday Live: National Poll Shows Majority of Democrats Want Permanent Lockdown For Unvaxxed

Horowitz: The very concerning data from Scotland

“Scottish data shows that the COVID-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among the two-dose vaccinated and lowest among unvaccinated! It further shows this trend of negative efficacy for the double-vaccinated persisting for hospitalizations and deaths. Something is very wrong here, and together with other data points, it raises concerning questions about the negative effect of waning antibodies, constant boosting, and the consequences of a leaky vaccine with narrow-spectrum suboptimal antibodies against an ever-evolving virus.”

Czech Republic eliminates vaccine mandates for elderly, healthcare workers

Los Angeles Canceled School Vaccine Mandate After 30,000 Kids Did Not Comply

Australian MP George Christensen: This Is A Pandemic Among The Vaccinated, It’s Spreading Through Them

Just When You Thought Things Could Not Get Any Worse… ‘Bare Shelves Biden’ Bans Unvaccinated Truckers from Mexico and Canada into the US

FOIA docs reveal Pfizer shot caused avalanche of miscarriages, stillborn babies

80 UK doctors demand investigation into potential COVID vaccine deaths in young people

WATCH: Senator Ron Johnson Holds COVID-19 ‘Second Opinion’ Panel Discussion with World-Renowned Doctors and Medical Experts

FK – What do they expect? This is a biowar.

This isn’t an argument, it’s an act of biowar:

Fauci’s Lawyer Tries to OUTSMART Rand Paul in Congress, Instantly REGRETS it

FK – This is a war. There’s nothing insulting about it. They’re intentionally killing tool-using monkeys most of whom actually fully deserve it because we’ve had the net for 25 years and millions to billions of morons still blindly trust the authorities, the governments, the medical establishment, the legal drug companies, the preachers, the Marxist professors and teachers and on and on.

An he’s still pushing the vax. IT’S NOT HESITANCY!!!!! IT’S REFUSAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S A BIOWEAPON!!!!!!

I’ll correct that piece of scat. 600,000 plus were murdered by a bioweapon and NO ONE has the balls, brains or backbone to hunt down and prosecute and hang the scat responsible!!!!!!

Because there are no men left here. Our enemies have been successful. 

They might as well be playing dizzy whiz.

Pfizer documents: unvaccinated people can be exposed to experimental mRNA from vaccinated people; frightening adverse reactions

DC Mayor to Require Vaccination Papers for Citizens Leaving Home Starting on Jan. 15

MIT Research Scientist Says Kids Should Not Receive COVID Vaccines

Undercover Police Officers to Inspect Vax Pass Papers As Austria ‘Considerably’ Intensifies Crackdown

Carhartt added to ‘control’ side of ‘freedom or control’ list

‘I’m DONE’: Ex-NYT Journo Blasts Gov’t COVID Tyranny, Says Will Be Remembered As ‘Catastrophic Moral Crime’

FK – Gee, did one of those creatures grow a conscience?

End mass jabs and live with Covid, says ex-head of vaccine taskforce

NZ doctor exposes ‘Perverse’ monetary incentives to vaccinate and ‘hush money’ aid to victims’ families

The Truth About the Supreme Court “Halting the J@b Mandate”

FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights!!! WE ARE!!!!!

But we have no men to enforce this.

Big Pharma CEO Blows a Hole in Vaccine Mandates

How Bad is My Batch

Highly vaccinated Israel has the most COVID-19 cases per capita IN THE WORLD

UK: “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds

FK – I’m more concerned that he has ‘beloved ducks.’

There are no men left in western civ.

If mcky dees gets away with it they’ll all be doing it next. Time to start exterminating this shit.

That’s a far bigger story than the bird flu. Millions to billions have no other choice but to eat fast food and shop at the groceries at least part of the time.

I live on a farm and I have no desire to garden or raise chickens or any damn thing else.

If the evil ones are willing to murder millions with the bioweapons do you think they’ll have any damn problem coming and taking your crap like Stalin did to the Ukrainians????


The only question that matters now is ‘Will you sit home and wait your turn?!?’

If you don’t use chemicals and fertilizers to grow food for most of the population are you ready to send the welfare recipients to the plantations?

We are like the Indians watching the big boats with the cloth sails sit off the coast with no understanding of what the future really holds.

Way late to the show as republicrats usually are:

‘There’s 7 Things They Told Us That Turned Out Not To Be Accurate’: Jordan Slams Fauci, Biden

FKAny moron should’ve been able to figure this out by March 2020.

But this is a nation of extreme cowardly morons. And they elect morons and whores.

We shouldn’t be questioning them!!! WE SHOULD BE HANGING THEM!!!!!!!

Fauci was ‘up to his neck’ funding coronavirus research in Wuhan

Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic

This is far more concerning than a few dead ducks:

FK – Any evil shit that goes along with that deserves to be shot down.


Kim Iversen: What is MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS? Is The Public Being Gaslit?

FK – Only morons still blindly depend on the evil goolag.

Most of the other U.S. search engines use similar algorithms

The vax is the key to all this evil. There’s a reason they want that bioweapon in all humanity and it’s not for our benefit.

It’s not a disagreement. It’s a war. Hundreds of millions to billions around the planet are too stupid and politically obtuse to grasp this. This is mostly because they make no effort to understand. It’s easier to blindly and stupidly do what the authorities tell them to.

We’ve had the net for 25 years. There really are no excuses anymore unless you’re an African Bushman or Amazonian in a rain forest hut.

They would probably know better than to trust the white man’s needles. See what Gates did in India and Africa.

This scat in the blue suit needs to be hanging from the same tree as Fauci.

They’re bioweapons you lying pile of scat.

The tool-using monkeys are always collectively insane. They’re just insane about different things.

How is it that in the alleged ‘land of the free and home of the brave’ that we aren’t free and there are no brave? How did our ancestors never really learn what the Founders, the anti-Federalists who demanded a Bill of Rights, based on the concept of natural rights, bequeathed to us?

How do so many have no clue what form of govt. we’re supposed to have here and that it’s their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to make sure it’s restored and maintained?

The lessor of the evils, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was fighting Bolshevism, the greater evil that had already murdered tens of millions in Russia. As Patton said after the war “We fought the wrong side.”

Who or what is paying that creature to push the vax?

The evil goolagtube now deletes comments with links. What else do you need to know about it?

That comment was deleted immediately by the evil goolagtube.

Crazy New Laws for Kentucky

FK – I’ve wondered for years now how much diff. ‘income taxes’ make in the fed budget. The banksters can create ones and zeros with commas at the stroke of a keyboard. How big the ‘deficit’ really is depends on who one asks.

That’s without mentioning the trillions allegedly in the military black budget(s).

How much has the cia earned dealing drugs all these decades?

We need to get control of the teachers colleges and the textbook printers. Most sheeple will never homeschool their sheeplets but amazingly we let them vote.

Many understand the commie news network is evil. But they still obliviously believe the rest of the mainstream newshores, all of whom are lying. The proof is in the huge numbers that stupidly took the vax.

It’s a game of divide and conquer and the end of this war is nowhere in sight, especially if the globalists succeed in starting a war with Russia. Millions of morons will ‘rally round the flag’ with no understanding they are being screwed over again.

Comer ended up with part of Guthrie’s old district and seems to be just as useless and needs to be replaced as well.

Lee Watts’ website.

Kentucky Senate Republicans unveil redistricting proposals

Your City Could Look Just Like Los Angeles Soon – Economic Nightmare

FK – What’s already happened to scores of small towns in flyover country over the past decades?

Some nowadays spend time wondering if Atlantis ever really existed. Some day, if the tool-using monkeys aren’t wiped out by mother nature or their own stupidity and greed some will ask “Was there ever really an America(now amerika) and where was it?”

There are so few with any real understanding of what this country is supposed to mean, based on the concept of natural rights, with the Bills of Rights of the several states and national govt.(that’s now illegitimate) being what made us exceptional.

Since a lot of the poison that sucked the lifeblood out of liberty spews out of that craphole maybe it’s appropriate that it rots away first.

How long till the commie coast invites the chicom military over to save them from the rest of us, or themselves?

Maybe it won’t matter much longer:

The Tech Revolution NO ONE is Talking About

FK – I didn’t really like ‘The Matrix.’ But it’s deeply symbolic like many other things. We’re already someone’s lab rats, walking around the maze in the flesh, grazing and breeding for what real reason we may never be allowed to know.

The problem with the net is it was created by the elites for their purposes, not to benefit us. But like many monsters it’s outgrown its leash.

If they’re serving Satan, by whatever real name, do you think he’ll let them become gods and challenge his rule over the Earth?

How is the ‘internet of things’ any different from watchers, angels, demons, guardians, saints, whatever that can see our every move, read our every thought and hear every word so that we may be judged worthy of eternal slavery instead of eternal torture?

We may already be the Borg without access to all the channels.

Most of the morons I encounter on a regular basis already lack any meaningful understanding of anything that matters. Many of them are convinced they’re gonna get beamed up before things get too bad thus they have no personal responsibility for the world their descendants will inherit.

But that’s OK. Their god has already told them to tolerate their own children, spouses, parents, ‘friends,’ whatever being burned alive in fire forever for not going along with whatever version, sub-version or subversion they claim to follow, which is usually pretense anyway, hedging their bet. 

I must agree on one or two points with the globalist trash: The tool-using monkeys are still an exceedingly primitive species that still exist in a very dark and dangerous world and there may be too many of them.

But like Marx it’s their alleged solutions that are evil.

What is evil? Is the knowledge that Prometheus allegedly passed on truly bad or simply dangerous in the wrong hands? Like all two edged swords it has a pointy end that has been used to good effect by the weak and the strong since our ancestors came down from the trees or their genes were altered by whatever force really runs this sideshow.

The ancient tribal propaganda was largely borrowed from earlier traditions and interpreted to suit their own clan central version. Many primitive cultures will tell you they were brought here or created by their gods or whatever and they are the reason for the Earth.

2045 Strategic Social Initiative

The Metaverse Will Be A Full-Time Tracking And Surveillance Platform That Records Your Eye Movements, Facial Expressions And Biometric Data

And on to stranger things:

Something Strange is Happening in Atlanta (2022)

 FK – We probably have no idea how strange this world really is.

We’ve always been at war with nature. The trend now is to deny it.

You need to research the guidestones. The last I heard they’d been taken down to maybe be moved to a safer place because of constant vandalism.

It’s possible they were put up as a warning.

The list of ‘What they’re not telling us,’ is longer than you will read in your time here.

An older article about the guidestones:

The Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones Guidebook

Full PDF: THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES Compiled by Campbell M Gold

Globalists’ goal of depopulating the world guided by principles literally set in stone – the Georgia Guidestones

This might explain a lot of things:

Was the Oracle of Delphi High on Fumes?

FKSo how many bananas would biden have to sniff to no longer need the speaker in its ear?

Explain this:

Very Scary…Walmart with lots of empty shelves in the food section.

FK – Lebanon, KY redneck mecca looked similar 3 days back, yes they had no bananas at all. Campbellsville, 16 mi. or so south, looked considerably better yesterday, still some gaps.

What about the smaller chains? I haven’t noticed such gaps in those, but haven’t been looking that hard. Krogers seems to be similar.

What would it have been like if we had men/adults who had formed their genuine peoples’ militias decades ago as they should have and done what should have been done over the past two years? I guess we’ll never know.

Future generations will be like many young and old now, clueless, oblivious, and apathetic, looking for the next check in the mail.

Farming is heavily subsidized. Most of them run to the Ag office for whatever tit is offered. Most ‘small farmers’ such as they are have jobs. The big ones depend on the crop insurance to keep them going as far as I understand.

Most of the corn around here goes into whisky. The soybeans overseas to who knows where, Asia one would suppose. When I ask no one seems to know.

Will the republicrats save us next fall? Unlikely. The Kentucky legislature is ran by them and as far as I can tell most are no better than the demonscat. Same for those this ‘conservative’ state sends to the district of commie criminals. Most all are clueless cowardly whores that but for a lack of men would be hanging from a rope.

But it takes such to elect such.

Foods That Will Become Luxuries as Store Shelves Run Bare

FK – My mother’s mother cooked my grandfather pinto beans and corn bread every day because that’s what he wanted two meals a day, all the time I knew him. They ate pig, chicken egg and biscuit for breakfast mostly. 

What you will need to know:

Sniper tip….Do not be tree cancer.

Might want to study this:


Propaganda from the past:

Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? (1995) (Best Quality)

FK –  Haven’t watched this one in years. Met Charles Key back in the 90s when he came to speak at a Citizens for a Constitutional Georgia meeting.

April 19, the day the common man shot back, should be our biggest holiday.

This is from Sept. 2019:

FK – Well that’s because most sheeple have shit for brains and do whatever the authorities tell them to.

Most of them are jackasses all right:

Because only morons don’t:

So why the hell didn’t they?:

There are no men left here, that’s why.

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

The pointy end of the sword

Be sure to vote for your favorite zombie:


The braindead covid zombie:


The good, the bad and the confused:

The pointy end of the sword

We are cosmic dust caught in the solar/galactic wind.

And this is the most important question we face:

What’s the ultimate question?

“Those who pursue the higher life of wisdom, who seek to live by spiritual principles, must be prepared to be laughed at and condemned.

“Many people who have progressively lowered their personal standards in an attempt to win social acceptance and life’s comforts bitterly resent those of philosophical bent who refuse to compromise their spiritual ideals and who seek to better themselves. Never live your life in reaction to these diminished souls. Be compassionate toward them, and at the same time hold to what you know is good.

“When you begin your program of spiritual progress, chances are the people closest to you will deride you or accuse you of arrogance.

“It is your job to comport yourself humbly and to consistently hew to your moral ideals. Cling to what you know in your heart is best. Then, if you are steadfast, the very people who ridiculed you will come to admire you.

If you allow the mean-spirited opinions of others to make you waver in your purpose, you incur a double shame.”- ‘The Art of Living Epictetus A New Interpretation by Sharon Lebell

“A man of understanding has lost nothing, if he has himself.” – Michel de Montaigne

I wouldn’t count on the sheeple admiring anyone. Long ago I learned that acting as if one knows anything at all will get one branded a ‘know it all’ and the sheeple will simply laugh at what they will never understand and go right back to their beer, religious book, football, yard mowing, grazing and breeding.

And I have a real hard time with with compassion for creatures that will readily allow real patriots to be shot into ditches as long as they get to keep their big screens and recliners and their cars and homes at the banksters’ discretion. 

As I’ve written before money is the real god of this world, ignorance and fear are its top generals. Together they crowned willful ignorance its king and cowardice its queen, or consort.

But these are things we have some minor control over.

There are some things we have no control over:

You’ll have to forgive my hill dialect. When things like this happen so close to home, to landmarks one has seen all their lives, it has an effect. 

The rural fatalism I’ve seen and heard all my life makes those who are affected by such pick up and go, somehow. 

A couple weeks ago I was up at 3 am like many wondering if an act of nature would destroy or damage my home. The storm didn’t sound that bad except for a few minutes all was deathly quiet, which I’ve heard for years is not a good sign.

Two miles down the road it marched up a valley I’ve traveled across all my life and left a wake like WWI. Even the storms of April 3, 1974 didn’t hit quite so close as far as I remember though Mannsville, a spot on the road in Taylor County, was blown away.

In the natural world we are in a constant struggle for survival, though most do their best to deny that reality, in this modern bubble, that will eventually burst.

With the concept of natural rights our country was founded upon, those who know better can have some effect, though most are too stupid to know this and think it’s a ‘democracy,’ where they have a right to vote for the demagogue of their choice and hope he or she swings their magic wand in time to save them so they don’t have to bother with taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Many are so stupid they still blindly trust authority and allow  their enemies to inject poison into their bodies and even into the bodies of their children. What can one say about this other than they deserve it. We’ve had the internet for 25  years. There really are no excuses anymore.

Many still stupidly think their bronze age god is gonna swoop in on a white horse, in a golden chariot or in a flying saucer and save them from some tribulation, when their ancestors have endured many, all while praying and dying and sometimes actually fighting back like real men and women.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

But again:

“The decadence of a civilization by loss of faith and vigour can be observed more than once in history. What is extraordinary about the American situation is the stupidity. The Romans, such is my impression, did not become stupid and incompetent with their decadence. Americans have not lost faith in their cultural inheritance—they have been entirely separated from it. How this happened is one of the few topics still worth exploring in this Twilight.” – Clyde Wilson

We’ve  heard all our lives about that double edged sword, something that slices both ways, is both dangerous and useful, but little is heard of the pointy end, the part the Romans used to good effect for centuries as their soldiers were taught to fight in tight formations, thrusting their short swords into the bellies of their enemies, those whom they would conquer and tax.

The time of conquering is likely over for the amerikan empire, unless this is all some extravagant ruse as some still claim. I don’t buy it. I’ve seen too much, not the least the mindless willful ignorance that voters take to the polls and use in their everyday existences to refuse to think about anything that matters as long as they have corn in the trough.

But like the castrated killing hogs of old whom the farmers cared for until it was time for the butchering and sausage making the day of reckoning is here.

The plandemic biowar was NEVER done for our benefit in any way shape or form:

Most propaganda is a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience. 

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Pentagon says active-duty military personnel are “extremists” if they LIKE funny memes mocking wokeism

FK – ‘We’ haven’t won a war since the early 19th century. The military hasn’t fought a war for liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

Marines Claim Patriot Purge: All Religious Vax Exemptions Denied, Military Purge has Started

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Generals: We will murder real Americans

And the enlisted will as well:


Michael Heath: America is now an evil communist empire

FK – Gee, I remember when I realized that, a couple decades back.

The Founders gave us a secular govt. for a reason. They knew about the dangers of religious governments and religious wars. See the 30 years war.



Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses

FK – The storm isn’t coming. We’re in the eye.

I wouldn’t go into commieda anyway. They’ll arrest and imprison you if they find your self defense tool.

When we are told we can’t buy food or have an income, that’s when we go to blood war. It must be that way.

Any piece of cowardly shit that would enforce such evil deserves to be shot down. We’ve had the net for 25 years now. It’s been OBVIOUS to all but the braindead, the majority of the tool-using monkey population, that this biowar has been a setup from the beginning.

The ‘divide and conquer’ plan is working well. Millions of morons that voted for Trump took the vax and will keep up the bioweapon boosters until they die, in one way or another.

That’s how stupid they are. They have no conception that war is being waged on them.

Most of the tool-using monkeys could use fewer fries.

When they realize there are no more fries, or chips or beer a percentage of them will become the zombie horde and when that process starts you won’t be able to simply snap your fingers and say “This is a bad idea guys, you’re just over reacting.”

Some rural areas may escape what’s coming, for a while, but whether it’s the zombie hordes or the new KGB they will get around to you. There will be no where to hide.

For those who tell us we can own nothing will own us.


2022 Global Grain Supplies & Fertilizer Shortage Forecast

FK – And the brain dead sheeple are still all pretending none of this is happening much less that they possess any responsibility to do anything about it or the power…

May they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.

Let’s beat what should be a dead horse but for a lack of men:


FK – It’s our duty to serve in the genuine peoples’ militia in every county but so-called men who claim to value the ‘right to bear arms’ are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

The Bill of Rights is not enforced on our governments because we have no men and for no other reason.

We’ve already been conquered from within. Most are too stupid, maleducated, to grasp that.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook

The only real reason for the militia

Back to the biowar:

The latest VAERS data has been published. Dr. Peter McCullough

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

And they’re still lying:


Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

NY Democrats Attempt to Bring Australia’s Covid Concentration Camps to NY State

Leftists on Twitter now calling for mass genocide of the unvaccinated

FK – Calling COMMUNISTS ‘leftists’ only helps them hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate.


New Zealand Allows Euthanasia for Coronavirus Patients ‘in Some Circumstances’

The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place

FK – They’ve had us marked since the 1930s. What can the avg. dumbass do without a socialist security no.? All since then has been refinement. 

IT NEVER ENDS: U.K. says citizens will need “booster” shots every three months FOREVER in order to manage covid

Immunization expert warns that covid VACCINATED people are the real threat to public health

Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs

SHOCKING: Compilation of Nurse Whistleblowers from Around the World Warning About COVID Vaccines

As I’ve been writing for almost two years now it will never end:


FKAll because we have no men to hold the war crimes trials.


INSANE: You Simply CANNOT Make This Stuff Up!!

FK – Brainwashing intones something was removed and replaced. The average braindead sheeple has nothing to lose to begin with…




How It All Started – And Where It’s Going

FK – McCarthy was right. But there were no men here then either.

What all this really ultimately means is that Trump voters really only voted for a demagogue ‘savior’ in the name of hoping he’d magically solve their problems for them. Same with every prez election cycle.


Tucker: This is not a good sign

FK – Does he really not know this is all intentional or is he part of the plan?

Oh I know. NONE of the mainstream newswhores are worth spit.

They all know there are things they can’t discuss.

As I wrote:

The Globalists Endgame Revealed

FK – You mean you actually pay into the system? 


Is this the real reason why?(I’ll be adding these two to my ‘must read/watch page):

Even Santa outsources:

Santa’s Makeover

FK – How do so-called adults cling to the idea of a earthly savior(Trump) or the Marxist mutt, or an ethereal one such as Yeshua or Allah or Buddha, who never claimed any aspiration to godhood at all?

They, like children, because they were raised to be children, seek as always an easy simple answer to complex questions yet we still allow them to vote in a representative republic for liars and demagogues.

Knowing all you do is the same as ‘god’ or whatever. It’s priming for the control grid.

Johnson was a white man. He created the welfare state to give poor folk of all colors ‘free stuff’ so their ignorant fatherless criminal children would vote demonscat for generations.

But then what’s left of the white working class is largely so stupid they have no conception of what’s being done to them, what was done to them and what will be done to their descendants. Because they don’t want to have to deal with it.

That’s far more stupid than believing in Santa Clause.

It’s works just as well for white sheeple:

As does this:


FK – Useless braindead sheeple think it’s OK as long as they’re ‘not doing anything wrong.’

What useless pathetic creatures.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

So close yet so far:

Were Humans Genetically Modified to Follow Orders From Government Thousands of Years Ago? Mark Gober

FK –  The golden rule fails miserably in a representative republic. We have millions of morons that don’t mind existing under one form of slavery or another so they will readily vote to force everyone else into that evil.

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. The Constitution has many problems, the chief of which is the definition of treason. Treason should be when the govt. wages war on human liberty and the concept of natural rights, not when we wage war on an evil government that has lost all legitimacy. 

Situation Update: Dead pilots, vaccine tyranny, and the exopolitical Artificial Intelligence origins behind the plot to depopulate planet Earth

FK – Are they telling you to organize and fight back or to sit home and wait your turn?

Are >100 dead US airline pilots trying to send us a message about vaccine safety?

NOW THIS Is Terrifying… Plus Unseen UFO Footage Revealed!

FK – All tools are double edged swords. I have no problem with the robots as long as the rules are established beforehand as in WE ALL HAVE THE SHUT OFF SWITCH whether it’s a govt., military, police, whatever bot.

And they are made easy to kill and are programmed to serve human liberty and the concept of natural rights. Otherwise those building them should be hunted and exterminated.

And remember, the Romans used the pointy end of the sword to great effect for centuries.

Romanian Navy Firing at UFO over the Black sea Could this be related to the USS Nimitz TicTac UFO

FKThey know the tool-using monkeys present no real danger to them.

FOIA Appeal Win May Help UFO Transparency – Here’s the story…

C(ommiefornia)alifornia Has Fallen

FK – All because we didn’t hang our Marxists.

What is there left to do but laugh?

Add this to your versions, sub-versions and subversions:

Christian Ufology: An Interview with Timothy Alberino | The Richard Dolan Show

FK – It would be interesting to hear/see his evidence for the greys only arriving about a century ago.

The only thing I would claim to ‘know’ is that the phenomena is very real. What it means after that, in toto, I don’t think any tool-using monkey can claim to know.

I do get the feeling after reading a few books, watching many docs and interviews that basically we’re their lab rats.

Any smart farmer will treat his livestock well right up until butchering day. Some even name them and make pets out of them.

What’s the real purpose of the sheepdog?

Or will we be here long enough for it to matter?:

THE Earth Disaster Documentary


Cosmic Patterns And Cycles Of Catastrophe- The Cosmic Clock Cycle – The Yuga – Precession – Rocks

FK – They claim now that our ancestors were screwing everything but the stray dog and that we’re mutts of our own sort.

Personally I think the aliens did it. They needed lab rats of a special sort.


More history not taught in school or Sunday school:

Occult Revelations – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – Water and fire in appropriate amounts can extinguish each other.

That’s where we are. Most of the tool-using monkeys fully deserve it.

Art imitating life.

Know Your History: The German Nazi Templers Of Palestine

The Templers: German settlers who left their mark on Palestine

My Irish blood demands I share this:

Exploring Ireland | Celtic Fairy Tales | The Whitethorn Tree (Christmas Special)

FK – While I’m in sympathy with the trees and maybe the fairies there is such a thing as property rights without which we have no liberty.

For those who tell us we can own nothing will own us.



All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

Those who win the war.

But with scores of ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ morons who stupidly equate the idea of actual blood conflict with ‘hopelessness,’ our enemies have been successful.

“Intelligence may be defined in many ways. If reasoning power is part of intelligence, the horse must be rated very low. In fact, all species below man have little or no reasoning power. Keep in mind, however, that man seems to use his power of reason largely to justify his animal instincts. For example, we explain our desire to explore space with lofty goals, rather than admit that we, like most animals, are highly territorial and have always sought to acquire new territory. If we were to ask the educated leaders of the participants in political conflicts (such as Northern Ireland, the Middle East, Asia, or Africa) why they are willing to fight and even die for their cause, each side would give us rational justifications for their behavior. In reality, what motivates them are very primitive tribal and territorial instincts.” – Robert M. Miller, DVM “Understanding the Ancient Secrets of the Horse’s Mind

Has there ever been a time in tool-using monkey history when a population has been so derelict of its duties? 

We are supposed to live in a representative republic. But we lost that in 1865 after the war to continue taxing the southern states.

Being born into a representative republic would mean we’re all born responsible. For decades a tiny minority has been begging the average dumbass sheeple to pay attention and get politically active.

Instead the sheeple keep on grazing in their recliners and heavily mortgaged homes pretending that what’s happening in other places can’t affect them.

They’re too stupid to realize their ‘interests’ are being taken from them by ‘The Great Reset‘ and in the end they will have nothing and some bureaucrat in an office thousands of miles away will decide who indoctrinates their offspring in what and what happens to their back forty, their back yards and the shirt on their backs.

The Great Reset: The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives

When so-called adults equate actually fighting back in a blood war with ‘hopelessness’ we are not remotely ready.

Our culture is raising children to be children. It’s raising cowards.

Exhibit A:

He “Should Pay For His Crimes”: ASU Students Demand Expulsion Of Kyle Rittenhouse

FK – He’s guilty to the young commie trash because he killed their comrades in communism, and for no other reason. 

Tens of thousands, really millions, should’ve been in those cities all through 2020 to prevent the Marxist uprisings, funded by globalist elites, with the elites hanging from trees and light poles where ever handy. But our enemies have been successful.

Have any patriots or ‘conservatives’ been asking these so obvious questions, before, during or after the Rittenhouse trial?:

Why was Rittenhouse separated from his team? Under whose leadership did this occur?

Why are amerikan men/adults(very loosely defined) so poorly trained, really not trained at all, for what’s here, not coming anymore?

I knew this a long time ago:

Yes, the media is a domestic enemy, by NC Scout

All the mainstream newswhores are the enemy, from the small town rag to the local radio station that plays mainstream ‘news’ to the big city rags to the broadcast networks and even the ‘conservative’ talk show hosts because they all know there are things they can’t discuss or they’ll be off the air or on the street.

Never Forget: Holodomor Memorial Day

FK – Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we so desperately need in every county to deal with this evil?

Those who pay attention have seen this coming for a long time. But like the Romans amerikans are too busy doing what makes them amerikans and thus fully deserve the outcomes of their apathy, willful ignorance and cowardice.

Simply look at recent history and the fear the ‘m’ word puts into most who claim to value the Second Amendment.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

Know the enemy(The propaganda mentioned in the last link):

American Gentry

This is what’s happening on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives:

“Brutal”: Rep. Boebert Rips ‘Jihad Squad’ Omar For ‘Paying Husband’ And Eric Swalwell For ‘Sleeping With The Enemy’

And in other places:

WATCH: Multiple Arrests in Kenosha as BLM Protesters Clash with Kyle Rittenhouse Supporters

All because we have failed to hang our Marxists and the globalists that fund them.

Oh but the republicrats will take back the house in 22 and Trump the savior will ride in on a big red wave with his magic wand up his ass ready to whip it out and magically restore god’s(someone’s god) ‘merica.


And don’t miss this:

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Los Angeles Residents Stunned As Violent Crimes Creep Into Wealthier Communities

LAPD Tells Citizens ‘We Can’t Help You, So Cooperate and Comply with Criminals and Be a Good Witness’

But then it’s NEVER been the LEOs’ job to protect anyone.

Or the prosecutors’:

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Thomas Binger Breaks Basic Gun Safety Rules Holding Rifle in Courtroom

WATCH: Prosecutor Says Rittenhouse Should Have Let Mob Attack Him Because ‘Everybody Takes a Beating Sometimes’

At this point the amerikan masses are so ignorant they’d accept anything that showed up with any magical device they couldn’t understand and accept any promise of a ‘better life’ or simply to keep their couches, steaks and big screens from a kneeling position.

All the above and much below is happening because for multiple generations our elected, hired and appointed public servants from the school boards to the now red house have been taking the advice and money of Marxist globalist front groups. There is NOTHING NEW about any of this evil.

How Tyranny Came to America *

It came because so few put forth the effort to think about the kind of world they’re actually in. They’re too stupid to realize that while they were trying to discern what the ‘truth’ was reality ate them. Ignorance is the greatest evil. Willful ignorance is the most disgusting attribute and the most dangerous. 

And it’s all because most of the tool-using-monkeys would rather die than think. We’ve had the net for 25 years now. There really are no excuses left.

I’m certain my high school history teacher didn’t attribute that to Henry Ford. But I’m still unable to find/remember the name of the ancient philosopher he did attach to it. It was pasted over his blackboard with paper cut out letters.

We could daily see the the jaded weariness that would probably naturally come to the face of anyone trying to get high school sophomores to think about anything that mattered outside of sex, sports, hobbies, family issues or whatever other mindlessness occupies their brain matter, usually all the way through so-called adulthood.

Those who claim they want to be free must get control of the government schools and universities, unless they’re willing to severely restrict what kind of ‘educated’ idiots get to vote.

How many are willing or able to pay the price to make this happen? How many are stupid enough to think it’s only one or two election cycles away? How many braindead enough to fail to understand that secession and breakup will mean Chicom troops on the commie coast?

The patriot newbie guidebook

I keep declaring that conservatives and libertarians are delusional. I keep daring them to prove me wrong. See next story:

Prosecutor Charges Parents in Michigan School Shooting; Says They Should Have Searched Son’s Bag

FK – For 25 years, really 40 plus, I’ve watched the result of the schools and churches and whatever raising children to be children.

If we had a nation of adults all children would be taught responsible weapons ownership in the schools, along with martial arts and basic military skills before becoming old enough to serve in their local genuine peoples’ militias before being allowed to vote.

But instead we have tool-using monkeys doing what they always do, going from one insane extreme to another.

It pains me to write it, but we have been arming idiots. They certainly have a right to be armed, but no one has made sure they have a complete understanding of what their natural rights are and what is required to maintain them, or our real enemies, our domestic enemies, would be hanging from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border with video on the net for the world to see, and young men like this, the tiny minority that they are, would be dealt with in a safe manner most of the time.

But ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are as always delusional about the situation we are really in and what will be required to rectify it.

Just keep denying what’s happening here fucking morons:

HUGE! Deranged Oligarch Unleashing Nationwide Chaos!

FK – The sheeple fully deserve it all. May the braindead suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and willful ignorance.

Let them prove me wrong:

The American People Will Keep and Bear Arms From Now On…Live With It

FK – From my understanding all ‘constitutional carry’ laws can be repealed by commie or republicrat trash.

We will not be free until we have the genuine peoples’ militias in every county whose members make sure the granite gallows in front of every govt. building does not fall into disuse, until we have no more authoritarians of whatever stripe left to hang.

But there I go dreaming again.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!!!

Rittenhouse Verdict Sends Media Over the Edge!

FK – How many shysters are lining up to push his lawsuits? He should make enough to fund the war.

I agree with part of what the newswhore said, let me adjust it: “…the fact that Marxist globalists roam the halls of congress freely, and no men have gone there to hang them along Pennsylvania Ave., shows we have an extreme lack of men in this country…”

Will the fed zombies try to prosecute him on something now?

The large cities are ran by a criminal class, that have used vote fraud to control their fiefdoms for multiple generations.

Millions of morons that voted for Trump have taken the vax.

Why is no one investigating who or what is really behind all this and its real purpose? It’s not just a profit motive.

What was that poem about ‘the awakened Saxon‘ the commie trash used to whine about so much? Where are they? Are they trained, organized, in the physical condition it will require to carry out this war?

What will they do when the commie coast invites the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country?

Think it can’t get that crazy? Who would’ve thought all this shit a few years back, beyond a few crazies like me?

And when you tell conservative and libertarian morons, cowards, they may have to actually engage in blood conflict they equate that with ‘hopelessness,’

What a bunch of pathetic cowards. Let them prove me wrong.

Rittenhouse needs to move to a small town somewhere since he’s not old enough to carry.


Well maybe a few are beginning to see the light and learn things not taught in school or Sunday school:

The Case for the Citizen Militia to Prepare for the Coming Collapse

FK – Gee, we were training militiamen and women and children decades ago. We are still parsecs from where we must be.

And this guy has a lot of waking up left to do.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Waking up is still hard to do

What state legislature can now be trusted to train the militia? Will any power train others to destroy them? In Kentucky and other states the republicrats are now the enemy because they refuse to do what must be done. They are too cowardly and stupid to understand the situation we are really in. They are delusional.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The only real reason for the militia


Who deserves to vote?

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Trump: Until recently Israel ‘literally owned Congress’ — and that was a good thing

FK – There couldn’t possibly be ANYTHING good about that.

Three major Jewish groups ask Senate to move forward Deborah Lipstadt nomination to be antisemitism monitor

FK – ‘Antisemitism’ is another word used to control the human mind.

If one has free speech there is nothing one cannot discuss nor questions one cannot ask. If there are issues we can’t discuss or questions we cannot ask then free speech so-called as it is now known and has been for many multiple generations, is a lie. 

Hating a tool-using monkey because of how it’s born is mindlessness. Blindly defending one for the same reason is also mindlessness.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Remembering The USS Liberty: We Must Never Forget!

Pinkerton: A Left-Wing City’s Refusal to Honor Veterans Day Reminds Us That Patriotism Must Be Taught

FK – So-called ‘conservatives’ on this site are delusional. This is happening precisely because the military hasn’t fought a war for liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here.

The top brass said they’d murder any real Americans who went to D.C. to correct the blatantly stolen election.

There are no men here anymore.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

Stop Tyrannical UN Gun Control Treaty

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on an Important Second Amendment Case

New UK Law Could See Trolls Jailed for Causing ‘Psychological Harm’, Disinfo, Ratioing

An ongoing act of biowar

The leader of a nation of cowardly whores:

If the demented-in-chief were a normal tool-using monkey existing in society on its own without familial support it would be in a nursing home. How many millions of morons that we allow to vote can’t grasp what this means?

What blocks the minds of morons? Really? Is it just cowardice, greed, apathy? It’s a heartbreaking thing when one sees sheeple that are so in love with their own ignorance they are willing to allow their offspring to be sold into slavery or be kept in the same slavery we were raised in.

Their primitive survival instincts are often so dulled they cannot be told what kind of world they’re actually in.

The average sheeple spends its time in this world with its mind in a little box constructed for it by the authorities of various stripes. This has been true all through tool-using monkey history and will likely remain so.

Even when the ‘good guys’ win It’s always a short time until the powers that always want to be infiltrate or buy out their organizations and turn them, creating the controlled opposition the elites always seek.

That’s why I’m always leery of any politician or public figure that gets very much mainstream newswhore attention. Trump they whined about constantly, Ron Paul they did their best to ignore.

The killer bees of fake news

We are locked in an on-going war between two insanities, one ancient and another not so seemingly so.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

How much longer will billions of sheeple waste their time here waiting for the world to end while accomplishing nothing but passing their slavery on to the next generation?

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Back in the 60s and 70s when the marxist trash called themselves ‘liberals’ and viewed themselves as the underdogs they claimed to love the constitution and ‘free speech’ which was OK as long as it benefited their evil agenda.

Now that they’ve lost the comment and propaganda war on the net they’re doing what I and many others knew they would years ago

If some are right and the vaxxed truly have only a short time left to exist in this realm, a few years at best, then the effort to force vax the military can have only one purpose: its destruction.

The smarter tool-using monkeys, people not sheeple, are refusing the vax. Many will take this refusal up to whatever limit is imposed upon them including their own deaths or the proper and fully deserved deaths of the walking talking government or corporate whore that would force it upon them for whatever excuse.

If the above is the case are the elites, or watchers or whatever are really behind this evil wanting to thin the herd of the more obedient yet far less intelligent?

If the opposite were the case then many to most of the unvaxxed should already be dead or may soon be. 

Many links and videos have been posted/shared on this website to show that’s not likely to be the case, unless of course they have a worse bioweapon waiting in the wings in case these, ‘covid,’ whatever it really is, and the other bioweapons, the vaccines and the concurrent police state actions don’t achieve their evil goals. 

As I’ve been told viruses don’t make good bioweapons. Regardless when this was intentionally released as it almost certainly was those behind it knew full well what the results would be. Dropping a virus bomb on a battlefield would not confine that bioweapon to that war zone. It would spread just as the 1918 flu did, providing the excuse for the second bioweapon, just as the Spanish Flu brought on the use of the aspirin, a new drug, which some claim is actually what caused many to most of the deaths because of how it interacted with the illness.

The entire planet is now a war zone. In fact it always has been. But the sheeple with those ‘Just be kind’ placards in their yards desperately want to continue to lie to themselves about the kind of world(universe) we’re in.

War is not always voluntary

Yes we’re AT WAR!

If America has Any Hope, Republican Leaders Must Recognize This: WW3 has Already Begun

If there is a real vax for whatever this illness really is the elites have it and the average dumbass sheeple will never get it.

FK – There is no ‘gross over reaction’ to the intentional release of the bioweapons. It’s all intentional as will be the next one.

The establishment or whatever one wants to call it funds the Marxist front groups and their propaganda stream. The military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

The Confederacy even with the stain of slavery more closely represented what the Founders fought for than the Union. At least both sides then still had men and what was left of the militia.

Now we have the ‘National Guard’ that lies and calls itself the militia which is impossible since they keep their weapons in government vaults and their officers answer to the NWO.

The world wars were about empire and oil and ultimately the petrodollar, not the freedom of the sheeple whom the elites historically considered to be livestock and now ants at the picnic.

We need men and adult women to do what will be required for a RESTORATION of the Bills of Rights of the national and state govts. But as far as I can tell we have no such creatures here, or at least not enough, unless there’s a secret army out there I don’t know about and maybe don’t need to know about.

We have 400 mil. guns and no apparent men to use them despite the tiny numbers that show up at various protests. The adult males I regularly encounter have no conception whatsoever of the form of government we’re supposed to have here and what will be required to restore it nor that it’s their right, duty and responsibility to do so.

They aren’t worth the spit the Anti-Federalists would bless them with if they were alive to do so.

This was intentional. For generations our culture has been raising children to be children. One large portion looks to their god for the big beam up before things get too bad and another portion dreams of earthly utopia once all the rich are forced to pay their fair share with no concept those same rich own the propaganda stream.

Let them prove me wrong. After 25 years of watching this process I’m not holding my breath and I’m not feeling sorry for any of them.

It will end up as ‘Live and let die.’

Secession and breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast and likely UN troops in the East.

A worse bioweapon or a real food shortage, contrived or not, will drive the citiots into the arms of the globalists. It will be a short trip. Then they will recruit from among them for the force they will need to gradually subdue the hinterlands where the deer hunters think their piles of corn and heated blinds have trained them for war.

As I wrote several years back:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.

If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.

What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

The gates of hell are closer than most think

Majority of Trump voters and 41% of Biden fans want to SECEDE from union, see ‘other’ party as totalitarian – poll

September 2021 Saw Second-Most Background Checks of Any September in History

YouTube Caught Censoring Comments Deemed ‘Offensive’ To The Communist Party

YouTube’s CEO says free speech is a ‘core value’ even after removing videos by Putin critic Alexey Navalny

Who or what is really behind all this evil?:

This company owns the world (and it’s our fault) – BlackRock

FK – Wouldn’t they also be funding the non-stop eco and pro-vax propaganda?

Controlled opposition is a thing.

Most of the currency in the world is ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace, a literal electronic tiger that will evaporate one day like the mist on an Indian summer morning.

Your channel seems to be all about money. Do you really want to be like them?

The local assholes can be just as stinky as the global ones, only without the same power and absolute corruption power brings.

The global money system has been linked in one way or another for multiple generations. What is the petrodollar? What is a frn? Blackrock may simply be another front.

goolagtube now deletes comments with links. It’s time to get off goolagtube.

Is The Covid Pandemic Actually A Top-Secret Government EXERCISE?

FK – As I keep reminding religious sheeple and others we’ve been ‘marked’ since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.? All since then has been refinement. 

The ancient tribal propaganda is neither literal nor inerrant and claiming so is to either show one’s ignorance or to be a blatant liar.

How Covid Vaxxes Will Change Our World

FK – Read that one for the first paragraph alone and think about it.

The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week

Proof the SARS-COV-2 virus does not exist: worldwide FOIA requests

US Law Authorizes Secretive, National ’Exercises’ Against Public Health ‘Threats’

Biden Plans Interstate Checkpoints; During The 1918 “Spanish Flu” Only The Vaccinated Died

Great Awakenings In Colonial Churches Contrasted With Great Apostasies In Modern Churches

People Injured by COVID-19 Jab Share Their Horror Stories

The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity”

DOD Docs Prove COVID Vaxx Not Safe or Effective

If you take the covid vax, you can NEVER achieve full immunity again – government stats unveil the horrifying truth

Shipping Blocked to Create Weimar-Style Inflation

The covid virus has NEVER been isolated and shown to cause disease… the entire pandemic is based on a fake science myth

Former Vatican Bank President Warns COVID ‘Pandemic Is Device For Great Reset’

Top 8 ways Covid face masks are HARMFUL as analyzed by a physician and former medical journal editor

BREAKING: NIH Today Corrects False Statements by Directors Collins and Fauci – the NIH Did Fund Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan – Fauci Lied Under Oath

UNIMAGINABLE CRUELTY: Fauci provisioned medical experiments conducted on LIVING beagles that were eaten alive by parasites in the name of “science”

Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL

CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome

Booster jab every 6 months? 1.5mn double-dosed & recovered Israelis lose Green Pass privileges as stricter Covid-19 rules kick in

Naturopathic Doctor Explains What The Jabs Are Doing to the Body

Huge Uptick in Ivermectin Use Is Causing Profit-driven Big Pharma to Sell Patented Copycat Pills


‘Freedom without certificates!’ Thousands protest against Covid passports & planned vaccine mandate in Romania (VIDEOS)

The next pandemic: Marburg?

Financiers of Migrant Caravans Identified But Not Revealed

Worldcoin: Scan Your Eyes In Exchange For Cryptocurrency

A trillion-dollar coin could be minted within hours of an emergency decision to do so, former US Mint director says

Wisconsin Had 89% Reported Turnout in 2020 Election — Impossible Number that Still Can’t Be Explained

BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?

“China is Laughing at Us:” Twitter Suspends Rep. Jim Banks and Censors Marjorie Taylor Greene for Pointing Out That “The First-Ever Female 4 Star Admiral,” Rachel Levine, is a Man

The Science Of Propaganda Is Still Being Developed And Advanced

Deleted UK Gov’t Report: ‘COVID Has Taught Us How to Brainwash the Public’

Latest Political Prisoner Updates


“Klaus Schwab wrote a book describing his plans to kill billions of humans starting with the whites.”

FK – It’s not about saving so-called lives. 

FKI wouldn’t call that hippo stroll a ‘sprint.’



FK – There are no men here to provide the resolution we need. 

At least a few are refusing:

FK – There are no men left here as far as I can tell or her actions would not be necessary.

And others:

Kim Iversen: VIOLENT Protests Show The World Is OVER Covid Mandates

FK – No amerikan alive today has known liberty and few to none understand what must be done to restore it. 

Tension is a gross understatement:

Kim Iversen: Is CIVIL WAR Looming? Americans SUPPORT Red States, Blue States Seceding From US

FK – Secession and breakup would mean chicom troops on the commie coast and UN troops in the eastern commie states. 

They had no problem with 600,000 dead in the name of continuing to tax the southern states.

But don’t worry, there are no men left here to fight and the vax may kill most of the military anyway so the chicom’s can come over anyway.

Thank you for proving me right once again. 


FKThey’re simply showing what they’ve always been. Why did the Roman elites give free bread and circuses to the mob?

If we are to keep what we consider to be left of our liberty and reestablish that which has been lost we need a line in stone deep enough to carry the blood away and MEN/ADULTS to fill it….. But our enemies have been successful and so far I see none. 

Neither of the ‘sides’ in the so-called culture war are interested in real liberty based on the concept of natural rights. Most of them don’t understand it and would run screaming in fear from it if they did.

All ruling establishments push a ‘conformist mindset’ and seek to indoctrinate their youth in such if they are smart and want their civilization to survive. amerikans have allowed their enemies to indoctrinate their offspring for generations now and thus we see the outcomes.

And it wasn’t what they were taught but all they weren’t taught that did the real damage.

If western civilization is to survive, such as it is, Marx was one of it’s products, we must create an indoctrination system that puts the concept of natural rights, human liberty, individual liberty, in(un)alienable rights, and the knowledge one must posses to instill them into their minds and the courage necessary into their hearts.

These are now alien concepts to the average amerikan.

As much as I despise the globalist Marxists, we should be hanging them starting at the top, they are going by the same basic playbook all powers have used since someone established the ‘new cave order’ far in our dark past.

Ever since one side has hacked at another and rolled the malefactors around in the fire and threatened them with eternal torture or a bad social credit score and used ‘political correctness’ of one form or another to keep the mob from burning down the city and thus the granaries and the libraries.

It’s always a tiny minority on either ‘side’ that even begins to understand what’s going on. Few of them ever really understand what must be done about it.

The anti-Federalists tried to show us a way but modern morons can’t grasp that your real enemy will try to tell you your chains are necessary and is always willing to kill you to keep them in place. Thus the current biowar.

Would we want brains that function without emotion? Why was that gene put in our DNA? Why are so many so blindly obedient? Have the elites been given an ultimatum of some sort?

There are still scores of ‘christian’ channels on goolagtube, of various versions, sub-versions and subversions. Read the comment sections on most of them and see why they’re still on there, the elites don’t see them as a threat.

The poor white working class, once the darling of ‘the party of the little man,’ will be shot into the same ditch as the minorities, the gays and trannies, and the reactionaries when those who want to always rule gain full control.

There will be nowhere to hide. If you own property the tax accessor knows where you are.

When billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to see you killed or burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Democracy doesn’t equal liberty. It’s another control device, a form of manipulation so morons can think they’re ‘free’ because they’re allowed to ‘vote,’ when most of them have no business voting.

Democracy is mob rule, the tyranny of the majority whereby the elites control the discussion and its parameters as they did before the internet and thus guide what the majority thinks it thinks.

FK – I didn’t manufacture or import Marxist globalist corporate trash. It’s hard enough getting the average dumbass to realize they exist.

There exists a full range of tool-using monkey types. Some are restless like our nomadic ancestors and always seek what’s over the next hill. Many would be happy chained to a post their entire existences as long as the dog chow and water arrived on time.

And they will happily vote for the rest of the tums to share their fate.

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech) – Smarter Every Day 263

FK – Ah it doesn’t matter if you’re “not doing anything wrong,” right?

Now who or what gets to determine what’s wrong? How much longer will we let morons who don’t understand this concept and never will vote?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

He may be hitting close to some marks:

WHO and What is REALLY Controlling This World?!..Shocking Revelations of History Documentary Box-set

FK – We may never be allowed to know. 

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

What are they really disclosing?

Incredible Technology in Our Skies… The Secret Naval UAP Encounters!

FK – So-called ‘disclosure,’ i.e. admitting that ‘aliens’ exist would require obvious aliens walking, talking among us instead of just looking and acting like us which is probably what’s happening now.

They probably know we’re still way too primitive a species to deal with real disclosure, which would mean publicly known political interaction with other species, civilizations, governments, alliances, whatever that would vastly complicate what is already an untenable and unbearable situation for the average dumbass sheeple who would usually rather die than think.

In other words the average voter.

When billions think it’s perfectly OK for their bronze age god to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed in alive in fire forever for not going along with whatever their version, sub-version or subversion of what their ancient tribal propaganda really means and when billions have no problem forcing the rest of humanity to exist under a Marxist globalist planet wide empire that will destroy property rights forever and annihilate what our Founders fought and killed for: the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that we have the natural right, duty and responsibility to kill those who would rule us in such a manner… then we are obviously not ready.

Mention the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment to the average so-called adult male and see the fear in their eyes or that schoolboy grin they developed in 8th grade history class when they didn’t know the answer and were and will always be too stupid to understand why they should care… and prove me right.

Someone I watched a while back claimed the aliens, watchers, whatever, said we wouldn’t be ready for another 20,000 years.

Considering we have a demented old man and a Marxist tool-using monkey in the supposedly two most powerful seats on the planet and NO ONE has lifted a finger to correct this I tend to think he’s right.   

They don’t need that little flashy thing. The average dumbass sheeple has a very short memory and again, would rather die than spend any real time thinking about anything outside its daily existence including what kind of world they’ll be passing on to their increasingly docile offspring.

When the govt. or the mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

They rarely if ever have goals that are truly in our interest.

NASA chief Bill Nelson talks about UFOs

FK – If they’re as disorganized as ours they haven’t made it here yet. 

If mainstream newswhores are covering it, it must be real right?

BREAKING NEWS NASA Boss Bill Nelson talks Nimitz event, UFO’s, +UFO’s – Nuclear Weapons Conference?

FK – As I’ve long noted: If the govt. or mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

How many really own anything now?:

Why You Will Own Nothing in the Future


FK – Will this system require disposable underwear? Or will we still wear underwear? Now I know the real reason for the toilet paper run.

Millions of morons have wasted their time here working on ‘retirement plans’ that are nothing more than ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace. When all that evaporates I’ll laugh at them, if I’m still breathing.

It will be the new feudalism only the ‘god appointed kings‘ who claim to own all will be self appointed. Oh wait…

 What is any of it really worth?

Free $2000 Bar of Silver Bullion? Or a Free Chocolate Bar? (Social Experiment)

FK – One could say “At least they’re smart enough to assume it’s a scam.”

You should have offered them food stamps or a UBI.

There are morons all over:

Australia Has Fallen

FK – You lost your country when you surrendered your guns without a fight.

There are many here, especially those who claim they love the 2nd Amend., that are scared to death of the ‘m’ word and see no need for a civilian military force even after our top generals said they’d have no problem murdering real Americans.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

More proof:

URGENT Message From Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene That Every American NEEDS to hear Right Now!

FK – The fedgov has lost all legitimacy.

I can’t find this vid on goolagtube when I search for it by title.

Why there are no men here:

Worshipping Weakness

FK – Our culture has been raising children to be children for multiple generations. So none of this is any surprise. 

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

More history we’re not taught:

Ancient Roman artifacts found in America

FK – goolagtube is now deleteting comments with links. It’s time to get off goolagtube.

Euro explorers or traders before Columbus? Probably. But colonies? It’s like the Welsh thing where some claim thousands, tens of thousands if memory serves, came over here. I have a real problem with that.

They find Roman artifacts in temperate Europe all the time. I saw a Roman leather bikini in the London museum. Out there in that desert in caves that stuff could last thousands of years….

FK – The only thing I remember from my high school history class, only one was required, was the quote over the blackboard:

“Thinking is the hardest work there is which is probably why so few engage in it.”

Can’t remember the name of the philosopher my teacher ascribed that to and have never been able to find it since.


People and sheeple just keep proving me right:

Joe Rogan Kills Triceratops on Hunting Safari

FK – Actually there’s a very healthy pop. of those on Lemuria, the secret continent in the middle of the pacific where the reptilians live. We can’t see it because of the way the light reflects off the dome over the flat earth. 

How Mandatory Inoculation Laws Lead to 70000 Americans Being Forcibly Sterilized

FK – It might be tolerable for morons to breed if we didn’t let them vote. 

What’s really behind “The Great Reset”?

FK – ‘Public/private cooperation’ is code or euphemism for global communism, or really a new form of feudalism.

In the 2nd paragraph, they are lying. That’s what they do.

A tiger in a cage is still in a cage no matter how great the steaks are.

If you surrender your liberty in the name of ‘saving the Earth’ some bureaucrat in an office thousands of miles away will determine what happens to the earth under your feet and the shirt on your back.

If they own the newswhores can you trust what their newswhores are reporting?

Have you heard of James Corbett? goolagtube kicked him off because he was too effective.

Money is the true god of this world, regardless of pretense.


Except for this:

That thing on the tree limb is what we should be using, but there are no men here:

Is all of this true? If so why?:

‘Daydreaming about riding a pony’: Joe Biden’s fists gaffe at CNN town hall

FK – If the demented in chief were existing on its own as a normal tool-using monkey with no familial support it would be in a nursing home.

But the aussies surrendered their guns without a fight so really they have nothing to brag about.

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

The gates of hell are closer than most think

In fact they’re right behind us:

FK – Wait until she sees what’s happening a couple years or less down the road. 

AMA teaching doctors how to LIE to the public about covid, instructing them to claim all hospitalizations are “deaths” from covid

“I guess we’re all, or most of us, the wards of that nineteenth-century science which denied existence to anything it could not measure or explain. The things we couldn’t explain went right on but surely not with our blessing. We did not see what we couldn’t explain, and meanwhile a great part of the world was abandoned to children, insane people, fools, and mystics, who were more interested in what is than in why it is. So many old and lovely things are stored in the world’s attic, because we don’t want them around us and we don’t dare throw them out.” – John Steinbeck, ‘The Winter of Our Discontent’

Science like religion has always been politicized because politics is human nature and it touches all. Science was possibly from the beginning a weapon, from the atlatl to the bow to the trebuchet to gun powder to the rocket to the bioweapons.

When I joined the empire’s military back in the 80s I accepted the reality that I might be killed, physically or mentally maimed, at that time hated, because Vietnam was still in the minds of many.

I thought at least in part that it was the right thing to do because I thought that everyone should have the basic skills necessary to fight for freedom when necessary.

When I got involved in the patriot movement and later trained with the militia I knew we didn’t have the largest air force, navy, tax base, whatever on the planet to back us up and might well have all that against us. I simply knew it was the right thing to do.

That turned me into an ‘extremist‘ in the eyes of the empire’s military.

Many of the soldiers and marines are proving what they are by taking the vax to keep their paychecks and retirement plans. They will murder who they are told to murder to defend the evil empire and the Marxist globalists who hold the other end of their leash.

Their ultimate master, money, the real god of this world regardless of pretense, will soon arrive and demand its due, a blood sacrifice possibly far greater than any that has come before. it’s generals, or wives, depending on the situation, fear and willful ignorance, have long worked their magic.

At least half the population has to be lied to, to exist only with the mythologies they are accustomed to: that their governments care about them and work for them; that there’s a a sadistic bronze age god that will save them from its wrath, in reality from themselves; that the corporations that hire them really care about them, sell them the best products and provide them the best job and life available; that the establishment mainstream newswhores, from the local rags to the radio stations to the big city papers to the national broadcasting corporations are presenting them anything close to reality. How pathetic.

So many are too blindly stupid to grasp that the importance of being aware not only of what’s going on in the county govt. but what our evil empire has been doing to other countries and peoples for generations.

All the ‘woke’ morons, the blacks, minorities, white hipsters, gays, trannies, and on and on will like the poor working class whites be cast aside when no longer useful to their users. They will all be shot into the same ditch as the reactionaries.

Those who have been fighting this domestic war for decades, generations, are always surrounded by morons who allow a tiny minority of elite evil to rule them, grossly ignorant of the fact they outnubmer them and grossly apathetic of their right, duty and responsibility to do anything about it.

The ignorant and the desperate are always the best tools for the control grid and those who seek to rule.

The willfully ignorant sheeple fully deserve what’s happening here and what’s coming. 

In Feb. or March of 01 I sat in a meeting of Kentucky State Militia leadership. We were told via ‘govt. contacts’ that in August or Sept. of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

The anti-patriot act was written before the alleged ‘terrorist attack’ and none of the republicrats that voted for it read it. It’s thousands of pages long and has targeted real Americans as much as so-called ‘terrorists.’

The federal bureau of instigators have been directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents in the country. They provided the truck and material for the first World Trade center bombing.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here, hanging their superior officers and those creatures that fund the Marxist globalist front groups, foundations, mainstream propaganda outlets such as national propaganda radio, the commie news network, faux news and on and on.

Why was building 7 of the World Trade group intentionally demolished? When were the explosives planted there?

The world is not what they teach you in school, Sunday school, or boot camp.

I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and the end learns to justify the means. You would hang a man of no position, like Ravaillac; but if what one hears is true, then Elizabeth asked the gaoler to murder Mary, and William III ordered his Scots minister to extirpate a clan. Here are the greater names coupled with the greater crimes. You would spare these criminals, for some mysterious reason. I would hang them, higher than Haman, for reasons of quite obvious justice; still more, still higher, for the sake of historical science. – Lord Acton

Few understand how deep our state is:

Deep State, Deep Trouble

FK – While I agree with this in spirit I must point out that we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Jan. 6 came and went as did Jan. 20 and no one lifted a finger to stop an obvious blatant steal.

I saw a young tall slender man of military age wearing a t-shirt yesterday that read “I identify as vaccinated.”

It’s apparently supposed to be satirical but I don’t see it as funny. Most are too stupid to understand it.

If it’s not satire what kind of creature would wear it? One that would happily stand guard at the camps for the un-vaxxed?

We are just inside hell’s front gate and most, especially those who claim to love freedom of some sort or other, are too delusional to see it much less to understand what should have already been done about it.

How we got here:

Cloward-Piven Strategy

FK – When they gain full control they’ll shoot the minorities, the trannies, the gays, the poor white working class, and on and on into the same ditch with the reactionaries because they are no longer useful.

Any future UBI will be tied to some sort of ‘social credit score’ and those who think outside the system will find themselves without a check.

When the social safety net is created it is by necessity tied to political power. Only those with a criminal mindset pursue such because all they want is to RULE.

The Tyranny Is Just Beginning

Generals: We will murder real Americans

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

FK – We’ve already reached ‘dis-union’ but there are no men left here to do anything about it.

The Covid Empire Strikes Back; Rebel Patriots Dig In

It is so much darker than I thought…After talking to active duty military guys.

FK – The vax is a bioweapon and the key to all this evil.  ‘Brainwash’ intones there was something there to remove and replace.

There’s nothing new about the indoctrination, all education is indoctrination by default. Back in the 80s when I was in there were plenty of Marines who would kill whomever they were ordered to kill.

Militaries are usually mostly made up of the less educated less intelligent lower castes who are more likely to do what they’re told because they’re stupid and desperate.

The problem is the morons of this country allowed the Marxist globalists to build and run the schools and infiltrate the universities. It’s not what they teach but all they intentionally don’t teach that does the damage.

You can’t tell a pig in the hoglot to care about the mountain spring it’s never seen and never will.

I’ve always tried to deal in reality, which always makes me unpopular, especially among ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who are basically cowards. If they weren’t they wouldn’t run like scared cats at the sound of the ‘m’ word.

I used to sell t-shirts from my website years ago with pictures and quotes from the Founders. When I made one with a Jefferson quote about the militia almost no one would buy it.

Cowardly whores are what we have here and they all fully deserve what’s coming.

We have more guns and gung ho ‘patriots’ than 20 years ago but still no men/adults with any real conception of what will be required.

Got DARKER…HR 4350 passed house…Section529A final nail in the coffin for our military.

FKSo what is the ‘definition’ of ‘extremism?’ We know they’d hang Paul Revere.

How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide

Black Lives Matter NYC Leader Promises “Uprising” Against City’s “Racist” Vaccine Passports

Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates?

Stop Both H.R. 3684 and S.Con.Res. 14 so-called “Infrastructure” Bills

“Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders in  House Bill

DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin

FK – Vote fraud is as old as the republic but never has it been so blatant and obvious. But still we lack the men to do what must be done.

Most would rather die than understand much less do anything about it:

FK – We’ve been played for many multiple generations.



Listen Up! A Respiratory Therapist who Got Both Shots Gives Alarming Advice!

FK – I just can’t feel sorry for any of them anymore. We’ve had the net for 25 years. There’s absolutely no excuse for blindly trusting any authority or mainstream source. 

Approximately 70 people die from COVID vaccines every day in America – VAERS data

Large Israeli study: Natural immunity provides 13 times more protection against Delta than Pfizer’s vaccine does

(STUDY) Why so many vaccinated people are getting sick: Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

List of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 vaccination

VACCINE REBELLION: Growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism

There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam

FEAR-BASED pandemic goal: Create “novel” viruses, then reduce world’s population by several billion by scaring everyone into taking deadly vaccines

COVID HOAX: Study reveals 40-45% of coronavirus hospitalizations are actually due to other causes

After throwing them in covid quarantine camps, German government also STRIPS prisoners of compensation payments to bankrupt them

NZ Government Murders a 13 Year Old With the Jab and Tries To Cover It Up, Plus 37 Other Deaths, in NZ, With Mainstream Media Help

Vaccination could jeopardise our natural immunity to COVID-19, virologist cautions

Stronger, More Robust Natural Immunity Thwarts Any Case for “Vaccine Passports”

Italian Student Tattooed Covid Vaccine Certificate QR Code on Arm

Harvard Professor Says Coronavirus is Enough Reason to Destroy the Constitution

Surgeon General Murthy on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: ‘A Lot of Businesses Are Actually Relieved’

FK – No one with a brain can be ‘at peace’ in these times. 

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Is The goal Immunity or Depopulation?

Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’

FK – The less intelligent will take the vax and not breed. Maybe that’s a win-win.

FK – The federal bureau of instigators serves the evil ones. 

PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

FK – Now ask what all this is really about and who or what released the bioweapon…

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

FK – Be brave. Form or join your local genuine peoples’ militia and train to do what must be done. 

Some countries are deeper into hell than us:

Australian police have started arresting journalists

FKIf you have ‘free speech’ and a ‘free press’ why do you need a ‘media card?’

Being in a western ‘democracy’ is part of your problem. Democracy is only a semblance of liberty, another form of manipulation. 

“It’s scary”: Police swarm shopping centre with helicopters, drones, and horses

Because the other day they admitted this:


FK – The aussies surrendered their guns without hunting their domestic enemies. They fully deserve what is being done to them. 

The same will happen here for there are no men to stop it:

SHOCKING! Australia Brazenly Announces New W0rld 0rder!

FK – One wonders if the NWO sent that witch to the farm for spilling the beans. 

ALERT: They Just Announced It Will NEVER BE OVER!

FK – I knew that over a year ago. 

Not medical advice. But remember, they call it ‘practicing medicine’ for a reason:

The details:


And here at home in our republicrat legislature:

Kentucky is Screaming

FK – They don’t call us consumers and human resources because they value us as human beings. 

Amid surging COVID-19 cases, five Kentucky school districts make masks optional

Exposing Propaganda For What It Is

FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler

What’s the real purpose of the bioweapons?


Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most ‘Terrorist’ Attacks!

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed


Hurricane Larry Thinks It’s a Blizzard – Hottest Summer On Record Once Again! – Askja Volcano Update

FK – In journalism school the editing professor told us the average reader only sees the headlines and a graph or two of most stories. The propaganda doesn’t have to be complicated.

And that’s among the ‘educated’ classes that actually read newspapers.

I grew up with a daily propaganda rag coming into the home only because they had threatened to shut the rural route down unless we got more mail.

The rest of the great unwashed or mob heard what the evening newswhores told them as fact if they bothered to watch or what they heard on mainstream radio. In the 90s the big city rag actually published a letter from a woman telling people to buy a shortwave radio, the patriot’s version of the internet at that time.

Now they watch pewdiepie or whatever on goolagtube I suppose. A guy in his 20s told me the other day he didn’t know what a gulag was. He went to college.

They all fully deserve what’s coming.

The puppet was selected, as they all are, in the greatest most blatant vote fraud the nation has ever experienced, and those date back to the beginning of the now dead republic.

What Schools Don’t Teach About Climate Change

FK – It’s always about controlling/indoctrinating young minds. The ancients knew it, the catholic church knew it, the communists knew it and the fascists copied them.

The greater evil won WWII and still rules us.

As the church once said ‘Get them before the age of 7’:


FK – ‘I’ is for indoctrination. It’s as old as the control grid. 

What to teach your kids

Liars lie:

The UNBELIEVABLE Mentality of the MASSES

FK –  This was all carefully planned. I admit I never thought of them using a virus, a bioweapon, to defeat us, a vax, the key to all this…

Not defending the commie rags but anyone could switch a word when writing a headline in a hurry. I’m sure I’ve done it.

Why expect them to do anything but lie? It’s their nature. Why do anything but hang them?

There are no men here.

The real crime:

What Jacobson v Massachusetts Actually Says Will BLOW YOUR MIND!

FK – It’s a bioweapon on a bioweapon that was intentionally released. On that alone no patriot with a brain should take it.

Plus there are no men here to stop this in the way it should be stopped. The self-proclaimed ‘good people’ massively outnumber the minuscule no. of trash behind all this.

The blood is on their hands for not hanging the Marxist globalist elite garbage from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

Have you read ‘Hamilton’s Curse?’

The problem with this country goes back to the beginning. The anti-federalists rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to protect us from a poorly written constitution that some intended to use as a springboard to tyranny.


A little history:

CIA’s “Operation Cyclone” in Afghanstan in 1980’s

FK – And they just helped arm them again. 

Operation Cyclone

All for a few dollars more:

UNRAVELLING the American Drug CARTEL in Afghanistan | REAL MATTERS

FK – I heard a few years back that the laundering of drug money was all that kept the banksters afloat in 2008.

What’s the real origin of all this?:


FKThey know this empire is the walking dead and most of the sheeple here are oblivious.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The fate of all empires:

The Roman Speech That Redefined Liberty – Cicero | REAL MATTERS

FKAnd here we are…

A little black mask humor:

‘I’ll write a cheque’ to anyone who can decipher what Biden’s trying to convey: Panahi

FKWhat free world?

What if this history is true?:

How Britain Turned America into a Passive Tax Farm

And some more:

Donald Trump – World Class Con

The same ones that control him likely:

GOP Senator DEMANDS to Know Who’s Controlling Puppet Biden

FK – The amerikan sheeple are responsible because they have not been hanging their communists especially the evil scat that funds them and their front groups, NGOs, and foundations and propaganda arms.

It was time to ban communism 90 years ago:

The AZ Audit Arrives

FK – Don’t worry, we have no men here to do anything about this. Let them prove me wrong by forming or joining their local genuine peoples’ militias. 

Arizona Senate Report on the Maricopa County Election Audit Highlights 49,000 Questionable Votes, Asks AG to Investigate

What do we think of ourselves?:

Russians about Americans, LGBT and family values

FK – America was destroyed from within. amerika the empire will soon follow. We don’t have the ‘liberty’ we’re supposed to have and most are grossly ignorant of this fact or simply are too cowardly to think about it or act on it.

We’re supposed to have a representative republic where all are born responsible but most flee from this responsibility like rats from a fire.

Most amerikans like most humans are sheeple as we call them. They graze and breed and die for the most part and put little thought into why.

The biowar which probably originated here is being used to destroy human civilization as we know it.

Most amerikans can’t afford to travel the world or even if they can don’t bother unless they’re from the educated classes.

Many amerikans stay in or near the place they are born, whether in large cities or rural areas. Many young people do leave their home towns in rural areas for better jobs or to get an education and seek a ‘career.’

Some amerikans I’m sure travel to other places with good intentions to ‘help others’ in various ways or to spread their religion. But by and large they are ignorant of how much damage our corporations/govt. have/has done around the world.

That old guy is right for the most part. Democracy is another form of manipulation. We are supposed to have a country/governments based on the concept of natural rights, not ‘democracy,’ which is mob rule, the tyranny of the majority.

The presidential election was blatantly stolen and the only ones here that deny this are morons and Marxist globalist trash that as always blatantly lie about everything.

The chick in the black shirt needs to stay off mainstream news sites. All she’s doing is regurgitating.

Many here but not enough take our ‘right to bear arms’ very seriously, enough to go to war over it, as we should and as we have every natural right to to.

We have a Bill of Rights and many states have similar documents that are based on the concept of natural rights and were written to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are BORN WITH and not granted by any Earthly entity.

You will NEVER see a thorough, proper or truthful discussion of this by any mainstream news source. They are all liars.

ALL HUMAN BEINGS have a natural right to fight back. In fact it’s a duty and a responsibility as well.

Our Second Amendment is a MILITARY document. It reads MILITIA and ARMS which means the common people have a NATURAL BORN RIGHT to be as well armed or better armed than the police or the military so they can meet them in battle and destroy them when necessary.

That’s the BASIS of liberty, freedom, and nothing else. Our free speech is not for reciting poetry on the sidewalk. It’s for telling those who would rule us that we can and will DESTROY them when they overstep their bounds from being SERVANTS and seek to become rulers or masters.

Our country is so far gone that goolagtube(youtube) may delete this comment, because they are evil and serve the globalists garbage that works relentlessly to enslave humanity.

Our evil communists started calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate they depend on for votes.

Again, you CANNOT depend on ANY mainstream interpretation of what American or amerikan ‘values’ or whatever are or are supposed to be, if for no other reason that so many amerikans are grossly ignorant of their own history or the form of government we are supposed to have here.

The only ideology that matters is freedom. The Founding Fathers as we call them were radicals who overthrew the millenniums old notion of the right of divine rule or ‘god appointed kings’ who used religion along with the church to rule and decide what ideology the sheeple followed.

Those who didn’t go along with the program paid the price.

Our ancestors used their guns to kill British soldiers who had been sent over to keep them in line. That’s why we must stay armed now. But sadly our enemies have been successful and we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them or we already would be.

The more I listen the more I hear that your young people are being indoctrinated in the same evil that ours has. But then education is always indoctrination by default. It’s content is usually decided at least by some degree by those who rule or seek to rule.

Tolerance is just another word the evil ones use to control the minds of those they would make into subjects. What they really mean is tolerance for whatever agenda they are pushing at the time.

When they gain total control they will shoot the minorities, gays, trannies, poor white working class and on and on into the same ditch as the reactionaries. Power is their only real goal.

Washington is a state and like all states was once considered a ‘nation state’ unto itself or should have been. The 13 colonies certainly viewed themselves as such in the beginning.

The Washington District of Commie criminals is one of the great centers of evil in the world.

There were presidents before Washington, of the Continental Congress, before our current constitution was created by some nefarious Founders who didn’t value liberty as much as the Anti-Federalists who rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to force the federal government to ACKNOWLEDGE our natural born right to hang them high when necessary.

It’s way past necessary.

Lennon was shot in amerika. He was from England along with the rest of the British invasion.

Again, unless they ACKNOWLEDGE your natural right to kill them when necessary you are NOT FREE!

In reality republic is just a word as is ‘republican’ or ‘democrat’ or any other political term that can have connotations according to who is using it when and where and before what audience.

Real freedom requires real men and adult women to enforce it. Western civilization has ran out of both as far as I can tell thus it is dying. This is intentional and also follows the course of history where empires rise and fall and soon become the dust that swirls around the feet of future generations.

The chick in the black shirt wants to go to the worst parts of amerika because that’s what the mainstream newswhores have told her about.

Propaganda is usually a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience. It’s an ancient game.

During the cold war when I was growing up there would have been great dislike, because of the propaganda, some justified, some not. The average amerikan now probably never gives Russians a thought. They’re too concerned about what kind of ice cream, steak, couch or big screen they’re gonna buy or when they’ll get the evil vax or whether or not to wear a mask even though we know they don’t work.

In the end we are all responsible for what our rulers do. If enough ever learn we outnumber them maybe then things will change for the better and we will exist in a freer world.


We need more congress critters like this:

Win Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 50 Cal Rifle!

FK – Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Now if we could only find enough men to use our 400 mil. guns.


400 mil guns, no men to use them:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

What can you do?:

The road to Hell is paved in compliance

Celebrities, Billionaires, Prepping, Non-Compliance

FK – Politics is human nature and vice versa. I know we’re screwed unless we find enough men to do what must be done. 

Simple answer, ‘No’:

Can You Rely on Your Neighbor? – Small Community Living

FK – Those are nice romantic ideas. Globalism has in reality existed since the camel and boat.

The purpose of NAFTA besides providing cheap desperate labor to amerikan corporations was to bind the nations of the world together so that none of them could stand alone but be dependent on the coming system, the NWO, the great reset, the deep state, whatever name one wants to apply to it.

If the NWO comes to full fruition there will be no little outside groups allowed. They will send their soldiers to round them all up over time.

And since the push has been to ‘prep’ instead of on building the force we so desperately need, a genuine peoples’ militia that could easily outnumber and out maneuver the standing army the Founders so feared, the NWO’s soldiers will find their work fairly easy, from groups of simple-minded pacifists existing in their fantasy land to those waiting to be found in a pile of brass to a few pockets of real resistance that will not last indefinitely because they lack the support system that should have been built decades ago.

But this is a nation of cowardly whores who think more about that expensive pair of basketball shoes, diamond rings, foreign cars, big screen weaponvisions, raw steak, and on and on. Like the Romans what makes them what they are is what will kill them.

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

Still looking for someone to prove me wrong….

Our situation is well beyond ludicrous.

San Francisco Paying People Not to Shoot Each Other

Gee, I wish I had a grand for every Marxist globalist I haven’t shot.

The other day someone said to me “We’ll make it through this.” At the time I was sort of non-plussed. What I should have asked them is this “What about all those who already haven’t made it?”

Who or whatever intentionally released the virus and is now pushing the second bioweapon(s) on the human population is guilty of murder and various other crimes.

As I asked someone the other day “Do you want to exist in a world where anyone can get away with murder?”

Those who murdered the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family members have never been brought to trial.

All because there are no men left here. Our domestic enemies  have seen to this. And the cycle of empires shows time and again that the descendants of those who found them become soft and greedy and blind and thus bring about their own destruction.

The biggest problem the sheeple have with all this is grasping they’ve been lied to all their lives by the authority figures in their existences. They know ‘politicians lie’ and preachers and teachers don’t ‘know everything’ but they lack the fortitude to put those realizations into practice so remain double-minded such that Trump supporters with a shallow understanding of what the ‘deep state’ really is will go ahead and stupidly believe the msnm newswhores about the bioweapons and take the evil vax, the key to all this.

At this point in the bio war we have to live and let die. Morons who took the shot may drop dead in months to years as some claim but what I think is more likely is that the evil vax, beyond its profit potential, is designed to affect the evolution of the tool-using monkeys in the long term.

This would have a two-pronged effect: Whatever its real goal is, maybe as I’ve written before as a way to further pacify the mob by producing a more docile and dumbed down species; and to be able to say in the near future: “See the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were wrong about certain claims, and it’s always only a small percentage because the average sheeple mind can’t keep track of that much at a time, so of course the ‘conspiracy theorists’ are wrong now and you need to keep believing and obeying the authorities as you’ve always done.

How much longer until enough stupid sheeple are convinced that amerika is evil due to the Marxist globalist propaganda of wokeism that they would stupidly allow or even welcome chicom or UN troops on amerikan soil to save us from ourselves?

Yes this is an old fear in a way but certainly not impossible.

I even told someone recently as I have long thought that the best thing our enemies could do would be to bring in UN troops to police the Jim Bobs and Mary Janes. Some of them wouldn’t like that to the point they might actually kill some of them.

This on-going war will never end until some future generation decides it’s had enough, if they aren’t too dumbed-down, too weakened, like us. On national propaganda radio the other day I heard some whore for Biden say the end of the ground war in Afghanistan would be the ‘end of the war.’ How absurd.

The only solution if there’s one left is to aim for the restoration of the Bills of Rights of the nation and the several states via the construction of the genuine peoples’ militia that we should have never allowed to be destroyed post the not-so-civil war. But then that war wasn’t about anyone’s liberty but rather about the power to tax.

Blindly trust no one or anything. We must not be guided into anything but the free republic based on natural rights the Founders and anti-Federalists intended.

Yet so many are still so stupid. Prove me wrong. Meanwhile the bioweapon war continues…

Let’s get one thing out of the way up front:

The TRUTH about the withdrawal from Afghanistan…

FK – Merika. Nuff said.

If the empire were doing all this to spread the concepts of Natural Rights and human liberty around the planet it might be kinda sorta on a good day bearable.

It’s all orchestrated. America fell long ago. amerika will be replaced with the NWO. There will be nowhere to hide because there are no men left here. Let them prove me wrong.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook

War, what is it good for? Profit:

The Biggest Secret Behind Most Wars

FK – I was just ‘restricted’ on linkedin for ‘misinformation.’ Big surprise. Corporate whores.

In Feb. or March of 01 I sat in a militia meeting during which we were told in Aug. or Sept. of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

The anti-patriot act was written before 9/11 and none of the scat that voted for it read it.

At the very least they knew 9/11 was coming and let it happen.

Didn’t vote for dubya either time. I was surprised when he won both times because I thought after klinton the first they’d just keep installing communists. Then I figured out it doesn’t really matter.

The rich republicrats would like to see us all disarmed as well because who wants paid labor that can fight back. But they know that doesn’t matter that much either because the sheeple and ‘conservatives’ are all too pacified now to fight back.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

It’s all orchestrated. America fell long ago. amerika will be replaced with the NWO. There will be nowhere to hide because there are no men left here. Let them prove me wrong.


FK – And it was all done with ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace created out of nothing by nothing and maybe for nothing except the blind faith that holds up most empires for only so long.

I saw Scheller’s vid. He didn’t really say much, just questioned authority. All it takes nowadays is asking whether the emperor(s) is/are naked.

Didn’t see anyone asking what his real goals are. That’s what matters.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here not chasing CIA created boogeymen in caves on the other side of the world. But the military leadership has not served real Americans since the early 19th century.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

SCOOP: Chairmain of Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley Responds to Calls for Him to Resign or Be Fired

Most amerikan men are without brains, backbones or balls. Most amerikan females are too concerned with crap that doesn’t matter with no understanding of what does.

Now let’s hear from an alleged female:

Full video of “Woke” army staff sergeant Cindy Bronson

Woke Army Sergeant Has No Qualms About Shooting Her Fellow Americans UPDATED

FK – The full version is just as evil as the edited one. Why are so many ‘conservatives,’ libertarians, patriots, whatever still so delusional about the military? There are communists in the ‘service’ and there are commie vets who will murder real Americans for their evil ideology.

The military leadership has been globalist/empirical for 160 years. Ever read ‘The Real Lincon‘ or ‘War is a Racket?’

The current joint chiefs clearly said they’d murder any real Americans who went to the district of commie criminals to challenge the blatantly stolen election.

The is a nation of cowardly whores whose real god is money. We have 300 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Another kind of female, that we need more of:

FK – So what will we do when politics no longer works? If indeed it can be argued it still does. Would she understand why her and her husband should be training with their local genuine peoples’ militia? 

Or this:


FK – The state has long considered ‘children,’ grown or otherwise, to be their livestock.

A failure to understand this is one of the major reasons for our problems.

A Liberty ending disease:



FK – Crisis is what they’re after. So they can provide their evil solution. Maybe the final one.

The cure is the poison(It’s in English):

FK – There are no men here to provide the cure we need.

The future of humanity:


Interview 1619 – Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links

FK – goolagtube kicked him completely off their platform. They are evil and the scat that runs it should be hanging from trees and lightpoles to set an example. But there are no men here.

Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement

FK –  It’s about the right to travel and eventually one will have to prove being vaxxed or not have access to the net or ‘real life’ or what most sheeple perceive as such. Give them time.

Never trust an actor

Has Trump Been Set Up To Take The Fall For A COVID-19 Vaccine Catastrophe?

Liberals Freak Out After Covid-Positive Joe Rogan Announced He Treated Himself With Ivermectin & Regeneron

‘Cheers’ Star Kirstie Alley, 70, Says She Used Ivermectin, Joe Rogan Protocol To Treat COVID And Recovered In 12 Days

Montana Only State To Ban Vaccine Requirements For Employees

States Are Banning COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA

New ‘CITIZEN REPORTER’ Pamphlet for Activists Stresses Media Coverup of Covid “Vax” Dangers

2019 CDC Memo on Ivermectin Blows a Hole in Media’s Narrative It’s Just a ‘Horse Treatment’

BREAKING: Fully Approved! Is It TOO Late Now?

FK – Because there are no men here we will soon be at each other’s throats while the real criminals sit in their offices and on their couches and watch. 

From this thread:

Amon Leto
4 hours ago
ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right?

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?

Goolagtube doesn’t like it so it must be good:

WHOA! Their Narrative Just Took A DEVASTATING Blow!

FK – It was almost certainly intentionally released. Why aren’t we asking who, when, why and the real how at the point of millions of guns?

Because there are no men here.

Berating the obvious:

Is This Their Secret Plan To Disarm Americans?!

FK – You’re missing the point. Of course they’d throw this in to the milieu. The issue is lots of moron conservatives and gun owners have already taken the bioweapon and will be stupid enough to support the oppression of those smart enough to refuse it.

Divide and conquer is the point. Fear is a tool that like an AK variant can be used to shoot either commie trash or patriots into ditches.

If you don’t know by now the bioweapon war is another false flag op, yes even with real casualties, as in ‘the truth is the best propaganda,’ then you’re part of the problem.

They’ve long proven they don’t care how many of their livestock they kill.

There’s never been anything secret about it, or about the real problem:

Biden’s Appointed CDC Director To Spend Millions Declaring Gun Violence A Public Health Crisis

FK – The true health crisis is the lack of brains, spines and gonads among amerikan men.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

We know this shit exists. Why are we listening to it? Why isn’t it hanging from trees? See the first two sentences.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The only real reason for the militia

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Top 5 WARNINGS for running COMMs in SHTF ~ Rex Reviews

FK – If they’re so efficient why did the globalists pull out of the unwinnable war? Did the taliban make a deal with the banksters?

In the militia we knew this basic stuff years ago. But self-proclaimed patriots are too cowardly to join their local genuine peoples’ militia. They’re too scared of what their communist neighbors that should be hanging from trees might think.

There are no men left in this dying empire.

I like what Patton said about fortifications. Look it up.

The only idea that makes sense in a truly unpredictable situation is like that movie ‘The Postman’ which was hollyweird propaganda but Kostner’s character found an older Vietnam vet with a ham system of some sort who was monitoring the airwaves.

The old vet taught the mailman a few basic things about war I suppose, which led ultimately to some kind of cavalry charge if memory serves and victory over the evil fascist impotent bad guy and his army which of course probably led to the people’s newest socialist utopia.

The point being that many like me who are now too old and decrepit to do any real time in the bush or any urban war may be able to pass on what we think we know, basic infantry skills, to a younger generation that wasn’t required to do time in the military and whose parents were too stupid/cowardly to train in the genuine peoples’ public militia as they should have been.

The big cities are collapsing anyway. The communists lost the info war that’s why all this crap is happening, they’re desperate. But one cannot tell this to the average ‘conservative’ or whatever because they still think we can nice/debate our enemies to death or they’re gonna get beamed up.

The elites still control the money and the military. If they decide to let the chicoms or whoever invade then it’s game over for a while at least though I don’t think they could hold it long term if we actually found some men in a later generation.

The vaccines or something have been making us more docile and lazy and stupid. Not too stupid to run the machines necessarily but too stupid to understand Machiavelli or Sun Tzu or even know they exist in most cases.

That’s what they wanted all along, to kill the idea that one should fight back unless one is fighting for communism.

What have they done with the bioweapons? Millions of ‘conservative,’ loosely defined, morons have taken the vax. They didn’t trust the msnm until they thought they were gonna die then they fell back into the arms of their enemies.

Who knows what else they really have up their sleeves. They’ve proven they don’t care who they kill.

There’s still the couch and the big screen and the pizza delivery guy and the liquor stores. The ‘greatest generation’ so-called came from small farms, towns and tenements and ghettos.

The country kids learned to split wood and carry water from the spring if they had one. The city kids did who knows what kinds of nasty things to survive. So the hardships of war weren’t such a surprise to them.

Go through any drive-thru now and look at the youth working there. Most of them wouldn’t survive the 6 week boot camp on Parris Island of WWII much less a war.

Their parents aren’t much better. They allow their employers to require them to waste most of their time in exchange for money and thus spend their adulthood committing slow suicide when they should be getting proper exercise, proper diet and proper rest with the time left over to continue their adult educations so they learn how to destroy any evil system that may be erected over them.

But one cannot tell them this. And we allow them to vote based on whatever spin they pick up off a stray airwave or the rantings of some demagogue that’s telling them what they think they want to hear about issues that aren’t nearly as important as they think they are.

NY Times ripped for equating ‘freedom’ as ‘anti-government slogan’

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order

Two-thirds of Southern Republicans want to secede

‘They’re not going to f**king succeed’: Top generals feared Trump would attempt a coup after election, according to new book

FK – Resign? That would have been a good thing. Then real men could’ve taken their posts then arrested and tried and executed them for treason. Wait, there are no real men left here.

Based Kid Defends Home w/ WHAT? No 24/7 Coverage for THIS EVER!

FK – Three or so basic points:

18 has long been the age of majority and the age to be eligible for conscription. Once upon a time young teenagers were sent out into the world as apprentices or simply to fend for themselves. Sexual maturity certainly comes too early for modern sensibilities.

Tool-using monkeys mature at different rates and millions of 40 year olds show in every election cycle they’re incapable of making a logical rational decision.

The kid who shot the burglar did a good job over all but after the guy left his house and was running away most states rightly or not would say he should’ve held fire. (Well if he was a good shot the guy might not have made it out of the house.) He may yet face some ‘legal’ issue or another. Criminals or their families suing their victims is not an unheard of thing.

The primary problem is we’re raising children to be children and have been for multiple generations.

The kid’s step dad did his job by exposing him to reality and not neglecting to show him how to defend himself. Over-protecting and spoiling kids is a form of child abuse/negligence.

The sheeple and so-called conservatives and libertarians are such cowards that they have failed to build the genuine peoples’ militia we so desperately need to do what we so desperately need to do: Hang our Marxist globalists from trees and lightpoles coast to coast and border to border

Another commenter on this vid:

CNN Finally Tells The Truth


Old rehashed ‘truths’ and blatant willful ignorance or a fake patriot?:

Joe Biden Says He Wants to Push to Ban 9mm Pistols

FK – It was a plandemic moron. What we had was a Marxist globalist revolution funded by rich elites that as always plan to control the opposition.

You are as much a part of the problem as the scat that writes the demented robot’s speech notes.

Who’s paying you?

The Marxist trash said 40 years ago their goal was to ban handguns. Nothing new about any of this.

They continue because there are no men to hang them.

The ‘terrorists’ are funded by the global empire. The federal bureau of instigators are directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents. They provided the truck and material for the first bombing of the World Trader Center in the early 90s.

While I agree in spirit I must ask: If you’re in a hotel with a group of armed terrorists who have probably full-auto weapons and who knows what else and you have two handguns with maybe 100 rounds what exactly would your tactics be? Did you watch that Bruce Willis flick from the 80s?

There are 400 million guns in this country with untold amounts of ammo yet we have no men to use them. THAT’S THE PROBLEM.

You need to watch ‘Black Mirror’ to see what 2050 will be like. Thankfully I won’t be around then.

You’re not the militia all by your lonesome. All you’re gonna do with your current mindset is sit home and wait your turn.

On a ‘lighter’ note:

The Final Frontier In “Diversity” 🤡

FK – You should have told him to paint all the white faces in black face.

Liberty should be for all. But unfortunately we have millions of white-skinned morons who have no conception of it and don’t want one. They will shoot the minorities, gays, white working class etc. into ditches with all the reactionaries when they are no longer useful.


More stuff the sheeple don’t want to know: ASKS the Right Questions in UAP (UFO) INTERVIEW with Leslie Kean

FKWhenever they start talking about ‘new paradigms’ you better keep one hand on your weapon.

If we had no ‘free will’ would we be able to recognize that we have no free will?

If we are nothing more than toy soldiers in some cosmic teenager’s video game or some thought in the mind of a bronze age ‘god’ or future bots in some evil socialist globalist paradigm then there’s really no point to anything is there?

The whole question is not of disclosure but readiness of the tool-using monkey mind to attempt to think about things it doesn’t want to. The crash of that fighter jet in Kentucky after the sighting of a huge craft over an airport in the early 60s when no human govt. had such a craft should have closed the question of ‘Is the phenomena real or not?’ at that time.

The ongoing plandemic shows it seems easier to the average dumbass to blindly believe the newswhores and mainstream authorities and preachers and professors and whatever else that alleviates them of personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

The effect is the same when a patriot is trying to tell some high school indoctrinated dumbass of whatever age why they should give a damn about their own freedom and country and gets that same schoolboy grin the creature provided to its 8th grade history teacher when it didn’t know the answer to the question and will always be too stupid to know why it should care.

But then I don’t think they really teach history at all anymore do they? When I was in high school the only history class I had was mostly dates and names. The teacher, an older man whose jaded attitude showed on his face daily did have a quote from some ancient philosopher whose name I can’t remember pasted in cutout letters over the blackboard:

“Thinking is the hardest work there is which is why so few engage in it.(paraphrase)”

Sheeple would rather put in 60 hours a week in the name of their enslavement to the banksters than pick up a book that matters.

When the govt. or the mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message. The ‘new world’ they’re building is NOT FOR OUR BENEFIT.

Did you note the next paragraph at 18:22? It’s a blatant lie and sounds just like the plandemic propaganda.

Nothing transcends politics. Politics is human nature and vice versa. Like art it both reflects and affects our existences. If the ‘authorities’ came out tomorrow and claimed they had ‘contact’ and the ‘aliens’ or ‘gods’ or whatever had commanded us to do or not do such and such with or without any show of force billions would blindly follow even to the point of worshiping them as gods.

The new yawk slimes is an evil mainstream source as are the other ‘sources’ mentioned in this propaganda.

Science has long been weaponized.

The new reality of UFOs: An interview with journalist Leslie Kean

FK – Again: Nothing transcends politics. Politics is human nature and vice versa. Like art it both reflects and affects our existences. If the ‘authorities’ came out tomorrow and claimed they had ‘contact’ and the ‘aliens’ or ‘gods’ or whatever had commanded us to do or not do such and such with or without any show of force billions would blindly follow even to the point of worshiping them as gods.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

More berating of the obvious:

It’s ‘hard to exaggerate’ how ‘dangerously bad’ US President Joe Biden is

FK – It’s a tool. It’s not in charge of anything.

It’s all orchestrated. America fell long ago. amerika will be replaced with the NWO. There will be nowhere to hide because there are no men left here. Let them prove me wrong.

And drawing obvious conclusions:

The United States ‘has gone mad’

FK – The banksters probably struck a deal with the fundies, or it’s the same continuing deal they’ve always had.

Don’t worry, it’s all ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace like most of the ‘currency’ in the world economic system and will one day evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning.

Sometimes even the perceived evil are right:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles