DVD Review: “Blue” Blows the Horn on Environmental Movement

The agenda of the “greens” is what gave King the idea for calling his documentary and the movement he hopes it will inspire, “Blue.” That is, after all, the color of the sky and the water that covers most of the Earth. His film, from beginning to end, promotes the idea that a free and prosperous people are better able and more willing to protect the environment than those who are kept in poverty by a collectivist agenda, hostile to economic growth.

The philosophic view animating the environmentalist movement is essentially anti-human, argues Calvin Beisner, founder of the Cornwell Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. “If you have a basically misanthropic world view, if you see human beings as basically consumers and polluters as a cancer, as a virus, as people pollution,” said Beisner, “if that’s your view of people, you want to see fewer people and you want to see them not thriving, but just barely subsisting, because you think their number and their prosperity are a harm to the planet.”

For some prominent organizations within the worldwide environmentalist movement, Beisner’s words may be an understatement rather than hyperbole. King put on screen for all to read the following statement of the influential Club of Rome: “The earth has cancer and the cancer is man.”

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse?” asked Maurice Strong, president of the University of Peace. “Isn’t it our duty to bring that about?”

FK – It’s a dangerous mistake to not view the environmentalists, who for the most part are communists, as our treacherous enemies. That doesn’t mean we blindly trust the oil companies or the greedy workaholic corporate assholes. And nobody’s gonna get beamed up. We need to have respect for the planet but under Liberty not any form of authoritarianism, including those who threaten to burn billions alive in fire forever. It’s time for the human race to wake up and grow up.

Here’s an interview with the film maker:

FK – I agree partly on repealing the 17th Amendment but many states, like Kentucky, may send ‘conservatives’ so-called to the district of commie criminals but keep sending commies to control the state legislature. I doubt we’d have Rand Paul with that system, as imperfect as he is he’s far better than most of the rest of the rope bait that’s up there.

Our educated elite highly intelligent blood domestic enemies know full well what evil they do.

The website: bluebeatsgreen.com

His YouTube page.

A cut from the film:


The official trailer:


FK – I used to be ‘green’ in both the old and new sense of the word, to the point that I hated to see the highway dept. straightening a road but over time and with more exposure to the eco commies I figured out they’re a bunch of socialists, actually realized that early on but in my youthful college educated ignorance thought that somehow could be overlooked. Wrong answer, that’s like overlooking cancer. Big mistake. And after 20 years of watching all this I still can’t understand why we aren’t hunting and eradicating the creatures as so desperately needs to be done.