Monthly Archives: July 2023

What the Watchers hide

This is an asylum and the inmates think they run it. Or it’s a cosmic teenager’s gameboy.

The summer between the 6th and 7th grade I developed an interest in UFOs. I had bought a magazine or two on the topic in the main street drugstore and had probably seen movies or maybe a doc or two on the subject even though all we had then was three channels on the weaponvision.

That summer I’d spend about an hour in the back yard most evenings staring up at the starlit sky. I think I had a pair of cheapie folding opera glasses if that.

I was eleven and knew the difference between an airplane/helicopter and it’s safety lights and a true ‘ufo,’ that’s the acronym not the flying saucer.

I even kept a log or journal of my sightings. It’s in a box somewhere maybe so it’s findings are probably lost to science. But I do remember I saw a few things I couldn’t explain, one being a very large football shaped craft with flashing lights that flew only a few hundred yards almost directly over my house.

It looked liked a dirigible or whatever they used back then to film sporting events and that’s the I.D. I assigned to it though I’m still not sure.

At the end of the summer I gave up my search and went back to getting up before daylight to catch the school bus that I was often the first to board.

Standing on my front porch one probably August morning I glanced to my right and about 100 meters away over what was then my grandparent’s garden I saw a silver missile shaped object just below treetop level. It was probably between 10 and 20 feet long.

It scared me so I glanced away and looked back and it was gone.

Even then I attributed it to an overactive imagination and probably tried not to think about it anymore. But I’ve always kept an eye peeled to the topic of intelligent life from other places.

As a teenager I got far more hope from Star Trek than I ever had from the ancient tribal propaganda. How one gets ‘hope’ from burning billions of tool-using monkeys alive in fire forever, the majority of all that ever existed, is beyond my comprehension.

But then after a lifetime of trying to pay attention it’s remains beyond my comprehension how so many can be so in love with their own natural born ignorance.

There’s nothing new about the topic/propaganda of space aliens/visitors/watchers/angels/demons or whatever. Those who pay attention know the topic existed in pre-history.

But as I note below and in many other places, as many others have, disclosure so-called will have implications humanity so-called probably isn’t ready for. The watchers probably know this, if they care.

What is ‘international relations’ to the average inhabitant of the largest most powerful empire in known human history? What will ‘intergalactic or universal or inter-dimensional relations’ be to them?

I constantly berate the obvious here because so few seem to get it. When I was young I told myself I’d never forget what it was like to be so.

Now than I’m ‘old’ it’s beyond me how so many in my age range are still so willfully ignorant and fearful when we’ve had the internet for over a quarter century.

The majority of them, as through human history, are basically physically grown children. There’s nothing new about this. The religions and those who created them realized this long ago along with the elites who run the world from throne rooms or banking houses or temples.

This post was started before I knew the recent U.S. House committee hearings on UAPs or whatever would take place.

I don’t expect it to change a lot. If it does it may be change the average sheeple is not ready for.

When so few even understand that in the representative republic we’re supposed to have here, and lost in the 1860s, that they are born responsible for all their governments do to them and to others, where ever they are, then we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

When billions planet wide still wait for a temporal or spiritual or inter-dimensional savior to show up and solve their problems for them then we are still a very primitive species.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

When children are taught blind mindless pacifism from whatever source, an ancient tribal propaganda or institutional Marxist globalism, or whatever, then they will likely be as useless as their parents are, as enslaved as their parents are, and as ignorant as their parents are.

What to teach your kids

When we allow morons to vote who couldn’t pass a basic test on our history or what the Bill of Rights, the basis of our constitution, actually means – possessing the will and the physical prowess and the tools and the trained force to fight back against and destroy any tyrannical authority or force it sends against them – then we are doomed.

Who deserves to vote?

When we allow our ‘leaders,’ incredibly loosely defined, to run for political office or hold any position of authority over us without proving they have always put the concept of natural rights first, the concept our nation so-called was founded upon, without providing a resume detailing their past activities, beliefs, affiliations, donors, employers, whatever, then we deny what our country is supposed to be about.

When millions put some ancient tribal propaganda or modern collectivist screed over the Bill of Rights they are waiting for someone to dictate to them what both mean.

When money is the true god of all. It takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores.

When ‘conservatives’ and communists by whatever cute name pretend the police or military exist to protect them when their job is to herd them and when many to most of our major cities are ran by communist criminals and a demented old Marxist globalist criminal that should have been executed 30 years ago for its crime bill dangles from the strings of its masters after being installed in a blatantly stolen election….

When we all put our personal comfort before the kind of world we will pass on to future generations, free as it should be or more enslaved than ever before, then we are all collectively insane.

Most sheeple put no more thought into the kind of world their own descendants will inherit than an alley cat.

None are sane, no not one.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Cowboys and Aliens

FK – As I keep noting over and over again: When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

This guy really has no idea what he’s writing about, at least concerning this subject, as we shall see.

Only a screaming moron would trust chuckie schemer to do anything approaching ‘the right thing.’ This is all about getting ahead of the info flow.

The republicrats are for the most part little better.

Quantum computer built by Google can instantly execute a task that would normally take 47 years

FK – Should the evil goolag be allowed to posses such? What about our marxist globalist military/govt.?

After reading the comments I wonder what big deal it really is but still must ask “Is this how in some way the ‘god’ or whatever did all this spoke it into existence?”

Are the watchers far more concerned about some future tech the tool-using monkeys, or their lab rats, may develop that would cause them to have to hit the reset button?

From the same rag:

New state of matter exists as solid and liquid at the same time

FK – We’ve known about such an element for all of recorded history: the human brain.

It’s capable of exhibiting the characteristics of both mush and concrete.

The mush makes it susceptible to believing in or waiting for whatever savior to come and wave a magic wand and solve its problems while the concrete often hardens at an early age, even after a so-called ‘education,’ and prohibiting any new or seemingly dangerous ideas from entering.

I’ve certainly witnessed this all my time here.

He’s right about it being a deception:

The Next Deception Is About To Start And It Could Cost You Your Life

FK – Calling them demons and angels is a simple explanation for simple minds.

If the ancient bronze age tribal propaganda is our only reality then there’s no point in being here at all.

Without knowing which version, sub-version or subversion you make the pretense of aligning with I’ll guess you’re of the majority that claims your sadistic bronze age god created billions of humans knowing they’d have this blink of an existence then be burned alive in fire forever….

We’ve had a Bill of Rights for over 200 years that reads ‘…no cruel and unusual punishment…’

That means our rulers don’t torture people anymore unlike the bronze age kings the Israelite or whatever god was patterned after who told their subjects “Obey me or I’ll torture and murder you.”

But the tool-using monkey lifespan is so short and their memories far shorter and their understanding of the world they’re really in practically non existent because most of them spend their time here grazing and breeding and wasting their time in exchange for money, their real god, and never put any real thought into their existence at all.

I’ve seen this all my life and now that this empire is dying, western civ. is being intentionally collapsed, for whatever real reason and billions of morons use their insane religion as an excuse to sit on their asses and wait for some savior, temporal or spiritual, instead of standing up and taking on personal responsibility for the world we exist in as being born in what is supposed to be a representational republic is supposed to mean then I fully understand why the ancients came up with the hell story, which far predates monotheism, and that is this:

The vast majority of them aren’t worth the bullet it would take to put them into a ditch. As much as I despise the Marxist globalist elites who have clearly lost their minds I fully understand their frustration in dealing with ‘the mob’ or the ‘unwashed masses’ or peasants or subjects or whatever because I discovered only after a short time in the patriot movement most of them would rather die than think much less act on the kind of world they will pass on to their own children.

In fact I think most of them have NO CONCEPT at all of their responsibility to do so.

This is not only due to the various insane belief systems they conjure up or had created for them by the elites but maybe we as a species aren’t evolved enough as a whole to understand what the Founders, particularity the anti-Federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights had in mind.

That was done in order to force the govts. to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are born with, and rid us of the concept of god appointed kings who along with their popes or whatever dictate what version, sub-version or subversion is the official version.

This only proves we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

The catholic hierarchy has probably always known their religion is a scam. It’s always been a control device. They want you to have the mind of a grown child because children are easier to rule.

From the Black Sabbath drummer’s Wikipedia page(not that I blindly trust Wikipedia or any other source):

“Fenholt’s 1994 autobiography, From Darkness to Light, reveals that he was abused and mistreated as a youth and subjected to frequent beatings. In 1996, Fenholt’s parents sued him, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and the publisher of his autobiography for $12 million each for defamation of character. Fenholt’s siblings claimed he made up the stories of abuse, but the lawsuit subsequently was dropped after Fenholt produced court documents from the superior court of Franklin County, Ohio, confirming his claims. Fenholt later said that he had a “warm relationship” with his mother and family.”

The guy ended up on TBN for years, not a good sign of respectability. They make millions off the simple minded.

Where’s the account of what Satan looked like at the signing?

You’ve been watching way too much of Hal Turner and other ‘christian’ propagandists whose stock in trade is always ‘the world is ending soon.’

You actually need to spend TIME looking into this and read books by real UFO researchers. Watch vids even here on goolagtube. Start with Richard Dolan. The UFO community is like the religious one, full of hucksters. The genuine ones are not always salient to the masses. Think History channel.

Belief is the problem. Learn to look at what evidence you can find, not just the ancient tribal propaganda or some huckster selling the end of the world.

News(so-called) and entertainment media propaganda about the aliens has been a thing for over a century. Most sheeple don’t really think about it because their brains aren’t ready. Try to talk to the avg. dumbass about anything that matters that hasn’t been spoonfed to them and you’ll get that stupid schoolboy grin from 8th grade history class when they didn’t know the answer and will probably always be too stupid to know why it matters.

It’s easier to do what the authorities of the church or the govt. tell you and go along to get along.

If the demented in chief told me aliens were real of course I wouldn’t ‘believe’ it. I would wonder whether it was working with the good ones or the bad ones(very loosely defined) and whether its handlers might be some of those who look like us and thus walk among us like the alleged angels of old.

What does the average dumbass know about international relations? Now extrapolate that vacuum of anti-knowledge to ‘intergalactic relations.’

Our primate ancestors’ DNA probably was monkeyed with by the watchers or some other species or civilization, that may have colonized this planet/system long ago.

What happens to primitive civilizations when they meet more advanced ones? They usually fade into history. All they knew, their culture, religions, whatever, turn to dust.

The watchers, if they are even mildly benevolent, know we’re not ready. Just look around. Or we’re their lab rats or livestock and when our tech gets to a certain point they’ll hit the reset button because they can’t have these dangerous greedy shortsighted monkeys zooming around in space exporting their constant wars for resources and religions.

But then religion is usually an excuse to make the simple minded go along with sending their children to die in another war for power or profit.

The word is ‘plandemic.’ If you don’t know that you don’t know anything. Millions already stupidly wore the masks and took the vax which probably was meant to have some effect on human evolution.

The conditioning has been generational and will probably continue for a long time. They may have done this many times before. They know it’s not easy for primitive species to grow up.

Or they’ll just decide it’s time for the harvest and show up and herd the cattle onto the space trucks. Have you read/watched ‘Childhood’s End‘ or ‘Colony.’

Just because the govts. lie about aliens doesn’t mean there’s no aliens. A researcher/reporter a few years back was claiming the Pentagon had $20 Trillion in missing or black budget funds.

How would ancient ignorant desert dwellers have interpreted your sighting? They had no concept of air travel or of other planets. Like their descendants they were shortsighted and saw only the ‘world’ immediately around them and made up stories to try to make sense of it and in order to better rule their inferiors and their tribes.

The watchers themselves probably interjected in subtle ways as they do now. The great deception has always been with us. They always present themselves as the opposite of what they are.

I experience religionists all the time that have no more discernment than my 16 year old dog. He would make a better prez than what the cowardly population of this country allowed to be sworn in after a blatantly stolen election.

But that doesn’t matter to millions because they’re gonna get beamed up soon. All they’ll accomplish with that ignorance is die and pass their slavery onto another generation. The same thing that’s happened for millennia except for that time about 200 years ago when a ‘god appointed king’ was cast off and during the reformation when they at least decided it was time to read the book for themselves instead of depending on priests to read it to them in a language they didn’t even speak.

Welcome to the asylum that the inmates think they run.

Please grow up and try to prepare for what is really coming. Stop interpreting everything via the ancient tribal propaganda. It’s not the only book that’s ever been published. Read a few others.

What happened to that rich man and the eye of the needle thing? Oh I forgot, you’re worshiping/serving your true god as most of them do.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Part of whose plan?:

FK – We’ve been marked since the 1930s. What can the avg. dumbass do without a socialist security no.?

They already track and monitor us. What is a drivers license or a license plate or a property deed? What does the county tax assessor do?

No one is coming to save you. We must DEMAND at the point of a gun if necessary, that our governments ban the corporations and governments from tracking us in any way and ban biometrics and implantable chips and on and on.

Telling the religionists to sit on their asses and let his crap happen because ‘it’s all been foretold/prophesied’ whatever is what will allow it to happen. So guess who came up with that propaganda. The churches were infiltrated long ago. Religion is usually created as a control device.

When/if they try this with all stores is when we show up and kill the scat telling us this and take what we want. They’re doing it in San Fran and other large cities, why not in the small towns?????

Those who go along with this evil for a paycheck and a retirement plan deserve whatever is done to them.

If you didn’t make the pretense of following the ancient tribal propaganda or thought you’d get beamed up before things get too bad would all this globalist crap then be OK?

The churches are full of morons that will happily go along to get along. Money is their real god regardless of pretense. It’s what they truly worship(serve) 7 days a week.

For over 200 years now we’ve had a Bill of Rights that reads ‘…no cruel and unusual punishment…” Does that mean anything to you moron? A portion of humanity has evolved past the idea of torturing those who don’t go along with the program.

Yes, you do want the vast majority of humankind that ever existed to ‘go there’ if you’re pushing that evil. Doing so is condoning it. That’s how that works.

Your god was obviously patterned after ancient tyrannical kings that looked down their noses at their subjects/slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture/murder you.”

Time to wake up and grow up.

A Brief History of Shape-Shifting Reptilians

More of the same:

The Secret Nephilim Giants Pentagon Files Exposed

FK – So the ancient aliens are religious nuts too? Not surprising. Read ‘Dune.’

Why would these alleged spiritual beings need physical transportation or use physical force to fight off a species far inferior to them?

Calling them ‘angels and demons’ alleviates the average dumbass believer of having to actually think. It’s a nice simple explanation for simple minds.

Who or what is funding the propaganda stream or the NWO? They are the enemy. Does ideology mean anything to them or is it just another tool to help keep the slaves working?

Will they need their slaves or lab rats much longer? Or will they hit the reset button when we get too close to actually posing a threat to them?

Who funded Hitler in the beginning? Who funded the Bolsheviks that overthrew the Czar and almost took over Germany? They were the greater of the evils. The communists were murdering tens of millions before the Nazis got warmed up and were still murdering after the Nazis were put down.

I’ve been watching the X Files because I didn’t get to see all of them back in the 90s. It’s nostalgic but also a reminder that entertainment/fiction contains elements of truth or reality but is often/usually twisted to the propaganda goals of those who run and fund the propaganda stream.

Just like the ancient tribal propaganda that so many pretend is literal and inerrant when it’s impossible for it to be so. It’s full of contradictions and themes borrowed from earlier traditions but the average believer refuses to see this because that might require independent thought and gods forbid real action on their part.

I do agree that the vax’s real purpose may very well be to further affect the evolution/management of the tool-using monkeys, or lab rats, or livestock, or slaves or whatever we really are.

All propaganda contains elements of truth/reality to make it seem credible. That’s how they get the mob to swallow the big lie. It’s always worked that way and probably always will.

The ufo community is full of hucksters just like the religions and the governments. Where is this guy’s documentation?

We’re already in a mental institution. This planet is an asylum and the inmates think they run it. Both/all sides in the culture war are equally insane only in different ways.

If these beings announce themselves in such a way that the average dumbass is forced to acknowledge something outside of its pathetic existence then they will be worshiped(served) as gods by billions.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

Some level of truth?

Shocking documents claim Luis Elizondo is NOT who you think “DEEP DIVE” disinformation Agent Or….

FK – And Greer probably is as well. Don’t know what’s so surprising about this. Anyone who really gets much attention should be looked at via a microscope.

Once a spook always a spook. The globalists have agents everywhere. If he had a clue he wouldn’t have given anything to mainstream newswhores that are owned/controlled by the globalists. The fact they published it tells the story.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

Ex-DoD Intelligence Officer’s UFO Claims Spark Security Concerns And Confusion, Pentagon Memos Reveal

As I keep writing over and over again, so sad that so many don’t get it, blindly trust NO SOURCE:

Alien Artifacts on Mars: What NASA doesn’t want you to know

FK – The face is actually Hoagland’s in an earlier incarnation. Look at that helmet head at 13:56. The ozone layer really took a hit that day.

The watchers told the never a straight answer group to claim the craft was dead because they weren’t/aren’t ready for their lab rats to find out we’re all in a cage.

So two Marsgyptian kids were throwing uranium rocks at each other one day and ‘ooops?’

All I see and hear on a regular basis tells me the tool-using monkeys are a very primitive species. High tech is no guarantor of advanced cultural thought/ideology/whatever. The watchers themselves may be a bunch of religious nuts led by some transalien bio/mech whatever that have wasted millions to billions of years looking for their version of enlightenment/god.

‘We the people’ so-called fail to exercise their/our authority much less their brains so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Do we ‘deserve to know?’ Really? What would the avg. dumbass do with this knowledge? Keep on picking his nose and reaching for another beer while watching the galactic playoffs probably.

Had a conversation a while back with some ‘activists’ about more or less the relationship of religion to current events. I asked them what would happen if we could push a button and all our Marxists dropped dead.

One of them said we’d probably be arguing over which religion is right, more or less.

That’s the reason for the first few words in the First Amendment of the national Bill of Rights. The Founders had actually studied history and knew the danger of letting any ideology having full control.

Our Bills of Rights MUST trump all the ancient tribal insanity and modern insanity of whatever source.

Some claim we were designed to be slaves to some ancient astronauts or whatever. I certainly see that propensity. Some evangelicals celebrate their slavery to their bronze age god and have no problem with ‘gaining hope’ from the concept of it burning all those they don’t like/agree with alive in fire forever.

That’s why the Bill of Rights also reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment.’

We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another strand in the web:

UFO Whistleblowers: Crash Retrievals, and Reverse Engineering Programs are going mainstream!

FK – The msnm is populated by Marxist trash and whores thus the term ‘newswhore.’

When the govt.s/mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

They’re promoting what a good servant of the MIC this guy was/probably still is. It’s targeted towards morons that still think the military fights for them and for their limited idea of ‘freedom’ when it hasn’t for 160 years.

Is it a psyop? Do bears screw in the woods?

I’ve been in this for about a quarter century, the patriot movement that is. There are some good actors out there. This guy doesn’t seem to be one of them. The arrogance/hubris in his expression is telltale.

I don’t pretend to know beans about physics. I know the tool-using monkeys regardless of their true origins lie as easily as fish breathe water, often to themselves, because it’s easier than thinking much less taking a stand on principle that they really have no concept of at all.

What is a layman? Most of the population hasn’t read a book of any kind that matters since high school if they did then. We stupidly let them vote.

Real disclosure will probably destroy our civilization as we know it. The tool-using monkeys are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Two insanities are battling it out for the control of the largest empire in known human history.

The cliff is behind/above us and the only question is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom.

None of our problems will be property solved without war crimes trials. But the sheeple and people(conservatives and libertarians) are too stupid grasp a war has been waged on them all their time here.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Don’t blindly trust this guy either:

Save the Date: June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch!”

The actual event:

Monday, June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch!

FK – He’s seriously expecting ‘justice’ from the dept. of just-us? Really?

Good luck finding sane ‘folks’ on this asylum world.

Maybe they’re the ones looking for an excuse. High tech is no guarantor of high civilization.

For the simple minded that haven’t looked into this at all:

What’s behind all this technology? | UFOs / UAPs and how tiny we all are in this universe

FK – The tool-using monkeys, whether genetically altered or naturally evolved, are still a very primitive species that exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

If anything they fear their lab rats will acquire tech that could cause our insanity to endanger them.

Stanford Medical Professor: ‘Aliens 100% Live Among Us’

FK – If it’s saying “covid” and not “plandemic” then it’s likely part of the problem.

Well this is rather alarming:

The Day After Roswell:The Moon Base-Chapter 11 in its entirety….

FK – So this is what he felt safe in publishing or was allowed/told to publish?

What level of tech did the ‘aliens’ have that made the army think they could even come close to challenging them? It took the Apollo rockets two days to get to the moon while the aliens can do it in minutes or seconds or less. This is all painted in absurdity.

We hear all the time that real Americans could never take on our globalist military while at the same time hear how the empire lost its wars in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, etc.

There is a much larger game afoot. I don’t expect to breathe long enough to learn what it’s really all about.

Deception is the first rule in warfare and the truth is the first causality.

They are as always waging war on those whom they would RULE.

That’s what all this is about, who or what will RULE.

May 17 – Are High Civilization E. T.s Blocking Nuclear War On Earth?

FK – He thinks he’s being abducted, presumably against his will, and thinks these creatures are on our side?

We allow the greatest empire in human history to be allegedly ran by an old demented Marxist that was placed in the now red house via blatant massive voter fraud and the aliens are waiting for us to ‘evolve to a higher consciousnesses?’ Billions wore the masks and took the bioweapons into their bodies willingly and went along with the plandemic and the aliens think the tool-using monkeys are worth saving????


How absurd.

If they intervene it will be only to save a few choice lab rats.

A species that is still looking for saviors isn’t worth saving.

This guy is a huckster.

Another alt. explanation:

Michael Armstrong: UFO ≈ Plasma Phenomena | Thunderbolts

FK – This may very well account for a percentage of sightings but too many are clearly not plasma. You need to spend more time looking into this.

The watchers have tools/tech that are as far beyond us as an Apache attack helicopter would be to the knights of King Arthur’s court. But that doesn’t mean one would never crash or be shot down.

They’ve been here a long time and may never allow us to perceive their true reality.

LIZARD MAN on a PLANE?! Vaseline is GAY?! + More!

FK – Too many of those little bottles or too little Xanax. The reptilians fly coach to better fit in with the sheeple, their lab rats, or livestock.

They know better than us even when they don’t. But then in my own experience most of the sheeple deserve to be treated as livestock because that’s how they act.

If a guy that rich still has to get a Russian bride I guess I’m screwed.

The sheeple in those large cities of dead western civ., again, fully deserve what’s happening to them, as will the rural sheeple when the madness of globalist chaos finally becomes apparent even to the most remote and sheltered.

I cannot and will not feel sorry for them. They have been warned and warned over the last several decades. Their grandparents and before should have been hanging our Marxist globalists, starting at the top, but they were and are oblivious to what’s happening and what their responsibilities are.

You don’t have a thing to worry about, the western male has been fully emasculated. If all beauty contests had a nude category instead of bikini as I’ve long thought they should the travesty would be obvious to all but few to none would actually do anything about it.

Or maybe it’s tally whacker has already been whacked.

The tool using monkeys were insane in their own way before gods and devils were invented or before the watchers, custodians or whatever convinced the ancient ignorant sheeple or people their magic tech made them such. They long ago proved they don’t need them.

As someone once said those whom the gods would destroy they first drive insane. Part of that insanity is taking literally what the priests or preachers or imams or whatever tell them…

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

Lizards in the govt.:

WATCH: House Oversight Lawmakers Detail Upcoming Hearing On Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena | Full

FK – Exposing the ‘truth’ so-called of this issue would/will probably destroy our civilization as we perceive it. But then western civ. has already been destroyed.

When I hear the word or phrase ‘conspiracy’ or ‘conspiracy theory’ I know I’m listening to an intellectual coward or a liar.

I would never call myself an ‘expert’ on much of anything much less this but my own reading and watching of numerous programs/docs over time has convinced me we are someone’s lab rats or livestock or at best lower life forms in a nature preserve.

The average sheeple especially the religionists will not accept this reality until they encounter an obvious alien shopping at the redneck mecca. Then they’ll either try to kill it or offer it a beer or try to save its soul.

They did nothing when a presidential election was obviously blatantly stolen and a demented old Marxist globalist that shouldn’t be a dog catcher and should’ve been executed for treason decades ago was sworn in to arguably the highest office on the planet and in known human history.

But if they have to accept the fact that we’re nothing more than amoeba in a petri dish to these beings and no one is coming to save them, yeah, that might cause some issues.

He admits China pretty much controls us now. That was worth the whole vid because I expect nothing of real value to come from their efforts otherwise. Too many big money people either don’t want the sheeple to know the reality of our situation or know better than to let them.

One wonders how many constituents are really contacting them about this issue.

The actual hearing:

Live: Congress holds hearing on UFOs after whistleblowers claim government kept information secret

FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

Propaganda has always been truths, half-truths, partial truths and blatant lies. In the internet age it’s like that pink goo they used to make into mcnuggets.

Only a political child blindly trusts any source. That’s the ‘any’ that’s in the dictionary.

We can only hope that some of these witnesses and congressmen and the superior beings, civilizations, whatever they are discussing are at least partly benevolent.

Unless the claims that humanity is undergoing an alien hybridization program are true, and on and on.

Are farmers a danger to their own livestock or scientists to their lab rats?

This could be a prep for a ‘project blue beam’ that so many fear or an ongoing attempt to simply drag humanity kicking and screaming out of the dark ages.

Blind faith in anything is dangerous stupid behavior.

“Vulnerabilities…” he says. Is a fly vulnerable to a fly swatter? A bug vulnerable to a windshield?

Grusch certainly seems to ‘know’ a lot about an issue that those who pay attention have been hearing for decades is ‘highly compartmentalized.’

The bottom may be somewhere you don’t want to go.

And we get a bonus 20 min. or so about a diff. kind of alien. Is there some connection?

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

The Police and military are trained to go home at night. Watch some channels that focus on their activities. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and enhance revenue and protect corporate ‘interests.’ All the make-believe crap about protecting the public or our freedom, which we don’t have, is mythology.

See ‘Dial 911 and Die.’

‘They,’ or whatever runs this world, whose real god is money, consider you to be livestock or at best a lab rat. The ultimate historical purpose of the sheepdogs is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

What are biologics?

What is the Holman rule?

What is an ‘unknown unknown?”

Internal Research & Development Program (IRAD)

Was he talking about these kinds of biologics?:

China-linked Bio Lab Discovered in Fresno Co, California – Had Over 900 Mice “Genetically Engineered to Catch and Carry the Covid-19 Virus”

Learn How Trump Used Space Force to Access UFO Files

FK – Yeah it’s a crazy world alright.

More response:

The UAP Hearing – What Has Happened Since

FK – Distortion and confusion is the name of the game. Keep the sheeple scared and ignorant and confused, along with your political enemies, and you control them. The religionists have known this for millennia.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke

The Police and military are trained to go home at night. Watch some channels that focus on their activities. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and enhance revenue and protect corporate ‘interests.’ All the make-believe crap about protecting the public or our freedom, which we don’t have, is mythology.

Search ‘Dial 911 and Die(not on goolag).’ Read ‘War is a Racket’ by Marine General Smedley Butler.

‘They,’ or whatever runs this world, whose real god is money, consider you to be livestock or at best a lab rat. The ultimate historical purpose of the sheepdogs is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

July 26, 2023, House UAP Hearing Archive – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency

FK – Don’t miss George Knapp‘s statement to congress(He was sitting behind the military personnel questioned by the committee but wasn’t queried for whatever real reason.)

Wikiwand page on the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

Prime examples why:

‘Go be equal’: Anti-feminist clashes with journalist over women’s rights

FK – There are billions of emasculated males including the one she’s conversing with that probably have no business voting.

Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-olds that are incapable of making a logical rational decision because they were never taught how to make one. The govt. schools, churches and mainstream newswhores make sure of this.

When the United (nation)States was founded only wealthy classically educated property owners could vote. Not all of them were good guys. Read ‘Hamilton’s Curse‘ for starters.

I once saw a truck driver pull into a small lot and whip the trailer around and back into a tight dock as if she were born to do it, far better than I ever could. I was mildly surprised to see what I then thought of as an Amazon(masculine looking female) walk into the building to watch her trailer be unloaded.

All three here and most of society are lying to themselves as usual. There have been women, a tiny minority, who fought on the front lines and did numerous other ‘manly’ jobs, some of which I’d want no part of or probably not be as good at. But they are the exception not the rule.

I’ve seen or heard ‘gay’ men who weren’t and big burly guys who are basically crybabies for whatever real reason. Our DNA, genetics whatever run the gamut and always has for whatever real reason, whether by evolutionary chance or manipulation by a superior species or intentional creation by an obviously callous god or gods.

This ‘experiment’ of freedom, liberty, whatever, is a new thing and will likely die once more before it takes hold if it ever does. This is mostly because most of the population, descendants of the submissive who survived to breed, for only a tiny percentage ever really fight back, will likely continue to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end or for a savior that’s not coming to wave a magic wand and solve their problems for them, if they’re even aware they have problems. And most of them really aren’t.

Besides instituting the death penalty for any and all involved in voter fraud, which has probably been a consistent thing since voting began, we desperately need to stop allowing any moron of whatever political side to go vote. In the beginning this would mean 80 to 90 percent of the population would lose ‘the franchise’ as the communists like to call it.

The communists want morons to vote. That’s one of their biggest tools for gaining and keeping power. Their base has historically been those who think the govt. exists to provide them a check or a job based on political connections. These are the lowest creatures among the tool-using monkeys.

But then ‘the christian right’ or whatever also wants morons to vote. Simple sad fact. I’ve seen a sign that read ‘vote the bible’ when the ancient tribal propaganda only represents a small portion of human history and law. Moses isn’t the only one on the Supreme Court building.

All potential voters should also be instructed in basic military(militia) skills from youth upward in order to learn reality and not the mythologies often taught in the govt. schools and govt. churches such as ‘the police are there to protect you’ and ‘the military fights for our freedom(usually grossly poorly defined)’ and ‘turn the other cheek’ when the one who allegedly said that also told his disciples to buy a sword in case they needed it.

But then he was likely educated(indoctrinated) by a group of monks, ascetics, priests, whatever who the average person, especially now, would consider to be simply nuts.

All young voters should also have to prove they served at least two years full time with their genuine people’s militia or underwent training in a military force that exists to uphold its oath to the Bills of Rights of the Federal and several states’ constitutions and not to globalism or corporate profit.

The biggest problem with marriage is the basic biological male and female drives are nearly incompatible. The avg. young tool-using monkey male is inclined to sew as many seeds as possible in as short a time as possible while the avg. female will put up with most anything to have a baby(ies). I’ve seen this too many times to deny it.

Watch the docs on chimpanzees and gorillas. They are our cousins like it or not.

All the rules regarding ‘marriage’ so-called go back into prehistory. Divorce was often forbidden because this led to destabilization of primitive tribes or cultures and because women and children were basically property even up to and including the parents having the right to decide who they marry. This continues now in many cultures.

A well-known radio preacher has declared that dating should be replaced with ‘courting’ whereby a young man has to get the permission of his new girlfriend’s male relatives to take her out.

Who knows what will happen with this and all the fatherless children created by the welfare state in modern times and the callous gods of the past. Not all parents and brothers have the best interests of their female relatives at hearts. Watch the Bundys.

If the children are indeed all that matter then we’re here only as breeding stock like the peasants for the ancient kings who wanted good hardworking slaves, soldiers, taxpayers, whatever then there’s really no reason to be here.

Or for the bronze age god that tells all “Be my mindless braindead slave(for that’s what most of them are) or I’ll torture you alive in fire forever.”

What a pointless existence.

This is all distraction from the fact we are losing the right to choose which insanity we participate in, or none at all.

They both look a little ‘fleshy,’ as my grandmother used to call it, for my taste.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

is this the reset button?:

Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence


They just keep proving me right:

Top 10 Bizarre Government Agencies And Departments


They’re not what they pretend to be

How does one know one is listening to trash(the very short list)?

If they tell you they have a corner on what reality is – And they are almost without exception blind to the fact that they don’t. Their little minds can’t handle uncertainty or fear of death or fear of the unknown…

When they speak of ‘freedom and democracy.’ – We aren’t free in this country or this world because of garbage like this and democracy NEVER equals liberty. Democracy as always is one group of numbskulls beating another over the head and forcing their version, sub-version or subversion of reality on them.

The word ‘democracy’ IS NOT FOUND in the u.S. Constitution for a reason. – Actually READ IT.

When it’s obvious they value money over, well, every damn thing. – Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense.

When they constantly harp about the end of the world. – Lots of money and fear in that. Fear and ignorance are the generals or concubines of the real god of this world, depending on the situation.

If they tell you the govt. or corporations exist to make you ‘safe’ or even care about your safety. – Both sides of the culture war are guilty of this evil, one says “…disarm yourselves the police will keep you safe…” which is of course impossible. The other side claims the military which they happily throw money at is fighting for our freedom which is an absurd claim on its face. If they are why aren’t we free and why do our greatest enemies, our domestic enemies, authoritarians of every stripe walk about freely and work tirelessly to enslave us all? We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water soaked fire spitting rock. There are no safe spaces here.

If they tell you not to listen to/read/watch other sources. – Only political children blindly trust any source. That’s the ‘any’ that’s in the dictionary.

When they claim you have no right to hunt and exterminate them or try and hang them for treason. – That’s what the Bills of Rights of the Federal and several states governments are ALL ABOUT!

When all they do proves they view the larger tool-using monkey population as livestock or at best lab rats. – See the plandemic and the alien issue…

They tell you the police and military exist to protect us when all they do proves this to be false. – Read ‘War is a Racket‘ and watch this goolagtube channel.

They claim this country was founded on their particular religion – In reality most of the settlers came here for financial or economic freedom, or to get rich. Our ancestors were a greedy nasty bunch for the most part, just like now. Money is their true god regardless of pretense.

This empire will collapse like all the rest for there are no men left to hold it up.

Primo example:

The Next Global Superpower Isn’t Who You Think | Ian Bremmer | TED

FK – Why do they never talk about the banksters? It used the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ and whines about ‘riots'(meaning Jan. 6) on the capitol. That explains it. This creature is globalist scat. Just search it, not on goolag.

When it says “…our society.” It means global communism under which there will be no freedom. But then it just admitted in so many words these creatures plan to kill most of us off after it destroys free speech.

Democracy doesn’t equal liberty you lying sack of crap.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Goolagtube just asked me to keep comments respectful, posted anyway of course(and of course the evil scat that runs goolagtube took it down). WE NEED WAR CRIMES TRIALS AND HANGINGS OF SCAT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!

Are these our real enemies?

What corporations own what

Which Corporations Control the World?

Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world

The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

There’s no such thing as an unbiased reporter(or Why Free Kentucky?)

A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

I took two COVID jabs while studying to be a Catholic priest. Now I’m in a wheelchair

FK – So why didn’t Yashua tell him not to take the vax?

The other side of the spectrum, sort of:

How DEEP is the swamp in DC w/ Senator Josh Hawley | JLS EP012

FK – The ‘bad folks’ are working to enslave humanity totally and forever. He doesn’t grasp this?

They are not ‘colleagues.’ They are enemies.

Then he says “They detest me.”

No secret there’s a tiny percentage in any legislative body that’s worth the rope it would take to hang them.

It takes a nation of whores to elect a parliament of whores.

If all able bodied are members of the militia then it’s an individual member of the militia so they can grab their weapon out of their car/closet whatever and go kill their real enemies, their domestic enemies.

All the other stuff is secondary and not mentioned because the Founders had no conception of telling someone they can’t defend themselves from common criminals much less government or corporate criminals.

Someone needs to tell him the SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE.


This is a collapsing empire. Western civilization is being intentionally collapsed. See France. See most of Europe. See our large cities.



Our enemies have been successful. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. Jan. 2021 proved this.

If any state were to take the fullest view possible it’s people would be training with their genuine people’s militia and any fed nazi trash that crossed the state line would be provided a speedy treason trial and execution and any garbage caught up in the running or funding of the mainstream propaganda flow would be treated the same.

That’s where we ARE.

The cliff is behind, above us. The only question is how many bones will litter the bottom. The system is not broken, it’s totally illegitimate. The fedgov lost what dust of legitimacy it had left when it certified the stolen election and made a demented old Marxist globalist criminal commander in chief.

The NFA was a runaround of ‘shall not be infringed.’ All the gun law after that was certainly EVIL.


Political action is great until it doesn’t work anymore. See Venezuela and Brazil and China and countless regimes from history.

We need to stop allowing morons to vote, which is the majority of the population. A test where prospective voters are required to at least show some understanding of the Bills of Rights of the u.S. and state constitutions and the history of civilizations and politics, which is human nature should be created along with a requirement of militia training/service so they are introduced to REALITY not the mythologies that are fed to the victims of the govt. schools, churches and mainstream news/entertainment media.

Ignorant fathers raise ignorant children. Now most are literate enough to read their electric bills. Do you think most of them, the morons we allow to vote, read books like that to their kids? I never read those books. Never heard of them until the movies came out I think. Never heard of Lewis until I went to college, maybe.

His version of ‘christianity’ wouldn’t be understood by the average unthinking believer. Simple fact.

Want to fix this mess? Start with hanging the garbage that runs the govt. schools and writes the textbooks then require the kids to learn history, warts and all, its meaning not just dates and names, and human psychology and basic militia(reality) skills along with the ‘three Rs’ that really only qualified them to be slaves to their govt. and corporate masters.

Liberal arts wasn’t supposed to mean communism. Raise classical liberals not morons who waste their time here waiting on temporal or spiritual whatever saviors to solve their problems for them.

They need to hold real hearings on the chemical and plastics industry and the food industry to find out what’s causing a lot of these birth defects that are also helping to kill ‘masculinity.’

The average dumbass thinks ‘masculinity’ means showing up on time, doing what they’re told, never asking inappropriate questions and paying their bills on time, spending their time here in debt until they die just as ignorant as their ancestors were.

The ancient tribal propaganda has some useful points but it has plenty of bad characters and the worst one threatens to burn the vast majority of humanity that ever existed alive in fire forever for not going along with the program. whatever that once really was.

We have a Bill of Rights that reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment.’ We allegedly don’t allow our governments or churches to torture dissidents anymore. The Founders fought a bloody 8-year war so we wouldn’t be ruled by whatever version, sub-version or subversion had the audacity to murder the most believers.

They ACKNOWLEDGED our free speech and press so that we don’t have blasphemy or heresy laws anymore. ‘Freedom of religion’ by necessity means freedom from the religion of the nut down the road who’s utterly convinced that ‘god’ told him to force his version on everyone else.

But one cannot tell them this. Most of them cannot see it. They are blinded by their blind faith which a very dangerous thing.

What would real character be? Didn’t someone allegedly say the he is the greatest who will lay down his life for another? Whatever that really means.

We have a nation of cowardly whores who have no concept of fighting back much less why they should be, for whatever real reason. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. A tiny percentage fought in the American revolution and many fought for their god appointed king.

It’s time for those who understand what we are supposed to be here to start doing what will be required and stop playing political games and compromising with creatures that seek to destroy them.

By 2030 You Will Not Eat Meat & You Will be Allowed Only Three Items of New Clothing a Year, Report Says


Family-friendly pride festival in Minneapolis hosts “Adult Diaper Enthusiasts” booth

Chemical Castration”: White Genocide and Male Extinction in Rhetoric of Endocrine Disruption

Autism is MONSTROUS BRAIN DAMAGE. Brought to you by your terminally corrupt federal government

Brazilian Court Rules Ex-President Bolsonaro Must Wait Eight Years To Run For Office Again

FK – Of course the election here in amerika wasn’t stolen either. it was only borrowed.


FK – Did the commie infiltration assoc. poison him so he got that disease? So funny that the CIA was originally founded to allegedly fight communism, which was basically created by the elites as a form of control or controlled opposition, now something millions to billions firmly believe in, just like the ancient tribal propaganda which was written for the same reasons.

The left/right paradigm is very real when millions are willing to kill you in the name of it.

There was never a ‘golden age’ of journalism much less of amerikan journalism or American whatever. Thomas Jefferson hated them. Look up what he wrote about them.

Historically most newspapers were either founded to push one viewpoint or another or they later transitioned to that. Then we have ‘yellow journalism’ or recently grocery store tabloids, brain bubble gum for the mindless masses, which often take real issues and blow them up into absurdities in order to keep the sheeple confused and entertained and distracted.

Of course the powers that always want to be will try to control the info flow. Even if by some miracle they really had our best interests at heart, and they never have, they’d still have to deal with the fact that the average moron will never learn to think for themselves and will never be literate enough to read books that matter or alt. pubs online or off that ask the hard questions so-called.

In other words the elites always know most of the population are idiots and would rather die than be anything else. It’s just easier to let the authorities from the govts., schools, churches, msnm, whatever do their thinking for them. I see this every day. It’s a heartbreaking reality.

That’s why millions wore the masks and took the vax and will die, from the vax or not, or the next bioweapon, thinking they did the right thing.

There’s also a lot of money in corn and farm machinery. As always profit, money, the real god of this world, comes before human health, safety, life, sanity, and on and on.

These birth defects/mental illnesses have always existed on some level. Even the ancient tribal propaganda documents this fact. They won’t get the help they need from the culture war as neither side is really interested in getting them the help they really need.

The Marxist globalists use them as political tools and when they are no longer useful they will be shot into the same ditch as the poor white working class, the minorities and on and on.

The religionists pretend their version, subversion or subversion will provide the gays/trannies/sodomites whatever the willpower to go back into the closet or whatever so the average dumbass won’t have to really think about the world they’re really in which is what religion is really about to most of them. It really, really, really is…

There can be no unity with those who wish to enslave humanity unless one is a willing slave. The tool-using monkeys were probably designed to be such as one can easily see most of them fit into that category and the religions have been helping to shore that up for millennia.

Maybe he’s truly a globalist at his core, like a lot of republicrats, and he’s simply playing a role, like the magical non-savior Trump may very well be.

What was it one of the banksters said about not caring who makes the laws as long as they control the money?


Col. Douglas MacGregor warns the US ‘may not make it’ to the 2024 presidential election

With his customary reach, Macgregor mentions the projected impact of artificial intelligence, which is said to be set to replace most low-skilled jobs within twenty years.

“What are we bringing most of these people in to do?”

It makes no sense, says Macgregor, as he shows that both foreign and domestic policy is driven without regard to their impact.

“Who is thinking about the United States – [about] American society?” observes MacGregor. Who indeed?

FK – We need to restore the Bills of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and of the several states that have one like that based on an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of our natural rights.

EPA Official ADMITS Norfolk Southern Blew Up Derailed East Palestine Trains For PROFIT

FK – So the kids can be poisoned at home and the schools not held responsible? Pardon my cynicism. I’ve been paying attention for a long time.

Nothing will be done until we find the MEN and ADULT WOMEN to force by force of arms the war crimes trials we so desperately need for garbage like this and those who conducted the plandemic and those who seek to disarm us and those who steal the elections on a regular basis.

Bur our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN here.

Steve Kirsch Testifies About Why Amish Communities Suffered Such Low Covid Death Rates

They hate America:

ATF mocks America – trolls social media after Hunter Biden plea deal announcement

FK – If you don’t understand they view us as livestock or at best lab rats you don’t know anything.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Pfizer Virus Mutations Aren’t the Only Inconvenient Truth About Project Veritas’s Latest Scoop

In a more sane world, it would be so obvious it wouldn’t have to be said: People who score better on the MCAT do better in medical school, score better on later exams, and ultimately make better doctors. As such, if we want better medical professionals, we should elevate those with better MCAT scores.

But America does the opposite, because as a nation we have decided that competency in the practice of medicine — the preservation and extension of human lives — is a feeble matter compared to the Great Cause of diversity.

It’s all a situation that is perfectly engineered to produce people like Jordon Walker. Use racial preferences to get into Yale, use racial preferences to get into med school, and then (as America’s “racial reckoning obsession is hitting its absolute peak) use racial preferences to land a rapid sequence of elite jobs that he’s not actually very good at doing. And right now, left unchecked, it’s all getting worse.

They are NOT our protectors and they DO NOT uphold their oaths:

Police Hand Picks Media That Can Cover Their Department

FK – Went through this over 20 years ago. Was refused access to a meeting on whether the Land Between the Lakes should be declared a UN biosphere reserve or whatever.

The sheriff deputies told me I had to have a ‘press pass.’ I had one before that when I worked for a small town weekly. Now I had my own website as I still do and my business card reads on the front bottom: ‘See reverse for press pass.’ On the back are the First and Second Amendments.

Many to most of these badged whores will do whatever they are ordered for a paycheck and a retirement plan up to and including shooting dissidents into ditches.

Would be OK if the ‘dissidents’ were authoritarians of whatever stripe that pass this kind of ‘law’ or ‘that’s just what my boss told me to do.’

But as usual the authoritarians run the show. They’ll call themselves ‘good people’ and go to church every Sunday because they’re too mentally lazy to examine their own actions and so-called beliefs.

The govt. schools and cop schools aren’t teaching the Bills of Rights because the authoritarians of whatever stripe don’t want them to. Their power or their insane ancient bronze age tribal propaganda has to take precedence because that makes things easier to just go along to get along.

This is the evil they serve:

BREAKING: Vermont Orders Man To Jail So Town Can Destroy His Ranges (Private Property)

FK – Only political children think we’re free here or that there are ANY BRAVE MEN to do a damn thing about it.

The genuine people’s militia should already be in place to stop this and hang the perpetrators but you’re all scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment so many claim to love.

This country is full of ugly indifferent sheeple and cowards that claim to love freedom but have no understanding of what that is or what it takes to keep it or will take to reestablish it.

Another fine example:


FK – Does it really mean it? I clearly remember klinton the first saying “I’m against NAFTA,” during its first campaign for the red house then shoving it through congress during its first year in office, signing it and bragging about it.

What these assholes say during a campaign cycle MEANS NOTHING!!!!

You don’t seem to understand that you are dealing with creatures that will be selling gasoline in hell.

What real ’emergency powers’ do the prezzes or their handlers in this case possess? What happened after Katrina?

The Constitution is an inconvenient piece of paper to these creatures. They will burn it at the first opportunity. They and those who claim to love it have been ignoring it for many multiple generations.

I would happily lie to my domestic enemies by telling them the rope is the proper length to hang them quickly. But there are NO MEN here to help me do this.

The biggest health threat is whatever is causing the pandemic of obesity and young adults who couldn’t even quality for boot camp.

Most of the ‘mass shootings'(only requires 4 victims) are done by fatherless gang bangers in large cities ran by criminal communists who depend on inter-generational parasites and voter fraud to steal elections.

The Swiss changed their law a few years back concerning the ‘militia,’ or whatever they call them, weapons. Most adult males are required or were to do so much military service then keep their weapon in their homes in case of invasion by a foreign force, not for domestic enemies as our Second Amendment is primarily about.


Bye Bye Black Privilege!

FK – The definition is very simple. The Marxist globalists are using the minorities and the trannies or whatever just like they once used the poor white working class. But since they threw the latter under the bus with NAFTA and ‘gun control’ and abortion they must depend on the inner city parasites, and rural parasites, black and white, for votes.

They will all be shot into the same ditch when they’re no longer useful.

Stop lying about the war to keep taxing the southern states. Read some actual history not mainstream crap. Lincoln worked for years to move all the freed slaves out of the country because he didn’t believe they were equal or that the races should exist together.

Of course relaying those simple facts makes me ‘racist’ right?


Slavery goes back to the beginning of human history. Females and children were basically property. Neighboring tribes raided each other for slaves and plunder or territory.

We should all be getting a check right? Wait, why do the elites want a UBI for all? CONTROL.

This is ALL distraction. They, who or whatever rules this world whose true god is money, view us as livestock or lab rats or both.

What was feudalism? What is wage slavery or debt slavery? Why do most spend their time here in constant debt? Why when sheeple go to buy a car now do they not ask “How much is it?” but “How much are the payments?”

They never really own anything, including themselves.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

More fakers:

The Viewers Have Spoken About the NRA … and it’s Not Good

FK – In the mid 90s I attended a gun rights training session put on by the 2nd Amend. Foundation. One of the speakers was Tanya Metaksa then a v.p. or whatever of the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group.

She explained how they gave money to their fav candidates, and their record on choosing the ‘best’ candidates is extremely poor, and if that candidate lost they’d offer money to the winner.

This immediately soured me on them. Several years later I attended their annual convention in Louisville, KY, the year they went along with commie globalist McCain(D rating from GOA) not allowing guns in his presence, and saw all the African safari and 5 grand shotgun booths and saw the org. is mostly about the money.

Recent revelations about what’s his face shore this up.

They’ve been too involved in playing the game for years, helped to pass gun law in the name of political expediency when they should be like GOA and others who’ve openly said we need to repeal ALL gun laws for years.

They should have been working openly to restore the genuine people’s militia that was intentionally destroyed after the war to keep taxing the southern states but then the NRA was founded by Yankee generals who thought their conscripts in that war of empire couldn’t shoot well enough.

Search the Dick Act. The National Guard IS NOT the militia contrary to their claims because their weapons are kept locked in govt. vaults.

The commie newswhores always publicly focus on fake conservatives or globalists posing as such. They do all they can to ignore real patriots. See Ron Paul.

As the old saying goes all publicity is good publicity. The newswhores don’t want the sheeple to even know who the good guys really are.

The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war.

The NRA’s foundation sits on quicksand

And still more:

Should Being a Coward Be a Crime?

FK – The Police are trained to go home at night. Watch some channels that focus on their activities. Their job is to protect the state, enforce its laws and enhance revenue. All the make-believe crap about protecting the public is mythology.

See ‘Dial 911 and Die.’

‘They,’ or whatever runs this world, whose real god is money, consider you to be livestock or at best a lab rat. The ultimate historical purpose of the sheepdogs is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

An oldie but a goodie:

Dial 911 and Die


All these years and so many morons still have no clue:

Just Dial 911? The Myth of Police Protection

Yet does dialing 911 actually protect crime victims? Researchers found that less than 5 percent of all calls dispatched to police are made quickly enough for officers to stop a crime or arrest a suspect.3 The 911 bottom line: “cases in which 911 technology makes a substantial difference in the outcome of criminal events are extraordinarily rare.”4


Government lulls the public into trusting it to provide everything, takes away the people’s means of providing for themselves, and then claims it has no duty to provide after all. Noting the fatal irony in the “gun control” context, James Bovard has written that “government has a specific, concrete obligation to disarm each citizen, but only an abstract obligation to defend the citizen.” “Gun control;” Bovard notes, “is one of the best examples of laws that corner private citizens—forcing them either to put themselves into danger or to be a lawbreaker.”12


Federal Judge Rules Felon-In-Possession Law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

FK – Why are we releasing convicted violent felons that can’t be trusted with weapons back into society?

So those who want to disarm us all have ‘dangerous criminals who might get guns’ to point to.


What else might be?:

Everything You’re NOT Supposed to Know About Suppressors

FK – Sorry I missed this. I was expecting more on the technical side but this is one all sheeple should be required to learn from.

Why aren’t govt. and cop schools teaching the Bills of Rights?

I was under the impression that suppressed subsonic ammo was basically silent.


Maybe the ultimate pretense:

The Lost Years of Jesus Christ: Evidence in Japan, Britain, and India

FK – If yashua or whatever was already the ruler of all why did Satan or whatever bother to offer him rule of Earth?

Decoding Gnosticism: Secrets of a Heretical Christian Belief


Christian head covering

FK – So why don’t most modern ‘christian’ females cover their heads like many Muslim females?

Another version, sub-version or subversion, take your pick:


List of Christian denominations by number of members

Why can’t they all just grow up?

When the crash comes it will be sudden and violent…Last 36 hours the debt went up 144 billion.

FK – This empire will collapse like all the rest. NO ONE Is coming to save you. There are NO MEN left here to do what must be done.

The county tax assessor knows where your outhouse is. They will sell you out just as quickly as a hungry neighbor.


Ignorant sheeple call them angels and demons:


FK – I don’t think those are highly stylized humans. Their art portrayed what they had seen.

The watchers either evolved here or colonized this planet/system long ago.

The tool-using monkeys are their project or their lab rats or livestock or all the above.

They probably use mythology as a guide in societal/cultural/civilizational whatever development. They may even have myths or religions of their own.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.












Why would anyone be surprised by this and why does it have to be the demented in chief’s son who’s the perp? It’s a govt. of a criminal class. Any to all of them could be cokeheads:


If only:




But they’re all here:


Because now they consider themselves to no longer be the underdogs but the rulers:





In a free country with free speech and a free press there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives can’t be questioned:


But that’s OK, they’re not planning on burning the vast majority of tool-using monkeys that ever existed alive in fire forever, are they?


We share nearly 100 percent of their DNA yet some claim we’re not animals:




It’s not kidding:


Klinton the first was impeached. Now it’s making millions from book deals and speeches. We need war crimes trials and hangings. But we have NO MEN to do what must be done.


Does he not know that’s why the UN was founded as a globalist Marxist front group in the first place?:


How many teachers are radicals?





The dust of a dead empire already swirls around us. Because there are NO MEN to do what must be done.