Monthly Archives: May 2019

America’s Birthplace 2019: A UNESCO World Heritage Site of Global Culture and Interdependence

FK – As always liberty is what our masters say it is. In the military we had ‘liberty’ but we’d better show up on time when it’s over.

Globalism isn’t about real liberty anymore than Leviticus is or was. Read the rest of it.

Only one thing will fix this but there are no men to provide it.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

The Fight is Coming: Civil War, Corrupt Churches & Antipathy

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Sleepless in Indianapolis: The NRA’s Corruption Problem

The NRA is a nonprofit corporation with an unusually large board of directors. Maybe there’s another one with 76 directors, but I don’t know of it. I’ve often thought how thrilling the board meetings must have been, kind of like a sports fantasy camp, except that you got to rub elbows with Ted Nugent, Allen West, Ollie North and Wayne LaPierre.

Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has often been one of my heroes, standing up against fierce and hysterical public attacks when milder, meeker men (like me) might have wilted. And so I’m sentimental about the NRA, deeply committed to its success, and protective against its detractors.

Imagine my dismay, then, to read about the lawsuit it filed in suburban Washington DC this month against Ackerman McQueen, its Oklahoma City-based vendor for public-relations work, event planning, social media and digital content production. For 38 years, Ackerman has shaped the message and image of the NRA.

From My Cold Dead Hands

I have no criticism of Ackerman’s work product. In fact, I think much of it has been inspired, whether the late Charlton Heston’s “cold dead hands” speech nearly 20 years ago, or Charlie Daniels’ 2016 warning to the ayatollahs that heartlanders will defend our country with “bloody, calloused bare hands” if we have to.

But Ackerman billed NRA for $42.6 million in 2017. You’ve got to accept the highest level of transparency and accountability when you’re invoicing that kind of money. And it appears that Ackerman’s not living up to that.

FK – So-called ‘God-given Constitutional rights’ or as I prefer Natural Rights are useless without real men to defend them. Western Civilization is bereft of such. Our greatest enemies, our white-skinned domestic enemies who were never hiding in a cave on the other side of the world have seen to this.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

The Fight is Coming: Civil War, Corrupt Churches & Antipathy

Former Highly Decorated U.S General Warns of REAL CONSPIRACY!

FK – Overthrowing FDR: Good Idea. Installing dictator: Bad Idea.

Banning communism: Something we should’ve done multiple decades ago, by whatever cute name they’ve called it at whatever time.

If your ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive'(communist) so-called ‘friends’ lie and tell you they’re not commie trash ask them what parts of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto they disagree with.

But there are no men here to bring this about. Our enemies have been successful. Who or what created communism anyway? Why did the robber barons who bought the largest newspapers in the early 20th century allow them to be infiltrated by commie globalist trash?

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

No intelligent person ‘believes’ in conspiracy theories or in mythological bronze age sadistic gods or in little green men. Intelligent people know that ‘conspiracies’ are as old as politics and that politics is human nature thus many so-called ‘conspiracies’ are real.

Idiots and pathetic children and commie/globalist garbage lie to themselves or others about the realities of the world/universe(s) we allegedly exist in.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The only real reason for the militia

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The most important things to do

WTF?!? What Jeff Epstein’s Lawyer Says on the View is MindBlowing!!

FK – The so-called legal system can’t work that way. Even the worst deserve ‘defense.’ The problem is not crooked shysters defending criminals the problem is crooked shysters holding public office and sitting on benches.

You can be accused of anything, evidence, DNA or otherwise dropped to ‘prove’ it and and then railroaded into prison or to the electric chair. Happens all the time.

The ignorant brain dead sheeple will go along with it because a bright shining newswhore with a smile on its face told them it was OK because the ‘authorities’ you harp on so much said so and so was an ‘extremist’ or a ‘pedophile’ or whatever the most hated of the time is. Simple minded morons made up the lynch mobs(true anarchy) and attended hangings of the not always guilty and we stupidly let their descendants vote.

Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-olds in this country that can’t make a logical rational decision. When will we start prosecuting politicians for breaking campaign promises or men who lie to women just to get laid?

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

That’s how it works.

If those young women were forced into those situations then certainly all involved should get prison time. But we have far worse crimes by the klintons et al who regularly break the oath they took to uphold our Natural Rights, that have gone and will probably go unpunished because we have NO MEN to enforce the Bills of Rights on our governments and the shysters and commie globalist trash that run them.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Some of the links he provided:

New Jeffrey Epstein accuser goes public; defamation lawsuit targets Dershowitz

Richard Dolan. Managing Conspiracy Theories: How the CIA Created the Term.

FK – “No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.” – Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

in reality when some sheeple/propagandist says “I don’t get into conspiracy theories,” what they’re really admitting is they’re too intellectually lazy/cowardly to take the time and mental energy to peer outside of the box society/western culture built for them. The propagandist is of course a whore at best or is actually evil.

The CIA et al fully understand as have the elites of all time that the average sheeple/pawn/slave/subject/taxpayer/wage slave would rather die than think and lacks the backbone/gonads to actually stand up for anything. That’s why the major religions teach their adherents to ‘be satisfied’ with what/where the various gods/philosophers/Buddhas(Karma?)/whatever put them.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Again, this has all been quite predictable and our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN LEFT HERE to do a damn thing about their evil intentions.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Proven right once again:

FK – The only reason Trump is still on twatter is because he occupies the now red house like all the rest of the tools of the past. Wait…

We need to DEMAND RECOGNITION of our NATURAL RIGHTS that our Bill of Rights of the United States and the several states were supposed to force our governments to ACKNOWLEDGE not beg for ‘civil rights’ nor beg the Marxist globalists for a right to exist or permission to question their motives nor the motives of any other special little group or nation state.

Gee if Paul Revere and the other riders of April 1775 had used fakebook or twatter or goolagtube to post ‘The British are coming!” would that have been/be an ‘incitement to violence?’

Yes, it would in the ears/eyes of most modern authoritarians of the ‘left and right.’

Both sides are full of modern pacified pussies and cowards who refuse to acknowledge that our liberties were born in violence and secured by the hot blood of our heroes and enemies both of whom were often from the same neighborhood just like today.

The answer is not to ban those who work covertly or overtly to enslave those around them as there is no ‘right’ to enslave anyone under any version of authoritarianism. The answer is to hunt them to extinction.

But there are no men here to recognize this reality nor do a damn thing about it. We are a defeated people.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

Christian rebels and modern cowards