Monthly Archives: December 2017

Alex Jones Admits He’s An Israeli Shill

FK – Israel is a burgeoning empire. Most of what happens over there is part of the effort to grow it.

To claim the European socialists that founded it in the early-mid 20th century somehow ‘deserved’ to go there and ‘settle'(wage war on the occupants of Palestine) because of 3000-year-old tribal propaganda that like all tribal propaganda claims its ‘people’ are ‘special’ and created/anointed by their god(s) is absurd on its face.

It’s incredible to me that so many tool-using monkeys still take that crap seriously. At the very least modern ‘christianity’ has been infiltrated in the name of creating generations of dumbed-down pacified morons who will waste their time in this world waiting for it to end or waiting to get beamed up ‘before things get too bad'(the ‘tribulation’) all while passing their slavery on to their children and teaching little kids they are born deserving to be burned alive in fire forever and planning to stand around singing praises to their sadistic god while it does so(including their own children) because their ‘savior’ very plainly allegedly said that ‘narrow is the way and few be the ones who find it.’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

Some versions, or sub-versions or subversions actually claim only a few hundred thousand will be the proper type of mindless ignorant slaves their sadistic tyrannical god wants in its paradise because after all we don’t want any more ‘wars in heaven’ do we?

It’s a good thing the Founders that so many like to claim were ‘christian’ didn’t follow the tenets of modern established religion or we’d all still be licking the boots of British royalty. The sad fact is that would be fine by many morons in this country.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Too much time is wasted by activists and ‘info warriors’ trying to figure out who’s to blame for the ‘conspiracy.’ We don’t even need to consider such to see what will be required. Simply looking at the laws the evil ones have passed and want to pass is all we need to do: organize, arm and train for what will be required to hold the war crimes trials after taking our country back so we can then figure out who or what from what corner of the globe we need to hang.

What can I do?

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

Anything less is blind mindless willful ignorance and cowardice. But then this is no longer a nation of men.

What is an ‘anti-semite?’:


I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The killer bees of fake news

What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

Even our greatest ‘truth tellers’ feel a need to tiptoe around this issue:

FK – How sad.

To think billions of tool-using monkeys have no problem murdering millions or billions of other tool-using monkeys over whose sadistic tyrannical god will get to burn the vast majority of them that ever existed alive in fire forever.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Another angle on this insanity:

FK – Israel will find ‘peace’ the same way our forefathers found it on this continent, by eliminating all those who oppose the empire.

Something in their ancient tribal propaganda about seeking peace and not finding it?

Claiming title to land 2000 years after being forced off it after forcing its former occupants off of it is the height of absurdity.

Regardless of what one thinks of the fundie ragheads and their insane religion, that was patterned after that of the bronze age sadistic tyrannical Hebrew god and that of the then catholic church, those who claim modern ‘Israel’ exists because of their version, sub-version or subversion are blatant liars.

Search David Ben Gurion and see what ‘values’ he possessed.

On top of that ‘real’ religious ‘jews’ actually want to bring back animal sacrifice after rebuilding their temple.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age. How many more will die over such insanity?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

A new birth of Liberty, or death

How conservatives convinced me to quit being a liberal

FK – I’m old enough now to be amused when some young person says “Most of my life…”

The demonscat prezzes didn’t ‘start’ the wars they were just serving the same interests the republicrats do for different excuses.

When millions to billions believe a falsehood to the point that they’re willing to kill you over it or watch you be burned alive in fire forever by their sadistic god that makes it all very real.

The still very primitive tool-using monkeys have yet a long climb out of the well of ignorance.

Subsequently it will be a long time if ever until we can dismiss the need to indoctrinate each new generation in some box of ‘values’ or another. ‘Who controls that process?’ is the ultimate question.

Who deserves to vote?

Violence, like any other human activity, involves self and group discipline. Only a child thinks the tool-using monkeys will soon escape a need for it. Voting after all is the most violent act anyone can participate in, yet only cowards don’t and many shouldn’t.

True anarchy would mean there would be assholes you would have to kill.

The Founders would’ve been shooting way before now.

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

The ‘realities’ of left vs right:

FK – Who or what funds the ‘alt-right’ and why?

The upper echelons aren’t insane. They know full well the evil they do. We’ve had the net for 20 years. There are no excuses any more.

The patriot newbie guidebook

$21 Trillion Missing from US Federal Budget

FK – Apparently he’s never heard the words “black budget project.’

Sic the IRS on them. They’re supposed to be good at tracking other people’s money. Send them off planet, where a lot of this may actually be going. But they probably work for them.

I have a BA in bullshit and a PhD in cynicism but I still realize that 20 trillion is much more than “A lot of money.” I think there are some graphs online that illustrate what a trillion is. For those of us who struggle to pay our basic bills it’s unimaginable. Yet our governments owe more to the global banksters than can possibly be paid back by multiple generations.

‘Money’ has always been what the tool-using monkeys decide it is and those who consider us to be livestock base their fortunes on our future labor. Good luck with that.

Evil competence is a good thing?

And it’s a ‘representative republic!’ READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION!

The ‘just-us’ system does what it will. The ‘rule of law’ means nothing to them except a handy shellac to paint their evil with when it’s available. Otherwise they ignore their own evil deeds while the average sheeple grazes and breeds its way through this existence.

The words are ‘We the People’ not ‘us the rulers.’ But thanks to the commie indoctrination centers called govt. schools and universities and the prostituted preachers telling their flocks to sit on their asses and do nothing instead of meeting them out front of the church with their weapons as the Founders did the average dumbass has no understanding of that.

Let’s hope our ‘democracy‘ is threatened and destroyed.

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

Speaking of the devils:

FK – ‘A heavy progressive income tax’ is the second plank of The Communist Manifesto. That’s enough reason to tell them to shove it.

The tool-using monkeys are many multiple generations from being able to handle ‘anarchy.’ Anarchy means there would be assholes you would have to kill. Kinda like now.

Yet the income tax when passed only targeted the top one percent, who created it and the 16th Amendment was never ratified by enough states to become law. During WWII the rest of the jackasses were harnessed into the system and thus made into slaves while our young men were ‘dying for democracy’ in Europe, Africa and the Pacific.

Those who will ‘provide superior services’ will in turn demand a way to track us in every instance of our existences here for they don’t call us ‘human resources’ or ‘consumers’ and treat us as products because they respect us as human beings. They will replace us all with robots as soon as they can then provide a UBI and soon after demand we ‘follow the rules’ to keep the money coming in.

Bitcoin and other ‘currencies,’ essentially ones and zeroes in cyberspace, may be part of their plan after all. For they will not let such enterprises remain outside their control for long. The average sheeple probably won’t be able to afford to participate anyway.

So will we divide into two separate sub-species, those who make their subsistence from the dirt as our ancestors did vs. those who fly around in the anti-grav craft and eventually keep such a distance from the herd that the herd wonders if they really exist or not?

Or did that already happen?

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The full vid he referenced:

FK – This vid could use a little more clarification. In the old days a farmer without a bull would take his cow to a neighbor’s farm to get a bull to ‘serve’ his cow. Think about it.

It’s time we ‘served’ back. But there are no men here.

What is a man, really?

Grant Stinchfield: “Justice is Dying in America”

FK – The ‘just-us’ system killed justice and liberty here long ago.

Are the Branch Davidians still in prison simply because they fought back? Are there tax resistors in prison? How much has the ‘drug war’ stolen in the name of ‘asset forfeiture?’ How much of our liberty has the ‘war on terror’ stolen? How many have the BATF Nazi trash railroaded into prison in the name of law that shouldn’t exist in a free country?

Will you be prepared for when the real murderers come your way? Of course not. Molon Labe means dying alone with your family because you all lack the guts to do what will be required.

Nether you nor the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group are any damn where near prepared, mentally nor otherwise.

You’re throwing pebbles at cockroaches while the dragon walks to and fro on the Earth devouring what it wills. Who can make war against the beast? You better be figuring that one out cause no one got beamed up and no one is going to.

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

More pretense:

FK – If Trump were truly ‘furious’ he’d bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies.

We need to get tough on our national cancer. Unless we hunt them to extinction this country is doomed. Liberty is doomed.

Our biggest enemies have been creating and importing parasites for multiple decades:

FK – The amerikan communist insurgency wants the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s the issue.

Who deserves to vote?

Our domestic white-skinned blood enemies are waging war. Their enemies, those who claim they want to live in a free country/world are in deep denial of this reality.

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

How many ‘christians’ put their insane religion before our Bill of Rights that long ago proclaimed ‘no cruel and unusual punishment?’ How many of them are convinced their hands are clean when we are supposed to live in a representative republic which means WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE!!!!????

How many will turn and serve the beast system when they finally accept the fact that they’re not gonna get beamed up?

How does Catholicism affect the Mexican birth rate? Do they still think it’s their duty as christians to make more souls for their sadistic god to torture alive in fire forever? We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Here in the stix there’s plenty of white trash existing on the govt. teet. So not all the blame rests on the shoulders of brown, black or yellow sheeple. I truly hate to see this turn into a race war but if whites don’t learn to love liberty again and find a way to spread it instead of the false god of democracy then that is the future we’re dooming future generations to.

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Welcome to a nation of morons

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

And don’t miss this:

Have We Been Lied to About the Kate Steinle Case?

They’re Coming For Your Guns AND YOUR INTERNET!!

FK – Nothing surprising about this. They’ve probably planned all along to sweep the dissenters off to the ‘dark net’ and make it nearly impossible to access and of course too ‘scary’ for the average dumbass sheeple to go.

What good will a vpn do if there’s nothing on the net but mainstream globo commie corporate shit?

If they shut down or restrict my site I’ll consider that to be an act of war.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

And this is why they want your guns:

FK – Here in amerika the ‘first amendment’ only acknowledges our natural born right to not be muffled by the fed. govt. Our employers can still dictate what we put on our ‘social sites’ and in our bodies when not ‘on the job’ and on and on. Corporate giants fakebook, goolag and its gootube and twitter are doing all they can to kill online ‘free speech’ as well.

It’s called communism Pat. That’s what accounts for it. Time to wake up and understand why they took your guns and that it’s time to start smuggling in what you’re soon gonna need just to survive.

It’s all a word game that too many ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ all too happily engage in to the profit of their white-skinned domestic blood enemies.

Welcome to a nation of morons

This shit has been obvious for multiple decades to the tiny minority that pays attention and screams their heads off at the herd that usually just grazes and breeds on across the pasture while passing their slavery on to their offspring.

We should be hunting the commie globalist trash to extinction but manhood is dead in western civilization.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

Some ‘good’ news:

FK – Bette Midler? Really? Not worth time in a prison cell, or even, well any at all…

Are our enemies worth a bullet?

FK – I’ll believe they’ve lost when we have their heads on stakes.

But this is no longer a nation of men.

The only real reason for the militia

Now for the vid with all the big words:

FK – There’s nothing new about communists calling themselves cute names to hide their evil from their victims.

The patriot newbie guidebook