The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) confirmed it had launched an investigation to establish whether the advert breaks harm and offense rules or is socially irresponsible.
The advert has also been banned from appearing again in its current form.
The ASA said: “We’ve met with Protein World to discuss its “Are you beach body ready?” ad campaign.
“It’s coming down in the next three days and, due to our concerns about a range of health and weight loss claims made in the ad, it can’t appear again in its current form.
“Although the ad won’t appear in the meantime, we’ve launched an investigation to establish if it breaks harm and offence rules or is socially irresponsible.
FK – It’s so very strange how the human race goes from one insanity to another. Decades back this ad would have been ‘sinful’ to most of western society and would’ve never seen the light of day. Now commies by some cute name or another, who have worked tirelessly to destroy western religion, are making up their own similar rules for supposedly different reasons. We are still a very primitive species and existing in a very dark age.
The Brits have lost their freedom of speech, what they had of it, to their commies. Since they turned their guns in to their government without opening “Liberal”(commie) trash season they fully deserve whatever is done to them.
FK – Well maybe. Will they prep for what will be required? What if they were told to ‘turn them in?’ Would they comply or begin hunting their domestic blood enemies?
FK – Where’s the NRA? It ain’t about ducks and safaris.
The 2001 USA PATRIOT Act was drafted and swiftly passed in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Due to the nature of the crisis, the goal was simply to pass a bill as quickly as possible. Many congressmen did not have an opportunity to thoroughly read, analyze or vet the bill’s numerous and lengthy provisions. In fact, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, one of the original authors of the Patriot Act, later declared that he was shocked by how the law was used to spy on innocent Americans.
Congress and the American people now know, thanks to whistleblower leaks, that federal agencies like the National Security Agency regularly perform mass surveillance on Americans without bothering to obtain a warrant. As constitutional law scholar Randy Barnett wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “The National Security Agency has seized from private companies voluminous data on the phone and Internet usage of all U.S. citizens. … This dangerously violates the most fundamental principles of our republican form of government.” He concludes that “[s]uch indiscriminate data seizures are the epitome of ‘unreasonable,’ akin to the ‘general warrants’ issued by the Crown to authorize searches of Colonial Americans.”
FK – Too many ‘conservatives’ have no problem with the police state if it’s enforcing their version, sub-version or subversion. We are still a very primitive species, existing in a very dark age.
All who voted for that law without reading it should be tried and put to crushing large rocks with a sledge hammer in a northern state.
FK – We can’t know unless we were there. We can’t trust the govt. We can’t trust the newswhores. We can’t trust the commie organizers who are really causing the violence. Nothing will get better until the upper middle class, the smart people with money, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough and commit themselves to doing what will be required.
FK – This doesn’t get as many hits or as many views or ratings:
FK – They need to be marching on their legislature and their city and county government buildings. Commies protest. Real patriots work for real ‘change.’
Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to come forward and go on the record. Now that has all changed. Michael Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, Maryland and what he has to say is absolutely jaw dropping. When he saw what was happening in Baltimore, he gathered up some of his fellow officers and drove down to the city to help. But when he got there, he says that all of the police were being ordered not to take any action and to let the rioters destroy property. Lewis made this astounding claim during a discussion on a Baltimore radio station…
FK – Gee, why didn’t someone point them to the white “Liberal”(commie) trash neighborhoods and say “There’s Whitey!”
The commies are firing for effect. What are their real goals for all this? Looks like it’s going to be a long and interesting summer:
FK – They don’t have the manpower to oppress us equally. If enough understood that we outnumber them this could be fixed…
And they will refuse to listen to the few with any common sense:
FK – I’ve long said that if Jesus was walking down the street today the preachers would be screaming the loudest to kill him again.
Well, at least she’s making an attempt:
FK – Does she understand how the commie newswhores that are interviewing her are part of the system that have done so much intentional damage to her race?
FK – The entire situation over there is bizarre. When will the empire overthrow the Saudis? Why haven’t they already? What’s the real reason the unmentionables were allowed, encouraged, to take back their ‘promised land’ based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda when most of the settlers in the early days were European socialists?
They’re all pretending to be against the TPP. Remember what side of the deception controlled the congress and now red house when NAFTA was shoved down our throats? Yep, that’s right, ‘the party of the little man.’ What did klinton claim in it’s first campaign? “I’m agains NAFTA,” then shoved it through congress and bragged about signing it.
The red house press whores are there at their masters’ approval. They don’t ask inappropriate questions.
If we’re lucky commiefornia will slide into the ocean, at least the far western urban parts. If not it will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Simple fact.