Monthly Archives: April 2015

Net Neutrality Lays Groundwork for Internet Taxes

When the FCC created new rules for Net Neutrality by reclassifying the Internet as a Title II public utility, Chairman Tom Wheeler dismissed the idea of new taxes and fees as a myth. Now that the Net Neutrality Order has been made public, it is becoming clear that Chairman Wheeler is being less than honest. The real myth is that Big Government can regulate one of the greatest innovations mankind has ever known without adding to its cost. The reality is that new taxes and fees are coming.

While the order does not in and of itself create new taxes or fees, it lays a groundwork for others to do so, without ever calling it an Internet tax. Specifically, states and local municipalities can now increase taxes on property owned by Internet Service Providers because public utilities are allowed to be taxed at a much higher rate than other businesses. Wheeler and others who sold Americans on the Net Neutrality scheme point to the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) and say that it prevents “state and local jurisdictions from imposing new taxes on the Internet,” but since the Internet is now considered a public utility, it would be the providers — not the Internet itself — that would be taxed. Of course the ISPs will have to consider those taxes as business costs and pass them along to consumers. The result is going to be higher and higher Internet bills — the very thing Wheeler and his ilk say will not happen.

To make matters worse, the ITFA comes up for reauthorization in September, and though it has been reauthorized five times, there is no guarantee that will happen again. If reathorization fails, states and local municipalities could add to their coffers by taxing the Internet directly as well as by taxing the property of ISPs at the higher rate allowed by the Title II reclassification. Furthermore, there is a difference between the theory of the order not creating new taxes and the reality of the federal government passing regulations and then expanding them to something larger.

FK – Imagine that. What’s next, subsidizing net access for the poor? Betcha ‘right wing extremists’ and other undesirables won’t qualify.

Pair this with the ongoing effort to mainstream the net and sweep all non PC content into some dark corner that most of the sheeple will never see.

When oil will hit bottom

Analysts say the stars are aligned for crude to hit a rock-bottom price sometime this quarter.

Iran remains the wild card for the price of oil, and it is now past the March 31 deadline to reach a framework agreement on its nuclear program. But analysts expect a deal will be made and the basic framework will be initially vague, with more details to come later.

“There’s 20 million barrels in floating storage at the moment off the coast of Iran … which could hit the market pretty quickly,” said Dominic Haywood, crude and product analyst at Energy Aspects. Haywood said it will take some time for Iran to make a full release of its oil. Sanctions have cut Iranian exports to about half the 2.5 million barrels it was exporting in 2012.

FK – I don’t pretend to understand how the ‘oil markets’ work or whatever but if the common Joe is having to over pay for a product he requires to survive and have some actual quality of life because of it then the wheeler dealers need to be shut down or ‘regulated'(as much as I hate that concept for most things) out of existence and returned to a simple producer, distributor paradigm if that’s possible.

There’s nothing wrong with getting rich, if you’re doing it honestly and not screwing people in the process.

And what else is involved in this process?

Colleges Teach 1st Amendment Suppression

FK – The universities, full of Marxist trash as they are, are third or fourth in line for the war crimes trials.

FK – How about ‘Liberty Now!’?

I count my college years as some of the best of my life, but at that time I didn’t understand how my Marxist/ignorant professors weren’t teaching what really mattered.

Students who borrow should be required to submit some kind of a business plan: future job projections, future possible earnings, etc. But even more the whole ‘college experience’ needs to change. Get the Marxist professors out of the classrooms. They don’t belong in this country much less as indoctrinators of young people. Lots of courses could be taught online, for affordable prices. Testing could involve what students know, not regurgitating paragraphs at random.

The perfect birth control for men is here: Why can’t we use it?

Because the FDA doesn’t recognize results from clinical trials conducted overseas, all the experiments done in India must be replicated in the US with larger sample sizes and with stricter guidelines for trial duration. Animal trials run anywhere from $200,000 to $300,000 a pop and, should the FDA permit clinical trials to take place in humans, “the next steps are millions of dollars,” Lissner said.

Between $5 to $10 million, to be more precise. While this project seems ideal for a large humanitarian organization to back, the response has been lukewarm. Lissner said that representatives of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example, “don’t see the point in the male version” because their primary focus in contraceptives is options for women in developing nations. ” The science of contraception for men is less advanced, as is the proof of concept for men using contraception in the poorest countries of the world,” said Kellie Sloan, director of family planning at the Foundation, in a statement to Motherboard.


Count big pharma out as well—unlike big-ticket products, Vasalgel doesn’t have the ability to make the money back since it’s a one-time procedure using materials that are relatively inexpensive to make and distribute. Lissner pointed out that if the average person hits puberty at 13, and doesn’t want to have a kid until they’re in their mid-30s, that’s more than 20 years worth of contraception from which pharmaceutical companies can profit.

“The big pharma companies like drugs that people will take for years and years, that they have to take every day,” Sokal said. By contrast, the makers of RISUG have bragged that it costs less than the syringe used to inject it; Vasalgel would cost less than your typical $800 IUD.

“[Pharmaceutical companies] have a target that if they can’t make $500 million a year on a new drug, it’s not worth their time and energy to invest in it,” Sokal said, citing his conversations with pharmaceutical reps. By that estimate, it would take 625,000 injections a year to be of interest to big pharma—which is about 125,000 more procedures than there are annual va​sectomies in the US.

FK – I’d have been interested 30 years ago. There were always three words that struck fear in my heart: ‘child support court.’

Once proven ‘safe’ this should be done to every 14-year-old male, not mandatory, but at an affordable price. How much would we save in ‘entitlements.’ Oh, I forgot, when ‘they’ birthed the welfare state they knew full well what the outcome would be: generational constituents.

Now we need to get to work on gene therapy or whatever it would be called, so that no one has to be born ugly or disabled in some way. Yes we can, probably preferably through a mostly ‘free market’ while finding a way to deal with the runaway greed that seems to infect the drug industry.

The Truth About “Jade Helm 15”

FK – The ‘truth’ is a tenuous thing. This is war. That usually means half truths, partial truths and outright deception.

The Mexican Military’s Buying Binge

FK – Who benefits from war? Hmmmm…..

And another version:

FK – Many in the military will simply choose their living or their ignorance over Liberty. Always been that way, always will be. Time to stop asking absurd questions and prepare for what will be required.

Zionism Is Racism!

FK – The real question might be who or what really started all this and/or why and does it still matter? We know what the evangelicals would answer, but what is the reality?

Are money and subterfuge and religion(but I repeat myself)  the only tools they use in our subjugation or do they have other means at their disposal?

I wouldn’t want to see the ‘white’ race disappear, though I think the only danger of that is generations down the road if the undeveloped races keep breeding and we don’t. But population seems to be on the decline in Europe and here.

Not sure of the rates in Africa and Asia. I do think there are too many people. Yeah we could fit everyone into Texas but who the hell wants to exist like that, especially in Texas? Well, East Texas has hills and is pretty country.

The best and the brightest should be having children but the opposite is true.

Most ‘white’ people are mutts anyway, in this country. The English used to consider the Irish to be a separate race and on and on. I don’t have a conniption fit if I see a mix-raced couple. I know the smarter dog is often a mutt.

FK – And another version:

FK – These folks may genuinely believe they’re searching for ‘truth.’ But how sad, when we’re losing our country and the Bill of Rights, which is what really makes us exceptional, that so many are still arguing over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda that was written over a long period of time by a lot of different people so they could push their version of what god/man/religion whatever is/was/is supposed to be. Time to wake up and grow up and stand up and stop waiting for the world to end.