Monthly Archives: March 2015

Dietary recommendations to avoid fat were wrong, based on zero evidence

So there you have it, folks — neither cholesterol nor saturated fat are the health-destroying poisons that the government has long claimed they are. The real killers, as we’ve pointed out, are simple carbohydrates and refined sugar, which create an inflammatory response in the body that leads to cholesterol buildup in the arteries.

At the same time, the DGAC did not withdraw its warnings against so-called “bad” cholesterol, even though there’s no science to back the theory that LDL cholesterol is in any way harmful. Doing so would kill the multi-billion-dollar statin drug scam, and eliminate a major Big Pharma cash cow.

FK – Now if they’ll re-evaluate their findings on beer, ice cream and fudge brownies…

Apple Wants You to Get Accustomed to Real-time Tracking

Tech giant Apple is not coy about it. They want you to get used to real-time tracking. That’s why they are changing Find My Friends to Track My Friends.

A patent granted to the company on Tuesday by the government describes a process that allows a user of a mobile device to view a visual representation of the movement of a person with another device.

“For example, someone is going for a hike or a trip and wants you to stay informed of his or her whereabouts,” CNet explains. “That person would enable a feature on a mobile device to allow you to see and track in real time the path being taken on your own mobile device or computer. On the flip side, you could also share your route so the two of you can stay abreast of each other’s ongoing location.”

Also on the flipside, this information could be “shared” with the NSA and possibly local police. The mega-surveillance agency already has a number of tracking programs in place — such as “Boundless Informant,” a tool that tracks information across the internet — and police departments are using Stingray and Hailstorm technology to track cell phone calls.

FK – Don’t fear the tech, fear the abuse of the tech. Time to demand this is stopped… Yes we can.

Imperial Star Destroyer drone patrols the skies above France

Car Tech 101: Hacking a car: Is it really that easy?

Washington just dipped into retirement savings to fund itself

You know things are getting bad when your government begins to stick its hand into retirement accounts just so that it can remain solvent for a few more months.

With the debt limit about to come back into full swing at a staggering $18.1 trillion this week, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has undertaken drastic measures to kick the can down the road until later this year.

One such plan to fund the government includes raiding the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a 401(k)-style retirement savings plan set up for federal employees.

Specifically, the Treasury wants to go after the G Fund, the largest fund in the plan, which contains Treasury securities that help to finance the national debt. As of last month, those securities in the G Fund make up $193.3 billion of the $451.7 billion of investments in the TSP.

FK – When the governments are finally forced to admit they’re broke everything will change…

What Does It Mean To Be Jewish?

FK – I’d get my DNA analyzed in a heartbeat if I could afford it. Supposedly I’m part Ameri-Indian and who knows what else. I don’t lie awake nights worrying about it. It’s time to get past all this crap and work for real Human Liberty and justice for all…

Jim Crow in the Holy Land

FK – In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned.

FK – Weren’t most of the European ‘Jewish’ immigrants to Palestine socialists? Aren’t most modern ‘Jews’ secular Marxists? What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

Israel wouldn’t exist if not for the British and American empires and the Rothschilds.

Why couldn’t they have immigrated to Western Australia and created their ‘promised land’ there and not endangered the entire world with a war over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda?

FK –  So why did the ‘Hebrews’ sacrifice animals in their temple to feed the priests? There’s even a movement today to re-build the temple and re-start the sacrifices which shows just how insane the human race is.

The ‘statements’ were created by humans for their own purposes. Common sense says this.

The modern ‘christian’ god wants us to be good to our fellow human beings so he can threaten to burn them alive in fire forever? Huh?

The ‘golden rule’ is great until you meet someone who doesn’t mind being treated as a slave, then votes to treat everyone else the same way.

So why didn’t the angel who threw Adam and Eve out of the garden hand them a copy of the ten statements on the way out?

Why didn’t Jesus, the ‘son of god,’ have a secretary so millions wouldn’t die in religious wars fighting over what he actually said/meant?

If it’s about ‘freedom’ why do most mainstream preachers tell their flocks to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while blindly obeying the ‘magistrates’ appointed over them and willingly paying a ‘voluntary’ income tax that has been defeated in the courts?

I’d be willing to bet the Pharaoh actually kicked the ‘Jews’ out of Egypt because he was afraid they’d end up running the place like they damn near do this modern empire. I say ‘damn near’ because we do manage to do a few things without the approval of the chosen unmentionables.

Even slaves need ‘self control’ to keep from doing things their masters don’t like…

Who are those who really seek to be our masters and why?

The Two Main Causes of Cancer Revealed

FK – First real reason I’ve ever heard for eating a raw steak.

Unless they come up with a pill that lets us be 90 with the body and mind of a 30-year-old I have no interest in making it to 90.

But then I need that pill now…

Ted Cruz: First President of the North American Union?

FK – And to think of all the energy about to be wasted over the next year and a half over a rigged contest…

Don’t miss the comments on the next one, way more than I’ve ever seen on a New American article:

Would Ted Cruz Make a Good President?

Heidi Nelson Cruz, Ted’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Ted Cruz Doesn’t Deserve Libertarian Support

FK – Our states are supposed to be bastions of Liberty, not ‘laboratories of democracy.’

Why do you push ‘democracy’ when democracy is the road to socialism via Karl Marx and democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch?

I prefer Liberty, where the well-armed sheep gets to shoot back. Without that we’re all mutton for ‘they’ consider us to be livestock.

Why Rand Paul running for president is important even if he doesn’t win

FK – If Paul runs what will we end up with in the Senate?

 Rand Paul, Revisited

FK – Indeed, who can we trust? As someone in a vid I posted the other day pointed out we existed with ‘mutually assured destruction’ from  the Soviet Union for three decades and we’re supposed to fear a small country of ragheads that the empire could turn into a glass parking lot at a whim?

GOA Alert: Legislative Shoot-out Expected in the U.S. Senate

Within the next 72 hours, gun owners should expect votes in the U.S. Senate on:

* Outlawing ATF bullet bans

* Concealed Carry Reciprocity

* Prohibiting Senate anti-gun amendments.

We expect more gun-related showdowns in the next 72 hours than in the next 9 months combined.  At least 5 gun-related amendments are expected on the Budget Resolution — a once-a-year vehicle that gives senators an opportunity to get hundreds of votes on any issue they choose.

And at least five senators have chosen to get votes on guns.

We have already told you about the Crapo amendment to shut down Operation Choke Point — which has been used by Eric Holder to try to financially strangle the gun industry.

FK – In reality they should only be allowed to vote on one issue at a time and only  consider one bill at a time and be required to pass a test to show they actually read it before they vote on it…

So You Think The Military Won’t Kill U.S. Citizens?

FK – Do the privates know when it’s time to shoot the colonels? That’s what matters.

US Army Refuses to Address Concerns Over Texas Being Labeled “Hostile” Territory

We need millions more like this, for what will required, whether we ‘want’ it or not:

FK – It’s not a ‘belief’ honey, it’s FACT!

Government watches the rise of well-armed American militias (VIDEO)

Several States Considering Bills to Stop Federal Militarization of Police

FK – I personally don’t care if the cop has a bazooka in his trunk as long as he respects my right to own one. Without the Bill of Rights and Liberty in their hearts, they don’t need any badges or authority over anyone…

A guide to the dark side

FK – “Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

That was in the first translation of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ I ever read.

FK – I love offending the “Liberal”(commie) trash. I do it every chance I get.