FK – So what’s the real reason the empire never invaded Cuba but sent thousands to die in Korea and Vietnam in the name of ‘fighting communism’ when they should’ve been kept home and sent to hunt the commies here?
Monthly Archives: February 2015
Sledding Bans Spread; Who Knows if They Actually Work (Nanny of the Month, Jan ‘15)
FK – The idiots who make these rules should be required to don umpire uniforms and catch the sledders halfway down the hill. The sledders could bring their baseball bats along for the ride.
Penny Okamoto Compares Gun Ownership In U.S. To Malaria, Rewrites 2nd Amendment
FK – There is no ‘common ground’ with “Liberal”(commie) trash. It will not rest until it crushes the Bill of Rights. They’re not ‘Americans’ they’re amerikans. I’ve been preaching eradication for years. We desperately need an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season to deal with this plague. It will not stop lying until we force it to stop or until hell thaws out again. Three steps forward, two steps back, is how our blood domestic enemies operate.
What the Second Amendment means:
The right of the people to overthrow or prevent tyrannical or authoritarian government by force of individually owned arms, purchased or manufactured without government permission or taxes levied or paid, inferior to, equal to or superior to those commonly carried by soldiers, marines, sailors or militia members of any fighting force in the world shall not be brought into question. The right of the people to protect themselves from criminals in government, or any institution that may seek authority over them or from any common street criminal shall not be brought into question. Those elected, hired or appointed public servants who do question this proclamation and/or the people’s natural, most basic right, that all our other rights are based upon, that of self defense, shall be arrested, tried for treason and executed.
There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.
FK – This is the reason we need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building in the country and a militia in every county to make sure they don’t fall into dis-use.
They’re communists, don’t ‘sympathize’ with them. All they do is to destroy you. When they vote they vote to kill you. When the trash took it’s oath it immediately broke it and should have been immediately arrested, given a speedy treason trial not to exceed one minute and executed. The treason trial could be carried out as they’re being dragged out of the building by their heels.
The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.
All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.
When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The Newswhores die first.
If we have a convicted violent offender in prison who can’t be trusted with weapons why are we letting them out? So the “Liberal”(commie) trash can point to them and say “See, you don’t need guns.”
It’s time to take back the ground that was lost, repeal all the gun laws, shut down the IRS, the BATF Nazis, the EPA and lots of other evil and restore Liberty here. The trash that doesn’t like that is free to leave, or it can face the consequences of trying to further enslave a people who are supposed to be free.
FK – That lying whore probably owns a replica water pistol. We need to at the least be kicking this trash out of the country.
Why aren’t the ‘gun groups’ openly fighting to repeal ‘all’ the gun laws?
‘Well regulated’ meant well trained. The colonials called the Brit troops ‘regulars’ because of the way they marched in step.
Democrats and Republicans On Saudi Payroll
FK – Oh, that’s why the empire hasn’t invaded Saudi, yet.
Baltic Dry Plunges At Fastest Pace Since Lehman, Hits New 29 Year Low
How Americans Are Spending Their Windfall From Cheap Gas
FK – They best be buying ammunition.
What the market doom-and-gloomers fail to grasp about anemic growth
FK – Doom and gloom sells books, and precious metals. The economy always cycles up and down, but the governments are broke.
Western states emerging as Second Amendment battlegrounds
Some believe that all of this is building toward some sort of reckoning between gun owners and those who want to abolish the right to keep and bear arms, regardless what they say about supporting the Second Amendment. Ultimately, they may not oppose that right, just as long as nobody actually exercises it.
The West has become a battleground for Second Amendment rights. It’s not so much an urban versus rural phenomenon as it is a battle of values that was inevitable. It’s what the late Charlton Heston called a culture war. It’s not coming to a neighborhood near you. It’s already there. This year in state capitols all over the western landscape, citizens and politicians need to decide quickly which side they are on.
FK – A ‘dangerous criminal’ is presumably but not always someone who has been convicted of a violent crime and is in prison. If we have a ‘dangerous criminal’ in prison that cannot be trusted with weapons why are we letting him out? Why has the ‘pro gun’ community ignored this obvious question for so long?
We need to end the ‘drug war’ and free the prisons up for those who actually belong there. When felons are ‘trusted’ to return to society they need to get all their rights back. No person should be deprived of their right to self defense. If they’ve ‘paid their debt to society’ society has no business treating them like second class citizens.
But then we need to repeal GCA ’68 and the NFA and all the other evil ‘gun laws’ anyway don’t we?
The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.
All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.
JPFO had the right idea years ago: Destroy gun control.
In theory, the Milky Way could be a ‘galactic transport system’
To reach their conclusions the astrophysicists combined the equations of general relativity with an extremely detailed map of the distribution of dark matter in the Milky Way: “the map was one we obtained in a study we carried out in 2013,” explains Salucci. “Beyond the sci-fi hypothesis, our research is interesting because it proposes a more complex reflection on dark matter.”
As Salucci points out, scientists have long tried to explain dark matter by hypothesizing the existence of a particular particle, the neutralino, which, however, has never been identified at CERN or observed in the universe. But alternative theories also exist that don’t rely on the particle, “and perhaps it’s time for scientists to take this issue ‘seriously’,” concludes Salucci. “Dark matter may be ‘another dimension’, perhaps even a major galactic transport system. In any case, we really need to start asking ourselves what it is.”
FK – We can test this easily enough. Send several busloads of hardcore “Liberal”(commie) trash through it. If the aliens send them back we know there’s intelligent life out there. If not, oh well, no big loss to Earth.
Rights rally Feb. 7, I-594 repeal referendum bill announced
The ban has drawn criticism from many Second Amendment activists, though others in the firearms community have been critical of the demonstrators whose action set in motion the chain of events. Southwest Washington activist Rick Halle with the Gun Rights Coalition sent an impassioned letter to the Washington State Patrol underscoring his concerns.
The text of Graham’s measure, HB 1886, is fairly simple. It would send the 18-page gun control measure, passed by voters last November, back to the voters at the next general election. Since it took effect Dec. 4, the measure has been publicly ignored by protesters and criticized by some officials, and is the subject of a lawsuit by the Second Amendment Foundation, and several private citizens.
It’s the second such proposal. A bill was introduced in mid-January by State Rep. Matt Shea to repeal the measure outright. Despite support from activists and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, that measure isn’t likely to go anywhere.
FK – Democracy is two wolves and a sheeple voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed patriot contesting the vote.
Our blood domestic enemies know this, that’s why they want us disarmed before enough come to grips with what will be required.
‘One Percenters’ may find escape leads to trap of their own making
Welfare Mother of 8 Says $40,000 A Year Not Enough
FK – Where are the daddies?
To get benefits they should be required to produce DNA from the biological father. Any male that has a second kid it refuses to support should be dragged down to the emergency room and provided a ‘free’ vasectomy. This cow should have had it’s tubes tied after the 2nd parasite was squeezed out. Yeah, one of them could be the next Beethoven, but what are the odds, really?
Better yet, if we’re gonna have ‘socialism’ in whatever evil form, all teenage males should be provided the opportunity to have enough of their little squiggles put on ice to last them a lifetime before getting a vasectomy.
Benefits mum-of-eight Marie Buchan: ‘My kids deserve a bumper Christmas too’
Welfare: A Better Deal than Work
FK – They forgot to mention how so many ’employers’ treat their ‘human resources’ like jackasses.
Don’t tread On Us
FK – Remember the Hutaree Militia? They were infiltrated and nearly railroaded into prison but the Fed Nazi trash finally had to let them go. Do you know the basic rules for the militia?
FK – How far we have gone down…