Monthly Archives: January 2015

Ever Wonder What Your State’s Name Means? This All-American Map Shows the Answers for All 50 States

We’re pretty used to names like California or Texas, but do residents know what their home state names even mean? Two cartographers have dived into the original and etymological meaning of all 50 states and their cities.

FK –  When I was in school back when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth and Americans were still proud to be here and proud of their pioneer ancestors we were taught that Ken tuck ee(sp more or less) was an Indian word for ‘Dark and Bloody ground‘ because of a series of battles between Indian tribes that occurred before the white man came. Another version is the Indians were fighting ‘white Indians’ that came over before Columbus. But alas our current commiecrat governor, I think he or some of his minions are responsible, changed it to a more PC ‘land of meadows’ or some silly crap. There were several tribes who either lived or hunted here or claimed lands depending what part of the state you’re looking at so it probably had a lot of names we couldn’t pronounce.

We can’t have the kiddies thinking about their violent past and we can’t scare off the brain dead Yankee tourists now can we?

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Land of Tomorrow

Military-Like Precision of Paris Terror Attack Has Many Asking Serious Questions

FK – A couple of smart college age ‘kids’ who’ve watched a few YouTube vids could probably act just as calmly. Just sayin’. Humans are more capable than they realize of steeling their minds to certain realities. Military training is no guarantee of success or ‘professionalism.’

FK – What a newswhore says in relation to reality doesn’t mean a whole lot anyway.

I’ve hunted all my life and shot that caliber. The angle looks right to me. It’s a possible complete miss but there’s no guarantee that a high velocity full metal jacket round which is probably what was fired would immediately produce blood and gore.

I’ve shot watermelons with high powered rounds and it usually takes a center shot to make them explode. Otherwise you just blow a chunk off. A human skull is not a watermelon. This is a low grade vid from a distance as well.

I’m not defending or attacking anyone but we also don’t need to be adding to the confusion.

Focus on what the govt.s will do in name of these events. We can hold the war crimes trials after the war to figure out who really did what.

Best to prepare for what will be required.

Why I’m no longer an “anti-government extremist”

FK – Gee, I don’t know how I missed this one.

The Second Amendment without the will to use it is just a toy turned into a privilege that’s waiting to be regulated and taken:

FK – And best of the three:

FK – I know, let’s kill some people based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda.

Infamous study of humanity’s ‘dark side’ may actually show how to keep it at bay

In 1961, with memories of Holocaust atrocities and the prosecution of Nazi officials at Nuremburg still fresh, psychologist Stanley Milgram undertook a series of now infamous experiments on obedience and reprehensible behavior.

About two-thirds of Milgram’s nearly 800 study subjects, pressed by an authoritative experimenter, were willing to administer increasingly powerful electric shocks to an unseen stranger despite cries of agony and pleas to stop.

“Milgram claimed to have found sort of a dark side to human nature that people were not quite as attuned to,” says Matthew Hollander, a graduate student in sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “His study participants were much more likely to obey than he expected, and that was an understandably uncomfortable result.”

But Milgram divided his subjects into just two categories: obedient or disobedient. After examining the experiences of more than 100 of Milgram’s participants, Hollander sees a great deal more nuance in their performances — and maybe a way to prevent real-world occurrences of authority overriding ethical judgment.

FK – The same humanity has for thousands of years burned people alive, tortured them for not ‘agreeing’ with the proper version, sub-version or subversion or for not submitting to taxation or enslavement(same thing) and worshiped ‘gods’ that were patterned after ancient tyrannical kings who did all mentioned above. Why are we surprised? I’m not.

FK – All this sounds wunnerful but there will always be those who seek to fill the power vacuum, always. Until the so-called ‘good’ people learn how to stand up and prepare for what will be required nothing is likely to change.

And he’s assuming there will be ‘war crimes trials’ where the truly guilty are tried. The victors write the history books.

Free Community College is a Bad Idea

FK – They want to go ‘all the way’ baby, all the way. The only limit to their insanity is the limit we force upon it.

They’re forcing kids to stay in ‘school’ until they’re 18 so that means they’re running sausage through the grinder without checking it for content and those who want to learn anything have to go to college.

Time to look at the way things were done in ancient times when kids were raised to be adults and not hairy children. When they turn 14 give them the opportunity to drop out for a while and work a job or enter an apprenticeship or some other ‘real world’ program.

We’ll not likely get rid of the govt. schools because there are too many herd animals breeding who’d never make sure their offspring learned to even read or write or do simple math. Simple fact. As much as it hurts to admit it the govt. schools do serve some purpose. The problem is we allowed the commies(who built them) to have too much say in how they’re run.

The govt. funded universities and colleges are no better.

And it’s time to require 3 things to vote: Proof of citizenship, proof of literacy in English and passing a test that shows the voter has a basic understanding of our history and the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here. If they won’t go to that trouble, and a lot wouldn’t, they don’t need to be voting anyway.

‘You have to be willing to wipe out the enemy’

While he voiced optimism that U.S. policy in the Middle East will change for the better once President Obama leaves office, the other panelists emphasized that the militants will still be in Iran – and they are irrational even when compared with dictators in North Korea and Russia.

“North Koreans are atheists,” Brook said. “They don’t want to die. … The mullahs in Iran don’t care about death. Indeed, they [believe they] get rewarded if they get to die.”

Bruce added: “There is the belief of the 12th imam, which can only arise from the ashes. And in order to have the 12th imam, there has to be ashes.”

The third part of the roundtable weighed the claim that radical Islam does not accurately represent the religion as a whole. The panelists debated whether the Quran, the creed behind the religion, is to blame for radicalism or whether its followers have perverted the text.

FK – So it’s OK if we have world war and murder millions over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda?

How pathetic.

The ragheads are insane but not that much less insane than a few others I could mention. I don’t expect to be in this realm long enough to see the human race grow up. It may take several more piles of ashes for that to happen, if ever.

FK – For the idiots, it’s about religion. For the awake it’s about globalism. For others it may be about something our govt. and those who really run it are trying to find or control over there, not oil.

1 year from now, freedom dies worldwide

After the usual impeccably choreographed all-night “negotiation,” delegates of almost 200 nations at the latest annual U.N. climate yak-fest – this time in Lima, Peru – reached the usual agreement not to agree on anything except that the process by which they profit must continue.

Not one delegate made any mention of the fact that every single one of the mad scientists’ predictions about the global warming and consequent planetary doom has failed to happen.

Notwithstanding record increases in CO2 concentration, global temperature has stubbornly failed to rise at all for 18 years, two months and counting.

The rate of warming in the 25 years since the first report on the subject in 1990 by the U.N.’s climate panel has been less than half what its useless computer models then predicted.

Sea level is not really rising at all. Global sea ice is at a record high extent. There have been fewer tornadoes in the U.S. in the past three years than since records began. The area of the world under drought has fallen for 30 years. There is no increase in the intensity, frequency or duration of flooding, nor in tropical cyclones, nor in hurricanes, nor in typhoons.

FK – A real issue won’t make them as much money:

FEMA document admits solar flare could collapse U.S. power grid for years