Monthly Archives: November 2014

Richard Dolan: UFOs and 9/11 (Understanding the Two Greatest Conspiracy Theories of our Time)

FK – Are you ready, for a flying redneck mecca? I’m not sure I am. But you gotta figure that company or google would be the first to use such tech openly, at least in that way, maybe not in a ‘good’ way.

Seriously, one of the best vids I’ve seen on this issue, if it is a few years old and has to be viewed in that light. He seems to have some political indoctrination left to overcome. But then what is the difference if it’s ‘fascism'(partial slavery) or ‘communism'(complete slavery) or some other cute word? It’s still slavery and we’re still in it.

Survey suggests Seattle anti-gunners out of touch with American majority

As tomorrow’s 125th anniversary of Washington statehood looms, along with the Veteran’s Day observance, results of a new Gallup survey have been getting headlines because it shows the majority of Americans think they are safer with guns in the home, an idea frequently disdained by many of the people who pushed through Initiative 594.

Some of them may quietly believe their homes are safer; it’s just that they don’t want to share the right to be safe with the rubes. Billionaires like Michael Bloomberg have 24/7 security but average citizens are on their own. That may explain the results of the recent Gallup poll now being discussed at The Blaze and other publications.

According to Gallup, more than six of every ten Americans feel safer with guns in the home. Only three out of ten people think guns make the home more dangerous.

The survey results also show something else. According to Gallup, “Republicans (81%) are about twice as likely as Democrats (41%) to believe having a gun improves home safety. About half of Democrats say having a gun makes a home a more dangerous place to be.”


The people who created Washington State 125 years ago were a hardy lot, and far more self-reliant than the generations that have recently followed. They incorporated into the state constitution one of the strongest protections for the individual right to bear arms of any state; so strong that when Arizona gained statehood in 1912, it adopted the same provision, word-for-word.

One is compelled to wonder what someone from the statehood generation might say about being required to check the background of a neighboring homesteader, or a fellow logger before loaning that person a rifle to shoot a deer for the larder. That might be an educational conversation.

As first reported by this column yesterday, The Gun Wire is now back up and running. Be sure to visit the site and check it out.

FK – My posted comments:

One might wonder how quickly our pioneer and settler ancestors would spit on us for not already doing what will be required.

The Second Amendment needs to be explained better if not re-written. Try this:

The right of the people to overthrow or prevent tyrannical or authoritarian government by force of individually owned arms, purchased or manufactured without government permission or taxes levied or paid, equal to or superior to those commonly carried by soldiers, marines, sailors or militia members of any fighting force in the world shall not be brought into question. The right of the people to protect themselves from criminals in government, or any institution that may seek authority over them or from any common street criminal shall not be brought into question. Those elected, hired or appointed public servants who do question this proclamation and/or the people’s natural, most basic right, that all our other rights are based upon, that of self defense, shall be arrested, tried for treason and executed.

There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Rand, McConnell, Backoff Obamacare Repeal

FK – I voted for one or two actual candidates. Then wrote in Thomas Jefferson and Mickey Mouse on a few others. If I didn’t know anything about them I didn’t vote. An article in the local rag isn’t knowledge about a candidate. Mainstream newswhores aren’t trained to ask questions that actually matter, or they’re commies and don’t dare.

It’s too much time and effort for the average sheeple to pay attention to what their elected public servants are doing. That’s why we need to require three things to vote: Proof of citizenship, proof of literacy in English and passing a test that shows a basic understanding of our history and the form of govt. we’re supposed to have here: small and very limited. Those who would go to that trouble might actually put some effort into following what happens between elections.

Holder’s ‘idiot’ comment shows another progressive contradiction

The first thing observers of the Congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” noticed about the Justice Department’s Tuesday document dump was the calculated way it was done concurrently with the elections, when it would be certain not to dominate the news. That’s hardly surprising for those who expect nothing less than a continuation of a pattern of evasion, stonewalling, deception and obstruction that’s defined the way Attorney General Eric Holder has continually thumbed his nose at the entire process since it began.

That in itself was interesting enough, but missed by most observers was an admission in the cover letter that the State Department had a hand in redacting information from the 64,000+ pages submitted to Congress. The question of Hillary Clinton’s involvement, particularly as it relates to either actions sanctioned by State, or violations of arms export control laws by other federal agencies, is a significant dimension of the story that’s been largely unexplored.


But the media did “get it,” in many cases, directly from Holder’s public affairs chief, Tracy Schmaler. In others, they “got it” from ATF personnel, up to their necks in “gunwalking,” who tried to smear key whistleblower John Dodson by releasing confidential personnel files.

That email was the subject of an NPR feature that, true to its “progressive” sympathies, did what it could to muddle the facts and absolve Holder.

“The program has been blamed for providing a weapon that was used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry,” it said about Fast and Furious.

“Has been”?

No, it, or more precisely, the evil minds behind the program, were to blame. There’s no dispute about that.

FK – Expecting National Propaganda Radio to tell the truth is like expecting the pig to give up the mud hole. That’s another thing for the newly elected republicrats to do, de-fund the commie trash.

It’s time for the newly elected ‘conservatives’ to be proactive, start repealing gun laws and other infringements on our Liberty instead of standing around with their fingers in the dike and expecting to be rewarded for much less than their duty demands.

FK – A right applied for is a privilege. The point is that no jr. nazi can arrest someone just because they’re seen with a gun:

Connecticut University Student with Rifle in his Car Facing Five Years in Federal Prison

FK – This last post is on a commie site. My comments which will likely be removed. Oh sorry, they have to be ‘approved.’:

Every piece of trash involved with prosecuting this young man should be arrested, tried for treason and executed.

There’s so such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Time to get ready for what will be required.


GOP Leaders Shouldn’t Forget That They Won Because Obama Sucks, Not Because They’re Great

Our leadership teams in the House and Senate are comprised of inarticulate country club Republicans who are to politics what the Waffle House is to fine dining. Many of the Capitol Hill staffers and consultants are out-of-touch lickspittles who hold flyover country conservatives in contempt because they’ve errantly concluded that being in the proximity of members of Congress somehow raises their IQ 40 points. The National Republican Senatorial Committee? Everyone in that organization should be fired and run out of politics. Afterwards, the GOP should burn the building to the ground and salt the earth so nothing will ever grow there again.


Unfortunately, we’re now getting to a very dangerous time for a political party run by puffed up incompetents, a time when we are expected to actually do things because we run the House and the Senate. When Boehner, McConnell and the rest of “Team Country Club” were in the shadows and the American people were focusing on how Obama made them want to gouge their eyes out with a stick, it was easy for us to make gains. Now, we’re going to have a team of people who couldn’t sell hamburgers to Chris Christie who are making our case to the American people.

Of course, it SHOULDN’T BE all that hard for the GOP to set itself up for victory in 2016. After all, people love a winner, don’t they? Can’t the Party pretty easily improve its reputation as “obstructionists” just by passing a few popular bills? Couldn’t the GOP leadership easily improve its relationship with the conservative base just by refusing to attack it anymore? Isn’t Obama still President?


Will attempting to implement that modest, common sense agenda take a heroic effort? Is asking the GOP leadership to stop attacking its own supporters a bridge too far? Are conservatives going overboard when we ask the Republican Party to actually live up to what it promises on the campaign trail? If so, it’s only because the GOP insists on putting human jellyfish in leadership positions and sticking with them win, lose or draw as they aimlessly float along with the tide. Hopefully, they will surprise us and live up to their highest potential, which probably consists of being plodding “C” grade leaders who don’t mess things up too badly. Whether they do or don’t, they should know that conservatives will be watching them, we’re not cutting them any slack and we recognize that Barack Obama was the MVP of this election for the GOP, not our Republican Party leadership.

FK – My posted comments:

Getting rid of commie care is a non discussion. How about getting rid of the IRS and
all income taxes, the Fed and ‘all’ the gun laws including shutting down the useless BATF Nazis? Are those bridges too far? How about we restore the entire Bill of Rights and live in a free country again? I doubt most of the republicrats fully understand these issues. After 20 years of being awake I’m sure they don’t. Hitlery would be a good thing for the now red house as she’d keep all the idiot ‘conservatives’ and ‘tea partiers’ off the golf course and the couch. Electing a rino NWO hack put forward by the elites would be Dubya all over again when the republicrats had the govt. and virtually nothing changed.

Gun prohibitionists emboldened, salivating over Washington

An emboldened gun prohibition lobby, supported by media cheerleaders, is still celebrating its gun control victory in Washington State with the passage of Initiative 594, calling it a “game changer” late yesterday in USA Today, and another story published elsewhere was headlined “Bill Gates Beats NRA, Washington State Passes Strict Gun Control Law.”

Brady Campaign President Dan Gross told USA Today, “While we’ll never take our eyes off the prize of federal legislation, the result in Washington shows us that we can have a huge impact in the short term.”

The story portraying anti-gun billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates as something of a giant killer for helping finance the nearly $11 million campaign that outspent the National Rifle Association’s opposition to I-594, did contain one more tidbit of post-election candor. The story touched on the last-minute impact of the Marysville-Pilchuck High School shooting Oct. 24, admitting that “the stricter background checks in I-594 would not have prevented the shooting — the gun was legally purchased and registered by (the shooter’s) relative…”

Still, one myth continues in the saga, that the NRA was behind rival Initiative 591, the grassroots effort led by the Protect Our Gun Rights (POGR) coalition. The Los Angeles Times repeated the canard in its coverage of the election, asserting, “the pro-gun legislation was backed by the National Rifle Assn.”

FK – Only one solution for such. We’ve had the internet for 15+ years. There’s no excuse for such willful ignorance. They are evil and know full well what they do.

FK – At least the propaganda arm of the amerikan communist insurgency is suffering:

FK – Now if only Faux News will tell the whole ‘fair and balanced’ story. I’m not holding my breath.

It’s time to prepare to put our bayonets through the hearts of the beasts. Someone sent me this:


FK – Of course one good sniper could take care of the now red house. Those Marines need to be in front of the capital building, the IRS, the Fed, the CIA, FBI and certainly the ‘just-us’ dept. and the BATF Nazi headquarters which must be under some rock in a swamp along Chesapeake bay.

Chris Rock – SNL Monologue – Boston Bombing & 9/11 (11-1-2014)

FK – The winter solstice was always commercialized. It involved gift giving in ancient times which continued after it was christianized because the pagans, who were often forced into the new religion, didn’t want to give up their holidays. Our society is lies piled on top of lies.

At least he learned his lesson on guns, or rather, reality. If only he could learn what liberty is, which is what it’s about, an escape from all forms of authoritarianism.

New type of homemade ammo could make 3-D printed guns more practical, accessible

A safe 3-D printed gun, by the way, would disappoint certain “gun control” advocates who apparently do not expect their claims of being concerned about violence to face much scrutiny. Andrew Goddard, father of Colin “The Alchemist” Goddard, left this charming comment on the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Facebook page:

I think they should have let him print a “fully plastic” gun, he would no doubt have blown his “fully plastic” head off!

Goddard, though, cannot touch the vile evil of this bravely anonymous commentator on a gun ban zealot’s blog:

I’m gonna download that plan, modify it to blow up in the hand of the shooter, and dump the modified plan back into the source. We who oppose guns can flood the printing dump with defective plans, and no one will be able to tell the difference.

Most likely idle fantasy on his part, but clearly a quite fond fantasy. People like him and Goddard want us disarmed–want their beloved “government monopoly on force” protected even in the face of technology that promises home gun manufacture for the masses–and would be perfectly happy to see us maimed or killed for their sick agenda.

Crumling’s innovation brings some more bad news to those pursuing that agenda, and that’s very good news for those of us who believe liberty is worth fighting for.

FK – Are our blood domestic enemies finally showing their true colors? They have been for decades but so many are too blind to see or hear. They prefer adult fairytales.

A space agency tried to steal evidence of alien life? – Spacing Out! Ep. 96

FK – The evil aliens are here. They just lost several elections, possibly replaced by other evil aliens.

Creationism has been dis-proven multiple times over. It’s not even worth arguing about. Sadly when ‘life’ is finally ‘proven’ to be elsewhere all the lying preachers will do is say “Well, of course, god created life everywhere at the same time.” They will simply adjust their mythologies, fairy tales for adults, to suit knowledge that has been forced upon them in spite of their desperate attempts to cling to ignorance.

FK – I don’t think she could look any more bored or be much less intelligent. This issue, regardless of how ‘true’ it is, will be used by all sides as propaganda for their own goals. Don’t blindly trust any of them. Don’t blindly trust the first bunch that shows up, nor the second bunch nor the 2002nd bunch.

Speaking of agendas:

Iran Says ‘Tall, White’ Space Aliens Control America