Monthly Archives: November 2014

Human Sacrifices for Gun Control

As many as 100 cases with the same circumstances as Allen’s are currently pending and may find their fates improved because of the media and public pressure that surrounded the very sympathetic Allen’s case. “In Jersey,” explains Nappen, lawyer for both Aitken and Allen, “gun owners are guilty until they prove themselves innocent” very literally—they need to prove their gun ownership and movement fit into a small series of exemptions. Nappen says that he and Allen were being pressured on all sides to plea out and not fight the case. He tells me about Superior Court Judge Michael Donio who mocked lawyers like Nappen who actually tried to defend their clients when he sentenced another Graves Act defendant who pled out to just two years’ probation.


Despite the obvious injustice of Aitken’s and Allen’s stories, enforcement of similar laws when it comes to gun possession still happens. In New York airports make a practice of arresting citizens doing their best to scrupulously obey regulations on how to transport weapons back and forth from where they are legally owned and, where necessary, permitted. But despite FOPA, New York airports use the loophole of airports not being explicitly mentioned in the law to arrest and fine people for violating local gun law. While rarely sending them to prison past their initial arrest, New York steals from them time, money, and their weapons, which are confiscated and never returned. In 2013, 25 citizens trying to abide by the law got thusly nabbed in New York City airports; in 2006 it had been 51.

Laws that turn perfectly peaceful acts related to weapon ownership into crimes are growing, as seen in Washington’s newly passed Initiative 594. That law makes Washingtonians who innocently transfer property they legitimately own—but without jumping through government hoops the way the government requires—into criminals.

Meanwhile, the federal U.S.C. 922, whose various provisions are almost entirely about creating a technical crime out of the mere nonviolent, nonharmful owning, selling, or transferring of weapons, saw 5,764 convictions in fiscal year 2014, 660 in September alone.

The injustice Aitken suffered—someone who harmed no one and was doing his best to obey the law sentenced to seven years in prison—was, Aitken has come to believe, “a direct result of the liberal war on inanimate objects.” Such injustices “are the intended consequences. They are not unintended. They are exactly what [proponents of tougher, more complicated gun possession and use regulations] want.”

FK – It’s incredible to me that we’re not hunting and eradicating the trash responsible for this evil.

Open Carry: Modern Day Civil Rights Issue

FK – How absurd that someone in a ‘free country’ can be arrested or even harassed just because they have a gun. Kentucky has always been open carry and acknowledged the natural born right to self defense of all until the mid 1800s when two legislators got into a fight in the state capital building and then a ban on concealed carry was written into Kentucky’s version of the Bill of Rights, part of Kentucky’s Constitution.

Gun sales spike as Ferguson area braces for grand jury decision

On Monday, Steven King, who owns Metro Shooting Supplies told CNN that customers bought 100 guns this weekend. A typical weekend brings in about 30 buyers.

“People are afraid they are gonna throw Molotov cocktails,” says King, referring to the mostly nonviolent protests that have taken place in Ferguson since the shooting.

The increase in gun sales reaches across racial and ethnic lines, he says.

“A lot of black people coming in saying they are afraid of the hooliganism,” he says.

“But not all of Ferguson is hooliganish. The media portrays us that way. If the world can just see this is one little street in Ferguson going crazy, they’d understand that we’re not just one big burning city.”

FK – Gee, the commie news network managed to create an almost unbiased story.

Good, good and good. Wilson probably did what he had to do but that doesn’t change the fact that we must get control of how these jr. nazis are trained. They must also have the power to deal with the commie insurgents that show up at these events trying to egg on their ‘revolution.’ Maybe we should put some of those FEMA camps to use until our blood domestic enemies can be shipped out of the country, because they don’t belong here.

Cat Calling: Offensive or Flattering?

FK – Used to be a common thing in small towns. Don’t hear it so much anymore. But I guess the local drunks are now the local meth heads or whatever and stay home watching vids on their free govt. phones or playing games. I know some men used to seem to think it was expected of them and they were actually paying their ‘victims’ a complement. My how times have changed.

Here’s one I missed:

FK – Another ‘issue’ I’m sick of hearing about from the ‘extremists’ on both sides. Obviously if it’s banned completely there’ll just be a black market for it, as there used to be. In an imperfect world women have the burden of childbearing and one old and standard rule applies: The ‘choice’ is made when the chance is taken. Should we force rape/incest victims to have their attacker’s child that may share the genetics of the creature that found itself capable of such an act?

The religionists on the other hand puzzle me. They claim they value ‘life’ yet it’s perfectly OK with them if that newborn is cast into a lake of fire to be tortured forever if it’s not baptized soon enough after birth. The Catholics do it within a few days of birth, why not immediately I’m not sure since the baby’s ‘soul’ is in danger of hellfire since it was ‘born in sin’ because of the alleged actions of a couple of mythological figures that may or may not be loosely based in some real event that probably had nothing to do with sex. The protestants let the kid get old enough to be scared or cajoled into ‘gettin’ saved’ at what they used to call the ‘age of accountability’ whereby an 8-year-old, give or take a few years, gets to pay for his ancestors’ use of physical tools that came attached to their bodies, presumably. So little real logic goes into all of it that it’s hard to tell.

The human race is insane and until conception becomes a real ‘choice’ because we developed the tech to prevent pregnancy completely this issue won’t go away and probably not even then since so many pretend their teenagers don’t have sex drives. So many others ‘believe’ it’s their responsibility to produce more babies for their sadistic god to hold by their heels over hellfire and say “Be my perfect little slave or I’m gonna torture you forever.” That’s basically what it means regardless of ‘interpretation’ of which there are thousands.

Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

There’s been a growing battle around protecting net neutrality — the principle that all internet traffic, no matter what it is or where it comes from, should be treated equally — ever since the FCC’s original protections were struck down in court earlier this year. Those protections were able to be struck down because the commission didn’t make the rules in a way that it actually had authority over, so it’s been trying to create new rules that it will definitely be able to enforce. It hasn’t chosen to use Title II so far, but net neutrality advocates, now including President Obama, have been pushing for its use.

Regulating internet service under Title II would mean reclassifying it as a utility, like water. This means that internet providers would just be pumping internet back and forth through pipes and not actually making any decisions about where the internet goes. For the most part, that’s a controversial idea in the eyes of service providers alone. It means that they’re losing some control over what they sell, and that they can’t favor certain services to benefit their own business. Instead, providers would be stuck allowing consumers to use the internet as they want to, using whatever services they like without any penalty. If that sounds pretty great, it’s because that’s basically how the internet has worked up until now.

FK – Can’t blindly trust any of the bastards, from the govt. bureaucrats to the corporate workaholic assholes who only care about money to the commies who’ll use this kind of crap to force their opposition off the net or sweep us all into some dark corner where the average phone packin’ sheeple will never develop the courage to go.

6 reasons real conservatives should defy Republicans and support net neutrality