FK – I tend to think it’s dad was the Amerikan commie insurgent. If you’re afraid to call them commies you’re still allowing your blood domestic enemies to determine what you think and say. How sad. How dangerous.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Take Back Kentucky meeting and 2014 Endorsements
Kentucky State House
State House District 20: Republican Jenean Hampton
State House District 23: Republican Candidate Jeff Jobe
State House District 26: Republican Candidate Russell Webber
State House District 32: Republican Candidate Phil Moffett
State House District 79: Republican Candidate Ken Kearns
State House District 10: Republican Candidate Alan Claypool
State House District 89: Republican Primary Candidate Gerardo Serrano
State House District 24: Republican Primary Candidate Richard Treitz
State House District 66: Republican Primary Candidate David Martin
State House District 53: Republican Candidate James Allen Tipton
Local Races
Circuit Court Judge 54/1st: Rick Brueggeman – Nonpartisan
Spencer County Judge Executive: Republican Primary Candidate John Riley
Boone County Commissioner, 2nd District: Republican Primary Candidate Phyllis Sparks
Boone County Commissioner, 1st District: Republican Primary Candidate Cathy Flaig
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council At Large: Shannon Buzzard – Nonpartisan
Bardstown City Council At Large: Robert Augustine – Nonpartisan
Nelson County Magistrate District 1: David Reed – Republican
Our Next meeting is:
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 @ 1PM ET
Family Buffet
121 Towne Drive
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
FK – Take Back Kentucky was fighting for your Liberty before the ‘Tea Party’ was a thought. Unfortunately many ‘tea partiers’ still don’t think but depend on the indoctrination they’ve gotten throughout their lives to make their decisions. Waking up is a multi-level process.
Ted Cruz: Hatred, Bigotry, Opposition to Israel Led to Me Leaving Event
“Tonight, in Washington, should have been a night of unity as we came together for the inaugural event for a group that calls itself ‘In Defense of Christians.’ Instead, it unfortunately deteriorated into a shameful display of bigotry and hatred,” Cruz said in a statement provided to Breitbart News. “When I spoke in strong support of Israel and the Jewish people, who are being persecuted and murdered by the same vicious terrorists who are also slaughtering Christians, many Christians in the audience applauded. But, sadly, a vocal and angry minority of attendees at the conference tried to shout down my expression of solidarity with Israel.”
FK – I know I still exist in a very dark age, when billions depend on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda to make most decisions in their time in this world.
Cruz, for all the good things he seems to stand for, is still part of the problem.
Don’t understand? Start here.
They are Dying in Droves
On the Gulf Coast, many are affected by the Gulf oil spill, however, their illnesses have morphed into illnesses (e.g. cancer, asthma, etc.) that are being viewed as stand alone illnesses unrelated to the Gulf. Despite the research claims of Oregon State’s Kim Anderson and Gulf researcher, Wilma Subra, who have detected toxicity in residents blood to be 40-65 times the expected levels of substances such as cancer-causing benzene.
FK – We need environmental laws that make the company officers and stockholders personally responsible for the harm their corporations do in the name of profit. Nothing wrong with honestly gained profit, but not if you’re treating human beings like jackasses or destroying the Earth in the name of it.
‘Armed patriots’: the private citizens out to secure the U.S. border
With names like Patriots and Citizen Defenders, the groups often set up camp on private land along the border at a property owner’s invitation. Expenses are generally paid by members, though some funds come from like-minded donors.
To critics, they are militias – vigilantes spoiling for a fight. For would-be migrants, they are another barrier to entry. For the U.S. Border Patrol, they can be either a nuisance or a help in spotting people trying to enter the country illegally.
The groups insist that their presence is unrelated to the tens of thousands of children from Central America who flooded across the border with Mexico earlier this year. Law enforcement officials say an increase in people taking part in citizen patrols in border states coincided with the attention being paid to the issue of unaccompanied minors this year.
FK – But oh dear, we can’t use the ‘m’ word. We won’t win this war until we stop allowing our blood domestic enemies to decide what we think and say. How ironic that our ‘amerikan’ corporations moved their facilities to Mexico and Asia and their peasants still want to come here. They must not have gotten the memo:
Mexico Is the New Detroit; Forbes Credits NAFTA
FK – Amerikan corporations didn’t move their facilities to Latin America and Asia because they felt sorry for the peasants there. They knew they’d find desperate workers willing to do or say anything to get or keep a job, just like they want here.
And ‘Libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ wonder why so many don’t listen to their messages. Even a jackass knows who holds the whip, even if they never see who really owns the plantation.
For those who don’t remember NAFTA was voted in by the ‘party of the little man’ and signed by Klinton after claiming during its campaign it was against it. What fools the amerikan electorate are. Immediately after that vote was cast 30 million should have gone to the district of commie criminals, dragged all of them out of the capital building by their heels and hung them from the trees along Pennsylvania Ave.
Man Arrested For Lawful Campus Carry
FK – The only real ‘qualification’ is that you think about and are conscious about what you are doing at all times. Your trigger finger is always your ‘safety’ with all firearms. I’ve carried a handgun for nearly 20 years and haven’t shot anyone yet, though I’ve been around plenty who would fully deserve it.
Do you know what too fat looks like?
The latest evidence that we no longer see big as unhealthy comes from the US, where researchers from the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago asked African American women volunteers to look at a “body image scale” made up of drawings of women of different sizes and identify which women on the scale were overweight, obese and “too fat”. They were also asked which picture featured a woman of approximately the same size as themselves. This is the visual scale they were given:
FK – Most aren’t ‘fat’ but many are. It’s the poison they’re selling us as ‘food’ and our modern society where few do physical labor or get real exercise. Making the same motions all day long in a factory isn’t exercise. It’s slow suicide.
I was right about the graph.
Squirrel Hunting with the Grandkids
FK – Raisin’ ’em right. Those girls most likely won’t turn out to be ‘hood rats’:
‘They got a white dude,’ LOL: Mob of ‘hoodrats’ brutally beat 3 random victims in parking lot
FK – I couldn’t understand a third of what the first woman was saying. Urban blacks are developing their own languages and dialects and their own code of ‘civilized behavior’ apparently. What really caused this? Our greatest enemies, our blood domestic enemies:
Police using military gear in riots could be forced to repay millions in grants
Senator Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, said committee investigators had found there were now more MRAPs in the hands of local police forces than the national guard and that 36% of all surplus equipment received direct from the military was brand new or unused.
“What in the world are we doing buying stuff that is not used,” asked McCaskill. “I want to make sure we are clear about how out of control this is.”
A list of smaller police departments receiving MRAPs under the 1033 programme disclosed by committee staff claimed one Oklahoma county sheriff’s department with just one full-time sworn officer had received two of the 18-tonne vehicles alone.
FK – They need an extra one to haul around the beer and donuts. Find out where they keep it and who has the keys.
Paul is doing more good in the Senate than he probably could in the now red house.
Oh, but they don’t need to kill us when they can make us ‘comply’:
New Police “Compliance Weapon” Blinds Targets
FK – Another victim of the ‘drug war’ and police state that resulted from it:
Investigation into SWAT raid that injured toddler to go to grand jury
Will Bloomberg Siphon 9/11 Funds To Gungrabbers?
FK – United Way has been part of the problem for years.
FK – What’s the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group up to now? A new PR campaign? Some of it makes sense. I’m on the road quite a bit and most drivers aren’t angry but a lot of them are stupid and reckless.