Monthly Archives: June 2014

Here are 33 Questionable Entries on the ‘Viral’ Everytown Map of All School Shootings Since Newtown

So, using Sandy Hook as the starting point and running until today’s tragic Oregon school shooting, what do these datapoints represent? Well, it turns out that they represent all sorts of things. They turn out to be “assaults, homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings” that happen “inside a school building or on school or campus grounds.”

Let’s just note for the record here that 95%+ of these areas are in so-called “gun-free zones” before moving on. In other words, they have perfect gun control regimes in theory.

Anyway, journalist Charles C. Johnson wanted a closer look at the cases that Everytown was portraying as “school shootings.”

FK – We need to make our country a “Liberal”(commie) trash free zone via an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Obama reveals desire to impose Australia-style gun bans in U.S.

The Obama administration is looking to looking to act administratively and unilaterally on guns, deputy press secretary Josh Earnest told “legitimate news media” during its daily briefing at the White House on Tuesday, The Blaze reported.

“The president’s goal is to look for opportunities to act administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority to try to make our communities safer,” Earnest said. “We’re always looking for those opportunities. But none of those opportunities when they present themselves is going to be an acceptable substitute for robust legislative action.”

What kind of legislative action would the president like to see? He told us just yesterday, parroting “developed world” talking points the gun-grab groups use to stump for undermining the last stronghold against global citizen disarmament.

Harry Reid Revives Call for Universal Gun Registration

Like a vampire who can’t stop sucking the blood of horrific tragedies, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid is once again pushing to suck political gain from the pain of others.

Speaking on the floor of the Senate in the wake of the shooting of three people in Las Vegas, Reid said that the “American people are depending” on the Senate to pass universal gun registry to, supposedly, keep guns out of the hands of people like the Las Vegas killers.

After the Troutdale, Oregon, shooting in a “safety-free school zone,” anti-gun Senator Joe Manchin called for reconsideration of his anti-gun legislation, and one particularly virulent gun-hating TV network took to attacking the Second Amendment every hour on the hour.

FK – If this country weren’t populated by cowardly whores that creature’s body would be hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. in a gibbet.

Political Earthquake Shocks Washington Establishment

Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, went down in a stunning defeat to GOA-supported David Brat.

Cantor, who represents Virginia’s 7th District, vastly outspent Brat, an economics professor at Virginia’s Randolph-Macon College.

On Monday evening, Gun Owners of America blanketed the district with phone calls to registered voters, hitting Cantor for his recent vote to expand gun control and noting that Brat stands 100% for the right to keep and bear arms.

FK – Did the ‘tea party’ support either one? It’s so hard to tell what the ‘tea party’ really is anymore.

Cantor election night headquarters explodes in chaos as protesters charge in

FK- Now that is funny. The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie.