Monthly Archives: May 2014

Ten Thoughts on the Second Amendment and Gun Control

5. The right to keep and bear arms is a private property issue.

It is just as wrong for the government to mandate that a business must permit “open carry” or “concealed carry” on its property as it is for the government to mandate that a business must not permit “open carry” or “concealed carry” on its property. And any American has the natural right to possess any weapon on his own property or the property of anyone else that allows such weapons.

FK – I must disagree vehemently with no. 5. I have no right whatsoever to prevent someone from protecting themselves, their body, mind, soul, whatever on my ‘property’ whether I’ve opened it to the public as a business or not. The most basic ‘private property’ we own is ourselves and we have a right to protect such ANYWHERE, ANYTIME and NO ONE, ANYWHERE can tell us differently. This is the most basic right we posses. “Liberal”(commie) trash that don’t belong in this country anyway and should be deported if not eradicated that ‘own’ businesses, a ‘right’ the honest ones don’t believe in by the way, should be forced at the point of a government gun to acknowledge the rights we are all born with regardless of any whiny excuses they make up because if for no other reason than the trash will certainly force their total evil on us if we allow them to.

Are you ready to do what will be required?

Supreme Court Wants You Defenseless

FK – If we didn’t exist in a nation of cowardly whores such LEOs would be hunted…

Eric Holder Uses Banks to Target Gun Stores

Government Is Filled With Lying Scumbags

FK – Oh surely not Alex… they love us all and want to cuddle.

Palin: “Waterboarding is How We’d Baptize Terrorists”

FK – Braindead bimbo.

And after we baptize them our sadistic asshole of a god will burn them alive in fire forever. No, wait. Maybe it’s the raghead god who gets to burn all our idiots in fire forever. Same result either way, proof that we’re still a very primitive species only a couple steps out of the cave.

Boehner Secretly Plotting to Stab Gun Owners in the Back

In a closed-door meeting of wealthy contributors in Las Vegas, House Speaker John Boehner said he was “hell-bent on getting [anti-gun immigration amnesty] done this year.”

And earlier this week, the Speaker viciously mocked conservative Republicans for opposing him on this issue.

The wily Boehner had led his conservative Republican members to believe the issue was shelved for the year.  Now it appears that Boehner is simply planting a trap for Republicans and gun owners — springing this Obama-backed proposal when it’s too late to primary anti-gun Republican amnesty supporters.

Gun Owners of America has argued all along that Second Amendment supporters have “a dog in this fight.”

FK comment on vid: No Boner, you get elected to protect and expand human liberty. End of discussion.

As always, the commies want the illegals here so they can vote commie…

Are you ready to do what will be required?