Monthly Archives: March 2014

South Carolina Consents to Immigration Law Enforcement Bar

South Carolina agreed to a court order blocking enforcement of state immigration laws including a provision that allowed detention of people suspected of being in the U.S. illegally while their status was reviewed.

The laws, similar to those adopted in Arizona, Alabama and elsewhere, were part of a package known as Act 69 signed into law by Republican Governor Nikki Haley in 2011 and then attacked in separate lawsuits by the U.S. and a coalition of immigrant rights groups.

FK – The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. These two paragraphs tell it all:

Michelle LaPointe, an attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center, called the outcome “a victory” both for those who challenged the laws and for everyone in South Carolina.

“Three years ago, South Carolina became one of several southern states that attempted to legislate away people’s constitutional rights,” she said in a statement. “We are glad that the most egregious portions of this mean-spirited law will be permanently blocked.”

FK – The SPLC is a Marxist front group and has worked for decades to destroy this country. ‘Mean-spirited’ is of course an ameri-commie key phrase used to control the weak minded.

Georgia Becomes First State in History to Pass the Convention of States Application

Earlier this afternoon,  Georgia become the first state in American history to pass the Convention of States application to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

FK – This could be exceedingly dangerous. See what they think they could do here. If they can ‘change’ the constitution and the Amendments there may be no limit to the evil they could bring about. Who will name the delegates who go to this and what will their real goals be?

Mysterious UFO Photos Found in Documents Leaked by Snowden

However, the pictures on slide not named and do not read anything, leaving it open to speculate what they were and why they were there.

  • The overall point of the presentation is to discuss how the Internet and modern media can be used to discredit people and to spread deception. Unfortunately, there is no explanatory text with the UFO pictures, so we can only speculate about what point they were being used to make,” said  Watson.

FK – This issue is being and will be used by all the ‘isms’ to forward their various agendas.

Showdown: Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun Confiscation

New legislation being considered by the Maryland House of Delegates would allow police to run checks of the state’s gun registry against its criminal database at least twice a year at a cost of $300,000 dollars to create the new system.

“State Police estimate that if they linked the databases, they would find 10 percent of registered gun owners — about 110,000 people — would be disqualified. They estimate a rate of 1 percent each year thereafter,” reports the Associated Press, adding that “seven new full-time troopers to investigate findings from the new database,” would be hired, “with a cost of more than $1 million a year for salaries and equipment.”

FK – We need a national law that says felons, once released, get all their Liberty back. If we can’t trust them on the street keep them in prison.

Beware of ‘Universal Ethics’

The ‘law’, although based in the past on some archaic religious notions, clearly tries to distance itself from ethics in this century, as most lawyers would confirm. The accused, too, have relinquished the idea of fixed ethics, just like philosophers and physicists long relinquished the idea of ‘free will’ or ‘free agents’; instead the pilloried of today more than ever are perfectly satisfied with the simple fact that their having circumstantially broken the laws of the land may have caused their punishment. If only we spared them with our moral hypocrisy.

In world history, the most ruthless, rapacious, fearless and corrupt personalities were also the most successful –conquerors, emperors, dictators, and spiritual leaders, and, recently, the CEOs and bankers. Weak people suck the tittynope. The greatest works of literature are tales about unusually cruel things human beings did to each other, but (and that’s were great literature begins) without the moral judgment you would so commonly find in less prodigious works. Scholars, too, have adopted writing styles that eliminate moralization; first because “Who are we to tell?” and, second, any judgment about “good and evil” is necessarily non-objective, gratuitous, quite cheap, and utterly pointless.

FK – This guy makes Machiavelli read like kindergarten material. But then fairy tales as well as old biblical stories often dealt in harsh reality.

Rand Paul takes first steps for Presidential Run

FK – He should stay in the Senate where he can do more good. If he tries to make any serious change in the offal office they’ll kill him. Better to let Hitlery win next time. That witch is so repulsive it will turn millions more against the amerikan communist insurgency, keep the republicrats off the golf course, sell more guns and ammo, and maybe enough will finally see our desperate need for an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Obama program(common core) making these people filthy rich

Unless reforms are “irreversible,” warns Barber, people might undo what’s been done because they will “wish for the past.” Thus he tells policy makers to “work on the culture and the minds of teachers and parents.”

According to Barber, education reform is a “global phenomenon,” no longer to be managed by individuals or sovereign countries. Education reform has “no more frontiers, no more barriers,” he said at a British Education Summit last August.

FK – Time to get the kids out of the government schools and form neighborhood schools.

UN Plotting to “Dramatically Alter” Your Views and Behavior

The UN document, while packed with contradictory machinations, essentially outlines what establishment proponents of global government have long described as a “New World Order.” In essence, the UN panel called for a top-down restructuring of human civilization under the guise of tackling poverty, “unsustainable” activities, and “climate change.” The international outfit and its mostly dictatorial member regimes will set the agenda, with regional, national, and sub-national governments expected to foist it on humanity.

Literally every person on Earth must submit and contribute, the planetary establishment claimed on multiple occasions in the radical document. It was not immediately clear what would happen with those who refuse

FK – Good luck with that. Remember, they always over-reach, and take temporary satisfaction in achieving part of their goals, coming back later for the rest leading to inter-generational acceptance, indoctrination, adaptation and enslavement.