Monthly Archives: March 2014
Drones in theory (Part 1: Introduction)
As Deadline Approaches, New York Refuses to Divulge How Many Citizens Have Registered Their Guns
It will be interesting to see how loud-mouthed but largely impotent Governor Andrew Cuomo responds to the expected widespread non-compliance.
FK – Sigh. If amerikans had any courage we’d already have the militia forces in place to deal with this evil and the guilty parties would already be hanging from trees for the world to see.
Dan Dicks Gets Kicked Out Of CPAC 2014
FK – Nothing unusual about this. I was prevented from entering an event years ago because I had a video camera with no ‘press pass.’ Funny how the First Amendment doesn’t mention those things. Gingrich is nothing but a tool of the NWO and should have been kicked out of the republicrat party years ago. But then that’s what they’re really about.
Passive smoking causes irreversible damage to kids’ arteries
“Legislation can reduce passive smoke exposure, with restriction of smoking in public places reducing hospitalizations for cardiovascular and respiratory disease,” they wrote, adding that banning smoking in cars with children in them would also have a significant positive effect.
The United States, Australia and Canada have already banned smoking in cars carrying children, and Britain said last month that it too would be introducing a ban soon.
FK – How long till the smoke Nazis knock on your door?
How much longer?
Julian Assange “We Are Headed Towards A Transnational Dystopian Total Surveillance Society”
FK – Most of the sheeple are walking around with their addictive hand-held devices. Most of them will surrender more and more of what little Liberty they have left in the name of keeping them while using them to access total crap.
Remember what Hitler said: “The truth is the best propaganda.”
Facebook announces new gun policy changes
The changes, which also apply to Facebook-owned Instagram, include new age limits for posts or pages promoting private sales of restricted items like firearms, alcohol or adult products. There’s new policy language with an emphasis on knowing and following laws related to regulated items like firearms and keeping them away from kids. There will be educational messages sent to users who promote the sale of guns and those seeking them out.
Upgrading the U.S. Army’s M2 .50 Caliber Machine Guns
FK – Just in case ya’ ever need ta’ know.
If we lived in a ‘free country’ we’d be able to go down to the hardware store and buy one an it’d be affordable for the average man, not outrageously priced because of a government tax scheme that we must repeal.
The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun
The other part hasn’t worked as well. Washington’s Ukrainian stooges lost control of the protests to organized and armed ultra-nationalists. These groups, whose roots go back to those who fought for Hitler during World War 2, engaged in words and deeds that sent southern and eastern Ukraine clamoring to be returned to Russia where they resided prior to the 1950s when the Soviet communist party stuck them into Ukraine.
FK – My two cents says Putin and the Marxist mutt ultimately answer to the same masters…
Kentucky Baptists Lure New Worshippers with Gun Giveaway
FK – Wow. Are they finally waking up? And more importantly will they have the backbone to hang with this decision and what will ultimately be required?