Monthly Archives: March 2014

White House Effectively Delays Individual Mandate Through 2016

Of particular interest is the fact that the Obama administration, not its opponents, is gutting the individual mandate. After all, the administration has argued that the mandate is absolutely essential to ObamaCare’s success, as indeed it is. With insurers forced to cover those with costly pre-existing conditions at below-market rates, a large number of young and healthy people must be forced to purchase insurance at above-market rates to keep the system afloat. Without the individual mandate, the ACA’s other provisions will “make matters worse, not better,” Solicitor General Donald Verrilli told the Supreme Court in 2012.

The suspension of the mandate,” wrote New York Post columnist Mark Cunningham, “means the administration has quietly given up on making the thing [ObamaCare] work.”


The less that ObamaCare is enforced, the better, generally speaking. But removing some parts and not others makes the law even less sustainable than it already was, which could lead to repeal but could also provide the impetus for a fully nationalized, single-payer healthcare system. ObamaCare opponents will need to remind others continually that the ACA, not (for the most part) doctors, hospitals, and insurers, is the cause of their healthcare woes and that the solution is not to treat the symptoms but to excise the underlying disease.

FK – Which is probably what they intended from the beginning.

Anti-Freedom Physicians, Policemen, And Pastors

Had the Colonial pastors in 1775 and 1776 (and years before) shared the convictions of the majority of today’s pastors, we would still be a subjugated colony of the British Crown. And that is a fact.

To me, no freedom-loving Christian who cherishes the liberties bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers, including the right to keep and bear arms, should maintain fellowship with a church whose pastor will allow the members of his congregation to be stripped of their God-given right of self-defense. I would no more support a pastor who will not protect my right to keep and bear arms than I would support a politician who will not protect my right to keep and bear arms.

FK – Organized mainstream religion is really just another way the elites keep the slaves working. Most ‘religions’ are cultural anyway, with ‘interpretations’ changing with the times and the mindset of the sheeple, according to the indoctrination they receive from the authorities.

NRA News Spotlight: POST (Protecting Our Students And Teachers) Program

FK – No one should be allowed to work with children unless they are willing to learn to fight back in whatever way available, specifically to own, learn to use and carry a gun. Zero tolerance for blind mindless pacifism. We absolutely must get the communists out of and away from the govt. schools and the textbook manufacturers.
Don’t understand? Start here.



A society of cowards

FK – My comment as posted on YouTube:

If you don’t recognize that the modern “Liberals” and ‘progressives'(who have white European skin) and the mainstream newswhores are writing and encouraging the laws that ‘allow’ this evil and are thus your greatest enemies then you fully deserve what’s happening to you.

Amerika is full of cowards as well. We suffer from the same cancer and are yet armed but lack the resolve to do what will be required.

Don’t understand? Start here.

The cartoon mentioned in the vid is here.

Why We Fight For The Second Amendment

No. We don’t have our rights. We are slaves. The govts. steal money out of our paychecks before they even reach our hands. We have to fill out a form to buy a weapon or carry it. Amerikans are not ‘free.’

Don’t understand? Start here.

See next vid for what they were referring to:


Questions grow over gun range’s relationship with UN-supporting Armatix

To put the outrageous irony of a gun company aligning itself in any way with the goals of IANSA in perspective, the group’s former director Rebecca Peters (also a former George Soros protégé) reportedly resigned over “concerns that her high visibility and outspoken advocacy to radically decrease private gun ownership worldwide were undermining the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty process.” Peters has demanded a global ban on “rifles that … can kill someone at 100 meters distance…” and claimed “single-shot rifles and shotguns” are all anyone needs to go hunting. When asked about laws in the UK effectively ending training and competition in sporting events with modern rifles and handguns, Peters’ callous response was “So get another hobby.”

FK – The ‘hobby’ of every Liberty-loving real American should be hunting and eradicating such trash.

GOA Helping to Neuter Obama’s Gun Control Agenda — Gun rights advancing, despite adversity

Sadly, in Florida, the sponsors have withdrawn their nullification bill because some “pro-gun” supporters in the grassroots were concerned that the bill was, essentially, too pro-gun.

“Nullification” has become even more important because Barack Obama has decided to throw away the Constitution and the law — and enact gun control by executive fiat.

FK – Infiltrators work at all levels in all groups in every way they can… This is war.