Monthly Archives: March 2014

Did Gun Rights Examiner defeat confirmation of rabidly anti-gun Surgeon General?

This comes as something of a surprise. This column reported in early February that with the Senate’s Democrat majority having invoked the “nuclear option” with regard to Presidential appointments, Murthy seemed poised for a fairly easy confirmation process. Indeed, several news sources at the time described Murthy as having “breezed through” the confirmation hearing before a Senate committee.

So what has changed since then?

The NRA has announced that it will “score” the vote on Murthy’s confirmation, meaning that those who vote to confirm him will be judged (in a critical light) on that vote when it comes time for supporting and endorsing candidates–and opposing them. This is especially important for “pro-gun Democrats” running in districts where gun rights are still valued.

FK – Uh, what about this? GOA has often stepped in when the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group sat back and ignored real attacks on our Liberty. That’s what it’s about, Human Liberty, not just guns, which unfortunately for many are just toys that they’ll readily surrender when told instead of marching forth from their homes and commencing the extended and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season this country so desperately needs.

U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet

The change would end the long-running contract between the Commerce Department and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a California-based nonprofit group. That contract is set to expire next year but could be extended if the transition plan is not complete.

“We look forward to ICANN convening stakeholders across the global Internet community to craft an appropriate transition plan,” Lawrence E. Strickling, assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information, said in a statement.

FK – Whenever they start using that key term ‘stakeholders’ you know you’re in trouble. It’s a commie word that means “You’ll end up doing what we tell you!” Kinda’ like ‘consensus.’

See vid:

If they end the net as we know it, the war begins because that will be the same as ending the First Amendment. Time to fall back on the Second.



How Big Is Earth Compared to the Universe?

Think about Earth.  The oceans.  The mountains.  The forests.  The millions of forms of life.  Thunderstorms.  Volcanoes.  Snow.  Our history, including past civilizations and enormous monstrous dinosaurs.

Now consider that there are at least 10 trillion planetary systems in the known universe.  Notice the “at least”.  That is 10,000,000,000,000.  Earth would be “1″ of those.  The idea that there is no life on any of those other 9,999,999,999,999 planets is absurd.  Let alone that there has been no life in the past and there will be no life in the future!

FK – And it was all made for us… Really?

Insulted sheriffs walk out of meeting at Okla. capitol after being told to remove guns

One of the senators, who they wouldn’t tell us, complained because we were armed in the building,” he said.

The choice came down to removing their weapons or removing themselves.

“So we all packed up and left,” he said, adding,. “We’re the people that protect these people.”

FK – My posted comments:

So when will ‘we the sheeple’ who are really ALL their bosses be ‘allowed’ to be armed in ALL capitol buildings, city halls, county court houses, annexes, govt. schools, federal cemeteries, properties and on and on????!!!!!!!!!!

Time to wake up and man up. We’re not free here. They steal our money out of our paychecks before it even reaches our hands and give us permission to buy or carry a gun in most places.

What a nation of cowards.

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
Don’t understand? Start here.

Worst of CT cop’s ‘bang your door in and come for your gun’ rant underreported

What has received less attention–arguably inadequate attention–is the sentiment expressed by Peterson earlier in the same Facebook discussion. According to an update in Selwyn Duke’s American Thinker article on the subject, the same individual who prompted Peterson to express his eagerness to “bang in [his] door,” actually provoked a statement far worse even than that. As Cameron Smith informed Duke:

Just wanted to thank you for the very fair article on the Police officer in CT. While yes, the conversation got very heated, once he [Officer Joseph Peterson] was seen as a cop, he should have stepped WAY back. A lot of news articles are putting my quote in of me saying he would put Jews in Ghettos as the reason he went off. He actually went off well before that. I literally asked him if a law was passed to put Jews in the Ghettos, would you? He literally said “Now you are being silly…but if its the law, I enforce it; I don’t make them.”

To me THAT was the quote of the story that everyone is missing.

FK – My standard answer to such:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
Don’t understand? Start here.

‘Stand Your Ground’ Is Neither New nor Unusual

Stand your ground” is not new. While “22 states…have enacted ‘stand your ground’-type statutes in the past two decades,” Jamison writes, “an additional nine have established through case law that there is no duty to retreat.” The California Supreme Court, for example, “empowered its citizens to stand their ground and use deadly force in public places about 120 years ago.”

“Stand your ground” is the rule, not the exception. “More than 225 million Americans live in states where they have no duty to retreat, either because of ‘stand your ground’ statutes or because of case law,” notes an infographic accompanying Jamison’s article. “Far fewer Americans—roughly 88 million—live in states where they have a duty to retreat.”

FK – Mainstream propaganda is the rule not the exception.