Monthly Archives: March 2014

Heritage Gets it Wrong: Claims States Have to Help NSA

We can see the absurdity of the Heritage position by considering the actual relationship between the NSA and the city of Bluffdale, Utah. The state constitution allows its political subdivisions to run public utilities. Under this provision, Bluffdale serves as a water supplier. When the NSA proposed building a new data center in the city, Bluffdale negotiated a sweetheart deal to sell water to the agency. Notice an important point: the federal government had to negotiate a contract for water. Now, would Heritage suggest that had the city declined to enter into an agreement to sell water, it was acting unconstitutionally because it was impeding the NSA’s plans? Would Heritage suggested that absent a contract to purchase water, the federal government could simply come in and seize water from Bluffdale? Of course not. The very existence of a contract implies the freedom of both parties to enter into and end the relationship.

The city was always free to supply water or not supply water. And it remains free to supply water or not supply water. As a political subdivision of the state, Bluffdale is subject to state control. So, the state maintains the authority to prohibit its political subdivision from supplying its resources to the NSA. Simply put, the NSA can’t just take the water. So, if the state decides to decline all material support to the NSA moving forward, that would legally begin the process of turning off the water.

FK – “…NSA can’t just take the water?”

Someone should ask the ‘native Americans’ and the southern states what the Federal government can’t take when it decides to.

Don’t understand? Start here.

Oklahoma legislators vote to nullify Agenda 21

HB2807, known as the “Oklahoma Community Protection Act,” would prohibit any state agency or political subdivision from adopting or implementing “policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe upon or restrict private property rights without due process.”

It also would void any previous commitments which may have been made under Agenda 21 or a similar program.

Wello iPhone case tracks heart rate, temperature, ECG, lung functions, plus blood pressure & oxygen levels

You don’t need to keep it plugged in and you can share the data easily from a remote location. So it potentially has a lot more impact and some very compelling use cases in developing countries, and we’re really excited about the prospect of the way people will use it. As far as initial traction for the product though, we’re also excited about how it will be used in the North America and Europe, because of the impact it can have in influencing people’s personal lives.

FK – One wonders how long til commie care makes such tech mandatory…

Burlington voters opt to give up gun rights, gut state preemption

Gun owners nationwide should not dismiss this as a purely local matter — the tactics involved, using a “home rule” facade to establish a patchwork quilt of impossible to comply with restrictions, is one that gun-banners attempt wherever they can. If they can gain a foothold in places like the Green Mountain State, long known for relatively few infringements on firearms freedoms, and the pioneer locale for “Vermont carry,” they will press their advantage wherever they are able. And that includes reversing themselves and using state and federal edicts to erode home rule freedoms when it suits their purposes.

Anti-Gun Doctor Poised for Confirmation as Surgeon General

Head of Doctors for Obama, Murthy dutifully changed the name to “Doctors for America” just as other Obama house organs were making similar changes.  After the shooting in Newtown, Murthy’s group authored an open letter to Obama that urged restrictions on gun rights in the name of the medical profession, stating:

“It’s time for common sense gun rules like background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, as well as a comprehensive plan to address gun violence including ensuring funding for research and data-collection on gun violence and ensuring that health care providers can ask patients about gun ownership in order to counsel them appropriately about safety measures.”

Obama’s Stars Are Fading

FK – Two years left for the creature’s arrogance to provide us the reason for “Liberal”(commie) trash season. If not we can hope for Hitlery to carry things forward, keeping the republicrats off the golf course until enough of them wake up to the reality of what will be required.

Home defense case triggers larger question of citizen disarmament by aliens

While some will correctly argue that swearing to support the Constitution is a moot point for domestic oath-breakers as well, one other concern is raised. At least in Chicago, and in any other municipalities with similar assignments of police powers to non-citizens, a situation exists where aliens could be employed to enforce disarmament edicts. Even if those edicts turn out later to be declared unconstitutional, as per the McDonald decision.

Considering the increased militarization of the police that has occurred in recent years, how is that different in theory and practice from government employing foreign troops to disarm citizens on American soil?

FK – Most “Liberal”(commie) trash is alien to our culture already and most of it was born here. One can’t be a traitor to something one hates.