Monthly Archives: February 2014

If Obama Orders the CIA to Kill a US Citizen, Amazon Will Be a Partner in Assassination

Amazon is now integral to the U.S. government’s foreign policy of threatening and killing.

Any presidential decision to take the life of an American citizen is a subset of a much larger grave problem. Whatever the nationality of those who hear the menacing buzz of a drone overhead, the hijacking of skies to threaten and kill those below is unconscionable. And, as presently implemented, unconstitutional.

On Feb. 11 the Times reported that the Obama administration “is debating whether to authorize a lethal strike against an American citizen living in Pakistan who some believe is actively plotting terrorist attacks.” In effect, at issue is whether the president should order a summary execution — an assassination — on his say-so.

– Not that I feel all that sorry for the amerikan turned raghead but if they can do it to him it’s a matter of time till they do it to a ‘terrorist’ over here.

Mainstream Media Silent on Dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership

Secret Surrender of Sovereignty

In November 2013, portions of the TPP draft agreement published by WikiLeaks contained sketches of President Obama’s plans to surrender American sovereignty to international tribunals.

Another WikiLeaks disclosure in January revealed that the president was attempting to surrender sovereignty over U.S. environmental policy to international bureaucrats interested in lowering those standards to mirror those of our TPP partner nations.

U.S. copyright laws, Internet freedom, and web-based publishing would also be obliterated by the TPP, and, although it hasn’t been widely reported, the TPP would give the global government sweeping surveillance powers, as well.

Although the American people (and the people of all nations involved in the pact) are prevented from seeing or commenting on the treaty being ostensibly negotiated on their behalf, multinational corporations have seats at the trading table.

While the TPP grants corporate giants such as Walmart and Monsanto the power to bypass Congress and the courts, the elected representatives of the American people are kept from even seeing the draft version of the agreement.

As with the multitude of similar trade pacts the United States has formed, the ultimate aim of the TPP is the creation of a regional super government, thus the stonewalling of federal lawmakers who dare seek to assert some sort of oversight.

– Incredible that many are still too stupid to understand the presidents don’t work for us…

The State of Western Maryland?

The people of the mostly rural western counties of Maryland are organising and pushing the idea of creating an independent State which would not include the urban masses piled upon one another in and around Annapolis, Baltimore and Washington, DC. The counties in question are firmly conservative (just as are the eastern shore counties on the other side of the State) even though Maryland as a whole now is politically dominated by Leftists. Though it may seem to some like distant history now, Maryland has traditionally been considered a Southern State and voted with the other Southern States on important political issues.

– Here’s a mainstream account:

Western Maryland secessionists seek to sever ties with the liberal Free State

– And a similar effort in New Yawk state:

New York Governor Cuomo endorses creation of new state: ‘West New York’

– We outnumber the “Liberal”(commie) trash. We should be eradicating the creatures not trying to retreat from them or allowing them to steal large parts of our country.

Americans killed by cops now outnumber Americans killed in Iraq war

Cops have killed well over 5,000 Americans since 9/11. Many of these killings have occurred during no-knock raids, which have risen by 4000% since the 1980s.

Iraqi insurgents, by comparison, have killed around 3,500 Americans in Iraq since 9/11 in Operation Iraqi “Freedom.”

It is not just Iraq. The number of Americans killed by police also now exceeds the number of Americans killed by Afghan insurgents.

– How much longer amerika?

Children Are Now Toy-Gun Terrorists!

– It’s about much more than the children not learning ‘violence’ or the cop killing the dog he can’t or won’t silence. It’s about the idea that we can’t stop ‘authority’ from breaking our door down when we decide it has no place there.

Don’t understand? Click on my must read link above, read the quotes page first.

GOA: Are Gun Owners Walking into an Ambush? — We are making headway, but we must stay vigilant!

For gun owners, it would be a lose-lose.  There would be 8,000,000 new anti-gun voters, and California-style gun control would be inevitable.  On the other hand, newly drafted Obama anti-gun treaties, which could resemble the UN Arms Trade Treaty, would be almost impossible to stop.

– Civil war would be inevitable. I’m an old man but if I’m told to turn in or register my guns “Liberal”(commie) trash will die.

Senator Mark Begich Springs an Ambush on Gun Owners — Bloomberg’s minions declare “victory” after Begich language passes

Nine days earlier, the Paul amendment seemed on the verge of victory.  But Senator Mark Begich (D-AK) and Ranking Republican Tom Coburn (R-OK) raised “red herring” issues, openly wondering what would be the effect of Paul’s pro-gun language on post offices which were located in shopping malls or court houses.

This was a phony issue.  A post office is a post office is a post office.  Shopping malls and court houses are not post offices. But Rand Paul worked in good faith, with our drafting help, to satisfy Begich’s phony complaints.

Well, it turned out something else was happening.  In the nine days that Paul was negotiating in good faith, Begich was using the time to organize an ambush.

When the committee came back, Committee Chairman Tom Carper sprung a “poison pill” amendment to the Paul amendment which, rather than lifting the gun ban, would merely “study” it.  Because the Carper amendment was an amendment to the Paul amendment, the committee would never be required to vote on the Paul amendment at all.