Monthly Archives: February 2014

Congressman says House can cut off funds for Obama pet projects

Is such a tactic risky? Yes, immensely so. Harry Reid will use every tactic in his vast arsenal to tar and feather House Republicans, including lies and character assassination. He has done it before.

And since this is an election year, the midterms, the risk of such a drastic course of action is greatly intensified. One wrong move could cost the Republicans control of the House and dash any hopes of retaking control of the Senate.

A far less risky approach would be to wait until after November. Then, if projections are correct, Republicans will control both the House and Senate for the first time since 2006. At that time, Congress can systematically nullify and rescind every executive order signed by Obama.

FK – Klinton was impeached and now it’s running around making millions from speeches and book deals. With any luck it’ll get to be first lady and Hitlery will keep the republicrats off the golf course another 4 years so that maybe they’ll actually pay attention and learn something.

Connecticut Pols Shocked That ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Gun Owners Defy Registration Laws

Ultimately, Lawlor compares the defiance of registration to that of speed restrictions on the roads. “Like anything else, people who violate the law face consequences. … that’s their decision.”

Nice spin, Mike. But speeding doesn’t leave scofflaws under threat of felony charges, armed, and pissed off at control freak government officials. You really should have seen this coming.

FK – On the Mass./Connecticut state border there’s a large sign that reads ‘Speed limits strictly enforced’ or some such. I was driving 10 over the limit as I usually do and was swarmed around by everyone else on the road. One guy in a small white rice burner was doing at least 90 zipping in and out of lanes. I did see a couple revenue enhancement officers with victims but they probably got them for going too slow.

As far as the gun laws go, the trash that wrote and passed them should already be hanging from trees and light poles with vids on the net to show the world that evil isn’t tolerated here but we exist in a nation of cowardly whores.

Exploring US State Department Files on UFOs

Gairy was followed by other speakers, all of whom were in favor of a “UN Clearinghouse” for the exchange of data and coordination of research on UFOs. The document goes on to state that the speakers were supplemented by a short firm which comprised of still and motion picture purporting to depict actual sightings of UFOs.

It was Gairy”s “deep personal conviction” that the subject of UFOs was one of “worldwide importance and significance” and one which warranted “very serious consideration by the United Nations”.

FK – One can only imagine the ‘policy’ that would be developed by the Marxist United Nations and its statist members. We need to avoid giving the U.N. any authority in any way. This issue has the potential to be explosive in the future if enough sheeple ever come to the full realization of what the UFO phenomena may really mean, that at best we’re in someone’s nature preserve or at worst on their menu.

NSF Claims AER Scientist Predicted the 2014 Arctic Vortex

Judah Cohen, Director of Seasonal Forecasting at AER, and his team of scientists have developed what they believe is an accurate method for predicting the winter weather patterns. In fact, they successfully predicted the 2012/2013 and have now published that they’ve successfully predicted the 2014 Arctic Vortex.

Cohen holds a PhD from Columbia University and was a National Research Council Fellow at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. His new forecast model has “achieved on-target forecasts for major cities in the industrialized countries”.

FK – This has been the coldest winter in my memory…

‘80% receivers’ go mainstream

Interestingly, the cost of these receivers is not all that much cheaper than many complete (but “stripped”–lacking fire control parts, pins, trigger group, etc.) AR-15 lower receivers available today (and prior to the Sandy Hook Elementary atrocity, one could probably have found them cheaper than today’s 80 percent complete version). Moreover, Brownells is also selling the jigs that make it easy to correctly perform the last 20 percent of the machining, but at another $90, buying the jigs would mean that the cost of this receiver has gone well over what one would have to spend for a complete stripped lower receiver.

That would indicate that anyone buying the jigs is planning to build several “off-the-books” guns (which he can never legally sell), or, alternatively, finds the anonymity to be worth paying a premium. For the forcible citizen disarmament jihadists, neither of those possibilities can be very comforting. And anything that makes them uncomfortable is a good thing for Americans.

FK – Let’s hope so. We’re gonna need all we can get.

“I Certainly Was A Victim” George Zimmerman CNN Interview

– Even after all he’s been through Zimmerman is still an idiot. First in submitting to an interview with the commie news network newswhore who’s of course gonna try to infuse race into the issue. Same ol’ ameri-commie ploy. We should concentrate on shutting the commie news networks down, not lending them credence.

Our biggest enemies are white and call themselves “Liberals” and ‘progressives.’ Those who profess to love human Liberty should be hunting and eradicating them before it’s too late.

“…10 years of legal findings…” Yep, he’s still an idiot.

“…a low bar for self defense…” I sincerely hope someone breaks into these newswhores’ homes and beats them into a coma.