Monthly Archives: February 2014

Clear your calendars: Viking apocalypse scheduled for Saturday

On Saturday a huge battle commences among the various Norse gods. All the heavy hitters will be in attendance — Thor, Odin and Loki to name but a few.

They’ll fight (and when gods fight, it gets messy). Eventually, the Earth will split open, explains. Residents of the underworld will surface.

FK – Gee, how did the doomsayers miss this one? Why not months and years of build-up with vids, conferences, books and new religions formed or old ones regurgitated? Vikings are way cooler than the Maya anyway. All the Mayans did was consort with reptilian aliens.

Researchers discover helium billions of years old being released in Yellowstone

FK – Makes me think of the X-Files. Might be something down there we don’t want…

My old YouTube Standard rants/comments

Before google severely restricted freedom of speech on YouTube I used these quite often. I’ll let the reader figure out where or to whom they might be applied.

I don’t apologize for telling the truth.

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
Don’t understand? Start here:

See folks, “Liberal”(commie) trash will never change. We will have to eradicate them to fix this mess if it can be fixed. They killed 170 million in the 20th century, they’ll have no problem killing again for their communism. It’s time to prepare for what will be required.
Liberty or death didn’t mean the Founders were going to blow their brains out if the British didn’t grant them Liberty. It meant they were going to blow British brains out.
Don’t understand? Start here:

The Second Amendment, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is an acknowledgement of our natural born rights, not a granting. The entire Bill of Rights is about keeping the govt. in its place. The Second Amendment is about the common person’s right to own weapons of war so that we can keep the govt. in its place. It will not be infringed any further and the ‘gun laws’ in existence will be repealed. End of discussion.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first.

The Second Amendment, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is an acknowledgement of our natural born rights, not a granting. The entire Bill of Rights is about keeping the governments in their place. The Second Amendment is about the common person’s right to own weapons of war so that we can keep the governments in their place by keeping the ‘monopoly on force’ in the hands of the people where it belongs, as in ‘We the people.’ Remember that? It will not be infringed any further and the ‘gun laws’ in existence will be repealed. End of discussion.
Don’t understand? Go to willowtowndotcom and read the quotes page first.

Time to repeal all of the ‘gun laws’ including GCA ‘68 and the NFA; Shut down the evil BATF Nazis and try them for treason, and murder where appropriate and distribute their retirement funds among their victims; Then enforce the Bill of Rights on places such as Commiefornia and New Yawk and Chigawgo and if necessary bring the troops home and have them restore Liberty here and remove Amerika’s natural born traitors in the process.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first.

Guns don’t kill, governments do. Gun free zones are the problem, they allow armed criminals to kill. Arm the teachers, the administrators and the parents. Don’t allow the “Liberal”(commie) trash who control the so-called educational system to teach mindless pacifism that is ensconced in their arrogance of false civility.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first.

I wanted to see the Marxist mutt win the now red house again because it’s sold more guns and ammo than the klintons ever thought about. It’s woken lots of sheeple up and pissed many people off and kept lots of idiot republicrats off the golf course. Its arrogance may yet take us to the crucible we must face before another generation or two is indoctrinated by the govt. schools and universities in false mindless pacifism.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first

So at what point between digging the ditch you’re told to dig and being shot into it are you going to fight back?
Guns without the will to use them or the resolve to do what will be required to restore Liberty here are nothing but toys. That is the situation we face now.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first.

You really need to wake up and grow up. I’m a ‘veteran’ and I know I was sent to war for the NWO empire, not Liberty. This country hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

You ain’t gonna get beamed up child.
It’s time for you to wake up and grow up and take responsibility for the world you exist in.
I was raised in that ignorance. I’ve heard most of it before. Blind faith is what got us into this mess and it won’t get us out. Now get off your knees and stand up like a real human or get ready to kiss whatever they’ll stick in your face, as most churches already do.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first.

And if they replied to me:

How sad for you. Your entire reality is based on your fear of some sadistic asshole who considers you to be a slave worthy of being burned alive forever. But even worse it’s OK with you if that’s applied to those you claim to love.

Those who most deserve eternal torture are the ones who think it’s OK. Condoning such is a sickness, proof that the human race is largely insane and that we are still existing in a very dark age.

Anyone who could exist with such a sadistic asshole without telling it it’s wrong for torturing billions alive in fire forever is a pathetic cowardly creature. If someone is threatening you with such for not being a good little slave, they don’t love you, they don’t even like or respect you.



Barry Bright: Will Google mainstream the net?

In the good ol’ days when google was a new and seemingly innocuous force one could type ‘liberty’ in their search field and pull up numerous patriot, libertarian, conservative and other such type sites. No more.

Back in the late 90s’ the net, such as it was back then, seemed to be populated mostly by patriot types. There was nowhere else for them to go except gun shows and flea markets where a few video tapes and alternative magazines could be disseminated.

The short wave radio was effective to a point but so few owned one or even knew they existed. People were also starting their own mini FM stations, illegally of course but the times seemed to be desperate.

The amerikan communist insurgency had infiltrated all the mainstream news media. The New Yawk Slimes, the ‘newspaper of record,’ and a few other large rags were followed around by the national, state and local newshores like a bitch in heat, partly because they were looking to screw all of us and force their communism/globalism down our collective throats and partly because most reporters, especially at that time, were no smarter than the average sheeple.

Then of course Dan Rather told us communism was dead and that was that for MAD and the MIC until the ragheads allegedly killed only 3000 sheeple in a nation of 300 million and shocked a largely brain dead population back into some version of reality and gave the elites the excuse they needed to start another set of wars for oil, the petrodollar and drugs and global market/currency/financial domination.

After years of online activism I began to spend a lot of time on YouTube because it was one of the few places we still had real freedom of speech. Over time I’ve grown tired of seeing the same knee jerk propaganda spewing forth from the mouths of certain types of sheeple, Marxists, religious idiots and even ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians.’

All the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human behavior/nature they find inconvenient, without exception. All of them are wrong about some things. History shows the ladder of human liberty is climbed from both sides, or all sides. Human Liberty has evolved over time, much like us, though it and its progenitors are still very primitive species. So I developed what I called ‘standard rants‘ which I would post in reply to certain types of comments on YouTube and occasionally on Discus and other sites.

In October 2006 google bought YouTube for $1.6 bil.(FERNs). This past fall they starting seriously messing with one of the last few refuges for real free speech on the net, that might actually be seen by the average sheeple. When Google started allowing links in the comments on YouTube last fall I would always include a link to my favorite quotes page with my comments. Now Google has declared my ‘standard rants‘ to be spam and I was suspended for two weeks from commenting with a warning that next time I’d be banned from YouTube.

To the average “Liberal”(commie) trash and a few others I’m sure my standard rants look a little like spam because they are repetitive and include a link to my non-profit for-profit website and most importantly stress non-tolerance of those who seek to destroy the Bill of Rights and our country from the inside. I don’t really care. I’ve been at this too long to waste time arguing with idiots and trash that will still be lying when hell thaws out again.

My standard rants were also a way to deal with trolls. Plus if a newby to the patriot movement(loosely defined) is sincere about learning they can read my quotes page and if a “Liberal” gets all the way through it and is still a commie then I know what I’m dealing with, garbage that will have to be eradicated.

I went back and forth with google, to the point that it’s allowed. It’s their real estate and they can do with it as they please. But YouTube had seemed like ‘our’ real estate, a place where we could be as rude and insensitive as truth and reality often requires. But alas gift horses can sometimes throw their masters.

I told google to sell YouTube to a corporation that values freedom of speech. But then I’m not sure that exists. The corporations, like the governments they seek to manipulate, would rather have a population of desperate workers they can treat like jackasses who will do or say anything to get or keep a job. Simple fact.

So I’ve been doing some searches on google, the ‘don’t be evil’ company, and it turns out they’ve taken on the same evil, or at least mindless, corporate mindset so many do once they reach a certain size.

I told their ‘customer service'(loosely defined) I wanted off google+ completely because I never voluntarily signed up for it, like I never volunteered to pay an income tax, on any level.  But that makes no difference when dealing with the mindless robots that populate bureaucracies. They only regurgitate the rules and go on to the next troublemaker and since they’re trying to force people to use their product I can’t disentangle my YouTube account nor comments form google’s rules.

The only answer I see so far is to stop using google as a search engine and of course stay off google+ and to educate others about how much damage this corporation may be intending to do by mainstreaming the net and pushing patriots back into the twilight.

Someone on my email list told me about an alternative search engine. So far it seems to work as well as the big three, google, yahoo and bing. I lower-cased all three because as far as I’m concerned they deserve no more respect than many other huge corporate structures. They don’t call us ‘consumers’ and ‘human resources’ because they respect us as individual human beings with goals, dreams and desires outside their efforts to get richer. They do view us as livestock or tools to be cast away when our usefulness has ended.

Please let me know about any other info/dirt you know of about this growing monster in the comments.

Anti-gun editorials demonstrate ignorance of press bias

The Courier-Journal insisted, “Mr. Dunn invoked Florida’s infamous ‘Stand Your Ground’ law, claiming he acted in self-defense after he saw Jordan Davis, 17, point a shotgun at him. While no gun was found and no one corroborated the defendant’s claim, it apparently was enough to plant doubt in some jurors who convicted him only of attempted murder for shooting at the teens with Jordan as they fled for their lives.”

Well, which is it? Did he or didn’t he “invoke” Florida’s SYG law?

Dunn’s defense was not an SYG argument, but neither newspaper is after Dunn for his fatal irresponsibility, but the SYG law. Liberal newspapers despise the law and the concept behind it, which recognizes the right of citizens to defend themselves from criminal attack that occurs in a place where they have a right to be.

FK – So the commie journal is still rearing its ugly little head out of the swamp of newswhoredom. They’re not ignorant. The commie journal newswhores in “Liberal”ville, Kentucky know full well the evil they do. They always have. May their now postage stamp-sized rag continue to die a slow and agonizing death.